#//bount magic is very ritual based. the incantations are long. sometimes they gotta draw up huge magic seals n shit
doomxdriven · 2 years
Like with Shingami and their art of Kido, or Quincy and their art of Kirchenlied, Bount possess the ability to perform a unique type of magic that is called Nachtkünste (Night Arts). The usage of Nachtkünste has a number of differences from the magic that is utilized by Shinigami or Quincy, but the biggest and most fundamental difference is how it affects its users, and what is required for it’s casting.
Nachtkünste can only be utilized by Bount who are empowered by the consumption of Human Souls (or Souls of other beings but usually Humans are the only ones they have access too) and any Nachtkünste spell that’s cast will come at a price, either to it’s caster or someone they have chosen to handle the burden. While the degree will vary depending on the level of a Nachtkünste spell being cast, the price paid is usually either a portion of the caster’s Reiryoku, or an amount of blood that is equal to it.
In comparison to Shinigami’s Kido or Quincy’s Kirchenlied, Bount’s Nachtkünste is somewhat harder to employ during combat, what with many higher level spells needing especially drawn out incantations, occasional sacrifices, rituals, or environmental conditions to properly cast, but the sheer utility, quality, and power behind Nachtkünste, can be massive– any Bount who has sufficient skill and enough time could easily unleash a Nachtkünste spell that outstrips any Kido or Kirchenlied.
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When it comes to Nachtkünste, Jin is likely the foremost master in the art among the Bount, having shown the capability and knowledge of performing numerous spells in the past (such as when he created the Bitto, or when he created various Senkaimon or absorbed the Jokaisho, or developed his own spell to help Bount summon their Dolls) and over his long existence, its not far fetched to think he’s got whole book’s worth of spells nestled away inside his mind, and if the situations arise where he thinks they’re needed or can be used, you can bet he will use them.
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