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[ Start ID: A glitched looking drawing of a circular mass of eyes with red irises and white pupils, floating in a staticky dark sky surrounded by a soft glow. In the foreground is trees, rimmed in red and cast to black. The eyes are focused on the viewer. End ID ]
11-11-2020 || Hungry Eyes
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Happy ace visibility week!!! Take a Fitzroy!
Reblogs > likes 💕💕
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how would the suffering game be different if 1) magnus and merle knew about taakitz and 2) they insisted kravitz come on the mission because he’s powerful and “dead so he can’t be controlled by the relic”?
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I’ve just been thinking a lot about platonic life partners Magnus and Lucretia…
Just the two of them, sharing a small cabin in a place that isn’t too far from the rest of their friends, but when you look off the porch into the woods it still feels like the middle of nowhere.  Magnus comes home in the evenings after working at the school and drops down onto the couch next to her, with Johann close behind.  And Lucretia playfully pushes him away, tells him he stinks, but she doesn’t really mean it.  She puts away her notebooks and tells him about what she was writing that day- she’s working on a book, now.  Fantasy, this time.  She’s spent over a hundred years recording the events of tis world, and she figures that she deserves a break.
And it’s not perfect.  The first year they live together, Lucretia finds Magnus crying on the evening of his and Julia’s wedding anniversary.  But Lucretia locks the date away in her brain, and the next year she is there to sit with him as he mourns.  They have dinner together, and Magnus tells her stories about Julia, and Lucretia writes those down too.  And those days still hurt, but at least Magnus isn’t alone.
And when they visit the rest of the IPRE, Taako’s smile freezes whenever Lucretia enters the room.  He’s civil, of course, even occasionally kind, but she can’t help but feel like she’s damaged their relationship beyond repair.  But Magnus sees her face fall every time that happens, and makes sure to put his arm around her protectively and guide her back into the group.  He laughs loudly and brightly, skillfully shifting conversation back onto her, and makes sure that she feels like she is a part of the family.  And even if she sometimes doubts if that is still true, she can forget it for at least a moment.
And Magnus Burnsides, the man who always rushes in, who thought that he would die in a blaze of glory on the battlefield, leads a calm and peaceful life.  And Lucretia, who spent those ten lonely years on Faerun years pushing away her family, is never alone.
And both of them are happy.
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[angus mcdonald voice] poggers, sirs!
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twins but make them taaco
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Um, big yes I'd love to hear the things you think about taakitz!?
kravitz wears reading glasses. taako is obsessed with them
theyre very in love
they slow dance in the kitchen when certain songs come on the radio
this has caused burnt dinner syndrome more than once. they order takeout instead and laugh abt how sappy they are
taako says he thinks cliche romance gestures are dumb but krav gets him flowers and he cries
he also has Many stuffed animals bc krav saw them and thought of taako
krav acts smooth but taako gives him chocolates and he dematerializes and can't even eat them hes so excited
they go hard as hell for Halloween (see I put A Spell On You for deets)
theyre in love and it redefines them but so it just feels so comfortable in a way neither of them is really used to and they spend a lot of time in disbelief it's really real??
taako is an absolute food gremlin and will sit on the counter and eat cold ravioli out the can and it weirds krav out but makes him heart sick in one go
lup is very skeptical abt krav but the raven queen fucking loves taako from the get go
they wake up in the morning in a tangled heap and look at each other and smile real slow like aw shit. I get to spend another day with him. hell yeah
and that's love baby
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TIMELINE - The Adventure Zone: Balance
Stolen Century
YEAR 0 (START): The Light of Creation falls on Twosun
YEAR 0 (END): The takeoff. CONSUMED.
Press conference about the Starblaster
That evening: THB, Lup, & Lucretia go to a bar.
Next day: Starblaster launch.
The crew’s physical states & positions are recorded as they enter a new planar system.
YEAR 1: Animal planet. CONSUMED.
YEAR 8: Mushroom world, feat. Fungston. SAVED.
YEAR 17: Robot world (TAZ: Knights). CONSUMED.
YEAR 21: Beach episode; mental health year. SAVED.
YEAR 30: Tesseralia. Parley begins & continues until ~70s. CONSUMED.
YEAR 47: Legato Conservatory & the Voidfish. The Hunger starts arriving sooner. CONSUMED.
YEAR 65: The giant statue justices; Lucretia’s alone year. CONSUMED.
YEAR 82: Hubris-destroyed world, magic research. Becoming liches. SAVED.
YEAR ??: The Voidfish’s static effect is discovered when Lucretia sings something only Barry (in lich form) can hear. The Light is recovered from a drake’s lair. SAVED.
YEAR 92: Arcaneum. The Light is recovered from undersea. IPRE learns artificing. The Relics plan is formed. The Umbrastaff & other weapons/items are made. SAVED.
YEAR 99+: Faerûn. The relics plan is enacted. The Relic War begins.
Nearly 2 years into Faerûn: Lup hides the Gauntlet & disappears (gets trapped in the Umbrastaff), Taako & Barry start searching for her, and Lucretia starts spending time alone in her room.
2 years into” Faerûn, on Davenport’s birthday (this would be at the end of “year 100”, if the counter continued): Lucretia erases the memories of Stolen Century & the Relic War.
Raven’s Roost; Sizzle It Up; Merle’s wife & kids
Barry alternates between being alive and dead, avoiding the Raven Queen and trying to stop Lucretia
Lup is still in the Umbrastaff
Lucretia retrieves the Bulwark Staff
Lucretia attempts to retrieve the Animus Bell from Wonderland, but fails and barely escapes with her life at her companion’s sacrifice
LESS THAN A YEAR BEFORE GERBLINS: (so it’s been almost 12 years on Faerûn total)
Lucretia establishes the Bureau of Balance
12 YEARS INTO FAERÛN: Here There Be Gerblins, Phandalin burns, Noelle Redcheek dies, Barry dies for the last time in-series
???: Murder on the Rockport Limited
AUTUMN: Petals to the Metal
CANDLENIGHTS: The Crystal Kingdom
The next day, the Hunger arrives. Reunion Tour & Story and Song occur.
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Mab’s Drawlloween day 6 Familiar.
I chose one of the best familiars I know of, Snippers from The Adventure Zone: Graduation! Haha. Based off the acrylic keychains design.
List: https://www.instagram.com/p/CEsgGWfnFvU/?igshid=n96hj1ibx1o7
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Has this been done yet?
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listening to the grad theme just for some serotonin
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hey you know all the hc’s about how the birds are cold all the time cause they come from a planet w two suns? yeah
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(At the moon base game night)
Lucretia: All right everyone, partner up.
Taako, grabbing Angus by the arm: If we lose, you’re out of my will.
Angus: I was in your will?
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“But I am dying so, what do I care?” *Justin’s real laugh mixes in*
“There are only 3 of us, but they are my clan.”
“From time to time.” *Griffin and Clint laugh*
“I have tried to be a light to set a good example, but I have been taught too.”
“There are others who do not follow this code who are brave and strong and care.”
“This makes me very happy to know that you are not alone.” “Oh... no. I am alone. I have been alone since I left here. We are alone together.”
“Of all the firbolg I know to be out in the world, you are the one who I know will do good. Who will not let world change him... you know what is right.”
“Sleep well, huh?”
Oh... I suppose I’ll go cry now-
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Two friends on a rescue mission only to discover their friend having a nice dinner with the other person’s dad : ) + a quick comic of Fitzroy feeling homesick over spicy cod fish stew
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So Artober day one became Lup very fast. 
I’m doing them based off of writing prompts from @love-me-a-good-prompt
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