Open starter
Prompto had his camera out photographing the wildlife out near Hammerhead to update their area logbook, mostly almost loosing his head a few times but mostly from tripping over rocks. After coming close to Hammerhead around late afternoon he decided to call it quits and headed over to Takka's. Once he walked through the doors and found a seat at the bar he ordered a burger and soda before indulging into his camera.
Not good with starters but if this is cool lets have fun.
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// ily ❤💋💋 Official Prompto Girlfriend lmaoo , but will still ship with everyone else too openly! //
“Oh you wanna trash talk huh? Well-uh–your lips–a-are really soft-looking–”“If I win, you get to be my prize.”
Arguing to be heard outside the garage as Cindy and Prompto were going at it. Prompto wasnt expecting for Cindy to lash out at him over an innocent question, all he wanted was to see his girlfriend after a two weeks of being gone. Not knowing what she was angry over he treaded lightly until she threw a few harmless insults his way. Trying to catch her off guard, his mouth moved in its own.“Oh you wanna trash talk huh? Well-uh–your lips–a-are really soft-looking–” Trailing off not really knowing why he just said that, Cindy stopped where she stood before giggling at how terrible his comeback was before throwing her arms around his neck. “Lets have a competition to see who missed another more.” He smiled sweetly down at her in complete bliss. “If I win, you get to be my prize.”
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“FINE. If you win, I’ll go out/sleep/make out with you.” (Cindy to Prompto ❤ )
The Choco/Mog carnival was in town and Prompto somehow whike thanking the gods bumped into Cindy. She was delighted to see the chocobo loving boy doing well and also that he was by himself.  They walked and talked for a bit untik they came across the game stalls filled with cute prizes. Her eyes lit up on a certain chocobo plush and stopped in place. "Prompto ,Im stopping here for a bit. Theres something I want and Im not keavin' til I get it." He covered his mouth from laughing,  adoring how cute she looked and what a perfect picture this would be but resisted grabbing his camera. As she spent time missing shot after shot, he jokingly took the toy gun from her. "If you oh so kindly go out with me, I'll hit the target." Freezing right after that courageous outburst, her face became flushed as she pulled down her hat trying to cover her face. “FINE. If you win, I’ll go out with you.”  Not even a minute passed after she said those word did the target stand strong. He only wasted one shot before giving her a sly smirk. Bingo.
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Reblog this if you're having fun playing your character.
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“ d—-don’t make me moan, i don’t want anyone to catch us… ”
Skin against skin, fingers pressed harsh against Cindys hips as he kept pulling her towards him. He towered over her small frame as she was pressed tightly against a dryer letting out her sweet angelic voice while all their friends mingled for New Years outside in the apartment Prompto and his friends shared. “ D—-Don’t make me moan, I don’t want anyone to catch us together us… ” He instantly brought his hand up to her mouth muffling any sounds that left. "Sweetheart I'll make you eat those words." He could feel her melt at those words and began his magic on her.
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if your muse has trust & abandonment issues clap your hands
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secret relationship .
“ it’s — getting a bit out of hand now. ”
“ i don’t think i can keep this up much longer. ”
“ i’m getting tired of hiding…”
“ it sucks that i can’t kiss you in public. ”
“ how much longer do i have to keep swallowing my desires for you. ”
“ are you sure we will — ? ”
“ do you think we’ll ever… be a couple-couple ? ”
“ sometimes i’m just scared that you’re just using me. ”
“ it’s starting to dawn on me that… the reason you might not want to come out about this is because you don’t really love me—”
“ is this a joke to you?”
“ i deleted all our texts. ”
“ i can’t keep pictures of us on my phone, are you crazy? ”
“ if anyone sees us i won’t know what to do. ”
“ sometimes it feels like i am the only one doing an effort here… ”
“ aren’t we suppose to be a thing ? why are you flirting then ?”
“ sometimes it feels like i am the only one doing an effort here —”
“ you sure seem to be good at ignoring the fact that we’re together. ”
“ okay no — i can’t handle the way they keep staring at you. ”
“ if they don’t stop hitting you up i’ll end up hitting them down. ”
“ don’t you see any pride in the marks i left on you ? ”
“ is this a joke to you — ?!”
“ stop that — we’re in public. ”
“ no, not until we get home. ”
“ you know i can’t do this out here — stop it!”
“ could TRY to show that you’re a little worried about this ???”
“ d—-don’t make me moan, i don’t want anyone to catch us… ”
“ everyone is downstairs… ~ take your pants off ”
“ shhh…. ~ it’ll be fine baby, no one will hear us ”
“ so what ? ~ if they see us coming out together we’ll figure something out…”
“ i’m gonna leave so many hickeys on you… show everyone that you’re taken… ”
“ i missed your scent…”
“ it feels so good — being close to again… ”
“ i’ve been thinking — about this the entire day… ”
“ ~ sit back and let me spoil you… you went an entire day without touching me… ”
“ kiss me… and don’t let me go ”
“ you’re like a forbidden fruit when i can’t touch you ~ kind of sexy ”
“ i can’t wait to show you off to the entire world… ”
“ we’ll be the cutest couple in existence, someday ”
“ when we come out i’m going to drown you kisses every day ”
“ ~ if we carve our initials in a tree no one will know ”
“ no one will notice if we hold hands under the table ~ ”
“ one day… we’ll be able to kiss like everyone else ”
“ i long for the day i get to hug you in the open ”
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rivals to lovers starters
as requested. feel free to change pronouns or anything else !
“I’m going to kis–kick your ass!”
“You can’t sleep with him/her/them! You’ll get your heart broken–and then I’ll automatically win, and that’s no fun.”
“I’m considering letting you win…”
“If you lose, you have to do anything I want.”
“Stop squirming! You can’t beat me if you have a cut like that.”
“I’d do anything to……win.”
“How did you trip over thin air, dumbass?! Be quiet, I’ll carry you somewhere.”
“I challenge you to a duel! With my tongue/mouth.”
“I bet I can kiss better than you can!”
“Wow, you’re really dumb…PFFT…bet you won’t take off your shirt…chicken.”
“I can’t believe I have to share a room with you before our competition.”
“Try to beat MY handholding skills.”
“Contest: whoever comes up with the most ways to say ‘I love you’ wins.”
“Ha! You’re definitely the fastest.”
“Scared, ___?”
“I was joking…why would you actually try to jump over that fence?”
“Don’t do anything stupid!”
“FINE. If you win, I’ll go out/sleep/make out with you.”
“You have about as much of a chance at winning as you do of getting a kiss from me.”
“I don’t want to lose to anyone else but you!”
“If you get it right, I’ll let you take a break.”
“Are you too scared to skinny dip?!”
“Think you can handle my thoughtful love notes?! You’re in for a shocker.”
“I’ve always spent so much time practicing/studying/exercising/etc. that I’ve never had a real boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other before.”
“For a newbie, you’re kinda cute.”
“Hey, stop with the puppy eyes! I won fair and square.”
“No, YOU’RE the cutest.”
“Time for a staring contest! I’m totally the king/queen/ruler of them.”
“Can we end practice? It’s really hot in here.”
“Oh you wanna trash talk huh? Well-uh–your lips–a-are really soft-looking–”
“If I win, you get to be my prize.”
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protective sentence starters
as requested. Feel free to change pronouns or anything else !
“Don’t you hurt a single hair on his/her/their head.”
“Hands off!”
“What do you think you’re doing to him/her/them?”
“I’ll never let you go.” / “Don’t ever let me go.”
“Don’t ever leave my sight again.”
“I got your back.”
“Where are you going? It’s not safe out there!”
“Do you trust me?”
“Be more careful next time. I don’t want to bandage you up again.”
“Hey, it’s cold outside. At least wear a jacket.”
“I’d die for you.”
“You’ll back off if you know what’s good for you.”
“Get behind me NOW.”
“Here, I have an extra weapon.”
“Duck, you idiot!”
“Go on without me.”
“Well what did you expect would happen while you’re walking alone at night? Come on, let’s get you away from that creep.”
“Hey. Pal. I’ve got a gun/knife/fist/weapon and I’m not afraid to use it.”
“You can stop hugging me now.”
“You scared the shit out of me. I’m never going to stop hugging you.”
“Quit babying me! I can protect myself.”
“I’ll always be there to save you.” / “I know you’ll always be there to save me.”
“If you even THINK about touching him/her/them, I’ll kill you.”
“[choked up] I thought I lost you.” / “[choked up] I never thought I’d see you again.”
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His face lit up like a christmas tree as he relished in the fact her arm was around him and it also didnt hurt that she was shaped like a goddess. "I'd love too, um.. Crowes Nest okay with you." He was hoping for any answer with a yes that anywhere would be splendid paradise.
"Well hello there Mr.Sunshine, how are you doing today and why are you by your lonesome self?" Cindy walked over to the blonde and stopped in front of him, tossing a wink his way.
His breathe was hitched in his throat, cheeks going flush as the goddess of Hammerhead apeared before him herself while even throwing a wink his way! This had to be a cruel joke one of the guys put her up to as he slowly, and yet clumsily pinched his arm before yelping. “Uh..H-Hey there Cindy! How are you doing today?” The words felt like they spewed from his mouth in a hasty style. “The guys and I had some freetime and decided to split for a few days.” He tried so hard to keep his composure cool in front of Cindy.
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"What are you talking about, I'd never leave for good." He grinned, playfully smacking Noctis' shoulder. "It takes to much to lose me."
"Noctis! Hows it going buddy?" The blonde ran over to his best friend, a huge smile on his face.
“Prom, I was wondering where you were.” Noctis gives him one of his small smiles. “Was worried you were never coming back.”
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"Well hello there Mr.Sunshine, how are you doing today and why are you by your lonesome self?" Cindy walked over to the blonde and stopped in front of him, tossing a wink his way.
His breathe was hitched in his throat, cheeks going flush as the goddess of Hammerhead apeared before him herself while even throwing a wink his way! This had to be a cruel joke one of the guys put her up to as he slowly, and yet clumsily pinched his arm before yelping. “Uh..H-Hey there Cindy! How are you doing today?” The words felt like they spewed from his mouth in a hasty style. “The guys and I had some freetime and decided to split for a few days.” He tried so hard to keep his composure cool in front of Cindy.
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((I saw youre new and were lookin for people. Hello☆ ))
Thank you!!!! You made my day with Cindy. I don't ever see any rpers of her ;;;;u;;;; ////
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"Well hello there Mr.Sunshine, how are you doing today and why are you by your lonesome self?" Cindy walked over to the blonde and stopped in front of him, tossing a wink his way.
His breathe was hitched in his throat, cheeks going flush as the goddess of Hammerhead apeared before him herself while even throwing a wink his way! This had to be a cruel joke one of the guys put her up to as he slowly, and yet clumsily pinched his arm before yelping. "Uh..H-Hey there Cindy! How are you doing today?" The words felt like they spewed from his mouth in a hasty style. "The guys and I had some freetime and decided to split for a few days." He tried so hard to keep his composure cool in front of Cindy.
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Brand new to tumblr but
I have 8 years of RPing behind me. I will do any ship but would love for a Cindy, Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis. Thanks for having me. ;D
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