swiftobin · 5 days
The line in The Manuscript "looking backwards might be the only way to move forward" just makes me think how rerecording her old albums has probably been in a way really hard because she's really had to dive back in to the times and feelings the songs are about. And especially all the unprocessed things have really come back to the surface. But it's probably been really healing too, she's finally been able to put a lot of things in the past, the story isn't hers anymore.
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swiftobin · 6 days
I'd be totally fine with having a camera on Alex Morgan at all times, just to see her reactions, because they're fantastic.
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swiftobin · 1 month
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swiftobin · 1 month
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swiftobin · 2 months
would like to add to the point about korbin growing up in a conservative household - i grew up in a country where it was ILLEGAL to be anything but straight and cisgender as well as a pretty conservative household, however completely support the lgbtq+ community and consider myself an ally. having access to social media and opinions from all around the world allows you to access different viewpoints and converse with all kinds of people.
would like to also say it IS bigger than just soccer. human rights come before anything else. having someone on a team which is outspoken on equality with such views is not a message to be sent to america and the world.
I’m sorry but I strongly disagree with you on this Korbin thing. Let me start off that I myself am gay. The outrage and need to harp on this is ridiculous to me. Let them focus on football and winning with this new generation. This is a 20 year old kid who was raised in a conservative family and liked dumb shit on social media. Where is the tolerance, education and love? This is a kid who made a mistake and did this before she was on the team. Who the hell are we to say that someone who has worked their whole life for a sport they love should lose their job? Because they grew up conservative and have different views of a % of the fan base? I mean really get over yourselves, the entitlement to end someone’s career at 20 years old is absolutely crazy to me. Does what this kid tweeted keep you up at night? Not me! Her teammates, coaches, friends and family are who should matter when deciding this. And unless I missed something the tweet she liked about Rapinoe wasn’t about her liking her getting hurt. It was about her making fun how self absorbed Rapinoe is to say God ( who she doesn’t believe in) came to her final game just to injure her!
Imagine being 20 years old and having 50,000 fans boo you and what that would do to anyone’s mental health.
Try having some compassion, patience and empathy. Honestly this seems out of character for your usual post but I don’t know you. To each their own opinion when it comes to this.
I want to watch football and I want the USWNT to be #1 again in the world. I don’t care what any of them identify as for sexuality, religion, politics etc
Social media makes it real easy to forget these are actually people who have real lives.
We all need to be better.
Enjoy your weekend. ✌🏼
Sorry for the delay. I wanted to wait until I had a few minutes to properly reply. There's a lot in your ask so I'm gonna break it down piece by piece to try and address as much as possible and to keep my thoughts organised.
Part 1:
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You're entitled to disagree and to express that, no need to apologise. But I don't particularly think I've been harping on or outraged. More like annoyed. If that's ridiculous to you, fair enough and maybe this isn't the right blog for you. The "let's focus on football" I do take issue with. This is the equivalent of "shut up and dribble". I, and many others, partly came to love this team because of their advocacy, willingness to speak on matters off the pitch etc. I dont want to focus just on football and winning. And if 2019 taught us anything its that we/they don't need to solely focus on soccer. This sentiment is giving carli Lloyd (not a compliment).
Part 2:
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20 years old is not a kid. It's an adult. And one who has spent time at university, living abroad and with youth national teams. Shes grown up online (with social media and access to different viewpoints etc from a young age). Not a sheltered 15 year old who's never left her county or something.
Where is her tolerance and love? We don't need to tolerate transphobia or homophobia in 2024 in woso which is supposed to be a safe space. I have shown an abundance of tolerance and love for many Christians and yes, Conservatives over the years on this blog. Because they weren't spreading hate and homphobia. There's a difference in having views and spouting hate. And that's where many people are drawing the line. By the way, I would 100% lose my job if I posted that kind of stuff online and it came to the attention of my employer. And I'm not in the spotlight or part of an organisation that has traditionally been outspoken in the areas of equality etc.
I also have not said we should end her career. I dont want her on the USWNT right now (of course if she grows, learns and changes I'm open but judging by the lacklustre apology she's not there yet) but I've never said she can't have a career in soccer or I want to end it. She's also got a career with PSG I have never mentioned anything about.
Part 3:
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I'm glad it doesn't bother you. It evidently does bother a large number of people in the community judging by the response to all of this. It's not just about someone tweeting something or whatever. It's about actively going out there to cause hurt to vulnerable communities and some of us don't want the team to stand for that.
It sure seems like her team mates (and players union) have issues with what she did judging by what was shared by USWNT players association and shared by so many players. This isn't just fans she has upset so I don't get your point. It's not just about her friends and family. You can read the Rapinoe thing however you like, the vast vast majority of people understood it to mean she was wishing ill on Pinoe and liking something about her being injured is in very poor taste no matter how you spin it.
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Part 4:
Imagine being a trans 14 year old, in a world like our one and finding out that a player you admire was posting this crap about you? Imagine being an LGBTQ+ player who risked so much to fight for equality and such with the USWNT and seeing your jersey go to someone like this who likes crappy memes about you getting injured? By the way, at no point did I boo her? Wasn't even in the country where it happened? Nor did I tell anyone to? So I'm not sure what I did that was so "out of character "?
You're right about one thing though, you don't know me. But one things for sure, I care about more than just winning and being number one in the world. And I do care about that a whole lot, as anyone who has followed me closely for the past 5 years can tell.
And nowhere did I say that I care who identifies a certain way with their sexuality or religion etc. Several of my all time favourite players are Christians (Tobin and Lauren Holiday being two of the most obvious and vocal ones). I've been incredibly supportive of lgbt players (just look up my CP23 and TH or Ash and Ali pre divorce posts) as well as straight ones (Hello Alex Morgan and Syd Leroux).
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Part 5:
I fully know these are real people, and I think most fans do to. There are real, vulnerable people reading and seeing what she is spreading too. And she needs to be aware of this, and yes, I think there needs to be consequences to her actions. I truly don't see how or why that means I "need to be better" in this respect and I don't think I need to be told it in a patronising way from someone who is telling me this is this kind of anonymous ask.
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swiftobin · 2 months
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big smiles all around!
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swiftobin · 2 months
Besides the midfield....I'm actually okay with this!
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Our SheBelieves Cup roster ✨
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swiftobin · 3 months
manifesting some good things 🙏
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swiftobin · 3 months
Alex and Jaedyn 🥹🥹
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swiftobin · 3 months
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WOWWW, didn't even have the deciency to tell her to her face, I cannot stand that woman, Ali deserves so much better, and Ashlyn deserves to fuck off into obscurity.
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swiftobin · 3 months
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i’m TIRED of the alex disrespect
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swiftobin · 3 months
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oh PLEASE carli
she’s so fucking jealous of alex it’s insane
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swiftobin · 3 months
Angry Alex Morgan is hot as fuck, and it reminds me why I'm a flaming gay.
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swiftobin · 3 months
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swiftobin · 4 months
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funniest reaction pic of the season just dropped.
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swiftobin · 4 months
Help! LOL My bff won't stop talking about how Preath is not endgame because of what happened to Krashlyn. Crazy stuff. I ask/need some good advice/comebacks because I am truly concerned for my bff's obession over this topic ... Thank you!!!
Oh hello there!
You know what, out of all woso relationships, I feel Preath is the most obvious endgame. They keep their relationship private so we don't really know anything. For me, privacy/no publicity kinda means deepest love ygm? I'm not putting this in the right words but i'd just say to wait and watch to your friend.
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swiftobin · 4 months
Are you the crazy ass Sabrina girl? She is sharing your posts on Twitter so you must be
Sorry who? No I'm a dude, not this ''Sabrina''... Who is this oh my god! 🫢
I'm sort of sporadically active here so a) I have no idea how long ago you have asked me this, and b) Where on twitter all this is.
If any of you know anything let me know lool i'm actually confused hehe. I'm @repsnickel on twitter so you could ask me there too.
ignore these tags they're actually embarassing, I just want answers hehe!
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