sxtoraifu · 9 years
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     { Okidoke. Cloud will be moving to sof and with that I took the liberty of reworking him a bit to reboot his muse. Unfollow me if you aren’t switching over and I’ve kept the majority of pre-established but I will Dropping and Restarting All threads. Unless specified. }
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sxtoraifu · 9 years
Texts From Last Night sentence starters
[text] I gave up great shower sex to be here so don't say I never did anything for our friendship.
[text] I've now fucked in every motel room in this small town.
[text] My memory of last night is a delicious blur of tits, ass, and alcohol.
[text] He’s so in love with you that you could fuck a blood relative and he’d be like “I just want you to be happy”
[text] I feel like I hate him but his dick too bomb to hate completely
[text] Well I didn't know she was a dominatrix...so I kind of just went with it
[text] Living alone for four weeks has given me unrealistic expectations of pantslessness.
[text] I had one beer! ONE BEER! They took shots in mourning of my tolerance last night. My ability to drink is a joke.
[text] Also my bed has glitter in it for reasons I do not recall
[text] Who says no to sex and donuts?!
[text] Watching Supernatural does more for me sexually than the physical encounters with 90% of the men in my life.
[text] Bringing my mom Taco Bell and weed. I'm such a good child
[text] How do you politely tell a guy that you only kissed him so he would shut the fuck up?
[text] You can trust me. I'm unemployed and not wearing pants.
[text] good news: i got laid. bad news: by your boyfriend
[text] You were petting a 40 year old man's moustache for 15 minutes
[text] So is the trick to long distance communication to be drunk during phone conversations?
[text] I just said “I love my cat” as a hobby.
[text] how should I feel if a guy kept complimenting my bangs while I was giving him a blowjob?
[text] This band has the most fuckable violin player I have ever seen.
[text] I wanted to buy shoes but nothing fit. So I’m getting a vibrator.
[text] I’m trying to find a fanny pack so I can bring pizza on my run
[text] This was the fourth year in a row I got arrested at Pride. Pretty sure that qualifies me as a legend.
[text] i’m gonna friendzone myself so you don’t have to
[text] He called me Kitten either just because or he figured out my old s&m life. Either way huge turn on.
[text] I’m fine with our borderline lesbian behavior.
[text] Hey you’re the best friend, I’m sorry I picked my vagina over my heart last night.
[text] The last time I saw her someone was carrying her on a bike and she was yelling that she was E.T.
[text] I lost the right to judge tonight
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sxtoraifu · 9 years
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    { Sorry for my lack of activity on my blogs. Weekends are when I’m busiest with work. When I’m off tonight I’ll try to steam roll through some of the things I owe. Tracker bellow the cut, let me know if I’m missing someone somewhere! }
Starters Owed To:
Zack Fair
Sousuke Yamazki
Yusei Fudo
Replies Owed To:
Boris Airay
Sora (2)
Rin Matsuoka
                                                     Let me know if I’m missing someone!
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sxtoraifu · 9 years
; S T U C K ;
    In his twenty-one years of life, he had seen plenty of odd things. He had seen experimented humanoid creatures, a life absorbing alien and a man split himself into three parts... But he had yet to see someone actually get stuck in a tree. Or what he presumed to stuck. It was still pretty early in the morning, so there wasn’t particularly anyone around, and those that were just kind of... looked at the guy and the cat he was attempting to persuade to come closer to him that were in this tree rather than offering assistance.
    Logic told him to walk away, knowing that it really wasn’t his business but as he saw the guy almost slip, his pace quickened to be standing on the tree. Hand finding it’s way to one of his hips he looked up, free hand moving to block out some of light from the suns bright rays with his forearm. 
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     “ -- Do you need help or something?” For now, he avoided confronting the unknown male about how there are probably easier ways to get cats down from trees. 
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sxtoraifu · 9 years
[[ Continuation of;]]
When he’d made plans on visiting college campus’s to see what schools to apply to and attend once he’d finished high school; the last thing Riku had expected had been to run into what may be one of the closest school’s students stumbling out of one of the bars, undoubtedly and obviously drunk.
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He’d been all set in watching the male clumsily make his way down the street, until said blond had somehow tripped over air and landed in an ungraceful lump on the hard pavement below; the muffled thump he made, just loud enough to sound anything but painful. ‘That’s going to bruise,’ he thought to himself and he made his way over to the blond once he took notice of the other not making any movement in getting up, somewhat worried said blond had fallen unconscious from the hit. “Uh, hey?” He spoke as he bent down next to the fallen blond, seeing if the male would give him a reaction of some kind, “are you okay? Are you awake?” When he received a muffled groan and what he’d thought to be a slurred, ‘I’m fine,’ he stood back up and looked down the street towards the bar, thinking maybe he’d have some friends looking for him. When it became clear that no one would be coming after the blond; he turned his attention back to the male and with a resigned sigh started to help the male up and see if he could get the blonde’s attention just long enough to point him in the direction of his home. “Okay, first let’s get you up,” he said as he helped the male back up on unsteady legs, “do you think you can point me in the direction of your home?” He asked once he got the male’s attention, and once the other semmed to be able to stand without falling over. The blond stared at him for a moment before he seemed to get his bearings and made his way past Riku, towards what he assumed was the direction of the blond’s home. He watched him go for a moment, taking note that the blond seemed to of gotten better control of his limbs, maybe the fall had been good for him? Still he couldn’t in good conscious leave the blond to make his way home on his own, what if he fell again and seriously hurt himself this time around? With that in mind Riku made to follow the blond, “are you sure you’re okay?” He asked as he caught up to the male, “I’m Riku, by the way,” he said as an after thought deeming it rude not to let the other know who he was.
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After they walked a bit, he almost thought that leaving the blond to his own devices wouldn’t of been too bad as said blond seemed to be making his way down the street without any trouble. He discarded that thought just as soon as it had occurred to him the moment he took note of the blond once more clumsily (he’d been doing so good!) making his way over to what Riku could only assume had to be the blond’s bike. It only took him a few seconds to put the pieces together before he was running across the small space that had been left between them when he’d stopped walking; taking the key from the blond’s hands just as soon as it had been taken out of the blond’s pocket.
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“Are you insane or just stupid!?” He asked as he hid the keys away from view, refusing to give them back to the blond, “I really don’t think you’re well enough to drive. You could barely walk not even twenty minutes ago!” He continued on, taking a step back away from the blond. Of course, the last thing he’d expected was for the blond to think of it as some kind of game as he’d wasted no time in pulling the silver haired teen towards himself and immediately start to grope around in what he assumed had to be in search of his keys. “Oi! Stop that!” He protested, somewhat embarrased at being so easily manhadled and undressed before he made a grab at the taller male’s arms, stopping whatever more gropping or undressing said male would have done otherwise, “control yourself,” he said, ignoring the heated flush that had spread across his face as he gave the male an annoyed glare, “I’m not letting you drive home,” he finished as he made to remove the male’s hands from under his clothing.
   Now, he was not usually the type to go and drink. Let alone go out at all. He wasn’t social, he disliked having to be anywhere near large crowds and yet here he was, persuaded somehow into going out with some fellow students from the college. But see, a lot had happened as of recent in terms of his own life. He was stressed with school and then going through a bad breakup wasn’t exactly the nicest thing to put on top of it... And his ‘friends’ were just so nice and kept buying him shots to get him to loosen up... 
                 Loosen up a bit too much, he forgot that the floor wasn’t supposed to spin.
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    Though he was getting to that point.. He knew he was about to get stupidly emotional and display parts of himself he didn’t want others to see, so he slipped out. By slipping out, it was a literally slip, falling to his knees for a moment, landing on one directly before catching himself with his hands. As he went to stand up wobbly he let out a small ‘ouch’. Instead of getting up he just kind of... slumped on the ground and laid there for a moment. He’d get up in a minute... just give him a minute...
     Suddenly there was someone next to him, glazed over, but still very bright hues peered up at the other male. He let out a heavy sigh and nodded, making no attempt to move but responded in a slurred, hushed tone, “’M fine...” Was he really fine? Physically or mentally, fine was something that really did not describe him in his current state. With a groan, he accepted the others offer and grabbed at his hand, standing up with some ease when he was latched on to someone that held proper balance. He had to make it back to his bike so that he could get home... He remembered where he parked, vaguely, an arm instinctively wrapping around the other males shoulder, putting some of his weight against him.
    “’M sorry...” He hiccuped,  “You don’t have to help me.” Which contradicted his very needy actions of leaning against the other male. Now granted, he didn’t start out leaning against the other, it just kind of happened after he had been walking so well on his own and eventually failed. “Riku...” He repeated the name, as though it would help him remember it better in his drunken state. “Your name means land... and in Japanese..” He paused, looking at the other, “Ya probably knew that.” He paused, as though talking that much was really a challenge. He normally wasn’t talkative anyways, but it was even more so to right now. 
     After a couple more minutes of sloppy walking, which he let go of and did on his own, he turned to the other, “Cloud... my name is Cloud.” Finally to the parking lot, he leaned up against the large motorcycle, taking his keys out only to have them forcibly taken from him not a moment later, shooting a it of a glare at Riku. He’d never been this drunk before, he didn’t really realize what he was doing...
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       “Eyy... Gimme those back..” Without even really thinking of his actions and the only thought on his mind was retrieving his keys, he went into the others clothing in search for them. He didn’t want to be here anymore, he wanted to be home where he could sulk in peace and not have to worry about breaking down in front of this guy who was probably younger than him. “Not there...” He said aloud, continuing his journey from the others pockets to inside of the boy shirt, finger tips coming into contact with skin as he did so. 
    Once his hands were pulled away he looked at the other with a confused look on his face, like he didn’t do anything wrong. If he was in a conscious state, he wouldn’t even be talking to this guy because he’s so nervous. “I can’t go home...?” What was he supposed to do now.. And for some reason his eyes remained fixated on the other, like he was some sort of mental crush that kept him from breaking in that moment.. Because where even was home?
     He leaned up against his bike, reaching a hand out to allow his finger tips to brush the ends of the other males hair, fascinated for a moment by it’s color in the awkward lighting. “I.. don’t mean to be a burden.” Nothing made sense... but he was for sure not drinking again anytime soon.
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sxtoraifu · 9 years
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     { I’m really sorry for my lack of posting on Cloud lately. He’d been in a bit of a slump. Either way, I’m looking to start some new threads so if you’re interested in roleplaying with Cloud & Myself please like this post and I’ll pop up in your inbox! }
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sxtoraifu · 9 years
Rin was visiting Cloud's workshop again. He grabbed a wrench and winked as he pointed the tool at Cloud. "I wouldn't mind being your motorcycle. I'd let you ride me."
I dare you to flirt with my muse. make them uncomfortable and flustered.
    After the whole ‘kissing’ incident, Cloud and Rin had come to be somewhat friends. Casual friends, a bit more than acquaintances but not particularly close; which was more than than likely due to his own closed off nature. Tinkering away with one of the bikes, he lost his train of thought for a moment, however hearing the other beginning to speak he perked up from his project. He wouldn’t mind being his...? A look of confusion struck his face for a moment before his cheeks began to furiously flush to a shade of pink.
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       Moving his hands to cover his face to hide the embarrassed look he bore, he shook his head, “I’ll u-uh..!” Come on, form words, “I think I’ll stick to fenrir, th-thanks...”
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sxtoraifu · 9 years
HOLD ME IN YOUR ARMSSSS [ooc: Not sorry]
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         Doesn’t really make a move forward, but still opens up his arms to allow the other to hug him. “C’mere then.”
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sxtoraifu · 9 years
i dare you to flirt with my muse. make them uncomfortable and flustered.
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sxtoraifu · 9 years
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sxtoraifu · 9 years
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大いなる福音 by wildrose
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sxtoraifu · 9 years
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 “All you are is as empty as a puppet.” 
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sxtoraifu · 9 years
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Cloud Strife (2015)
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sxtoraifu · 9 years
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sxtoraifu · 9 years
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クラウドさん | はろ
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sxtoraifu · 9 years
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             ❋  We will help you stand.
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sxtoraifu · 9 years
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Well, I’m gonna try. I’ll phone in the verdict.
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