#/ had to be vaggie sjkghk i just love their stalemate relationship
vanaglcria · 3 months
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@radiokill : " Murder is an option. " - for any of your muses!
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Deep breaths, Vaggie. Deeeeeep breaths.
You would think, after all these months, she'd have gotten used to Alastor's presence in the hotel. Yet, he seems perfectly crafted to unsettle her, even now. His ability to creep up on her when she was focused, and that infernal static that had wormed its way so deep inside her skull that it rattled her nightmares. For some reason, Charlie trusted him. And she trusted Charlie. That should have been good enough.
That should have been good enough.
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"The scary thing is, I think you're actually trying to help with that suggestion." Violence isn't a solution? Well, she can't exactly say that without the burn of bitter irony on her tongue, so she instead just rolls her eyes : "I don't think that would paint the hotel in a good light, do you?"
200 random dialogue prompts
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