#// thank you so much for the awesome ask ferre!!! these were really fun to answer!
voxvulgi · 2 years
Hello Sara, I came in here to ask some random character development questions!! But absolutely no pressure to answer any of them :D
Has Adonis ever considered completely cutting himself off from his family? If so, what stops him?
How does Adonis feel about his brother and his sister? Does he wish they were closer? Has he ever resented his brother for being a standard he can’t live up to and/or his sister for being able to break away from their parents’ grasp?
Seeing that Jude is a vigilante, what is Jude’s perspective on breaking the law? How about finding justice? Aka if it were a matter of getting justice at the price of compromising her morals, would she do it?
What kind of hobbies does Jude have? Are there any skills/activities in particular she'd like to try out?
What does her brother think of Jude's vigilante activities and/or Sandy?
These are amazing questions, Ferre!!! Thank you so much for not only sending them, but taking the time to think of them. I feel so honoured that my muses have occupied your brain cells!!!
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He hasn’t considered cutting off his family, and that is simply because he loves them and holds on to the hopeless hope that they will finally accept and love him for who he is. That being said, he knows that if they ever made him choose between them and the love of his life...he won’t be choosing them.
(This is an amazing question omg!!!!) Adonis is afraid of his brother and very slightly intimidated by his sister. He does see Alexander as the standard he will never be able to reach, and he also feels like Alexander looks down on him. He will never admit it, but Adonis does have a very deeply buried resentment for his brother. It somewhat stems from jealousy, but the true reason for it is that Alexander has never defended him. If anything, Alexander’s wife Cara has done a better job of defending Adonis than Alexander ever has. As for Althea, Adonis finds her slightly intimidating only because she’s powerful enough to break free. And if she’s powerful enough to crush what he holds sacred for himself, then what else is she powerful enough to do? He doesn’t resent her for it in the slightest, though, but he does wish they were closer growing up because...maybe she could have taught him how to break free, too. He’s grateful he and Alexander weren’t close, on the other hand. If you asked him which sibling he feels closest to, he would say his sister-in-law Cara.
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Jude doesn’t break the law. I honestly can’t think of a single scenario during her vigilante career of stopping petty criminals where she did anything worse than property damage -- and that was an involuntary result of a fight. Despite being a vigilante, Jude does respect the law, and she will only break it if she has to. Her morals generally align with it, anyway. The one thing she will never do is take justice into her own hands by punishing the criminals herself. She always leaves them for the cops. She believes everyone should get a fair trial no matter their crime. The only way for her to compromise these values would probably be if her family were in immediate danger and she had to act fast. It would be interesting to see what else could break her resolve, though!
When she has free time, Jude likes to watch movies either by herself or with her family. (One of her favourite pastimes is pointing at evil/ugly movie characters and telling Malik “That’s you!”) She enjoys cooking, but does that really count as a hobby when it’s also a chore? She also used to read novels in high school but hasn’t had the time for that since.
Malik loves the idea of his sister being a superhero! He thinks Sandy is really cute, too, and he’s amicably jealous of what an awesome duo they make. However, he is a bit scared of what might happen to Jude out there...fighting criminals-- but he tries not to think about that. To be honest, he’s never been a protective/anxious older brother. Jude was always the more responsible of the two, so it’s difficult for Malik to worry about her being in danger even when she is in danger.
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