foxymuses · 4 years
---- warren hawke, a blood mage, during the here lies the abyss quest, totally deadpanned: oh --- oh no... blood magic.... glancing at varric who is snickering behind cassandra how... awful. why would they do this. 
warren hawke, glancing down at his scar stained hands and blood soaked daggers before sighing: oh, woe. blood magic is never the answer. shame. 
warren hawke, a blood mage, being left in the fade, promptly ditching his rogue mask to use his own blood to defeat the nightmare and crawl his way back out: what a shame, i can’t believe blood magic did this, how terrible.
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worthyfate · 5 years
 things ren has: ptsd things ren does not have: shame.
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foxymuses · 4 years
--- also listen, my ‘canon’ romance for ren is fenris, but the actual plausibility of that is very fucking slim. i chose fenris because i love him and idk once i decide on a romance route, that’s the only fucking route i ever choose (here’s looking at dorian tbh). so yeah, i have it listed that fenris was ren’s romance, but the truth is that ren probably messed around absently with isabela but is primiarly not interested in romance and relationships so. idk i should change that.
but okay, main point of this post is that like. warren hawke is a blood mage. true, the only two people who for sure know that he’s even a mage are varric and aveline -- varric because warren basically trusts varric with everything, and aveline because she escaped from the blight with the hawkes and warren had to use magic to get them out. (i also usually assume anders knows because of mage/warden/justice combined, but that’s negotiable tbh because warren wouldn’t tell him outright)
but my point is that, fenris and warren, if they were a thing, would be built off of fenris assuming warren was actually the rogue that he’s been trained to be. warren wouldn’t tell him he’s a mage. and he definitely wouldn’t tell him he’s a blood mage. so even if they start out in a romance, that would be shattered pretty fucking quickly once fenris found out, not just that warren uses blood magic (sporadically but still) but that he didn’t tell him.
this goes for most relationships with warren, actually, because he doesn’t tell people about his magic. if they find out they find out, but he won’t just. admit it. he’s been raised not to, to hide, to deny. he does occasionally use magic while using his daggers, but it’s subtle and only those trained in magical detection would even sense it, but not enough to know it was anything more than an enchantment on his blades. so yeah, most people wouldn’t know until it was found out, if it was ever found out. but obviously with fenris’ history, his reaction would be the worst.
so. i should fix that.
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foxymuses · 4 years
--- also!! modern warren 100% still has a flip phone that he only kind of knows how to use.
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foxymuses · 4 years
aight okay here are some facts about warren’s modern verse:
he is a consulting detective -- not in the ‘sherlock holmes’ way, but in the ‘worked for several years as an actual detective before deciding that he had his own methods’ way
he spent several years as part of the u.s army special forces, working primarily as a specialist in hostage rescue
this knowledge is Not widely known at all. most can recognize his training as a soldier, but he doesn’t talk about specifics
he retired due to learning of his mother’s murder, and the subsequent poor handling of it by those assigned the case
he retired with the sole intention of solving the case himself, which he did, though not without causing several headaches for law enforcement
he agreed to just become an actual detective, which lasted a few years, and his main work was, again, in hostage situations, though he had a particular knack for noticing the obvious and solving problems
towards the end of his time as an actual detective, he was instrumental in ending the decades long gang war between the Qun and the Vints, and nobody really understands why they listened to him, but they did so who’s complaining
he gets called in periodically to stop either gang from attempting a new rise, and they see him coming with exasperation and stop being idiots
exhausted by the level of expectations that comes with being a real detective, and the hoops and rules he had to jump through, he decided to leave and just do his own thing, investigate what was interesting however he felt it necessary to investigate
he hates when people recognize him, even if sometimes its hard not to because he does things like lay in the middle of the sidewalk or drinks four cups of coffee at a starbucks before falling asleep at the table. 
as mentioned, leandra is still murdered. however, both bethany and carver are alive. carver joined the marines, and he and ren still have very little contact. bethany is a nurse, and she’s often the one calling warren to be like ‘get some sleep you dumbass’
warren shared a home with his mother in the city until she died, then he moved to a smaller apartment across the city
while bodhan and sandal don’t live with him, he does pay the rent for their apartment which is in the same building
and while he doesn’t have any servants, (re: that girl he rescues on fenris’ personal quest), there is a young woman down the hall he pays far too much to come clean his apartment sometimes so she can pay for college
he has a big german shepherd named rune that definitely shouldn’t be allowed in half the places that warren takes him, but nobody wants to argue with a hostage negotiator because face it, you’d lose
varric is still his best friend, and has penned several crime novels surrounding ren’s activities (with flare and pizzazz). warren still hasn’t read them
he doesn’t carry a gun, but he sure as hell knows how use one. what’s scarier is the fact that he can take down a large group with just his hands and whatever is nearby
the news has reported him dead at least four times
he is, as per being a ‘consulting’ detective, usually brought into other departments (police, fbi, etc) to help with things. sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn’t. no amount of coercing has ever managed to get him to do a case he doesn’t feel like doing.
his blood is like 60% coffee and 30% whiskey at this point. sometimes at the same time.
good luck trying to get him to wear a uniform, and even better luck trying to get him into a bullet proof vest
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foxymuses · 4 years
---- another big difference between warren ‘pls dont call me the champion’ hawke and teren ‘pls dont call me inquisitor’ lavellan is that if someone asks warren to confirm whether or not something is true he’s just like, obliviously and like... casually unconcerned ‘oh yeah, no it’s not’ or like, if someone wants to know if something was as bad as it was recorded, and he just like is super happy and shruggy like ‘oh, yeah, totally, worse even’ like not to brag but just because that’s who he is and he doesn’t think through responses.
but then we have teren, and when someone asks teren if rumors are true, rumors which are 100% not true in any fashion, he’s just like ‘oh, yeah, completely, except everyone was naked and it was a full moon.’
and if you know him, you can tell he’s joking, but otherwise he says it without an ounce of like... sarcasm that people have to look towards his companions to be like ‘i --- wait really?’ and usually it takes leliana or cassandra to be there to be like ‘no. absolutely not’
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foxymuses · 5 years
--- i imagine in the immediate moment, when fenris suggests to the arishok that hawke has the right to a challenge, ren is like ‘yeah okay i got this’ but then after he wins and is injured and tired and deemed the champion ren just whirls on fenris like ‘A DUEL TO THE DEATH ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU I COULD HAVE DIED’
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foxymuses · 5 years
--- no game intro will ever be cooler than the da2 start menu fight between Hawke and the arishok and thats the tea
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foxymuses · 5 years
---- i have this image in my head or scene really, during warren inquisitor verse where there’s been this big fight and everyone is down to their last leg of energy and it seems hopeless but then warren grits his teeth and uses his own blood from a wound to put his mark on his face, and varric is just like ‘welp shit’s about to get real’ and everyone is like ‘what do you mean’ and varric is just ‘hawke is putting on his war paint, which means he’s about to actually fight’ and everyone is just ‘what do you mean actually fight hasn’t he been fighting this whole time’ and varric is just ‘yeeeeeah but not to his actual power’ and everyone is like ??? and varric just sighs like ‘just watch’
and then warren puts his daggers back in their place on his back and his eyes start glowing red and suddenly it’s just magic everywhere he pulls life essence from downed enemies and he’s surrounded by the glow of fire and blood magic and he just demolishes the enemies singlehandedly while everyone save varric is just staring wideeyed 
and then when the day is saved, he turns back to the group, blinks and the glow in his eyes is gone, and he just gives this dorky little innocent smile and says ‘drinks on me?’
and everyone save varric is just like WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK JUST HAPPENED
and ren, who hasn’t read the tale of the champion at all, is just like... ‘uh. magic? varric you didnt tell them i’m a mage? aw thanks bud’
and then he trots off happily like he didn’t just use the bodies of dozens of red templars to make himself even more powerful than he really is
b/c ren is an incredibly powerful mage, like super powerful, but he doesn’t use his magic much, so when he does use it, it’s such an explosion of power that he’s pretty unstoppable and it always comes as a surprise to people that this socially awkward dorky guy is not only the champion of kirkwall and now herald, but a blood mage
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foxymuses · 5 years
--- tbh the only reason hawke is alive and free is bc he had his wonderful parents, varric and aveline, to make sure the guards were either paid off or redirected. with many headaches.
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foxymuses · 5 years
--- warren, literally any time he has to wear something remotely formal: this is torture and i hate it and i would rather be naked
me: laughing about ren at the winter palace as inquisitor
varric: making bets with other inquisition members on how long itll take before ren strips
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foxymuses · 5 years
--- my fav thing to imagine is ren using blood magic in front of like Cassandra and her being all WHAT and varric all casually "wait you didnt think that was paint on his nose did you?'
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worthyfate · 5 years
Class: What is your muse’s dream job? What attempts have they made to pursue this kind of career, if any? - Aedan, Aliana, and Warren
so aedan grew up essentially with the promise he’d be teryn cousland and that was what he wanted because why should he want something else that isn’t as good. but that went to shit and he kinda was like ‘ahhhhhh’ on the inside. i think he’d like to put himself on the throne mostly because? it’s what he knows? but i think mostly he’s just like... seeing what happens now because he honestly had no back up plan.
aliana got her wish, actually. she wasn’t first in line for the estate, and even if she was she didn’t want it. she wanted to fight. she wanted to be a soldier, have her own army. and she became a grey warden which is like. the best option, really. and now she’s warden commander and a legend for being badass and she’s quite fine with that.
warren just wants to live, okay. free. he doesn’t have some grand job ideals; if anything, he wants a family. he wants to be a dad. he wants to be happy. he most definitely does not want to be the champion.
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worthyfate · 5 years
2. NOTP(s) for your muse? - Teren, Fenris, Warren
laughs you picked some of my muses that i’ll ship with most people tbh xD
the one main thing for teren is that he’s gay, so. no ladies. but he’ll flirt with just about anyone tbh, any gender, he’s just only interested in pursuing guys. i don’t know if there are any canon guys i wouldn’t ship him with?
fenris is a little harder because like... my main love will always be fenhawke, but i also adore fenbela. annnnd i have a guilty pleasure ship in fenris and dorian, because i think that’s hilarious. but the only person fenris would probably never be with is merrill? like with the right anders, it can work, but with merrill he just... he’s so disgusted by her, and i just can’t imagine getting over that. but with fen it’s not so much notps as... most people aren’t going to be able to convince fen to trust them so shipping will be hard.
with warren -- the big thing with warren is that he’s generally not interested anything sexual. like sex is cool and all, and he does want to be a dad eventually so like.. sex has to happen there, but like. he couldn’t be with someone that wanted to have sex a lot or was very openly flirtatious or someone who likes lots of pda. he’s also bicurious atm, because he’s only ever been with ladies, so i’m not entirely certain his stance on guys, which means i can’t definitively say no to anyone. with warren it’s gonna be all about interactions before i can determine any notps, really. but yeah he probably couldn’t be with someone like bull, unless there was an agreed arrangement that like. bull got his sex somewhere else? because ren is fine with open relationships and poly things so. uh i guess this is an answer?
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worthyfate · 5 years
Proficiency Bonus - Warren
How quickly does your muse pick up new skills? Are they willing to learn new languages or skills?
fairly quickly? he’s good with his hands, so he’s good with things that need hands. he also, because he’s hiding the fact he’s a mage from basically everyone but carver at this point, values the art of survival, and thus knows how to pick up something really fast in order to survive. he may not be great, but he’ll give it a go. 
he doesn’t seek out new abilities or languages, but if he needs them, he’ll learn them, or at least enough to get by. he doesn’t care about being great at things, or mastering them, or things like that. jack of all trades really.
that being said, warren has a short attention span and gets bored quite easily, and doesn’t see the need to learn things just for learning’s sake? not because he dislikes learning, but because he’s very much a go out and do things type. he likes working. he likes having work to do so he isn’t bored. but he won’t like.... go learn a new thing to do work? idk warren is weird
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worthyfate · 5 years
--- also? on the topic of warren, if cassandra managed to track him down and was like ‘lead the inquisition’, at first ren would have been completely baffled like ‘um did you see what happened to kirkwall are you sure you want that?’ but then he’d be like “look over there” throws a magic ball and then would vanish. because do not want, thanks, bye.
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