sytycdrankings · 7 years
Lol. Can we appreciate what a dance and SYTYCD nerd Jasmine is? Even Nigel said that they are only taking 2 all stars on tour, to not stop them from other, better opportunities but all were invited and we all know Jasmine could book anything and probably had better options, but she chose SYTYCD tour. She would probably quit any job if her version of all-star season was happening xD
Only 2?? Really? Huh. The tickets are absurdly expensive this year, so I’m probably not gonna go see the tour, but I might have considered it if I’d known Jasmine was going. 
(Who is the other all-star going?)
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sytycdrankings · 7 years
Look show I get that you're rigged and all but no Mark or Logan repeat dances? Like I need the producers to get their heads out of their asses and have their favoritism be a little less blunt and actually respect their contestants and their talents(and fan favorites obviously)
I mean, I’ve accepted that the show is rigged for so many seasons now, but I’m starting to wonder why they even bother having the audience vote sometimes. 
I would say that they should consider a vote for the finale reprises, but the last time they gave the audience power like that, Derek overstayed his welcome by a very large margin. So maybe there’s no good solution to this.
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sytycdrankings · 7 years
Still laughing at the fact that they sent Mark home to have an equal number of males and females for couple routines the following week, and then the couple routines included a routine about the ending of Mark Kanemura's relationship. But, of course, they couldn't possibly have had two boys dance that...???
You raise a good point. There wasn’t even a ton of partnering in that routine, so they couldn’t even use the lift-excuse. 
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sytycdrankings · 7 years
I'm so disappointed that none of Mark & Comfort's duets were featured on the finale. Not surprised tho tbh. #JusticeForMark
Same. We could have at least seen their contemporary. Or their first hip-hop. >.
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sytycdrankings · 7 years
Why would they bring Audrey to step in when Allison got injured?! Amy, Makenzie, or Kathryn would've been a better choice
They probably have stuff to do? Audrey was the one available.
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sytycdrankings · 7 years
Can you just rank the solos for this season? :P
Tbh I’m considering it lmao
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sytycdrankings · 7 years
Okay. I'm good with Lex winning. I actually SCREAMED when they called Kiki. I was so sure Koine was going to be 4th - not bc she deserved it, but bc this season has been all sorts of backwards since the beginning. BUT. My girl got 2nd!!!! DESPITE how often they tried to bus her AND how little they pimped her up compared to the other 3. I'm SO PROUD. As usual, it has been mad fun screaming in your inbox, and let's say a prayer of thanks that the makeout dance wasn't picked for the showcase. 🙌🙌
OH AND one more thing: Where the fuck was this version of Mia Michaels when taylex had their dance? Mia’s dance last night was beyond awesome and everything I want out of a Mia routine. Mia’s dance last week was a Mess.
I actually gasped when Kiki was called in 4th lmao. Then I expected Koine to come in third, but then it was Taylor! It’s so sad that everyone was this excited that Koine came in second, but I guess we all knew what we were getting into lol. And how gracious was she when Lex was announced the winner? What a great human being she is. She deserves all the nice things. 
LOL My inbox is available for screaming any time. And omg I was so sure that makeout dance was going to happen, but thankfully, Nigel picked An American in Paris instead. (And no Mark dances. No Logan dances. Really??) And Mia’s group routine was amazing! Now THAT was the Mia I wanted to see originally, not generic makeout contemporary. I feel like that group routien was what she was really there for and that duet was just thrown together lol.
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sytycdrankings · 7 years
I know that there were no votes tonight so it doesn't "matter", but the blatant favoritism of letting Lex perform a Shaping Sound piece with Travis Wall (and not even mentioning ever in the show that Lex is already a professional dancer who has performed this piece before with Travis' company) and not giving any of the other top 4 special duets made me nearly turn off the finale. They aren't even trying to hide that it's rigged AF.
I didn’t really get why that had to happen? I love that routine and all, but was it just to advertise Shaping Sound or something?? If it wasn’t already obvious that Lex was going to win, it certainly was after that.
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sytycdrankings · 7 years
I am SO proud of Koine for getting 2nd on PURE TALENT alone!! The other three (no disrepsect for their hard work at all) were in the finals because the judges overpraised and the producers wanted them there, but Koine - it was all her and she deserved it all and I was so sure she would get 4th and I am just SO proud!! (My ideal finale was actually 4) Dassy 3) Mark 2) Logan 1) Koine, but as you say "rigged show is rigged" lol so I'll take what I can get.) :)
I was completely ready for her to get 4th too, so I was so happy she got second! I literally didn’t care about the rest of the results since I knew Lex was going to win and Kiki and Taylor are both whatever lmfao. 
The fact that Dassy, Mark, nor Logan didn’t make it to the finale is still a travesty, but I think I’m just very resigned to how this season turned out. 
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sytycdrankings · 7 years
Lmfao at Nigel saying that this has been the most sensational season hahahahhahahaha sure Jan lol
I feel like they have to say that every season or something. This season wasn’t remotely close to being the best.
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sytycdrankings · 7 years
Do you think Koine and Kiki are dating?
That’s random. Pretty sure they’re not.
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sytycdrankings · 7 years
What is the sexy fish fiasco?
Guessing you didn’t watch season 12. I don’t know if it’s on YouTube since nobody wants to see it again, but there was a burlesque routine wherein the poor dancers had to pretend to be sexy fish. It was probably the worst routine I’ve ever seen on So You Think You Can Dance. 
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sytycdrankings · 7 years
I had this great dream last week that will never come true, of a mini group routine choreographed by sonya. With Koine, Logan, Lex, Kaylee and Mark and let me tell you it was everything and beyond. it was So Broken level T.T We deserved this
Something that good could only happen in a dream tbh
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sytycdrankings · 7 years
Full offense @nigel but I'm still upset mark isn't in the finale
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sytycdrankings · 7 years
based on speculation from people's snap stories, i think koine has a few routines in the finale. i think theyre doing still i rise, the salsa, 2nd contemp with marko, and l-o-v-e
That sounds perfect. (And I’m glad they got the African jazz out of the way last week so a slot wouldn’t be taken up this time around lol.) 
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sytycdrankings · 7 years
which routines would you like to see again on the finale show?
REDMERCEDES! Possibly Mark and Comfort’s contemporary too, but I guess I could handle if if I didn’t. (And I won’t, so that’s probably why I’m so resigned.) 
Kiki and Koine’s salsa. Marko and Koine’s second contemporary. I wouldn’t mind seeing An American in Paris again, and I know that we probably will see it. Still I Rise should be mandatory. And either one of Kaylee and Cyrus’s hip-hops. 
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sytycdrankings · 7 years
I have a theory: Season 14 is what would happen if no one got injured in season 7.
...yeah, probably. Because we all know Alex Wong had that in the bag. I’d compare Ashley to Taylor, but Ashley was actually good at hip-hop, so....
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