sxfiamd · 14 days
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That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: The Ways of the Monster Nation
I enjoy this spin-off a lot. More than the Trinity spin-off at least.
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sxfiamd · 14 days
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I remember reading the webnovel and love that part where the text font became "cursed" bcs rimuru went mad... for veldora.
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sxfiamd · 15 days
Per the new manga chapter, Clayman is the ultimate tragic fave because literally in every canon portrayal except for Clayman's Revenge spin off manga he's actually 100% under so much mind control that he's not actually himself smdbdjdjdhhd like. Damn. I think this is a new level of tragic dead fave for me
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sxfiamd · 15 days
Per the new manga chapter, Clayman is the ultimate tragic fave because literally in every canon portrayal except for Clayman's Revenge spin off manga he's actually 100% under so much mind control that he's not actually himself smdbdjdjdhhd like. Damn. I think this is a new level of tragic dead fave for me
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sxfiamd · 16 days
Clayman's Revenge chap 26 spoilers!
Hi guys, I love the Tempest alphabet. Heres what i got
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Shown in the panel is a massive gravestone to honour the victims of Milim's backstory. Those who had died in Soma. I am not okay
It's says:
"Rest In Peace"
And then goes on to name every single person who died
I've only translated a few names, but the majority all have relatively western names such as Penny, May, and Rid (before later on, just turning into random letters such as Xn.)
I'd also want to mention this panel:
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I just find it very interesting. It really put into perspective the kind of suffering the people were going through under "Clayman's" previous rule. We already knew of this, but this panel really paints a picture of what it was like.
Over-all I really enjoyed this chapter, it was nice and sweet yet really gave insight into more of Clayman's thoughts and feelings, especially now that he's begun to realise that he had been a victim to mind control. I haven't much to say. Sorry for the short talk, but I just wanted to point out my own feelings on the chapter.
I love Clayman's Revenge! It sheds a light on a relatively forgotten storyline, and I find it really entertaining. We don't see many things that take place just before the main story, either. Of course, we get thrown back a few thousand years in the LN every now and again, but the younger perspective is what I especially like about this spin-off.
I enjoy tagging you in Clayman stuff, @demonlordclayman
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sxfiamd · 16 days
Chapter 26 Sentiments is everything I wanted. (Spoilers ahead, naturally)
Clayman ACTUALLY realizing he might have been under someone's control? Acknowledging that his memory missing for those 30 years is bad and concerning? Confiding in Eva and asking her to STOP HIM?
He's doing his best and I'm so proud of him 🥺 <- really normal about the fictional guy
The cherry on top for me was how Eva responded to the idea of Clayman enslaving the Amritans as, "impossible". I think that's extremely telling as to how weird his behavior was in the main timeline. He really cares about his people and he wants to protect them, not use them like disposable pawns.
It drives me wild that Fuze hinted in the light novels pretty aggressively that Clayman was acting weird but gave us nothing to compare to so I feel like most of us dismissed those hints without further thought. Like- why did- why did you do that- wlsgwkshskhd what a strange choice to have this character be so nuanced and to only show him under spiritual control in the main timeline. Either way, I'm very grateful for the Revenge manga because it's everything we needed and deserved.
Anyway, I very much look forward to seeing Clayman interact with Ramiris next chapter, as was hinted. I wonder if her distaste for him was from his mind control era or before that? If she's mean to him I'll cry 😂 <- mostly kidding
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sxfiamd · 16 days
The entirety of chapter 59 is just *mhua* chef's kiss. Rimuru realizing that his new life isn't just a game. His words have weight, and people listen. So much so they'll die to follow his orders. He realizes he's not a human. He hasn't been one since he died. We see him in pain and angry as hell and defeated. Everything up til now has been a piece of cake. If something happened, it was relatively easily fixed. Here, he doesn't see how it can be fixed. He has to send his people (his family) away because he's losing control and is hurting them. He sits there by Shion's side while he has Great Sage look for a resurrection spell. When none is found, he is prepared to absorb them because giving them a place to rest (near him) is the least he can do after failing them. And his mask breaking! He put it on to shield his friends and family from his power and to hide, and then his mask cracks. Both his literal and figurative mask has cracked. Then, the hope when Eren shows up with a way to save is family and friends. And I thought it was gut-wrenching seeing it in the anime.
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sxfiamd · 16 days
Between the new OVA, movie, and intros, the amount of spoiling in the anime is INSANE. They already animated the three demonessesa and revealed Chronoa, which aren't supposed to appear for another one or two volumes. Wouldn't be surprised if Velgrynd has a cameo at some point in the anime.
Anyway, I'm not complaining. It was an interesting route to take, but I'm honestly glad! Makes the wait for volume 11 to be animated more bearable (vol 11 will forever be my favourite volume, I love it).
Is it me or did the quality go up. Like compare the scene they reanimated from the first OP. This one looks so much better
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sxfiamd · 16 days
Classic anime misunderstanding trope, but it paid off, giving us one of the best recent fights in Tensura. Hinata and Rimuru didn’t disappoint. 8bit cooked.
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The pathway to hell is paved with good intentions, and Leonard almost found that out the hard way. Despite bringing an army in an effort to help Hinata, he almost made things much worse. Luckily Rimuru had told Shion not to kill anyone.. although treating people to Shion’s cooking is probably worse than death anyway 😭. Sucks buddy had to lose his ear to realise the gap in strength, but surely someone will be able to heal it back.
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The Rimuru Hinata fight was so good, even though neither of them really had their heart in it, still gave us some cool moments. Also was a net positive since Rimuru unlocked the future attack skill, so in a way it’s good that Hinata pushed him. I like how it emphasised that while Rimuru has more raw strength, Hinata is more skilled and experienced as a fighter. Rimuru could do with a little training arc.
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Crazy cliffhanger tho! Should’ve expected the luminaries to have a backup plan in case Hinata failed, but damn. Can’t wait for next ep
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sxfiamd · 17 days
Shion and Diablo is such an underrated duo they're so chaotic i love them
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Diablo and Shion being the best Butler and Secretary 😩🫶
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sxfiamd · 17 days
Back from a mini break, let's overanalyse this and be delusional!
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MAIN SUBJECTS; Rimuru, apple, flags (Tempest, Blumund, Dwargon, unknown likely Sarion (?))
Flags feature, as I said before, Tempest, Blumund, Dwargon, and likely Sarion. In my eyes, the only other option for this fourth flag would be Farmenas. However, that is a vassal state of Tempest, and the flag of Farmenas has been seen within the anime, looking nothing like the fourth flag featured.
Blumund, Dwargon, and Sarion are, at this point in the manga, Tempest's largest and only allies. This panel is placed just after the founding festive — within the chapter itself, it features each ruler of their respective nation discussing and having a meeting. It's likely why the flags are featured.
Rimuru is depicted wearing casual attire, one he had worn to the meeting with the various other leaders. Earlier in this chapter, he had worn his typical demon lord clothing during his battle of wits with the duke. This places the panel, time wise, between the two meetings.
Rimuru would've been relatively happy with himself, and he had successfully resolved the issue without losing face for himself and his budding nation.
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The two primary objects in focus are Rimuru and the apple. Your eyes flow or travel from Rimuru's face down towards the apple before exploring various other parts of the panel. This is a very common technique used by artists to put emphasis on certain objects — in this case, the mangaka likely wanted to emphasise the apple alongside the main subject; Rimuru.
The apple can be a symbol for many different ideas — temptation and the fall, innocence and knowledge, immortality and death, love and sexuality, fertility, and decay, etc.
From mine and my friend's (thank you so much) interpretation.
The apple, mostly the perceived good traits, represents Rimuru's past self. This panel takes place at a very important time in Rimuru's life. This point in time was a complete turning point for both Rimuru and his status as a ruler.
What is seen being depicted is Rimuru looking down (?) towards the apple with a bittersweet but almost accepting expression. Maybe even be described as solemn. He appears to have been bending in the direction of the apple before he stood straight up, fixing himself. I interpret this as him either standing up from putting the apple down, almost as if leaving the apple or him bending towards the apple.
I imagine this as him finally accepting that, how he was in the past, is in the past. He is no longer thinking of himself as a 'monster with a human mind' but a 'monster with human experience'. He is a monster before a 'former human'. As opposed to how he viewed himself before. Of course, ever since he had been reincarnated, Rimuru was always morally grey, but at this point in time, he had begun to accept it — enhanced by the Falmuth incident and his accession to Demon Lord.
I'm insane and delusional.
OR (theory made by my beloved wife who is not on tumblr)
He just likes apples
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sxfiamd · 17 days
They took the masculine form of his past life and mixed it with their more feminine features such as the long hair, lean build, and soft face!
It's also nice to mention that as opposed to Benimaru, Souei, and many other male character in the OVA who show their chest, Rimuru covers theirs. This is a reoccurring theme where, despite not having any gendered organs, they cover their chest and generally wear shorts (with the exception of slime diaries and a slime isekai memories unit that depicts Raphael, not Rimuru).
Rant on Rimuru's gender cause I am SICK and TIRED of this shit 😭
Rimuru uses BOTH MALE and GENDER NEUTRAL pronouns for themselves while others use something similar to 'it' and they. (It's also nice to note that very rarely would Fuse refer to Rimuru with a gendered pronoun rather then it.)
“It's cute when it's a slime, and when it's humanoid, it can't be either male or female. I wasn't aiming for anything with Rimuru's asexual gender, but I think it turned out to be a good thing." “It was too much trouble to decide on the gender, so I chose asexual (laughs)."
At the start of the novel, Rimuru calls themselves a man, like their past life. But as time went on, Rimuru would rarely talk abt their gender besides those moments (which become less and less with Rimuru losing sexual interest) and instead cuts the 'man' all together and says 'slime'.
As a small add on, Rimuru's page on the FAN-MADE wiki refer to Rimuru with they/them. Take this with grain of salt.
I personally believe that Fuse has set up Rimuru's gender for interpretation, and fans are free to view Rimuru as whatever.
Whether Fuse did this because 'well, slimes are genderless so why should Rimuru be gendered' or if he made the consious decision to create a non-binary main character, I don't know.
In conclusion, suck my non existence dick. Rimuru is a Demon Lord slime thing, gender is the least of thier concerns.
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sxfiamd · 2 months
NOOOOO I'm actually heartbroken
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sxfiamd · 2 months
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fellas is it gay to. whatever this is
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sxfiamd · 2 months
Am i the only one who really likes rimuru as a character. Like he is the closest thing i have to a blorbo i want to put under a microscope. Strange creature type. He ends up in situations and i want to put him in a blender because there is so much unexplored flavor there.
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sxfiamd · 2 months
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Laios no!!!
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sxfiamd · 2 months
One question that I will come back to again and again is simply this:
Where is Clayman's Revenge going, broadly? Why is this the story Fuze wants to tell?
Obviously I can only speculate - I am not the author. And I don't really have strong answers yet.
I think a big motif through the story so far is a compare and contrast to Rimuru and his friends. Clayman falls because he doesn't confide in and listen to his friends though arguably this is out of his control with the influence set by Kondo. However, Revenge sets the stage that he's been doing a bad job of relying on them even prior to Kondo's influence.
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(chapter 1 of Clayman's Revenge)
The difference in the main timeline for Revenge is that he's started listening to them and including them. One of the covers even explicitly compares him and his army to Rimuru!
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(chapter 11, full disclosure, this is a fan translation screen cap. The official English apparently didn't feel like translating those words, they're just missing entirely, but I see them in the Japanese raws!)
So I don't think this theme is very subtle. Clayman and his forces are growing stronger because of him earning trust and giving trust, and growing as a person. And my expectation is that this will lead to a better outcome for him. What that means for the world is pretty interesting though, especially with Chloe/Chronoa/the Hero looping through time the way they are.
It's also worth mentioning that Clayman himself is...oblivious to the reasons as to why his people are stronger.
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(Chapter 12)
He has no idea why things are going better than in the past, so clearly he's still got a lot to learn on this journey. That being said, we can also see this growth has taken root and it isn't just an act.
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I don't have the impression he would have called them "friends" in the original timeline, for one, and he's clearly actually upset about this. And, as I brought up in my thoughts on chapter 20, he keeps buying things for people (Eva with the necklace and Raine with the ambergris) even if there's not a good reason.
So that brings up another thing - what will happen with the encounter with Kondo? Clayman doesn't remember it. He has no idea he's been under someone else's control in both of the prior timelines.
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my best guess at this point is that by this time, he will have a new reputation, and someone else will realize something is a wrong - a friend. Maybe multiple friends. I suppose the whole thing could be avoided, but the idea of someone noticing the difference and caring enough to do something really aligns with the idea of friendship and the benefits it brings. So I think that's more like.
That being said, I'm still wondering why Clayman. Clayman gets so little development in the novels (and other adaptations) - he's this villain that's propped up just to fall really hard (it frustrates me just how hard - the claim is made repeatedly of how smart he is and we don't see that in the main timeline at all). The Moderate Jesters do have an important role to play as Yuuki's subordinates in the main plot, so does it have to do with this family unit as much as with Clayman's growth? I still wonder what the outcome of this is going to be.
There's also the fact I can't dismiss that Clayman's soul has been inside of Rimuru this entire time in the main plot. I'm not sure I agree with the idea I've seen put forth that this is something Rimuru is doing to him - teaching him a lesson while he's inside his stomach. It would require knowledge that neither he nor Clayman (or Raphael/Ciel) have to simulate all of this so I just don't see it. That, and his soul is used to heal Tear (in 19? I think it was book 19).
Actually, by the end of book 20, Clayman's family has been absolutely devastated. Footman has been taken over by Jahil. Laplace and Yuuki both are MIA (I don't believe either of them are dead). Tear and Kagali are. Alright ish.
But wait. Let's go back to that Footman thing. Do we know when Jahil was implanted into Footman? I'm not sure we do. Is Jahil already spying on Clayman in Clayman's Revenge? And also why would Feldway put him in place to spy on Clayman specifically anyway...hm. I guess the real target may have been Kazalim, but...I'm not sure. This feels like something I'd like to come back to when we have more information.
Let's just close the lid on that though - the second I start thinking about what might change in the main timeline I realize I need a separate post probably, that's an entire can of worms.
To bring it back to the point, I love the world building we're getting and the character development we're getting for Clayman and the people around him. I would, frankly, read the shit out of a slice of life Clayman manga so I have no complaints. But I think there are bigger things afoot here, and I'm eager to see where this is going despite my lack of answers currently!
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