#//anyways dear gods i hope this. isn't terribly out of character. she is very hard to write for.
kitakami-zorua-kin · 2 months
If you had to pick a Pokémon to represent you, what Pokémon would you pick? 
Give us a random celebrity (gym leader, tv personality, musician, etc.) you can’t stand and why.
For Carmine!
Well I suppose the obvious answer might be Garchomp or perhaps Sinistcha like my ace, but I actually think the Midday Lycanroc would be one I'd represent myself with! Loyal and tough, with fangs always directed at the opponent's weak spots!
I just can't stand that Raihan's attitude! He's so needlessly smug and arrogant for someone who can't even stick to his own so-called type specialty!
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