sxftboys · 4 years
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   “I hope so or I’m going to be sorely embarrassed,” he admitted. There was no way he was going to out swim a mer-person but he hoped he could swim well enough to give Marinus a bit of a challenge. “What do you wanna show me?” Willow asked before taking another sip of his chocolate. The drink felt like the liquid version of a warm hug or the sensation of warm fur brushing against his skin from an animal seeking out affection. Unsurprisingly, Willow was more familiar with the latter. Now, he was curious to see what Marinus had in store for him. He always wanted to ask more about the male’s ocean life but considering it was closely related to his family and that seemed to be a sore spot lately, he held his questions back until the prince brought up the topic himself.
     Marinus a few months ago would have slapped himself just at the thought of bouncing in his seat out of sheer giddiness, even for a second. Given his present company, Marinus now didn’t care and did just that. “It’s a coral reef,” he answered, heart thumping in his chest. “I mean, not just any, it’s actually really cool. I go there every once in a while to hang out if I feel like, y’know, getting away. I think you’d really like it, babe.” It was the first time he’d mentioned the spot to him - or, well, anyone really. It was special to him, and the possibility of sharing it with Willow filled him with warmth. Or maybe it was just the hot chocolate. Yeah. Though that didn’t explain his slip of the tongue.
     “Hey, you ever talked to crabs before? They’re hilarious, one time Melody and I-” At that moment, one of the baristas - one Marinus didn’t recognize - that had emerged from behind the counter to clean some around the seating areas approached them. The merman did a double take as the tall, blonde, muscular fellow raised a hand in greeting and gave a bright smile, glint matching that on his ‘I’m New!’ pin on his apron. “Hey there, how are you two enjoying your drinks?” Marinus glanced at Willow, his eyes narrowed somewhat to show his displeasure with the interruption, but answered. “They’re great, thank you. You guys make awesome stuff.” Hearing this, the guy laughed - a deep, but pleasant sound, and folded his arms, the pink t-shirt straining around his biceps. “I hope so, made those two myself. Anyway, just wanted to stop in to thank you for your patronage - especially you, Willow, right? I’m Brad. Here,” he paused to hand them each a specialized cafe gift card, decorated for the holiday.  
     “Uh, thanks, dude. We’ll use these up real quick,” Marinus said, and as he said this Brad’s smile softened a little, his eyes taking in Marinus’ features. The merman just sort of stood up stiff in response. “I hope so. Come back soon so I can make more for you guys, yeah? Have a good day, Happy Valentine’s!” He waved and returned to his duties, while Marinus rose a brow, turned to Willow and said simply. “That dude’s horny as fuck.”
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sxftboys · 4 years
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sxftboys · 4 years
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Note passing is a time-honored means of communication between young sweethearts.
Not for this kid.
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sxftboys · 4 years
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    The little things, remembering small stuff. Most people failed to notice it but that was how he showed he cared. Grand gestures were rarely his style because he hated making a spectacle of himself even if he had no trouble doing so for the sake of an animal. “Sure, no problem.” He smiled, touching their mugs before bringing his own to his lips. Looking at the silly picture Marinus and whipped cream made, he couldn’t help but think it was cute and for a second, the realization made his heard beat just a little faster. “Y-Yeah — swimming first so we’ll have a huge appetite when dinner comes around,” he responded, broken out of his wandering thoughts that he had no explanation for, yet. However, he still never made a move or even thought about moving his hand away from the other male’s touch as they talked. “Nope, I’m actually a good swimmer, I think. I taught myself so I could swim with some bear cubs after I helped their mom out with a hunting injury.” Swimming with them had been a blast and he finally had the opportunity to meet more aquatic wildlife.
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    “Sounds good to me, dude.” Truthfully told, Marinus knew that whatever Valentines he may have had following Willow, they certainly had their work cut out for them. There were few out there who were so genuinely thoughtful and caring merely for the sake of it. Marinus knew that was one of the several reasons he admired his friend. He took a deep drink of his hot chocolate, savoring the simultaneously sweet and savory notes of the special beverage. In that moment, he was so glad to have been the one to initially share such a delight with Willow. There was not many at all he would deign to have the privilege. “Sounds like we’re soon bound for a healthy competition then, huh?” He grinned. He moved his hand from the other’s, enfolding it with his own to rest beneath his chin to prop it up on the table. “Gotta warn you, though, swimming across a few rivers is very different than swimming in the ocean. Especially if we’re going out to where I wanna show you.”
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sxftboys · 4 years
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The Society Cast Toby Wallace and Alex Fitzalan Take The BFF Test
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sxftboys · 4 years
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    Willow had actually become a regular at the coffee shop. Recognizable enough that he had talked to one pf the baristas about his plan a few days ago and now they were giving him a couple strawberry scones for free along with the drinks he ordered. They were congratulating him for getting out again after he had spent a couple weeks using warm drinks to alleviate the cold loneliness he felt, at least, that was how they had put it. He didn’t get the sentiment but he appreciated it and accepted the treats anyways. Carefully carrying everything, he brought it over to the table when he finally spotted Marinus by the window. “Yeah, it’s the first drink you ever ordered me and the first time I had hot chocolate,” he explained, sitting across from the other after setting down their drinks and food. “They gave me these for free,” he added with a modest smile.
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    His explanation almost made Marinus chuckle a bit, wanting to tease him for the sweet sentiment. He always admired how much of a softy Willow was. He picked up one of the scones with a nod of respect, pleased that it was still warm. “Well, well, Mr. Popular. Thank you for the hookup,” he said, picking up the handle of his drink with his other hand and raising it slightly to cheers. After trying and failing not to get whipped cream on his nose after his first sip of the hot beverage, he bit into his pastry and finished it rather quickly. He hadn’t realized how hungry he was. Patting around his face with a napkin to get most of the crumbs off, he laid a few fingers on the back of Willow’s hand to get his attention. “You said swimming next, right?” He asked, absentmindedly tracing patterns into the boy’s hand. “I don’t think we’ve ever been swimming together, have we? I’m excited to see your skills, and maybe we could even have a race.”
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sxftboys · 4 years
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  “I trust you — and I like that this can be a first for both of us,” he admitted. He was used to Marinus introducing him to new things that Auradon had to offer but now they could both have a new experience together. Willow barely noticed the couple, he never paid much attention to others and his larger stature rarely budged without purposeful force. “I will,” he assured, unconsciously squeezing the merman’s hand as they walked into the coffee shop. “I’ll order, you find us a table,” he directed the other, trying not to leave room for question although he was not the one normally in charge between the two of them. His plan was to order the same drinks the first time they had come to the coffee shop, something Willow remembered because it was his first time ever having hot chocolate.
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     Willow’s words bore more comfort than he knew. Marinus inhaled deeply as they entered the cafe, strong scents of buttered pastries, spices, and hot coffee greeting him as they crossed the threshold. The shop, unsurprisingly, had followed the rest of the town’s lead in decorating for the holiday - the windows were covered in washable drawings of cutesie anthropomorphic hot chocolate couples or chocolate croissants, sometimes detailing the ‘romantic’ special deal drinks they were offering. Marinus had just been about to make a comment on one of the more obnoxious displays when Willow caught his attention again. “I-...” he started, but his voice died in his throat, cut off by his partner’s direction. Though that was no problem at all. Fuck, why was that so hot? With a little chuckle and nod, Marinus left him in line to wander around the seating area, eventually staring down two other patrons from their spot by a wide window and securing it for himself and his Valentine. From here he could clearly see his tall friend over the throngs of patrons, easily ordering something for them. It pleased Marinus to realize that not even a few months ago Willow had next to no idea of this place, but now he was ordering as confidently as any regular. He raised a hand when he eventually saw him looking for Marinus, two big mugs of something in hand, and drew him to their table. “Took you long enough,” he teased lightly as he joined him, but his eyes widened as he recognized the drinks. His face lit up in a bright smile. “Wait... are those Fancy Ass Hot Chocolates?”
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sxftboys · 4 years
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    Intimate acts. Willow was not unfamiliar with them but his dating history gave him the impression they were akin to the wind. Come and go, never staying for long. However, he knew that had more to do with his own failings in relationships because until recently, he had never understood the need or want for human contact. He had become so used to being only in the company of animals, he forgot he had the same human desires that everyone else did. “I learned from the best,” he retorted with a chuckle. Marinus was one of the few he felt comfortable showing this side of himself to. On the Isle, sarcasm was used to leave behind scathing remarks that tore down someone’s self esteem. Here, it was used politely in an almost charming way that Willow had none of the confidence to pull off because he always felt he had to be on his best behavior as a VK. Today, being an exception, in public with Marinus he felt comfortable. The mer prince had enough confidence for both of them in his eyes so he just had to follow the other’s lead and everything would be okay. “You’ve not celebrated it before?” He asked earnestly, brows furrowing into a look of curiosity. He had assumed the other would have since it seemed to be such a popular holiday but he was a little excited to think he might be the first to really celebrate with him.
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     He shrugged at the other’s question, feeling something almost akin to embarrassment for the first time in a long time. Sure, he’d had a few... partners, the last few years. But never someone to bring to meet his family, never a boyfriend or girlfriend, never a Valentine. For one reason or another, nothing clicked for him. Though maybe that due to something Marinus had long suspected: His own fault. “Not really. Just been solo to friends’ parties, I guess.” Marinus looked at his partner and, noticing his furrowed brow, laughed and nudged him with his shoulder. “But I mean, c’mon. This is all totally new to you even more so. I’m super grateful you’ve trusted me enough to decide to spend today with me.” He admitted. Just then, a drunken couple loudly giggled and skipped to their right, causing Marinus to glare and scoff when they passed a bit too close to Willow and himself without so much as an apology. “By the way... if any of this gets a bit much for you, let me know. I’ll fix it,” he said, just as they turned a corner and the coffee shop’s sign came into view.
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sxftboys · 4 years
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   Something about the mer prince seemed different but Willow had no idea what so he let it be. Nodding, he followed the other male, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his nicer than usual jacket. He had asked another friend of his to help him pick out this particular outfit for today because his normal style was nothing more than fashionably comfortable. Which was still a generous statement. “Oh — Yeah, okay.” He smiled, taking the other’s hand easily because it made sense to the animal lover. Lacing their fingers together, he couldn’t help but think of his most recent ex who had loved to hold his hand all the time. Surprisingly, the thought didn’t make him sad, it was just a reminder of a different time. Other than taking a blow to his self esteem issues, Willow had learned to become content with being alone and without a romantic partner. Glancing at his best friend, another realization came to him that this time, he never really had the chance to feel alone thanks to Marinus. A warm smile spread across his features at the thought. “I never mind you whining. Unless you’re whining about me,” he teased.
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     Willow’s hand, though calloused and tough from years of caring for wild animals, was no longer than Marinus’ own and pleasantly felt so much warmer. It had been a long, long time since the mermaid had been able - much less willing - to hold anyone’s hand. Their fingers slotting together gave him the same feeling of delight and satisfaction as when he’d finally complete a horrendously difficult puzzle. Such intimacy was such a foreign, seldom reality for him. He almost shivered. “Maybe if you weren’t so snarky I wouldn’t need to, sweetheart” he replied, little smirk on his face again. They both knew full well Marinus provided more than enough snark between them, and was likely the reason for Willow picking it up. “Don’t worry, though, I try not to do that to much. I can barely stop talking about how incredible you are, so. Like, for example, you look damn good, dude.” Finally out of Marinus’ apartment complex and on the street that would lead downtown, Marinus shielded his eyes from the midday sun with his free hand to gaze at all the rose, heart, and Cupid decorations donning so many buildings. “You know...” he began as groups of people or other couples happily meandered the streets alongside them, going on about their day. Hilariously, across the street he saw the shocked face of one of his last ‘dates’ - he gave a smug smile and waved. “It feels a bit strange to be doing this. Have a Valentine and go out, I mean. It’s new, and sappy of me... but I think like it a lot already. Thank you, man.”
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sxftboys · 4 years
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     “Of course I do,” he stated earnestly. Willow may not get the real point of this holiday but there was still no one else he would spend it with if he did. “You know I am,” he protested with a slight pout before he smiled at the offer of chocolate and took it into his mouth. His lips brushed the other male’s fingertips, something that even someone as oblivious as him was forced to take note of as he chewed on the sweet treat. “Whenever you’re ready,” he answered after swallowing the chocolate. Thankfully, it was as good as it looked because the selection of chocolate to choose from had been overwhelming when he went to buy some. Also, he rarely bought candy because the sugar often became too overpowering for him to ever finish a whole bar of chocolate or even a box of gummies on his own.
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     Instant butterflies erupted into flight deep in the pit of the merman’s stomach. His eyes lingered for a second too long on the other’s lips but he quickly turned his attention back to the box, tossing his own chocolate into his mouth before shutting the package and setting it farther back on the counter. Damn, that was good candy. “I’m, uh, I’m ready.” He could almost feel the slight tremble in his fingers as he crossed to the living room to grab one of his nicer blazers he’d set on the back of his couch, slipping his arms through the black fabric. He wished he hadn’t finished his vodka. A quick shot to calm his nerves would be perfect... but he shouldn’t have needed it, anyway. This was strictly platonic, he knew that. Clearing his throat, he led his friend to the door, holding up his phone as they began to exit into the brisk air. “Want me to call a driver? Or should we walk?” But a thought struck him. “Actually, let’s walk, it’s not too far,” he hummed, and offered up his hand, fingers splayed, for the other boy to take. Keeping his cool. “It’d be good to be seen strolling in public with my Valentine, don’t you think? Maybe have less suitors coming at me after, and I’d have less of a reason to whine to you.”
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sxftboys · 4 years
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    Willow’s face felt warm and he didn’t understand why he was becoming so nervous. The Isle had not been a place to cultivate the most forthcoming people when it came to emotions but Willow was not like most of his peers. He said what he felt and had no shame for it, especially since he believed Marinus considered him a special person as well. “Ask you to be my Valentine? I heard this day is about spending it with someone special,” he explained, smiling softly at the other’s excitement. Sometimes it was hard to figure out what Marinus liked, he was somewhat fickle in that department but since they began spending more time together again it had become easier to read him. Still, it was reassuring to see the prince’s genuine reaction to his ideas for the day.
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     It was a pretty rare occurrence for Marinus to see Willow blush, since he usually didn’t have a reason to. He loved it. However, his beaming smile faltered ever so slightly when the other’s words clicked. He didn’t really get the whole love thing. It made sense, of course, for him to not really get the implications of a holiday he couldn’t possible have celebrated on the Isle. That was fine. This was above and beyond anything Marinus thought he himself deserved. “You think I’m special, huh?” He teased, stepping over to the taller boy’s side of the counter to nudge him gently in the side. He could feel his heart hammering in his chest by now. “Can’t say no to that. Maybe you are, too, so it’d be my pleasure,” he said, setting the box down and selecting two particularly handsome pieces of chocolate. Expectantly, he held the better one up to Willow’s lips. “When are we heading out?”
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sxftboys · 4 years
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       Marinus had barely given the upcoming holiday so much as a second thought these past few weeks. Between lessons on the finer intricacies of his royal duties, redecorating his room, and especially dealing with his grandfather’s near constant setups, he didn’t want to waste his time with the day of love. Besides, he was hardly the one to openly gush over the romanticism of Valentine’s Day. So the surprise of seeing Willow standing across the kitchen counter of the mer-prince’s apartment, glossy red gift in hand and even dressed noticeably more carefully than usual, hit Marinus like a truck. “... Fuck...” He mumbled under his breath, suddenly acutely aware of how wide his eyes must have been. “Uh huh, so this is why you told me to get ready, huh?” Thank goodness he recovered quickly, but his brows were still furrowed as if he were questioning what his friend was saying. Slowly, he set his fingers on the surprisingly heavy box but didn’t remove it from the other’s hand, his insides churning in excitement as Willow laid out his plan. “Dude, this is... wow. Thank you. That all sounds chill as fuck. I-I should have gotten you something, no one’s ever... uh, ask me what?”
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       So many hearts and an abundance of red glitter everywhere, Willow was wondering if there would ever be an end to it even when the big day passed. Apparently it was all for a holiday called Valentine’s Day that you spent with someone special. That was the impression he got from a group of girls in the market and he realized that he had very few people in his life that he consider special and even fewer that were available or would even want to celebrate with him. The one person that kept coming to the front of his mind was his newly appointed BFF, a certain mer-prince. “Um so yeah, I planned a day for us. I wanted to start off at the coffee shop we went to that night we met with the fox, um then swimming maybe if you’re up for it, and dinner afterwards?” He held up a red box that was full of assorted chocolates. “And – I’m not sure I get it but I’m supposed to give something to you when I ask, right?”
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sxftboys · 4 years
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sxftboys · 4 years
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“Barbaric is the word I would use,” he mused, pulling his hoodie over his head and adjusting it until it fit just right. “Hm, I doubt that’s true.” Willow, as low as his self esteem was, knew he had some degree of attractiveness. The one backhanded compliment he often received was that he would be more attractive if only he didn’t smell like a jungle which was something he managed a lot better in Auradon thanks to the plentiful access to clean water. His brows furrowed as Marinus explained his grandfather’s idea. “That’s not right.” He frowned at the idea of his friend’s love life being used even potentially for political gain. “You deserve to be with whoever you want or to just have fun if that’s what you want right now.”
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Willow's hoodie choice earned an appreciative nod from Marinus, though his sharp eyes caught the slight mismatch in length with his drawstrings. He crossed the carpeted floor and strode right up to the other boy's chest, fingers fiddling with the strings while he listened to his disgust. Always the sweetheart. Marinus chuckled as he finished straightening them out. "You should try telling him that," he replied. "I'm just gonna avoid it as long as possible. He's more focused on my older sister anyway, so..." He shrugged, playing it off as a trivial matter for his friend's sake. In reality, the issue had been keeping him up at night for several weeks now. He could still vividly remember the night the whole family came together for dinner and his grandfather had announced his plans for his grandchildren. Melody had seethed in rage, and Mariana had excused herself from the dining hall immediately while he had simply sat there dumbfounded. "In the meantime I'm just gonna do me, not get my hopes up. I have a, uh, very specific type, anyway," he told him with a soft smile, reaching up to tuck away a few stray hairs back into Willow's head of curls. Then with a tiny start as though he'd received a small shock, Marinus whipped out his phone and held it up so the face camera could capture them perfectly. "Before I forget. Show that handsome smile, bro."
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sxftboys · 4 years
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679 notes · View notes
sxftboys · 4 years
fifty totally random character development questions:
1. Do they prefer to wear headphones or earbuds when listening to music?
2. What do they do when they’re feeling tired and need to stay awake?
3. Do they usually eat mild, medium, or spicy salsa?
4. Pizza, McDonalds, or Chinese take-out?
5. How do they react to finding out someone has a crush on them?
6. How do they feel about unrequited love?
7. How would they fare in a zombie apocalypse?
8. Gold, silver, or copper jewelry?
9. How much ice do they put in their drinks?
10. Do they use Instagram, Facebook, or Tumblr? If so, how much/often?
11. What’s their desktop background?
12. How are they at taking care of plants?
13. Did they have any phases? (e.g. emo, punk, scene…)
14. How did they do academically in high school?
15. Are they the big spoon or the little spoon?
16. How do they like their eggs?
17. How do they like their toast?
18. Queso or guacamole?
19. What are they like as a neighbor?
20. How do they behave when confronted with deadlines?
21. What’s the weirdest thing you’re likely to find in their room?
22. What fictional character do they relate to the most?
23. Do they like raisins in their pastries? If no, will it stop them from eating it?
24. When forced to do a group project with other people, what role do they usually play?
25. Does your muse listen to vinyl records? Do they use iTunes? Do they legally or illegally download music?
26. How would your muse do at taking care of a goldfish?
27. Is your muse a dreamer or a realist?
28. Android, iPhone, or other?
29. What’s their Subway order?
30. Trendsetter, trend follower, or trend ignorer?
31. What about themselves do they usually not tell people? What are they embarrassed of?
32. What’s their ideal vacation?
33. White, red, or rose wine?
34. Are they outdoorsy? Do they enjoy hiking, camping, etc.?
35. What’s their Starbucks order?
36. What colors make up most of their wardrobe?
37. Do they believe in any conspiracy theories? Fear a zombie apocalypse/AI overtake? How do they think the world will end?
38. Do they play video games? If so, which ones?
39. What would you see if you looked through their trashcan?
40. What kind of videos do they get recommended on YouTube?
41. Are they an exhibitionist? Do they ever change in front of windows? Have sex when they know people can see/hear?
42. How do they feel about astrology?
43. Why do people usually call them on the telephone? To complain? To ask for advice? To ask them to do something for them?
44. Have they ever had any pregnancy scares?
45. Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter?
46. Do they meme? Enjoy memes? Create memes? Find them horribly annoying? How about shitposts?
47. How do they go about asking someone out or confessing their feelings about someone to them?
48. When do they usually go to bed?
49. In the “sleep vs. grades vs. social life, pick two” situation, which two do they pick?
50. What do they think is the meaning of life?
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sxftboys · 4 years
“Hey, that’s not even close to true,” he protested, nudging the other’s shoulder. His attention switched to the list of restaurants, surprised to find that places that had been recently opened by VKs and the rare villain were already posted. “The Little Bear restaurant or Khan’s cafe sounds good,” he said, handing the phone back to him and moving to grab a jacket from his hallway closet. “Yeah…” He trailed off, glancing back at his friend. “You’re what I expected when I imagined what a prince would look like. Handsome and well dressed,” he complimented, turning back to pull out his favorite hoodie. “Why?” He asked with a curious furrow of his brows, expecting that someone like Marinus had plenty of options to choose from.
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“Um, rude,” he huffed, glancing at his shoulder. “Like fifty years ago and I could legally have your hand for that. Isn’t that wild?” He asked, peering over as he spoke to watch Willow make his decision. Nodding in approval, Marinus took his phone back and began typing away to set up a reservation. He was grateful for that, because even though Willow moved away from him, just his words were enough to have him warm under the collar in a matter of moments. Something had to have been wrong with Marinus today. “Gotta do what I gotta do,” he shrugged, keeping his eyes on his screen. “Only reason I’m friends with you is because you look so good all the time, so.” Another joke of his, which he conveyed by huffing a little laugh through his nose. Willow’s question had him glancing up, and he rolled his eyes. “It’s pretty dumb, and I don’t think anything much will come from it really. My grandpa’s been trying to set up my sisters and I for a while, damn near holding dating shows under the sea. Wants to see us participating in merfolk culture more, and thinks the best way to do that is to have us connect with other mermaid royalty. I think he’s trying to do it for himself, too, though. Make some deals or something,” he scoffed. “My mom’s been trying to get him to chill, but... yeah. It’s just a lot right now, so I’m not really looking for anything serious.”
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