#//chrom still like fuc k you dad stupid what are you t uxedo kamen ??????
convxction · 4 years
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and how about YOUR father Chrom hmm ? does he remenber anything from him ? how he was, in general ?
i said no reverse uno card wth guys????????? | @regaldisaster​
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to link the previous post for the future. ok now we continue.
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Chrom remembers as I mentioned previously bits and pieces, nothing concrete, except for that one time when he was playing with his father. At times, there is some sense of deja vu whenever he sees, smells, or touches things. Like, in the early morning as the sky gets died with its blue colors, he remembers the sounds of horses neighing which at that time, his father would go on early in the morning for business trips or even is back at this hour from said business trips. The smell of fresh clothes tends to remind him of him as well. He cannot recall any other smell related to him. As an Exalt, it was obvious he would take care of how he looks. Plus, as a married man, his mother always made sure he looked perfect before going out. As for touch, whenever he holds someone’s hand which is smaller than his, it makes him ponder for a moment. Compared to his father’s hands at that age, they were big...big and oddly...warm. You would think someone waging a war would be cold in and out but no, he distinctly remembers this. Perhaps, he was not unable to block everything from his memories since he is being triggered and stimulated by his own life events. Actually, he might be triggered to remember the first time he touched his father’s hand and it was cold--that when he was wearing gloves and took it off to hold Chrom’s hand when the little boy told him that his hand was “cowd--cowd daddy” and then his dad chuckled and gently brought his hands together into his and rubbed them, blowing at them to warm them. 
When he carried baby Lucina for the first time, it made him question if his father was happy to have him as a son. Yes, he heard he was elated--beyond happy that he had a son. It’s just, how sincere he was? Was he happy to have a son or a sword he could polish and train for his own deeds? He’d at least, give him the benefit of the doubt since his father was actually good Emmeryn. If he intended to ‘use’ them, Emmeryn would have suffered early on.  
However, what he cannot remember at all, even if he wished for it, are his voice and face. Ironically, yes, his face. If it weren’t for the family portraits around, he would question the validity of everyone’s claims that he does resemble his father, in one way or another. Even his mother, he started to gradually lose how her voice sounded like. The only time he could, and he thinks, can see and hear them very clearly is when he has a nightmare. However, when he wakes up, he could not recall how they sounded..only the chest pang and fear that were left behind.
For so long, Chrom refused to hear more about his father. Even Nurse Nan tried to tell him stories about the man but the boy refused to listen or even believe the man has stories to be told. For so long, he persisted in ignoring any topic related to his father. Even when Lissa would ask innocently, he would lash out and refuse to listen or even be part of the conversation.
However, with time, especially after he started to let out his steam outside the castle, patrolling and all, he would start to accept listening to stories about his father. However, only from Emmeryn because he knows she would not lie about this or sugar coat things to not hurt him. Eventually, he would go bother Nurse Nan and the others--but that would be during the time he became Ylisse representative (talk about grudge sheesh) and listened to how THEY viewed him, how he WAS in their time when he was in the castle. 
Nurse Nan spent a whole afternoon to tell him about the day he was born, how the late Exalt was overjoyed to have him. Actually, the first thing he was about was not about the baby, but if his wife alright then remembered the baby. He loved them but perhaps his love made his decision to invade Plegia twisted from simple protection and prevention to full-out war. Chrom was still unsure about how he should feel about his father so that was halted until he gets Ylisse out of this. 
The time he finally asks about his father would be months later the final battle. Time passed by and some who knew his father either moved away or passed away so there were some stories he missed. It bothered him at first but eventually let it go. If he was meant to hear these stories, he would have. The knights who survived the war by sheer luck, spoke about the man as a beast. He was so strict, Frederick does not hold a candle to him. Some of the maids’ mothers who used to work in the castle would report he was picky about certain things in the castle--but never raised his voice at them. The butlers agreed saying the only time his voice was raised when someone was purposely provoking him. Some say he liked animals, and some say he barely visited the stable let alone like any other animal. Was his father...such an enigma?
He would never know...
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