#=> Do not attempt to mock young miss Remele again
i think you're qefinitely just wrong anq being "in a different universe" has nothing to do with it, put now i want to know which barts you think aren't real.
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=> I will be answering this on Mod Remele's behalf since I don't feel it would be particularly beneficial for her to deal with further provoking on this matter => However, I think it's quite clear that she would have been referring to this quote; "[...] as cusps, brights, dulls, pigment shifts, and other color related mutations result in a rejection from most lusii," (Eel, Beforus-Cringe-Collector, '23)
=> 'Cusps' are extraordinarily well known to be a fictional type of troll invented for the popular book series In Which A Seadweller Is Born Also A Highblood And Unites The Two Castes In An Ultimate Form Of Water Based Clownery Etc (4675 AE) => In the sweeps since this book was released, the rare and fictional spliced troll caste appearance (commonly referred to as 'Cusps') has grown in popularity online => However, it has never been recorded in any living troll and is consequently not based in any reality => The idea of using this term in an academic context is honestly quite laughable
=> "Brights" and "Dulls", in a similar manner, are words that to my knowledge find their source in the theory first published by docterrorist Anrwir Belshr (5200), who proposed that there may be variations in the set blood colors of the existing caste system => Particularly 'Saturation Shifts', which in his hypothesis were unique to most trolls and could be drawn in scale => However this was later proved unfounded by Arioch Temter in a responsive study (5220) => Who was able to demonstrate through multiple test subjects that variations in 'Saturation' across trolls of the same caste was only found in anecdotal evidence => These were discovered to be caused by oxygenation levels, and occasionally dissimilarities in the individuals' diet, fitness, and overall health => The idea that blood within the same caste of individuals can be different is really nothing more than pseudoscience at this point => And continuing to spread this kind of information as fact or without at least warning of its existence as anecdotal is misleading and quite inappropriate for a scientist
=> "Pigment Shifts" is a term that can refer to multiple different conditions => Some of which (e.g. the "Iridescent blood" had by magic users in popular fantasy television show In Which Occultist Ritual Holders Attempt To Summon Spirits Without Psionics Etc (5525)) is purely fictional => Others (such as non-caste blood colors) are real and have been recorded for millennia, though it is inappropriate to speak about in detail => They are more commonly referred to simply as blood-color mutations
=> Grouping all of these terms together is something I would consider unfounded and even astounding in academics => Rather it is something you see by young fandom enthusiasts on online forums much like Grumblr => It was entirely appropriate for Mod Remele to regard these statements with suspicion => As more than half of them were completely non-scientific in nature
=> Really, she was actually being quite generous to assume the troll in question was from an "Alternate Dimension" => Due to the extremely unprofessional taunting she's received since responding to that, I think it's much more likely that these trolls do not take their science seriously whatsoever => Which is a shame => But not our fucking problem
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