#;;can't you see you can't control the man I am (answered-Mikumo)
specthrum · 4 years
"Are you jealous of your brother?"
Unprompted//Always Accepting (but please specify muse)
“We’re not brothers, you know. That’s just something he says. His parents took me in, we live in the same house. That’s all.” five seconds into the conversation and he’s already put out, looks like someone managed to push a button.
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“Anyway, jealous of what? Because he has a flashy quirk and a talent for conning people? I don’t care about stuff like that. I’m already stronger than he is, without a quirk. And I don’t need a flock of idiots to back me up like he does.”
“Katsuki’s weak-hearted, always has been. He doesn’t care about anything as long as he’s in the limelight. Someone lacking any sort of drive…no way will I lose to that.”
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specthrum · 4 years
mikumo kicks through the fourth dimension into second mikumo’s dimension, hisses, then poofs out of existence
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“Ok boomer”
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specthrum · 4 years
my proto katsuki b like @ your proto & miku: i love you i love you i love you i love you i lov-
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“You’re sweet, kid,” Seriously what is up with this guy? He makes Katsuki’s skin crawl.
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“You’re loud,” but there’s a genuine aura around him that Mikumo doesn’t dislike. Whatever, he’s tolerable.
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specthrum · 5 years
💀 [Mikumo]
[I hate you]
Send 💀 for my muse to die in your arms
warnings: blood, death, gore under the cut
It happens quickly. Mikumo almost doesn’t feel it, at first. Almost. Shock does that, it turns out. Takes the brunt of the pain out of it so all you get is the impact. Even as blood, warm and wet escapes your lips in harsh coughs.
A sharp, gasping breath as he attempts to suck air into his pierced lungs, brain desperately trying to make sense of what’s happening; trying to make sense of the large iron rod lodged deep in his stomach. Glistening red because it had struck from behind, skewering him through and through.
The student, small and frail (because, really, all humans are, at their core, fragile and finite things) finds himself wishing for the first time in his short existence that he had a quirk. Some sort of regenerative or restorative ability that would give him even the slightest chance of emerging from this scenario alive. He supposes what he wants isn’t a quirk so much as not dying. Which could be accomplished as easily by the lack of rebar through his torso.
So, really, being quirkless is fine. If he had a wish to spend right now he’d probably ask to not be skewered. 
Unfortunately, he doesn’t have a wish. He doesn’t even have much time. He’s no doctor but it doesn’t exactly take a medical professional to diagnose that a hole in the gut equals a significantly shortened life span. Already he can feel the edges of unconsciousness taking over. Throat burning and vision blurred.
The voice comes out of nowhere, seemingly, dull and distant over the battle raging not far from where they are. He turns, as much as he can without disturbing the object piercing him through, towards the source.
Tetsutetsu. He looks upset. That makes sense. It makes sense to be upset at seeing something so gruesome. Mikumo can’t quite look at it himself. Avoiding eye contact with his stomach as if that would change the situation. Changed the fact that he’s dying. Done in by falling debris of all things. 
And maybe he should be a little more selfless, focus more on how clearly upset the other boy is, as he pulls him closer, into much larger arms, and examines the wound. But all he can really think about is how much it hurts. And how terrified he is.
Large hand closes around the rebar and maybe Tetsutetsu isn’t planning on pulling it out, maybe he’s just looking, but the sight of it, the slight feel of the object shifting, sends the purple haired boy into a tailspin. “Stop! Don’t do that!”
Because, again, he’s no doctor but he knows that pulling it out will turn his minutes into seconds and even if it’s pointless, even if he’s a goner either way, he’s not ready.
‘I don’t want to die’
Tetsutetsu releases his hold, as if the iron had suddenly turned hot and scalded his fingers. He looks down at the boy in his arms and it looks like only one of them knows that this is a lost cause. 
“I’m going to get help” He shifts to get up, Mikumo can feel it. And it brings sudden, but much less urgent, panic.
He grasps onto the taller boy’s arm, as tightly as he can (which isn’t all that tightly at the moment) smearing it haphazardly with his own blood as a result. The smell of it in the air almost makes him retch. “Don’t leave, please,”
And he must sound as pathetic and broken as he feels in that moment because the other boy’s eyes widen a fraction, but he obeys. Staying still and pulling the injured student closer.
Still, he insists on calling the emergency line. A conversation which Mikumo only half hears, steadily losing his tenuous connection to consciousness.
“Paramedics will be here soon,” he speaks, finally, directly to Mikumo. Bringing his attention back. “So just hold on until they get here, and they’ll…”
“They’ll what?” the dying boy cuts him off, voice rough and eyes rimmed red “They’ll fix me up? We both know I’m a goner already.”
He doesn’t mean to sound as bitter as he does, really. But he’s not exactly a natural optimist to begin with, and the situation is looking pretty bleak. Silence follows his outburst. Tetsutetsu stares down at him, at a loss for words.
They both know he’s right.
“….can you do me a favor?” Mikumo breaks the silence first. “Pretend you’ll miss me?”
It’s strange. How little that mattered until this moment. He’d always been alone, that was just how it was. But the thought of dying now, leaving absolutely nothing behind. It was beyond terrifying.
“I don’t really have family,” he continues without prompting. Because it’s just that kind of night, the kind where there’s no point hiding your feelings anymore. “I lift out easily. I know that. I know you’re the kind of person who would worry about anyone. But in the long run, this won’t really matter.”
“But could you pretend?”
In response to his request, Tetsutetsu has a surprising answer;
Mikumo actually laughs at that, or his closest approximation to laughing; given his limited air supply. Tetsutetsu takes his hand, already turning cold, in his own. Worn and rough from training but warm and gentle.
“Don’t have to pretend.” he tacks on, startling the smaller kid out of his spontaneous burst of laughter. “You don’t lift out, not at all. So stop giving up, and talking like you’re going to die. I won’t let it happen. Fight, damn it!”
“Fight?” there’s nothing left to fight. What’s happened has happened. It’s already too late. But he hasn’t given up either, it’s not really in his nature. That’s the only reason why he’s still awake right now.
“Fight,” the other boy insists, pressing their foreheads together.
Well, maybe not the only reason.
They stay like that for an indiscernible amount of time. It feels like hours, and no time at all. Mikumo tries to focus on the sound of the other boy’s breathing and not his own, haggard and slowing, as they wait for help that’s not going to arrive.
They can’t get close, not with a fight actively going on just a few feet away. He decides not to point this out. Doesn’t want to spend the rest of his breath in an argument with the one person who was stubborn enough to stick by his side, even now.
“Thank you,” He says, instead. May as well say it now. Not leave it unspoken. “For coming to save me. For…everything.”
“The whole saving part didn’t go very well” Tetsutetsu replies wryly, causing Mikumo to snort through his nose.
“Don’t tell me I’ve actually managed to turn you into a cynic” He says with a tilted smile. 
Tetsu shrugs. “I’d prefer to call myself a realist”
It’s a lie, he’s an optimist through and through. Still hoping that since Mikumo is awake and talking that he’ll make it through.
“Hey.” Mikumo says, slowly. It’s getting harder to focus. “Talk to me? I could use the distraction.”
“About what?”
“Whatever you want to. I like it when you talk about the things you like.”
“You really must be feeling punchy, if you’re openly admitting that.”
“Shut up.”
Smugness aside, Tetsutetsu follows the other boy’s instructions and talks. About his hobbies. About where he is with quirk training. About his family, his parents, his brother.
Even after he no longer gets any response. Even after he can’t see the subtle rise and fall of Mikumo’s chest; signaling that he’s still breathing. Even after there’s no heart beat under his fingertips when he presses them to the other’s neck.
Up to the point where paramedics finally arrive and pull him away.
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specthrum · 5 years
“Normally, you crying on the floor is hilarious, but come on.” [@thermobarbaric]
Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus Sentence Starters
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“As if you care,” Mikumo grumbles, although it’s not as intimidating as he’d like it to be; through tears. Pain, frustration. It makes it even worse, to cry when he’s angry. It feels so weak, pathetic. Like a child throwing a tantrum.
He pushes back the stinging tears with the back of his hand.
“Just leave me alone, Katsuki.” The name spoken with venom and years of built up resentment.
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specthrum · 5 years
“Let it go. Akatani’s been gone a long time, and as far as you know, he might just be gone for good. I’d be willing to bet that Akatani will never, ever– Oh, wait, there he is.”
Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus Sentence Starters
Mikumo says nothing. Instead, he looks Tetsu right in the eye and maintains eye contact as he slips into the kitchen area of the Bakugo residence. After a minute he emerges with nothing but bag of spicy Doritos; which he then takes back with him while retreating back to his room, still maintaining eye contact. 
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Ascending the stairs backwards, for the sole purpose of giving the silver haired teen a dead eyed stare the entire time. At the last possible moment of visibility, he sticks his middle finger up and tongue out.
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specthrum · 5 years
“You’ll have to move along, hideous goblin. I’m posing dramatically for when Katsuki shows up.”
Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus Sentence Starters
For a long moment, Mikumo just stands there; staring at the other teen with a vacant, bored, expression. It really didn’t take long for Katsuki to endear himself in the hearts of their coursemates.
Not that that was unexpected.
Mikumo rolls his eyes in response to the, frankly pitiful, insult, and moves away from the door frame so that the boy could enter freely; seeing as he wasn’t his guest to turn away. If Katsuki found him to be a nuisance he could shoo him away himself.
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“Gross,” is all he says in response, before situating himself back on the couch in a cross legged manner text book open on the coffee table.
“Katsuki’s not home. But he’ll be back at some point. Probably. Make yourself at home or whatever.”
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specthrum · 4 years
"Who's that guy with the crush on your step-brother, what was his name- Kirishima?" [Mikumo]
“While the way he follows Katsuki around like a lost puppy is annoying,”
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“At least Tetsutetsu doesn’t make me want to bash my head against the wall repeatedly. He’s at least got the guts to stand behind his principles; if nothing else. When he’s quiet he’s actually tolerable.”
“At least in comparison to the boot-licker.”
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specthrum · 5 years
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Mikumo tag dump
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