sweatselfiesfood · 1 year
starting a new company, Autistic Auditors, where we send blunt autistic people to check up on things like companies to stand there and be like “actually that thing the CEO said made no sense, elaborate” and pushing them to actually explain their dodgy corporate language that avoids accountability and reliability. Just really grind them down with repeated “why” and “but what does that mean” and writing down the answers in clear and obvious language.
IDK I’m just sick of hearing how Business Bros talk and how many people are suckers for it. I want blunt people standing there going “hey, that guy didn’t actually SAY anything, he just strung together a bunch of nonsense corporate words to make you think ‘ooo profit’ but there’s nothing substantial here”
We would do the same to politicians.
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sweatselfiesfood · 1 year
“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.”
— H. Jackson Brown Jr.
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sweatselfiesfood · 1 year
Before COVID shut the library down, I was helping a little boy and his mom find books.
“What do you like to read about?” I asked. “Dinosaurs!” This is common request, but can mean different things, “Okay. Do you want a story about dinosaurs, or facts about dinosaurs?” “Facts.” I took him to the dinosaur section (567.9) of the juvenile nonfiction. He picked out a couple books, and I asked him if there was anything else he was looking for. “Do you have anything on DNA?” I had to think about that for a second. “I think so…but I’ll have to look it up.” The boy beamed, “I want to find out how DNA works, so I can bring them back!” “We just saw Jurassic Park,” his mom explained with a smile that did not waver when she added, “We didn’t learn anything.”
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sweatselfiesfood · 1 year
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sweatselfiesfood · 1 year
Please, please report people who put their ko-fi or Patreon on their AO3 without mercy. Just click the link at the bottom of the page that says Policy Questions and Abuse Reports and say the user is engaging in monetisation. Say where you saw their ko-fi link or mention (author’s note, whatever) and copy the info on their user profile, too, in order to make it easier for the volunteers.
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sweatselfiesfood · 1 year
Today is Mardi Gras and I haven’t been religious in a hot minute but I’ve decided today is a great day to reaffirm and recommit to my goals.
I think I’m gonna try to go back to wfpb eating for the next 40 days. I’ve been eating mostly vegetarian and I struggle with the ethics of it - but clearly not enough to turn down a snickers bar or a couple bites of my nephew’s Mac and cheese. I don’t want to be someone who has moral stances and then doesn’t follow through on them because what kind of a person does that make me?
I also am going to try to focus on doable hunger some more. Weight loss wise, I’m following Corinne Crabtree and No BS. For those of you who don’t know, it’s a version of intuitive eating with cognitive / dialectical behavior therapy aspects thrown in. Whichever one focuses around what you think and why you think it. The philosophy is that our thoughts create our feelings and and our feelings drive our actions.
So for example, I think, “I had a shitty day, I deserve a break,” and it makes me feel justified, so then I order a strawberry margarita.
No BS teaches us to think “I had a shitty day but it’s over now” and that thought makes me feel relieved, and then I can go about whatever I had planned to eat in the first place.
There are clearly more layers to it and it gets a little deeper than that, but it’s really about getting the emotional eating aspect under control. I’ll probably do journal entries here, because I want to better utilize this as an actual fitblr.
Selfie for posterity….ignore the flush, I had that strawberry margarita I mentioned. 😬
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sweatselfiesfood · 1 year
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Self care moodboard
What does your day look like? Make sure you make time to take care of your body and your soul
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sweatselfiesfood · 1 year
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sweatselfiesfood · 1 year
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Root Vegetable Power Bowl with Roasted Garlic Tahini Dressing
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sweatselfiesfood · 1 year
the cure to self-sabotage is to anchor yourself to the universal truth that you are worth it. you are worth the effort. you are worth the difficulty, you are worth the time, you are worth the consideration. there is never a point in your life, in time itself, that you are not worth it. return to this truth when you feel yourself slipping. do not let it go.
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sweatselfiesfood · 3 years
so many ppl on tiktok will be like 'look at my epic style glow up omg my style used to be so cringe' and it just shows them wearing clothes that were in fashion in 2015 and then clothes that are in fashion now like baby that's what happens when u don't have ur own sense of style
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sweatselfiesfood · 4 years
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sweatselfiesfood · 4 years
Calling fitness friends!!
I’m looking for active fitness blogs to follow and fill my feed with health/wellness/fitness content!!
Like this post and I’ll give you a follow!
Also, if you’re looking for something similar, reblog and check out the notes to find some other people— we all could use a little community, right now especially!! ❤️
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sweatselfiesfood · 4 years
do you ever read about clean eating and intermittent fasting and cleanses and all that shit and just think about how good the wellness industry is as repackaging dangerous and disordered eating habits as shiny wellness routines and become literally enraged
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sweatselfiesfood · 4 years
people will say they aren’t attractive and then go create art and then go write beautiful poetry and then go bake a cake for a friend and then go spread positivity and then go write a novel and then continue to say they aren’t attractive, as if everything they do doesn’t count or doesn’t matter, as if societal expectations somehow decide their worth and fate.
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sweatselfiesfood · 4 years
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sweatselfiesfood · 4 years
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