#; monster preg
nurbrotheadfull · 4 months
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Anyways here’s some art so that i give you something more than simple words of wisdom
…and life updates
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squishysoftmonsters · 9 months
Mature +18 Sexual Themes Minors/Ageless DNI
💚Imagine slime monster visits you each night by sliding under your door and crawling to your room. He knew you liked him,you'd sleep naked so he can slither a little bit more into you each night until he fits perfectly into you.. You loved him to make you look preggo daily,how he felt when he squirmed around in your body. You'd give birth to him at night just to feel more of him over and over every day💚
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monster-bellies · 1 month
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If you recognize them, you deserve a veteran's discount
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fleshkink · 8 months
Day 683 of being obsessed with alien pregnancy and wishing there was more content 😔
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herefor-a-goodtime · 11 days
It's been on my mind for a bit...
Someone interested in some roleplay?
I can be your pretty student and you my teacher, or perhaps you want me as your cute neighbor? Maybe you have some other ideas hm?
Share them with me and let's try writing it
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nurbrotheadfull · 3 months
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They 🙏
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squishysoftmonsters · 9 months
Triggers : Sexual Content/Expansion/Ovipositor[Mature +18 Minors /Ageless DNI]
💚Imagine feeling the ovipositor of moth hubby going into your body,hole clenching onto it,feeling the eggs swell you,panting and moaning as your belly expands to as much as it can hold. Full and round,moth hubby hushes to you as he carefully pulls out of your gape.
My sweet little incubator..Everything about you is perfect..After you birth my young,you'll never worry about being empty.. I'll fill you up again as much as you want.💚
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monster-bellies · 5 months
Preg Dragon guy? 🥺 Maybe wearing some fancy jewelry? Please 💖
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trans dragon prince carrying his drake husband's clutch <3
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doctorjackdaw · 5 months
Not-Sasha would TOTALLY convince everybody she’s definitely been pregnant this whole time. Yes. That’s right.
GOD i like that idea so much.
Jon: What are - Sasha.
Papers shuffle as Jon pushes his chair back in surprise.
Not!Sasha: What’s wrong, Jon? You’re looking at me like you’ve seen a ghost.
Jon: Not a ghost, no, I - are you…?
Not!Sasha: Am I what?
Jon: Nothing! You look… different today. I mean, not… not really that different, do you?
Not!Sasha: I got a new shirt, if that’s what you’re asking. Everything else is pretty much the same… I mean, the baby’s growing everyday, so that’s something, isn’t it? But even you don’t have that good of an eye.
Jon: Excuse me - baby. Baby, your baby, you’re pregnant.
Not!Sasha: You sound surprised for someone who was helping me discuss how I’m even going to get leave at this job… What, just a day or two ago?
Jon: Right…
Jon’s pen clicks against his desk pensively.
Not!Sasha: If you’re going to space out, I’m going to get some tea. Non-caffeinated, of course. Don’t forget I sent you an invite for the baby shower!
Jon: …
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gravidwithlore · 5 months
Imagine being pregnant with and giving birth to an uncommon/rare elemental:
(This got a lil long so I put it under a read more so I dont clog up anyone's dash)
-Helium (or idk some other super light gas) elemental baby that's so light you're belly expands but never feels heavy. In fact as they get bigger you feel the baby start to rise and float within you, your growing breasts, still filling with very heavy human/mammalian milk, are the only thing weighing the front of your belly down. By the time you're due you have to wear heavy boots and clothes to keep you from floating off the ground. When its time to give birth, your base instincts tell you to use gravity to allow your baby to be born downwards, but the baby refuses to cooperate with you, continuing to float inside of you. It's only when you invert your position, piling every pillow you own under your hips until it feels like you're going to somersault back on yourself, does your baby begin to move upwards. Easily floating up through your birth canal, to be caught mid-air by its other parent. Empty, gravity returns to you in full, leaving you feeling heavier in your own body than you did while you were overdue and pregnant.
-Elementals of heavier gases in comparison seem much more in line with human nature, but of course you can feel the difference right away. Despite them technically being an air elemental, you felt the weight of them even before conception, your elemental partners sperm adding a new, but not entirely unpleasant weight in your womb. When that tiny bundle of cells begin to multiply you can feel the shift in weight practically day to day. By the time you're just beginning to show you've already gotten a belly sling to help spare your back. You always carry low, the baby always low on your hips and weighing down the curve of your belly. You carry so low that by the time its, well, time, it catches you by surprise bc you never experience your belly dropping because its always been that way. You hope the weight and gravity will help your baby slide right out, but it doesn't take long to realize that's not quite the case. Your belly has dropped so low, the baby so heavy for an air elemental, it can't move from the base of your low hanging belly to the passage from your womb. Its only once you or your partner lift your heavy belly up, does your baby flow down out of you with ease. Weak and tired from labor, your partner helps support your arms so you're able to hold your heavy elemental newborn.
-Glass elementals are a strange combination of strong and fragile, and their offspring will be no different. They're especially fragile in the womb as their still forming and growing in their super malleable state. You're so very careful, tiptoing through your every day life before you even have so much as a bump. Once that curve makes itself known however you're placed on bed rest almost immediately. A curved and swelling belly is a belly that can bump into things, be bumped into, strangers without warning or permission pressing their hands in too hard, not knowing just how fragile and precious your cargo is. Even you have to be so very careful and gentle when you run your hands over your increasingly warm belly, lest you accidentally dent your most precious creation in its molten and malleable stage, forming in your womb like the most intricate blown glass sculpture. When you start having Braxton Hicks, there's an immediate worry about the tensing of your belly over your glass baby. The local wizard/potion maker is called for to put you on a special dose of muscle relaxers. It should go without saying, but pushing is out of the question. When labor truly starts your dose of muscle relaxers is significantly increased and you take strong sedatives to prevent you from trying to push on accident. You're tied up, arms pinned and legs bound in birthing position to prevent you from moving the wrong way, you're bed, your room, your entire house padded and cushioned to the extreme to prepare for your child's arrival. Your contractions, even at their strongest point, are extremely weak to prevent any damage to the baby, cooling down from its malleable stage as it exits your body, the glass hardening but still extremely fragile. You're barely conscious through the process because you're so sedated, but it takes days, possibly even weeks, for your glass elemental baby to be born, all so very worth it to hold their (extremely well wrapped and padded) bundle of joy.
-A lava elemental, also so heavy from the moment of conception, your belly immediately a source of warmth, you feel like you're carrying a furnace long before you start showing. This baby also carries low from the beginning, the slow lethargic movements of your child can shift the shape of your belly for hours from a single kick, rather than a few seconds like the kick of a human child would. Its ability to contract and expand itself also changes the shape and size of your belly every few days or so, leaving acquaintances (who aren't aware of your child's half-elemental parentage) confused on just how far along you are. Your partner, from the very first month, rubs a special lotion over your belly to prevent the heat from hurting you, and soon they begin to use it to lube up your insides as well, liberally fingering it into you to make sure you're well prepared when its time to bring your child into the world. By the time you go into labor, you practically need to be guzzling water 24/7 in order to prevent the lava baby from overheating you, any drop of sweat that runs down your belly sizzling into steam, the low low base of your belly hotter than a frying pan. Your partner more dutiful than ever in liberally slathering the burn prevention lotion over you and most importantly inside you. Between the volcanic heat of your child and your equally (literally) hot partner stretching you full enough so they can lather your cervix in the cool lotion, you've never felt so overstimulated in your life. When labor finally arrives, your scalding hot waters breaking, the baby flows so quickly through your canal, startling you with its speed, you can't help but begin to feel relief that it will be over soon. But when you begin to crown, and the baby's head first meets air, they begin to lose their fluidity as the outside of their molten skin begins to cool and form a rock-like external layer. To crown took only a minute or so, the rest of the birth takes hours, days even, as your partner continues to apply the lotion to as much of your poor human nethers they can still access. You're grateful they had to foresight to begin using it inside of you as soon into your pregnancy as they did, the lotion preparing your birth canal to handle to heat of your molten child even when your partner can no longer reach in to apply it with the baby stuck in there. Each push only moving it in tiny increments, if it moves it at all, each push causing the baby to harden and become heavier as its exposed more and more to the air. Thanks to your partners attentive and loving care, you make it through the birth with the only burns being on your hands, too excited to hold your newborn to remember to protect your bare human hands. Exhausted, slicked in sweat, dehydrated, shivering as you begin to feel cool for the first time in months, you can finally hold your elemental baby, who is, for your protection, swaddled in a silvery protective fire blanket.
-Sand elementals, abrasive and rough and constantly moving inside your womb as if a whirlwind had stirred them up. They're often active in the womb and in the few moments they settle down it feels like your insides have been attacked by sandpaper. When your water breaks, the onset of labor seems like relief. But then your belly feels heavier and even lower than it did before, all that sand no longer suspended by the waters of your womb. Soon your child begins to trickle out of you, and you hope this is a sign of an easy birth. And in a way it is, you don't seem to have to deal with a heavy head and wide shoulders battering its way through your insides, but the birth is long. Instead of coming out as one large mass as most babies do, your sand elemental baby trickles out as particles of sand, choosing to form itself fully outside of the womb. But its hard to know when you're done giving birth, even your body seems confused. Once you're sure you pushed out all the sand, even your body sure, its contractions beginning to weaken, more sand begins to trickle out of your nethers. Not all of the millions of pieces that make up your child are in a hurry to join the rest it seems. It feels like its days, maybe even a week, until its all out of you, you're insides feel like they're scraped raw. All you can do is hold your almost whole bundle of child as you leave your legs spread and hope the rest of it is born soon. Exhausted and almost sick from worry and your bodies confusion over whether to keep contracting or not, your sand elemental baby begins to move, its wailing cry sends a tidal wave of relief through your body, now sure that your child has been completely born.
-The movement of a storm elemental baby inside the womb is unparalleled. Not only are they constantly kicking and moving in there, but your womb has become the container of an entire weather system. You can often feel the movements of gathering clouds, the rumble of thunder, pitter patter of rain, even jolts of lightening can shock your fingertips when you attempt to rub and soothe your belly. On the flip side, sometimes you can feel the warmth of the sun peeking through the clouds after the storm, pleasantly soft breezes, when your child finally settles down it feels like going outside on a perfect and clear day. As your child gets bigger and closer to being due, miniature weather systems begin to manifest around you as well. People can tell you're not trying to be cute when you say "Baby wants (insert craving here)," the gathering storms clouds and rumble of thunder above your head and from within your womb make it absolutely clear baby really does want that craving. The underlying threat of what happens when your craving is not met makes them hurry to meet baby's demands as best as they can. Labor itself isn't much more complicated than it would be for a human baby, except of course for the major thunderstorm swirling above your head. Punctuating your screams with deafening thunder, lightening shocking the people supporting you through birth, wind and rain whipping at them, drenching you to the bone and making it hard for everyone to see what going on. As soon as the baby leaves your body, you're swept over with relief, the storm disappearing in a moment leaving everyone around you blinking in momentary confusion. As you child your child against your rain slicked skin, they begin to take their first cry. Despite the fact that you're already drenched, and the baby is a storm elemental, your partner opens up an umbrella to protect you both from the light rain shower that begins to drizzle over your wailing newborn.
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zerogravid · 2 years
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Maybe it's a cryptid 🤔
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Life’s a little crazy for me right now, I’ll try and get the winner of last poll vote on ao3 this month.
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sharkspicy · 1 year
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In classic bard fashion, Rose entertains the tavern crowd with a story... Among other things.
The rest of this saga can be found here and here
And the uncensored version can be found here
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nurbrotheadfull · 1 year
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Introducing this man: His name is John, he’s a small town priest, chain smoker and Satan’s lover. Lore-wise he basically got sold to Satan by God because Satan fell in love with him. From his early twenties onwards he technically becomes Satan’s lover and breeding b*tch. Wherever he is Satan is always around him and trying to get closer and closer to him in a shape of a 18-19yo altar boy. Satan usually knocks him up with different demons of basically all shapes, sizes and quantities.
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squishysoftmonsters · 9 months
Triggers : Sexual Content/Expansion/Ovipositor[Mature +18 Minors/Ageless DNI]
💚Imagine slime monster who came across your expedition crew,observing you and watching. The slime put on a performance on sight,and you enjoyed it. It had split itself into several pieces,so each of you can take a piece home. Once home,you freed the slime,letting it explore.
You'd call it pet names,always give it kisses touches and it adored the affection following you everywhere. Over time,it grew possessive and controlling,killing off any potential competition you brought home,which were friends of many genders
You : Im not your property! What's wrong with you?
The slime hissed in anger,believing you were seeing someone else behind it's back. You ignored it's angry screeches heading to bed while it was left seething. The next morning you awoke,the slime had covered the entirety of your home interior with pieces of it's body,deterring you from leaving,covering the windows and doors.
You : Why are you acting this way? I give you a home and you want to keep me like some object?
It continued to shriek in protest. Slimes from all sides wrapped around your hands and legs,tying you down as you wrestled as being penetrated from inside,its glowing knot pumping in and out of you repeatedly. Your chest and belly expand to a glowing mass,screaming in horror watching each radiating egg get deposited into you one after the other.
The slime becomes angry,going faster and faster,more eggs stuffing into your body. You struggled to birth them out,but the agitated slime stuffed them back into you fusing your canals shut so you could beg instead of pushing to be free of the eggs. It denied you birth repeatedly,ignoring you.
You were kept captive by the slime,well fed,bathed and hydrated until ready to birth it's babies. The slime chittered,watching it's young move about in your belly and swollen reproductive organs,stroking your stomach lovingly.
You : [exhausted] Please..
The slime removed the binds from your canal,easing you through the process of giving birth,purring sweetly into your ear,stroking your forehead or leaving sloppy kisses on your lips.
Your glowing belly with luminous tiger stripes deflated with every birth,home now filled with the chittering slime babies that crawled all over you in search of food.
Lying exhausted on the floor,the baby slimes fed on you hungrilly. The process of being full of slimes became orgasmic and pleasurable as they were birthed. You grew used to it and weirdly addicted,begging your new lover to impregnate you💚
💚S L I M E C O N T E N T💚
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