sweet-takoyaki · 27 days
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sweet-takoyaki · 1 month
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sweet-takoyaki · 2 months
Red is a “barely talks because it’s difficult and stressful” autistic
Blue is a “talks way too much, especially when he’s excited” autistic
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sweet-takoyaki · 3 months
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Connor going through life just assuming because he has no dick it means he has no sexual urges, then one day he encounters something that makes him realize not only does he have them, but he's such a submissive that nothing else triggered them until that.
Something about a shock or dog collar in specific lighting and pure frustration ❤️
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sweet-takoyaki · 3 months
"Would you still love me if I were a Wurmple?" Various PLA x reader hcs + submas
My dear followers, I would love you if you were Wurmples.
"Oh! That reminds me of this old legend where a princess turns into a Wurmple, and her lover..."
He would build the best little Wurmple house for you.
He would entertain you with stories and legends, with the added bonus of you not being able to interrupt.
"Are you planning on becoming a Wurmple anytime soon?"
He would carry Wurmple-you everywhere on his head or in his pocket.
"Uuuuuh, I guess?"
She would make little Wurmple-sized necklaces for you.
Or a Wurmple-sized jacket so you can go visit the Pearl Clan camp.
"Absolutely not"
Honestly she'd probably cry.
She'd set up an inescapable enclosure on the far side of her office.
"I'm not sure I understand what you're asking..."
He would place you under his hat for safekeeping.
Might try to use you in a Pokemon battle to see if that works.
"Of course!"
He 100% tries to evolve you. (It doesn't work)
After asking him that question, he sometimes refers to you as "My little Wurmple"
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sweet-takoyaki · 4 months
Kaidan: *trying his hardest to drop hints to Evalien that he fancies her*
Evalien: *doesn’t notice, completely clueless*
Taliesin: *hands her a wedge of cheese*
Evalien: Hm. We shall be married come spring.
Kaidan: OH COME ON!
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sweet-takoyaki · 4 months
I believe Kaidan has settings in his extended edition to nerf/buff his abilities as the player sees fit. Maybe you could implement something similar? Because yeah, unfortunately starting out with ice spike and a weapon that does over 30 damage with such a strong enchantment is a little much at lower levels.
Slightly weird question maybe- Is there a setting to make Tally slightly weaker temporarily? I didn’t realize how strong he was, picked him up too early, and now he’s carrying me so bad I’m barely getting any exp lmaooo
Is there any way to fix this or do I have to abandon him until I’m a higher level?
Oh no...I'm gonna have to nerf Tally. :(
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sweet-takoyaki · 4 months
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there are two types of people
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sweet-takoyaki · 4 months
I imagine it would lead to some really cute moments if the LDB asked him to teach them though 🥰
This may be a weird question, but after doing some lore diving, I found out that a lot of Reachfolk reject literacy. So how would Tally feel about/act towards an ex-Forsworn LDB who can’t read or write? And how would his feelings change if they wanted to learn vs. if they were completely uninterested?
Ooh I love Lore diving! Feel free to send random lore facts about the Forsworn my way any time! I could use as much fun and interesting facts for later!
Now onto Tally...
So Taliesin is a HUGE book nerd, he loves reading about fantasy adventure, drama and fiction of any category! He feels those who can't read are missing out on the greatest gift anyone could have: reading!
Now he would be very passive aggressive if they refuse to learn. It's their choice to remain illiterate, but he will tease them if they ask him to read to them.
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sweet-takoyaki · 4 months
I'm curious to see what the followers would do with a dragonborn they've known since childhood. Are they still friends? We're they ever friends in the first place? Like, there's so much potential!
Inigo: God. That would make everything so much harder. One day he meets up with his new partner for a job and bam it's the kid he and Fergus used to play with as children. Not only is he struggling with his addiction and the loss of his family but now there is a living, breathing reminder of what once was. Then he thinks he's killed them and it hits him a lot harder. When the ldb finds him in his cell, all excited to see him and concerned it's just so confusing for the poor guy, but eventually their bond becomes a lot stronger.
Lucien: Oooh I could see them being very good friends. When the ldb moved away the poor boy definitely cried. But the reunion!!! He sees this strong adventure-type ordering something at the tavern, taps their shoulder to ask about traveling with them and then they turn around and it's them! His childhood friend! After, they'd practically be joined at the hip and insufferable to everyone around them.
Auri: She'd be thrilled to see an old face from home again. If the ldb left Valenwood first then I think it would take her a lot longer to explain what happened and why she had to leave.
Nebarra: From what we know, Neb really cares for the people he knows back home, so if he was childhood friends with ldb, he'd probably still be cautious depending on how many years it's been, but he'd definitely be a lot softer towards them.
Kaidan: THE RELIEF HE FEELS THE MOMENT HE LOOKS UP AND SEES THEM!!! He only knew them for a short time, but he didn't have many friends or happy memories, so he thought of their time together often. Like Auri, knowing the ldb makes it a lot harder to admit his past- he doesn't want the way they look at him to change, for them to see that little boy they played with as a killer, but oh man when he tells them and they remain by his side he realizes just how hard he's fallen for them.
Caryalind: I think it would take a little time for him to warm up to them again. He had a hard time as a kid, and it probably hurt a lot when one of his closest friends moved away. He knows it's not their fault, but it still hurt all the same. I think once they become close again though, it would be good for him to have someone who knows what he's been through and seen it close-up.
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sweet-takoyaki · 4 months
Skyrim Pro Tip: Don’t try to use J’zargo’s scrolls while you have a follower. I accidentally made Kaidan hostile with the explosions and it was absolutely terrifying 😭
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sweet-takoyaki · 5 months
My Skyrim experience
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sweet-takoyaki · 5 months
So my wife made the comment while we were playing skyrim together that it's absolute bs to her that:
1. Lucien isn't romanceable, because he's too much of a wet cat of a man to not be romanceable.
2. That training Lucien isn't used as a way to just fluster the ever living fuck outta him. The poor man would probably fluster so easily.
(Also Joseph literally did not have to go THAT hard on Lucien's training voice lines. my wife was like: jfc what kinda training are we doin'???? 👀😳😂)
so of course i had to draw this happening.
it's not finished yet, but thought I'd post the progress of it so far. I wasn't sure if i should leave Lucien's hand;
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with the electric/shock magic heart?
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or just the lil' pinkish heart?
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sweet-takoyaki · 5 months
How I imagine miraak to make breakfast for the gang
Last dragonborn would get the best breakfast, Miraak would wake up early just to make them a good meal cause he is head over heels for them
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Miraak didn't want to waste what was left and threw it on a plate for his second favourite member, Lucien was really grateful that Miraak actually did something for him
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Honestly he forgot about him cause Inigo wakes up the last and when ldb called him out, Miraak just handed the khajiit the plain bread he was having
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Miraak went out of his way to burn kaidan's toast. He kept a plain bread on a plate in front of kaidan and then used flames on it until the bread was completely overcooked and the plate underneath had shattered.
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sweet-takoyaki · 6 months
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♡ daisy + weegie time ♡  
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sweet-takoyaki · 8 months
The LDB every time Auri says anything to Kaidan:
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sweet-takoyaki · 8 months
If I had a nickel for every time I’ve fallen headfirst into shipping a flirty ace-coded high elf with daddy issues with a neurodivergent wizard nerd with a cat I’d have two nickels.
Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it’s happened twice.
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