swiftseraph · 3 years
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the group chat is so fucking funny
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swiftseraph · 3 years
They let me say nigga 🙂
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swiftseraph · 3 years
remembering the time toby fox smacked down the game theory guy on twitter and smiling serenely
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swiftseraph · 3 years
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ame has two hands (?)
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swiftseraph · 3 years
me, dming a cute girl: omg you're so funny and smart but like...i remember you tweeting something a while back about like, having raptorial forelimbs or some shit? you're not like, a bug, are you? like obv it's totally fine if you are but i just need to know
the horse-sized praying mantis on the other side of the screen: hahaha no omg...how the fuck would a bug even use a computer lmao
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swiftseraph · 3 years
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soul shenanigans 
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swiftseraph · 3 years
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I was walking through the toy aisle at Target when I found this thing and had a VIOLENT AND IMMEDIATE FLASHBACK to when JP first came out and they had a bunch of REALLY COOL T Rex toys that I would have sold one of my scrawny small-child limbs for but my mother wouldn’t get me one because they were “too violent and also ate people” :(
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swiftseraph · 3 years
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this anime’s refusal to engage with the technicalities of its own premise is SO inspiring. we don’t have time to focus on whatever plot hole physics we used to get here, we have an undead pop band to run
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swiftseraph · 3 years
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i dont have an explanation for this i just wanted to draw sun in a crop top n piercings bc i am gay <3 shirtless version under the cut bc i didnt want to include both and make this post Long
Keep reading
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swiftseraph · 3 years
The teenager at my job is so funny, she jokingly asked how my break was after I came back from the bathroom and after I said "can't a bitch change their pad in peace?" She said "a real nine to fiver would get a hysterectomy." There was no hesitation, no gap between what I said and what she said
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swiftseraph · 3 years
jojo siwa is like. her style is not my taste at all but as soon as other people call it annoying im like actually you're wrong she's an icon and a legend
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swiftseraph · 3 years
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swiftseraph · 3 years
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There is a new Chrome extension that detects if a video you’re streaming has a strobe in it, will freeze the video and stick this warning up there until you approve it.
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swiftseraph · 3 years
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remember fire emblem? i do but only bc of merceleth
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swiftseraph · 3 years
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Time to beat up the King.
Theory that Rouxls Kaard is actually kinda OP (and that he talks in butchered English because whatever he says in normal speech can automatically become a rule)
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swiftseraph · 3 years
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MaC-fuckin-SCUSE ME!??!?!
game freak i wanna talk to you about your 2007 game~
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swiftseraph · 3 years
for the domestic promt thing #1 with the bees;)
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A raucous snore stirs Blake from the slumber she’d unknowingly slipped into. She blinks in surprise a few times as her ears twitch, picking up on the soft trailing snores behind her, before her mind is able to put the pieces together.
The last thing she remembers is reading to Yang, her head in her lap as Yang had drawn gentle lines across her shoulders and through her hair, occasionally breaking up her circuit by scratching behind her ears. Blake remembers having felt particularly tired while reading, catching herself murmuring passages to Yang that she’d been asked to repeat more clearly. At a certain point, she’d put her book down against her chest, certain that any rest she’d allow herself wouldn’t last too long.
That had been when the sun shone rays of warm gold through their windows and painted a gilded picture of mid-afternoon tranquility. Now, the sky is a deep blue and she can make out the faint trail of orange dipping just below the horizon.
Blake sighs and looks down, expecting to find her book splayed across her chest; instead, she finds it open on the floor, its pages pressed and folded for Gods know how long. It would be more of an annoyance if Blake weren’t still so drowsy from waking up, and she turns away from the book she’s no doubt going to have to apologize to when she’s less sleepy.
Her attention turns back to Yang when she lets out another popping snore, this one shorter but no less loud. Blake turns over onto her stomach, suddenly feeling the cool air hit her back while her chest takes in the soft buzz of heat Yang’s never without.
Most peoples’ image of Yang Xiao Long is that of a hero, standing tall in battle while the sun catches in her golden hair and glints in her smile. It’s a good look for her, and Blake will never deny that. There were many things years ago that caught her eye, but that air of confidence and power was certainly one of them.
Now, with her head lulled back against the armrest of their sofa, drool running across her cheek from her open mouth as she snores the evening away, Blake still finds herself enamoured. At the very least, she’s one of the few people who gets to enjoy another side of one of Remnant’s most legendary huntresses.
And there are so many sides of Yang Xiao Long that Blake gets to enjoy and adore, facets of her beloved that few others ever even find out about. For every image of strength that Yang portrays, Blake also sees an image of kindness and care, small acts of devotion that go unspoken by her but not unnoticed by her loved ones. For every aspect of bravery that Yang embodies, Blake also sees the times where Yang has struggled, has feared, has let tears stain her eyes and tremors wrack her voice.
And for every time has seemed larger than life, embodying power and heroism like the heroes found in storybooks, Blake has also seen every intimate detail of her that reminds her just how human she is. The scars and scrapes embedded deep in her skin, the way her smile is never quite even, and the way that she snores and drools and murmurs in her sleep.
Blake could love every version of her, and she cherishes the chances she gets to see them all, even as she feels her own eyelids pull down with a renewed tiredness. Blake lets her head roll against Yang’s stomach, delighting in the warmth against her cheek and the gentle rise and fall matching each snore, before she lets sleep find her again, the image of the woman she loves most persisting in her mind with dreams of every other image to follow.
(Sorry it’s a little bit short aha)
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