#//8 years old bacchus was smol
Send 👶 to meet my muse as a child! (Bacchus for post-game Deimos in some kind of glitch. Just because I want to see Alexios protecc)
Big blue and green eyes looked around and didn't recognize where they were. Why were there so many guards around? Why were there so many red and black banners all over the place? He didn't know these banners, but thought to have heard something about them before, something like Sparda? Sparka? He couldn't remember very well. So many scary people walked around, some even bumped on him and cussed on his lack of attention. Weapons everywhere, spears and swords seemed to be the most common.
Bacchus heard the grunting and loud voices and trembled in his spot. Where was his mentor? Master would never abandon him, right? Ah! But he was a burden... maybe the only father figure in his life gave up on him once and for all. The small blond boy didn't know if he did something wrong or not, but he sure thought he did otherwise he wouldn't be this lost.
Well, he needed to find a safe place to stay. It wouldn't do to be in the middle of the market all alone, if anyone came to look for him, they wouldn't have much luck looking in such a busy area. Thus the boy, who looked more like a girl than anything else, looked around and found a place he thought to be good, there was a huge statue of a powerful and strong warrior there and bushes to the side. This location should do.
With a small adjustment of the cloth he used to cover his head, Bacchus walked down the long staircase to where he saw the statue and found a place to stay near a pole where some horses were tied to.
He was there, standing and looking around for any face he could recognize when one of the horses sniffed on his head and made him laugh. "S-Stop! Stop! What-? Hahaha! Hey! That's mine!" He gently petted the snout with his hand to make the mount give back his himation and smiled when it did so. "Good horsy! Thanks!"
The animal certainly helped him feel a little more comfortable, by playing, and forget that he was alone in a place he didn't know... at least until the owner of the horse came by and called him with his thunderous voice.
"Eek! S-Sorry!!" Bacchus lowered his head and kept his eyes close so to don't disrespect the tall and strong man who approached him.
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