#& [ιc: aoвa ѕeragaĸι] can yoυ нear мy voιce?
stormlightrp · 5 years
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Nombre: Aoba Seragaki Alias: Sly blue Edad: 23 años. Especie: Humano. Orientación sexual: Homosexual. FC: Multiship: メ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Aoba junto a su hermano gemelo, Sei, fueron creados en el laboratorio de Toue a partir de la investigación de Tae, quien en aquel entonces trabajaba para Toue desconociendo sus verdaderas intenciones.
Los genes de los bebés fueron manipulados, dándoles así habilidades naturales para controlar la voluntad de las personas. Sin embargo, poco después de haber nacido ambos bebés murieron. Sei revivió, pero la respiración de Aoba no regresó y fue declarado muerto. Tae, sintiendo una inmensa culpa de que un niño hubiera muerto a causa de su investigación, tomó el cadaver de Aoba y huyó con este con intenciones de al menos poder darle un entierro digno. En el camino, Aoba repentinamente volvió a la vida, aliviando a Tae hasta el punto de hacerle derramar lágrimas. Tae, sin embargo, al no verse capaz de quedarse con el pequeño o lidiar con la culpa, lo dejó al cuidado de una iglesia de Midorijima, confiando en que estaría mejor ahí que devuelta con Toue o con ella misma.
De niño, Aoba oía voces dentro de su cabeza —Ren y Deseo— las cuales le impedían escuchar a las personas y solía pasar el tiempo en la playa solo con estas voces, creyendo que no necesitaba a nadie más. Estas personalidades fueron creadas por el mismo Aoba para protegerse del mundo. Allí fue donde conoció a Naine, su futuro padre, quien a menudo solía hablarle sobre el mundo exterior y muchas otras cosas.
Algún tiempo después, Aoba fue adoptado por Naine y su esposa, Haruka, quien resultó ser la hija adoptiva de Tae. Tae se sorprendió enormemente al ver de nuevo a Aoba, pero llegó a la conclusión de que el destino los quería juntos. Al crecer, Haruka y Naine a menudo estaban fuera del hogar familiar debido a sus viajes, algo que duraba largos períodos de tiempo. Tae crió a Aoba en su lugar, sin embargo, ella también se ausentaba en muchas ocasiones debido a su trabajo como enfermera. Aunque su familia sin duda le amaba, Aoba terminaba quedándose solo, momentos en los que iba al parque y lloraba por la ausencia de sus padres y abuela. Fue entonces cuando conoció a Koujaku, quien se convertiría en su mejor amigo. Koujaku se mudó de la isla tiempo después, regresando años después. 
Ya adolescente, Aoba encontró un modelo viejo de AllMate en la basura con la forma de un perro de color azul oscuro. Aoba sintió lástima por semejante objeto, por lo que lo llevó a casa y lo reparó por sí mismo. En algún momento, Ren transmitió su conciencia al AllMate para así poder influenciar de una manera más directa a Aoba, debido a que Deseo era el único que acaparaba la mente de este y sus palabras no llegaban a él. Aoba comenzó a involucrarse en batallas de Rhyme, ganando una buena reputación entre los demás jugadores. Fue alrededor de ese entonces cuando también conoció a Mizuki, Virus y Trip. Durante este período, Aoba era conocido como "Sly Blue" y a menudo se metía en peleas callejeras.
Aoba se volvió alguien muy violento, llegando al punto de destruir las mentes de sus oponentes y dañarles de forma permanente gracias a Scrap, puesto que el equilibro entre sus personalidades se había roto poco a poco. Sin embargo, después de estar involucrado en un misterioso accidente fue enviado al hospital y terminó perdiendo todos los recuerdos de su personalidad anterior. Debido a esto, la mente de Aoba se dividió en dos: el Aoba que todos conocen y en Sly Blue, la otra personalidad que desea el caos y la destrucción. Ren también perdió todo recuerdo acerca de su origen, convirtiéndose en una entidad diferente y causando que Aoba creyera que era tan sólo un AllMate.
Luego de ser dado de alta del hospital, Aoba comenzó a tener fuertes dolores de cabeza a diario, algo que Tae sospechaba era Scrap intentando volver a tener libertad. Tae le recetó píldoras y verificaba su ingesta a diario. Después, Aoba y Tae comenzaron a vivir una vida normal de nuevo. Aoba consiguió un empleo de medio tiempo en Junk Shop Heibon, feliz de finalmente haber conseguido un empleo digno. Aoba no desarrolló ningún interés en participar de nuevo en Rhyme o siquiera en Ribsteez, rechazando todas las ofertas que le proponían, incluyendo a Mizuki. Koujaku regresó a la isla poco después y buscó a Aoba, para reencontrarse y mantenerse en contacto, tal como cuando eran niños. 
Sweet little lullaby 
Basado en los finales buenos, abarca todos los finales canónicos. 
Blinded in darkness
Basado en los finales malos, abarca todos los finales canónicos. 
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stormlightrp · 5 years
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Name: Aoba Seragaki Alias: Sly blue Age: 23 years old. Species: Human. Sexual orientation: Homosexual. FC: Multiship: メ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Aoba was conceived from Toue's research, along with his twin brother, Sei. The twins were children born with specific genetic engineering from Toue's research labs. Their genes were manipulated to give them natural abilities to control people's will. These powers were based on the theories of Tae, who once worked for Toue on neural research. Sei and Aoba were born with no pigments and they were connected via their hair which had nerves in it. However after being born, by pure bad luck, the two of them had died. Sei was revived after the scientists cut their hair that connected the twins together but Aoba's breathing did not return. Tae, feeling immense guilt that a child had died due to her assistance in the research, took his body away, wanting to at least give him a proper burial. Along the way, Aoba had somehow regained consciousness, relieving her to the point of tears. Not being able to keep him, she drops him off at a nearby church by the beach, hoping he would be better off there than back with Toue.
As he grew into a child, Aoba's skin pigment started to gain color as well as his hair, his appearance hiding any proof that he was not born normally. Aoba heard voices arguing in his head when he was younger. Unable to hear people talking to him, Aoba would often stop and sit at the beach alone with his thoughts. It was there that he met Nain, his future father, who would often talk to him about the world and many other things. Soon after, Aoba is adopted by Nain and Haruka and returns to Tae, much to her surprise. She believed this to be fate and easily welcomes him back into her life. Aoba used to had a different name, but he was named 'Aoba' by Nain. As he grew up, Haruka and Nain were often gone for long periods of time due to them being "free spirits" and not liking to be in one place for a long time, according to Aoba. Tae raised Aoba in their place but she too was often gone due to her job as a nurse. Though they all loved each other without doubt, Aoba was often left alone, causing him to go to the park and cry by himself. It was then that Koujaku came into Aoba's life and became his best friend as well as his hero.
Koujaku and Aoba would often play together, since Koujaku's mother and Tae got along well. Aoba was often teased for having long hair and feminine appearance and would get severely picked on, but Koujaku always came to his rescue. Although they did not spend much time together, they both cherished each other deeply. Later, due to family matters, Koujaku left Midorijima with his mother, and Aoba was left alone once again.
As he grew older, Aoba finds a discarded, old-model AllMate in the trash that had the form of a fluffy, dark blue Japanese Spitz dog. Aoba, feeling sorry for such a sight, decided to take it back home and fix it up himself. At some point, Ren transmitted his consciousness into the AllMate. Aoba had then become heavily involved in participating in Rhyme, earning a reputation amongst other players. Along the way, he met Mizuki, Virus and Trip. Aoba went under his Rhyme name, "Sly Blue" and often got into street fights. He became very violent, breaking his opponents' minds and causing permanent damage from using Scrap on them. However, after a certain incident, he was sent to the hospital and ended up losing all memories of his previous personality before. Due to his power, Aoba's mind was divided in three: the Aoba everyone knows, another personality symbolizing Aoba's Scrap power (often called "the other Aoba" or Sly Blue), and Ren, whose role was to maintain the balance between the personalities as a guardian. However, after losing his memories years before the story; Ren had also lost his, becoming an entirely different entity in the process and believing he was truly just an Allmate.
After being released from the hospital, Aoba began having severe headaches daily, which Tae suspected was from Scrap wanting to be released. She prescribed him pills and watched over his intake of them, relieved that they were effective. Afterward, they both began living a normal routine again.
Aoba ends up getting a part-time job at Junk Shop Heibon, working as a sales clerk and claims to have been there for a long time now. He had no interest in participating in Rhyme or Ribsteez, declining offers to join teams, including Mizuki's. Koujaku had also returned, overjoying Aoba, and they remain in touch as much as they did when they were kids. 
Sweet little lullaby
Based on the good endings of the game. 
Blinded in darkness
Based on the bad endings of the game
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