#; fdfdts look at me mentioning another of your annoying muse here mwehehehehe
@ozokuapep​ asked:
" hey you like bananas? I like bananas, but they meat tastes so much better, because fruits are treat and all but a SIRLOIN? Holy fUCK those are good, especially when they're red and rare and juicy and MMMM BLOODY- I'm hungry, hey mister ear-lobes can I get some food? Ya got food here?? " - Pitsy (( Imsosorry ))
He peers down at the strange woman with an unamused look, trying himself - if possible - to eat his plate of fresh pineapples and others almonds and nuts, pale blue eyes rolling from time to time. What did he do again to bring such an annoying person into his garden? How the hell did she even come here in the first place?
“Food? What?” He pauses, the walnut under his teeth cracking loudly, as he eventually chews it impatiently. “I don’t think I want to share anything with you, especially not my food.”
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He pauses for a moment, sending another of his deadly stare while she doesn’t seem to move. “If you want to keep talking and bleeding my ears while I want to eat my lunch alone, please, have a conversation with that damn old snake who sleeps in the backyard and keeps asking for salty water. Mister ear-lobes is fucking pissed right now!”
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