#//lmao how apt is this title tho? fhsd;lajf
beautcous · 4 years
Lunch Interrogation || Mahi, Naina & Avantika
After the night Mahi spent with Aryan, she became even more confused over her feelings and was constantly questioning his motive. Thankfully, for today at least, she was free of him. She was home and lounging around in the living room, planning on watching a movie and wasting the day away. However, before she could get too comfortable, a knock came at the door. Sighing, she got up to open it and was startled by the older woman that stood before her. “May I help you, Miss?”
“Yes,” Avantika smiled brightly at the younger woman before saying, “I’m sorry but I’m looking for Naina. She lives here, doesn’t she? I’m Avantika.”
“Oh, yes, this is her home. I’m her roommate, Mahira. Is she expecting you?” Mahi would’ve let the older woman in, but this was New York and she was wary about inviting a stranger in. It was then that Naina came out of her room and Mahi immediately spun around to address her friend. “Naina, do you know a Miss Avantika? She’s here to see you.”
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Today was one of the rare days that both Naina and Mahi were home together, these days they both were hardly home and hardly saw one another thanks to their involvement Jace and Aryan. Mahi was even busier because her graduation was around the corner and honestly Naina was so proud and happy for her best friend, she had done it - Mahi had achieved her dreams. Today both girls decided to stay in and enjoy each other's company because it was pathetic that they lived together and spent so little time with one another, that was not acceptable at all. Naina had just finished organizing some of her belongings when the doorbell rang, she stood only to find that Mahi had answered and on the other stood Jace’s mom. A smile blossomed on her features as did confusion, “yes, Mahi this is Jace’s mother.” Naina walked over and beamed at the elder woman, “Mrs. Khurana, what a pleasant surprise. Come in, stepping aside for her to walk in. “Is there something you need? Not that I’m not delighted to see you, it’s been awhile.”
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Avantika was passing through Naina’s neighborhood and figured that she should make a stop. Ever since she first met the younger woman, she’d grown to like her and if she was being honest, she wanted Naina and Jace to get together. Her son worked too hard and should be married now. Actually, both of her sons should be. Unfortunately, the two were still single. Maybe this visit would help. When the door of the brownstone apart swung open, Avantika hadn’t expected to be greeted by another woman. A young Indian woman. She too was very pretty and polite too as she greeted Avantika. Apparently, her name was Mahira and she was Naina’s roommate. Good, it meant that she was unmarried. “Naina, I’m sorry to disturb you, but I was visiting a friend nearby and thought I’d stop by. Also, please don’t call me Avantika or if you’re more comfortable, aunty will do. I was thinking about taking you out to lunch, you can bring Mahira with you too.” She said, hoping to get to know the younger brunette too.
Mahi stepped aside to let the two women talk. Her heart pounded once she found out that Avantika was Jace’s mom which meant that she was Aryan’s mother too. Oh God…And she even invited her to join them for lunch. She should refuse, right? “That’s okay, aunty, I can stay home. You two should go.”
“Nonsense, if you have nothing going on, come with us, Mahi. You don’t mind me calling you Mahi, do you?”
Mahi looked between both women and not having a good enough excuse, she knew she couldn't refuse. "I'll come then, and I don't mind you calling me Mahi."
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Naina was entirely shocked to see the woman show up and more so at how she knew her address, but delighted nonetheless. She had enjoyed her company that day in Jace's office and it was due time they caught up. She introduced her to Mahi, before asking her to come in. She smiled at the woman, “aunty it is, and you’re not disturbing us.” The lunch offer made her look over at her friend, and Naina hadn’t missed the panic in her eyes, so she discreetly squeezed Mahi’s hand in comfort as they wouldn’t be able to turn her down.
“One thing you should know, Mahi, Aunty always gets her way.” Pulling the elder woman’s leg and she could see her grinning a bit both at her remark and when Mahi agreed to tag along. “That sounds lovely, Aunty.”
“Smart girl.” Avantika remarked before smiling warmly at Mahi, “Mahi - beautiful name for a beautiful woman. If you both are ready my car is waiting outside.”
“Let me grab my purse and coat.” Naina went to her room and grabbed both things before stopping in Mahi’s and grabbing a coat for her friend as well. Upon returning to the living room, she handed Mahi’s coat to her before the three made their way outside and Naina locked the door behind them. When they were situated in the car, with the roommates sitting across from Avantika.
Avantika turned her curious gaze to Mahi, “so tell me about yourself, Mahi, what do you do?”
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Mahi’s mind reeled. What was going on here? She was trying her best not to be around Aryan so much and now his mother was here. Not only that but she was also insisting that Mahi came to lunch with her and Naina. She couldn’t be rude and reject the request, so she reluctantly agreed. “Thank you, aunty.” She said awkwardly when Avantika complimented her name. The brunette flashed her best friend a watery smile and watched as she disappeared to get their coats. At this point, she was sure that she was going to be sick. Her stomach hurts and she had the urge to run, but of course she could do that; not when Naina was here at least. Minutes later, they were in the car, hoping to get through this ride silently, however, Avantika wanted to know what she did. “I just graduated law school and waiting to take the bar exam.”
“A lawyer. My son is a lawyer too, maybe you should meet him. He might be able to help you get started.” Avantika said, liking this young woman already. She would be perfect for Aryan.
Mahi nearly choked, but instead of saying anything, she just smiled. On the inside, she was hoping that lighting would struck her down or something, that way she no longer had to endure this. Plus, she hated lying.
“Now, how is Jace treating you, dear? He’s not giving you a hard time, is he?” Avantika asked, turning to Naina this time.
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Naina felt bad for putting Mahi in this awkward position but she didn't have the heart to turn down Avantika's request for lunch. She knew Mahi would like this woman once she got passed the awkwardness, and what Avantika didn't know what hurt her.
"Mahi here likes doing things on her own." She teased her friend, just to help Mahi relax a bit.
Avantika smile, "I hope you do consider it, dear, let me know if you'd like his help, he'd be delighted to help you. I'm positive he would love to meet you, Mahi."
"Not at all, in fact, I'd say he's very lenient with me." Naina said with a smile, "your son lets me get away with a lot of things."
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“Thank you for the offer, aunty, but I think I’m fine. Plus, I wouldn’t want to bother him. I’m sure he’s a busy man.” She said, trying to be polite, but on the inside, she was actually feeling rather guilty for deceiving Avantika. If she knew Mahi’s life story, she was certain that the older woman wouldn’t want her to even breathe the same air as Aryan. The thought made her heart ache, but as usual, she chose to push it aside.
Avantika was worried about Aryan too; after he broke off his engagement, he was constantly working. It was time he settled down and she was certain that Mahi could be perfect for Aryan if they were to meet. “Think about it, dear. It’s always good to have someone with experience on your side.” Her smile was as bright as the sun when Naina informed her of how Jace was behaving. “That’s good. Are you sure you don’t want to give Jace a shot? You two would make a perfect pair.” She added, not seeing the point in beating around the bush.
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If Naina wasn't imagining things, she swore Mahi looked distressed as she spoke and appeared to try her hardest not to see Aryan. It left the brunette confused and concerned, they were friends and as far she knew didn't have a argument or a fight, so why did Mahi look so worried? She made a mental to talk her once they were back home alone.
Naina had to bit back her groan when Avantika started the topic of dating Jace, it was bad enough she had to pretend like she wasn't fucking her son ( something she was sure Mahi was also experiencing as she was sleeping with Aryan) now she had to blatantly lie to the woman she admired. "I'm sure you're right, Aunty, and you're son is absolutely perfect. If I think about dating I promise he's the first one I'll go to." She smiled at her apologetically, "I'm just not in the right place dating right now."
Avantika looked dejected at Naina's words, "I'm going to be hoping you change your mind." She turned her gaze to Mahi, "so where's your family from, dear? Are they here or in India?"
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There was something about Mahi that caused interest to pique within Avantika. She was so quiet and demure, and Avantika couldn’t help but wonder what she must be thinking for her to act in this manner. Matters not, she still seemed like such a good person. Besides, Naina wouldn’t have trusted the younger woman if she didn’t have a good heart, right? She sighed at Naina’s response. “That’s too bad. I would like for one of my sons to date at least. They’re both too invested in their careers. You’ll change your tune soon, I suppose and until then, I’ll just wait patiently.”
Choosing to act like a fly on the wall, Mahi couldn’t be happier that Avantika had put her attention on Naina. She was here for Naina anyway? It just so happened that Mahi got caught in the net too. God, why did things have to be so complicated? Her attention went back to the older woman and she answered the question with a gentle smile. “Punjab. I’m from a very small town.”
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Naina shot the elder woman another look of regret, this was why she wished Avantika wouldn't ask any more because she hated giving her the same response that would just disappoint her. Had she met Jace before Kabir, Avantika wouldn't have to try so hard to convince her to pursue Jace. "I don't blame them, Aunty but don't you worry, I'm sure soon enough they'll want to start looking for a partner."
Naina could see the curiosity peaking in Avantika's eyes over Mahi's brief responses, but if she noticed she didn't remark on it.
Avantika curiosity continued to grow over Mahi, and she wondered why the woman was so brief with her responses, "I take it your parents are in India then? You must miss them, huh?" Her tone warm as she inquired.
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“They’re going to be old man before long and I want grandchildren before I become too frail to carry them.” Avantika stated with a sigh, resolving herself to a fate of having two sons who choose to remain single for the rest of their lives. Why could she and her husband not be the sort of parents to force their sons to marry? She supposed that she shouldn’t complain too much seeing as she’d raised responsible men. “Don’t wait too long, it’ll be a shame for such a beautiful woman to remain single. I’m sure you’d want children someday, wouldn’t you?” She said with a friendly tone.
“They are, aunty. I miss them every day.” Now more so than ever, but Mahi chose not to allow her emotions to show.
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Naina chuckled at the woman's words, she couldn't blame her for wanting grand kids, "I have a feeling you have a long, long way to go before you become frail." She smiled softly at her, "yes, someday I would and I'm sure the urge will appear in your sons as well."
Naina patted Mahi's hands as she stated missing her parents, her heart squeezing and in fairness she understood because Naina missed her own except they refused to speak to her.
Avantika's eyes softened at Mahi, "well, if you ever need a mother figure, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. If you're really missing them, don't be shy come by and see me. They don't wish to come here?”
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“With sons like mine, you never can be too sure. They’ll drive me to my grave early with their insistence to remain single.” She said in a teasing manner, although her love for her sons were apparent. “Let’s hope so. So far, Jace is always working and Aryan...after his failed engagement, let’s just say he’s not too eager to be in a relationship again.”
Mahi squeezed Naina’s hand in return, feeling a little better that despite not having her parents here, she still had her best friend who was more like a sister to her. Her head snapped to Avantika when she heard about Aryan. Failed engagement? What was that all about? Pretending to not be curious, she simply spoke of her parents and Avantika’s offer, “Thank you, aunty, I’ll do that and they do want to be here, but I can’t do that yet, at least not until I’m more stable.”
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Another chuckle was heard from Naina, "you could always emotionally blackmail them, how long could they keep denying their mother?" She was jesting of course, "given what Jace accomplished, I'm not surprise he never let his mind wander elsewhere. As for Mr. Khurana, I'm sure he will find someone better." If Naina wasn't getting ahead of himself, then hopefully that person was Mahi. Something told Naina, Mahi felt a lot more for her friend then she let on.
Naina gave her friend a soft smile, before catching the look of confusion at Avantika's words, and it surprise her. Did Aryan not tell Mahi of his ex?
Avantika nodded, "I understand, you want to live a comfortable life here and they must be so proud of you, dear." They arrived at the restaurant a few minutes later and the three women walked inside and settled onto their tables. "Seeing as I invited you out, this is my treat, and I don't want hear any arguments because I'm your elder." Avantika stated firmly.
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“Why have I not thought of that?” Avantika’s eyes twinkled at the idea. However, she knew that she wouldn’t go through with it. Her boys would probably laugh at her attempts of emotional blackmail. “It’s about time if you ask me. They’re both thirty years old and eligible bachelors. Other men are already married by now, but not Jace or Aryan, they’re determined to kill me.” She sighed dramatically.
While the two women spoke, Mahi wondered about the information that she just received. Aryan was engaged and she supposed it made sense now why he was so quick to jump into a no strings attached arrangement. Except, with his behavior towards her lately, she wasn’t sure what they were anymore. Were they friends still? Or did he want more?
“They tell me that they're proud of me every time we talk.” She stated, although a part of her wondered if her parents would hate her once they found out that she and Aryan were not really married. At least in the eyes of the law they weren’t. Once they were at the restaurant, she went back to being silent and simply smiled at the older woman’s orders.
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Naina's chuckles continued more so at how dramatic Avantika was being, it was an amusing sight. "I'm sure its not to the lack of attention from women, but don't worry so much Aunty, one day perhaps even sooner they'll want to settle down."
Soon they were settled in the restaurant and Naina didn't fight with the elder woman on her order because she didn't want to disrespect her. One way or another, Avantika would get her way. "Yes, M'am." Naina told her rather amused.
Avantika continued her line of question but honestly she was curious of Mahi, and she did think this young woman would be good match for Aryan. After Radhika, even Avantika had wised up and learned to read women better due to her overprotectivenss of her sons. Both of these women struck her as kind and sincere women. "Tell me more about yourself, Mahi, what are you hobbies, interests?"
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“I’m worried that they’ll only garner the bad kind of attention. Gold diggers are everywhere.” That was Avantika’s biggest worry that what happened to Aryan would happen again. Although she knew that her son was wiser now, he also fell in love too quickly which was the opposite of Jace, who never led with his emotions. Of course, that was a bad trait too which was why she was hoping that Naina would be able to win his heart somehow. To be fair, she was sure that Jace was enamored by Naina, it was just convincing the young woman to give him a chance that was proving to be difficult. “If you do, I’ll get dibs on making you my bahu.”
With her mind reeling, Mahi blinked when Avantika addressed her once again. “I study all the time, aunty, but when I have the time, I cook. Not very well, I’m guessing, but good enough to feed myself.” She admitted, feeling her cheeks reddening at her confession. “I also like to read.”
“Nonsense, I’m sure your cooking is lovely.” Avantika said kindly before turning to Naina, “What about you, dear? Any hobbies?”
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Naina understood her worries, especially after knowing about Aryan, but she sure was he was now more cautious with who dallied with, lately it's only been Mahi "Yours sons are wise men, they won't make that mistake." She smiled, her heart racing at the term Avantika used, upon a time she would have been elated, "I'm extremely flatter and any woman be lucky to have you as her Shaas."
Naina smiled as Mahi nervously listed her interests, but still kept it as Mahi wasn't comfortable with all the attention on her. "She's being modest, Mahi cooks fabulously. She's certainly better than me."
Avantika smiled kindly at Mahi, "there's my evidence. What sort of books do you read?" Referring to Naina, before she asked Naina.
"Basically anything outdoors, yoga, hiking, swimming, you name it." Naina responded.  "I've been wanting to take up sculpting. What about you Aunty?"
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“If they were wiser, they would be married and have given their poor old mother grandbabies by now, but alas, I’m bound to end up with no grandchildren.” Avantika sighed dramatically, however, her eyes brightened at Naina’s words. “You know, we could make that happen… All you have to do is give Jace a chance. You two would make beautiful babies together.” She shot Naina a wink. Then again, the very quiet woman who was sitting next to Naina would make a good bahu to her too. If only she could get Mahi to open up a little.
“I’m not. She's exaggerating.” Mahi felt her cheeks reddened even more and she frowned at her best friend. “Lately, it’s mostly law, but I do like a good mystery or fantasy to unwind to.”
“Interesting choices. I’m surprised you don’t read romance books.” Avantika added before looking at Naina. “Ahh… You like to move. It’s no wonder you’re fit. I’m into socializing and volunteering. Sometimes, I go shopping, but I don’t make it a habit.”
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Naina let out another soft laugh, "see, just do that in front of them they'll melt instantly." She quipped, playing along with her antics before shaking her head, "you are one determined woman, Aunty, but I'll keep your words in mind." A flash of pain passed through her mostly because as Naina sat there she was starting to realize just how badly she wished she could have all of this. Jace and a mother-in-law who was Avantika.
"I'm not exaggerating." Naina responded without missing a beat just before Mahi answered Avantika. Mahi had tried to get her to read, but they both learned quickly that Naina's interest didn't hold very long.
Naina grinned at her compliment, "glad you think so, there's something so peaceful about nature." She smiled then, "now, that I'm not surprised to here, and we'll definitely to go shopping together, Aunty. How's uncle doing?"
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"I've tried, they're not buying it. Apparently,  I'm not convincing enough." Avantika said with a frown. "I'm determined, but unfortunately for me determination doesn't mean I'll succeed." She smiled at Naina, despite feeling defeated because it was clear that the younger woman was not buying into her pleading.
"I'm not a romantic, Aunty." Mahi said, not seeing the need to lie about it. She had never been until things got complicated by the son of the woman currently questioning her.
That response had Avantika raising a brow, "that's odd, every girl I know these days wants romance and you don't?" She then turned to Naina. "I agree. The only problem with nature is all the bugs and bugs and I don't mix well together. Uncle is well. You should drop by to visit him sometime. In fact, I insist for you and Mahi to come by for dinner. I'll have the boys come home that night. It'll give you a chance to meet my other son, Mahi."
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Naina chuckled, mostly because she couldn't argue seeing as she too had turned her offer of dating Jace down entirely. If she continued this path, she'd only dig herself a bigger hole and she hated saying no to this woman. However, her dating Jace was never going to happen, as much as she wished it wasn't the case.
"that's because my Mahi is here very special, and a realist." Naina teased her friend with a smile, although she understood why because the EA herself no longer believed in it. She chuckled at Avantika's remark of bugs, "they are annoying but mostly harmless if you leave them alone." She hesitated, but not wanting to be rude she nodded, "Good to hear. Does insist mean, we must go?" Naina teased.
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Avantika had never met a more peculiar duo. Most younger women she knew liked romance, but not these two apparently, but it mattered not, she was still insistent on matching at least one of them with her sons. Naina would be the first obviously since Jace was clearly so smitten by her. Hopefully, Aryan would like Mahi, but first, she had to make sure the two met first. “Yes, I want you both to come to dinner. How about next Saturday?” She smiled at Naina and then turned to Mahi, “Will you come, Mahi? You’ll make my day if you do…”
At this point, Mahi felt like she might as well have died. The woman who was her mother-in-law had invited her to dinner so that she could meet her son, who she was supposed to not know. How was she supposed to act like she didn’t know someone she had grown really attached to? God, and she couldn’t even say no to Avantika seeing as the woman seemed relentless. “I’ll go, aunty.” She said quietly, gripping her best friend's hand for dear life.
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Naina froze because of how soon that invitation was but she was more worried about Mahi, because while Avantika knew Naina and Jace were friends. She had no clue Mahi and Aryan knew each other as well, but she imagined Mahi would given Aryan a heads up and Naina would do the same for Jace. She smiled at the woman, "of course, Aunty, we'll be there." Naina felt Mahi's hand find hers and she squeezed it reassuringly, giving her friend a comforting smile as she too accepted the elder woman's invitation.
Avantika gave them a bright smile, "excellent, you both are too sweet." And lunch carried on this way with the three continuing their chatting until the roommates part ways with the woman.
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