synsofthemother · 3 years
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synsofthemother · 3 years
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The version I bought because I wanted to be jack goddamn it
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synsofthemother · 3 years
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Next level writing procrastination. Instead of writting my next chapter I'm managing the revision of purchased avatars.
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synsofthemother · 3 years
to Certainly Not Mom--- (in Lifeline) there was a part in the drafts where Rose and Tentoo were slightly mentioned.. will Ten pass his unwanted baby to Rose and Tentoo? will there be a tragic end to the baby, knowing he struggles to keep the drugs out of him? or will the inevitable death of thieves wasting take him before he could even try to make amends with everyone?
to Lastsyns--- (in Amnesia series) since Ten's mind has been reduced back to being a child, and John brings his kids alot in his trips between universes.. would there be a moment where Ten gets along with John's kids? maybe a little help with Artimes as well, so Ten could still enjoy little chats while not getting bored and also train his mind and body to work together without entanglements with what his mind wants to say and his body not cooperating in the long run? or maybe a lil angst where Ten gets stressed and the kids didn't like him at first but then understood his circumstances bcux John/Jack/Ianto/anyone with the kids explained it to them that Ten needs help, so they try to play with him whenever, helping, just like their father does?
I hadn’t decided how far I was going to take the relationship between Ten and John’s children as John still struggles to handle being a single father. That being said, it would be sweet to have John walk in and find the three of them sitting on the floor playing with blocks and the Doctor just feeling like he belonged there. Children’s minds are uncomplicated and while they might be confused about the fact he looks like their dad, I think he would get along well with them. 
I'm a big fan of happy, or at least bittersweet endings so I'll likely not just have him die. That said there is much less of a plan with lifeline than I've got with the others, I haven't even reread that one yet, I don't fully remember what was going on. I did mention rather early (I think) that the drug did not cross the placental barrier because I did not want to deal with a drug-addicted infant. Honestly, I can't think of a reasonable scenario where the Doctor's kid would have access to a NICU, which is what drug-addicted babies need and I'm wholely not in the business of killing babies in my stories. That's just not on. You'll have to hit up George RR Martin if you want that kind of thing.
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synsofthemother · 3 years
Regularly Scheduled Programming?
I've decided to try and post new chapters on Fridays. Since I can't write over the weekends anything that is getting done during the week will be done on Friday and I have these vague fantasies of being consistent with my posting. I'm doing my best to set aside a whole day for writing (it's Tuesday next week, have your sticks sharpened) and hopefully I can maintain that as we move along. I have a feeling it will move faster as I get accustomed to writing again and perhaps I can update more than one story a week but no promises on that.
-Certainly Not Mom
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synsofthemother · 3 years
A thought
I wake up every morning surprised by the fact that my stories are still receiving views and kudos even as my mind struggles to wrap itself around the stories. I walk to work in the morning and know the conversations my characters will have but struggle to put the words down when I finally have time to write. A conversation that I was happy with becomes garbled and ends up in my drafts bin as I consider revising it rather than posting it. I have five stories up and yet my mind would rather consider a sixth in the Sherlock universe then allow me to guide it back to the world with Jack and the Doctor.  I haven’t given up on them yet, though, it just may take a little while for us to get Donna back or find the secrets that Hades holds. The little boy in the hospital will heal and Jack will learn to love a child that he wasn’t sure he wanted. It just may take a little longer then expected to get them there.  
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synsofthemother · 3 years
Flexing muscles I haven't used in awhile
I’ve had a three-day pep talk leading me up to writing today. No work, everybody has been warned to leave me alone. The spawn has been banished to their sleeping quarters. My parental unit has been banished from the house because we mustn’t write porn when our Mummy is speaking to us, we have rules here. Dinner has been arranged for so that I don’t have to worry about it. I was all about removing my excuses today. It won’t always be this way but clearing my world of distractions seemed necessary to break nearly a year of not even thinking about writing much less putting words to the page. I woke up at 5 am (Not on purpose, my internal clock is set to “Random” and left to wake up on my own it’s a crapshoot as to whether I’ll be up before dawn or sleepy at noon) and I’ve got half my planned for chapter done. Y’all won’t see it for a while as it is Chapter 25 and I still have three other Chapters waiting in the wings. I’ve debated just posting all three of those now because I’ve lived with them for a year and I can more or less be sure they are permanent and they are mostly porn and I’m generally fairly happy about that but I have vague fantasies about posting more or less once a week so I’m on the fence. My ill-begotten website has been deleted as it was a bitch to maintain and required editing the formatting three times. Once in Google Docs, once to post on the website and then again to post to Ao3 which was just too damn much work and wouldn’t you rather I write than painstakingly add tabs 5 spaces at a time to each paragraph? It’s much easier to live on a website someone else has coded all nicely for you and Tumblr emails me directly when something happens over here so I actually see what you say in a timely manner now that I have (hopefully) correctly turned on commenting.
-Certainly Not Mom
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synsofthemother · 3 years
Screaming into the void.
One would think lockdown would have been a wonderful time to write and it might have been if I weren't suddenly trapped 24/7 with all my main sources of distraction. Some people seem to think that just because they used to live inside one of your internal organs means that you should be constantly available to them. Add in the constant anxiety that you could catch a deadly virus and the creative juices really stop flowing. Trying to get back on the horse after a year of debilitating paralysis is no small feat which is why I’ve roped my fanfic bestie Lastsyns into the equation and I’m counting on people who want these stories to prod me a bit now. Inspiration can take many forms so I’m soliciting questions, comments and lewd requests. I’ll consider non-lewd requests but lewd gets priority.
-Certainly Not Mom
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