#//Bc after they’ve both calmed some and had time to mull things over
dutybcrne · 1 month
Thoroughly believe that whenever Al-Haitham and Kaveh are at home and bickering, they negotiated the chance to call a “truce” at any point in their argument, especially if they feel one is taking things a bit too far/things are getting a little hurtful. They both would be compelled to honor said “truce” by partaking in a few minutes of silent floor time.
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utterlyinevitable · 4 years
loved the new hc on Ethan proposal
gimme that proposal PUH leaseeeeee
Shout out to @aylaramseycarrera​ for writing 90% of the bones of this HC bc I’m incapable of writing pure fluff 😘💖
Ethan’s Romantic Proposal 
Follow up to this HC. 
He spent months liaising with a jeweler for the perfect bespoke ring that encompasses their relationship and all of his unwavering feelings for MC. Ever since he picked it up, he kept it hidden deep in his pocket so she couldn’t accidentally find it. 
He spent weeks planning his perfect proposal. 
But it didn’t happen. 
MC came home from her week away with Sienna two days early. Sienna was called back for one of her pediatric patients, and neither girl had the heart to ask the hospital to reassign the case. 
It was downpouring on their drive back. Thunder, lightening and torrential rain. 
One of those ominous sky type of storms in grays and purples that look like it could swallow you up. 
They made it back to Edenbrook just as the storm started to settle.
The girls split into different directions - Sienna to her patient and MC to surprise Ethan. 
He was at the board mulling over some x-rays, completely absorbed in the work. MC tiptoed in unnoticed. 
She placed her soft hands over his eyes;  “Surprise,” she whispered in his ear.  “What’re you doing back so soon?”  “Missed you too, babe,” MC rolled her eyes. 
Ethan turned around and kissed her sweetly. Of course he missed her. He just thought he’d have a few more days to himself. 
He asked her how the drive was and they talked about the weather before moving towards the large windows. 
The rain had stopped and the sky was turning all shades of pink and gold. 
It was absolutely stunning. 
She turned towards Ethan, “Up for a break?”  “What’d you have in mind?”  “Could go for a better view.”  
So they make their way up to the roof of Edenbrook and watch the sky change from post storm to sunset colors. The sky melts into the ground, making it look as if the colors of the rainbow were dripping down into the earth.
They just sit down against the brick of the building with her head on his shoulder and his arms wrapped around her. They talk in soft whispers as to not disturb the peace they’ve found. 
And then Ethan starts talking and reminiscing. 
He doesn’t notice he’s babbling, trailing off on a tangent that’s subtly hinting at things he’d hope to say in his proposal speech.   
He’s cut off when MC adds;   “I’d love to spend my whole life with you.” 
She nuzzles closer into him and Ethan presses a kiss to her hair.
As he’s inhaling the sweet scent of mandarin oranges of her shampoo, their entire relationship flashes before his eyes. 
Every single moment. Every milestone. All of it happened here. At Edenbrook. 
There was no better time than now. 
A few peaceful moments pass.
Ethan’s heart begins to beat rapidly. He’s thankful MC is laying against his right side and couldn’t properly feel the forceful thumps. 
A deep inhale. 
And cleansing exhale. 
He tightens his arms around her and rests his head against hers so that his lips are just above her ear. The scent of her perfume strong and comforting, encouraging him. 
The words are soft and tender, just for her; “I’d love to spend my who life with you as my wife.” 
The words hang there. 
Ethan thinks maybe she zoned out and didn’t hear him. 
MC is stunned - she hadn’t moved a muscle.
So Ethan pulls away to dig into his pocket, hoping to try again. 
She’s cold without his embrace - the light wind bringing her to her senses. She turns her head to him slightly. 
He has a small black box in his large, calloused hand. 
And BOOM, MC realizes he was serious.   
Her eyes flit from the box, to Ethan’s eyes, and back again and again. Neither said a word as she short circuited. 
Then all Ethan did was open the box. 
Everything in MC’s body stopped working, her eyes glued to the delicate ring. 
Ethan’s heart was beating in his chest, threatening to break free. He wasn’t sure if this is how proposals were meant to go and he’s pretty sure he fucked this up. He failed at giving her the proposal she deserved. 
MC’s breathing was shallow as she inspected the ring from her place at his side. 
30 seconds after laying eyes on the piece, MC started crying. 
Ugly crying. 
To the point where Ethan closed the box and shoved it back in his pocket so both his hands could be on her, soothing her. 
He’s holding her. Rubbing her back. Calming her down. 
Once she’s calmer and the sobs turned to a slow trickle, he tilts her chin up so their eyes connect. 
Her mascara is running, her eyes are bloodshot, there’s a little bubble of snot at the edge of her nostril. And she’s still so radiantly beautiful.  
Finally, Ethan asks; “Marry me, MC?”
And again her heart stops. 
In the clear blue of his eyes she sees it all. She recalls everything. Their whole relationship.  
First patient. The butterflies of their first kiss. Naveen’s case. Mrs. Martinez and the opera. All their breakups. The gala and their first date. Her almost death. The feeling of home when they’re wrapped in each other’s arms. The effortlessness of the first “I love you”. 
He’s looking at her so intently. Trying to diagnose her reaction and anticipate her answer. 
But she’s a blank slate. 
And Ethan looks older and older with every small crease of worry popping up on his features with every second she doesn’t answer. Every second she doesn’t say ‘yes’. 
She reaches out and cups his face between her petite hands. 
Their eyes are locked, imploring. 
Her lips part to speak and Ethan’s breathing slows further.
He watches intently as her lips and tongue move in tandem. It’s almost like a silent film - he’s trying to work out what’s going on. 
She shakes her head once.    
And doesn’t say yes. 
Ethan’s heart stops beating. 
He knew he should have waited. Should have stuck to the plan. This was a stupid idea. He didn’t calculate all the risks. Good thing they’re sitting by the door otherwise he’d jump off the ledge. 
But then she kisses him. 
Her lips are soft and light, and tender and loving against his immobile mouth. 
He wants to succumb to her. To wash away the last twenty minutes. Pretend it never happened. 
But he can feel her smile against his lips. 
And he knows. 
Now its Ethan’s turn to cry. The tears run down his cheeks and onto hers. 
Her arms slide to wrap around his neck and she pulls herself flush against him. 
His eyes are closed, relishing in the feeling he knows so well and never wants to go without. 
She pulls away just enough to whisper.  
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slasherscream · 5 years
Imagine having hanahaki for Billy and Stu but not acting on it cause they already have girlfriends. And for extra tension they totally planned out to murder you but you started violently coughing up flower petals and that's making everything to gosh darn complicated.
you could not have named a prompt more to my tastes anon (a little gore warning bc you know …. blood flowers and what not-) 
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You’re part of their little high school “friend” group. Close enough to fall hopelessly in love with them both but distant enough so that you manage to not be too obvious about it. 
You can settle for their company; for the occasional glance your way, a laugh at one of your jokes, a bit of roughhousing from Stu or a smirk from Billy when he thinks you said something clever. That’s all good enough for you        it has to be. 
Billy has Sidney and Stu had Casey. Eventually Stu doesn’t have Casey and for a brief moment you get your hopes up …. ! Then he gets with Sidney’s best friend Tatum. So even the slightest bit of hope died a miserable death as quickly as it was conceived. Hooray.
You tell yourself it was for the best anyway. Stu moving on from his break-up so fast. Being with even one of them would be a dream but … only partially fulfilling as you’d like it to be. You didn’t just like them you loved them, totally and completely. You think it’s a bit of a #No-No to date one half of a best friend pair while being just as in love with the other part of the duo.
So by all means your plan is to just just mull over your feelings quietly until you all graduate and go your separate ways forever and you’re forced to move on from your first bit of unrequited love through the merciful workings of life and growing up. 
Solid plan. Perfect plan. A++ planning. 
Except you get …….. sick. The sickness. 
At the onset of it you didn’t think for even one second that you had it. 
It happens. Of course it happens and you hear about it happening but it doesn’t happen to everyone. The odds of catching it are statistically one in a hundred. 
How could you        just some kid in high school fucking beat all the odds in order to get hanahaki of all fucking things?
You thought you were just coming down with a really bad flu until you stay home from school one day, unable to get out of bed from exhaustion until you were forced to run to the bathroom feeling like you needed to throw up. 
You didn’t throw up. Not really, at least. First some blood and gasping for air, feeling like you were suffocating but unable to call for help until … flowers. Fucking flowers. 
You were so mystified at first you started laughing. Blue and yellow flowers, covered with specks of blood that stood out brilliantly across their coloring.  
Sunflowers, the yellow ones. The blue ones you took to a flower shop to find out what they were. The girl behind the counter looking very concerned with the … you know … Blood! Until you had another coughing fit right there in the shop. Then she just looked sad for you. Hydrangeas, she told you after she got you some water, these blue ones are hydrangeas. 
 You guess correctly and easily that Stu’s flowers are the sunflowers and Billy’s are the hydrangeas. 
Stu just likes how sunflowers look: bright and eye-catching and cheerful. No rhyme or reason to it. He likes flowers in general and buys them often for girlfriends whenever some catch his attention but the truth is he just likes looking at them. They’re just a nice, small part of life and sunflowers are the biggest and brightest flower he knows. Why wouldn’t he like them best?
Blue hydrangeas, mostly a filler flower. Billy hasn’t seen many in his life and flowers rank incredibly low on the list of things he gives a half damn about       but he’d sometimes sit with his mother when she’d go through old photo albums. Pictures of him. Pictures of them. Pictures of her wedding day. Hydrangeas on the tables. A bouquet of them in her hands as she walked down the aisle. There were other flowers mixed in … white roses mostly, because hydrangeas work best as a flower that’s not the main act. Secondary. But while the roses had been expensive his Mother would always trace her fingers over the hydrangeas in the pictures only. Her favorite, she confessed, and so they were instantly Billy’s too, even all these (bitter) years later. 
Life continues on much in the same way it did before. Maybe you laugh a little less and hang out with everyone even less than that but you’re fine mostly. You’re in the early stages and most of your days are good ones. You have a while before you have to figure out what you’re going to decide to do.
You tend to get caught up in your own little world but even you can’t zone out so much that you miss the brutal murder of your classmate Casey and her boyfriend Steve. You do feel bad, all things considered (your months of jealously and depression only for her to dump one of the boys you loved so much for some rando jock?)- 
But while everyone else’s discussions and conversations have an undercurrent of fear you have a calm about you. If all things continue on at the rate they’re currently going you know exactly how you’ll die. Love will be what kills you. How Shakespearean. You don’t have the time to worry about the killer among you. 
That’s why you drag yourself home early from school. Even though you’re not particularly stressed out by everything going on the energy of everyone else is stressful enough to cause a flare up. You spend the rest of the afternoon in misery, your flowers the only thing keeping you company. 
The sun sets and you’re laying on your couch watching something romantic and sappy because you weren’t feeling shitty enough as is. The phone starts ringing. The phone starts ringing fucking relentlessly. You ignore it and keep watching your movie. 
Your own thoughts (all longing and “I bet that’s how Stu kisses” and “Billy’s eyes are that color”) dooming you to another fit right after you’ve just started to calm down. 
The phone is still ringing endlessly but all you can do is focus on the fact that you need air. You feel like you can’t breathe. You literally can’t breathe. The flowers are suffocating you. The feeling is becoming more familiar but no less terrible each time it happens. Night air sometimes helps. 
You stumble out your house, desperately gasping for cool air. You don’t make it far off the porch before you’re on your knees coughing and gagging. You hate the tickling, choking feeling that has become oh so familiar these past few weeks. It’s not long till flowers of blue (hydrangeas) and yellow (sunflowers), covered in blood are laying at your knees. You’re so exhausted all you can do is start to cry.
Little do you know you’re being watched. The calls you’d been ignoring all night, too miserable with your aching throat to answer, had come from the town’s new amateur serial killers.
Billy was already in your house by the time Stu made the first call, all according to plan. This        this was not according to plan. 
They reconvene and put their plans of killing you on hold. Nothing is more tantalizing than a mystery and they never imagined you to be hiding such a big secret. It’s clear that no one else knows what you’re going through and you instantly have their attention because of the air of secrecy. They’ve never known someone with the disease before and they want to ….. see it in action? 
They watch your interactions with everyone around you carefully now. The sudden awareness of all things you and how you react to the world and people around you is what makes it so obvious what’s going on. You’re in love with them. 
You’re so in love with them it’s literally killing you?
billy: we can’t NOT fuck them- stu: yeah we can’t NOT fuck them
Hate to inform you that they’re bastards but just knowing how much you’re in love makes them fall a little in love with you instantaneously. Is it narcissism? Probably. Also though?? Highkey it’s the thought of someone being that desperately in love that does it for them. They’re obsessive, ‘would die and kill for you’ type of boyfriends? They’re looking for high class love energy this is TOP TIER for them. They’re ultimate ideal. 
Billy’s ideal because it feels like a guaranteed, hand-written contract that he will not be #Abandoned. 
Stu’s ideal just because he’s got a naturally obsessive…lowkey dependent romantic streak in him in the 1st place. He’s just clingy. He’s just #Like that. 
Honest ……tea….the stalking that proceeds to happen is legendary. Also their plans speed up because they need to get a move on. Now that they’re in love with you they don’t want you to die because you’re so super bummed out over them. The idea of it is nice and whatever because it’s rock solid proof of how you feel but…the reality is not nice at all. 
Every-time they notice you running off to the bathroom or staying quiet at lunch because you’re afraid you’ll cough up petals just from being close to them? Kinda breaking their hearts :(((( They just want to make you feel better already. Every-time you pass Stu in the hall and give him a pitiful smile he wants to just blurt out those three magic words and fix everything. Billy has hit him many a time….stick to….the plan. 
Which isn’t to say you weren’t getting to Billy too. You’re his lab partner for science and he caught you staring at him with your fucking…puppy dog eyes and he dead ass got lost in the soft emotions that was just laid out all across your sleeves for everyone to see!!!
billy vc (referring to your vulnerability): bitch you live like this? 
How !! The!!! FUCK!! Didn’t !! They!!! nOTICE!! tHIS!!! BEFORE!!! 
They are on you like white on rice as soon as it’s safe to be. I want to fucking….imagine they would ease you into how fucking in love with you they are but they’d just throw your ass into the deep end of the pool. 
You’re trying to cough up flowers in peace behind the school and where in the fuck did Stu come from?? None of your business but he’s rubbing your back and cooing at you and the simple gesture of kindness makes the flowers melt away like cotton candy. Oh boy when you pull yourself together….the look on his face is intense. 
Offers to give you a ride home and sweeps you up off your feet before you can say no or explain away the flowers (internal panic). 
He deceptively does not mention what happened. Seems calm as he turns on a movie and pulls you close in a way you try to pass off as Stu being Stu. No….he’s trying to be #Romantic but also trying to wait for Billy to get here so they can do this as a team. But if he doesn’t at least hold you he’ll explode. 
They drop the bomb on you that they know you’re sick because of them with no mercy they both don’t have any fucking tact. Don’t worry you don’t have time to freak out because they start kissing you. They have waited a long time to kiss you!! They don’t have anymore patience!! It takes awhile to actually have a genuine talk because they can’t keep their hands off you. 
You’d be lucky if they didn’t tell you about their serial killer hobby then and there because they’re 99% sure you’re ride or die since you didn’t get or even look very deeply into the surgery that would’ve fixed your little problem. If you were gonna die because of how much you loved them you can live with the reality of them being murderers :))). Smooches, sweetheart! 
Hate to say it but Billy and Stu have collected some of the flowers you leave behind at places and preserve/keep them. Stu and Billy find the whole thing very romantic in a morbid way? I can’t express enough that this is their dream mix of gore and romance. It might as well be a fucking soulmate thing to them for how they react to it.
I’m so sorry that once you’re in the relationship and therefore trapped that they reveal the world’s creepiest collection to you and they do it with such …pride…no shame….
Stu standing there with the goofiest grin on his face ….Billy wrapped around you like an anaconda, nuzzling your head with his as they reveal fucking like ….they take you into Stu’s room for the first time and OH …isn’t that nice?? You know those glass framed preserved butterfly decorations some people have in their house? Yeah       that but with your blood stained flowers. It’s literally their most prized and favorite possession. They will never get rid of it. It’ll be hanging front and center in y'all’s living room one day. 
They’re gonna marry your ass right outta high school they’re so into it!! This is the no escape scenario. Someone start playing here comes the spouse. 
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