sushi-ats · 7 months
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what we used to be
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sushi-ats · 7 months
Dazai: Chuuya and I don't use pet names.
Odasaku: I see. Hey, what do bees make?
Dazai: Honey.
Dazai: Ha, you thought, bitch.
Chuuya, yelling from another room: What do you want, whore?
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sushi-ats · 8 months
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The pattern is long haired men who are always annoyed by him
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sushi-ats · 8 months
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as promised, Tiny Chuuya pampering 💕
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sushi-ats · 8 months
"chuuyas not a good liar!" "chuuya is all brawn and no brain!" Bla bla bla
Chuuya at 15, probably illiterate, tricking the smartest person in the mafia about his knowledge of Arahbaki:
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Chuuya at 22 tricking an equally smart man into thinking he's a vampire with some fake teeth and contacts:
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sushi-ats · 8 months
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Sharing a Bed Headcanons
Series/Fandom: Horimiya
Character (x reader): Izumi Miyamura, Toru Ishikawa, Syu Iura, Akane Yanagi
Relationship to Reader: Romantic
Reader Specifications: None
Word Count: 804
Warnings: None
Requested: Yes - @wchkoo​
A/N: Yes, I have returned. Thank you for requesting! I hope these headcanons are fluffy enough for you. (´꒳`)♡ The reader’s gender, sex, nationality and ethnicity are unspecified, per usual.
Reblogs are much appreciated! My posts and blog won’t show up in tags or the Search engine anymore so please help my works get around!
Support my Ko-fi here
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Izumi Miyamura
Miyamura is a simple person and only really needs a blanket and pillow but if you want stuffies or a few extra sheets and pillows, he won’t mind as long as there’s enough room for both of you and it’s not too hot.
Loves to hold your hands while cuddling face to face because he wants you to be his first view in the morning and the last at night.
Another favorite position is with his head pressed to your chest and his arms wrapped around your frame so he can listen to your heartbeat, washing away all his worries; it lets him know that you’re there in the present with him with your mind, body, and soul.
You two can really talk about anything and everything and he’ll hang on to every single word whether it’s about the future, ideas and theories, or simple plans for next week.
He’ll ask about your day in a hushed voice, making sure that you’re okay mentally, emotionally and physically because he doesn’t want you to go to sleep with negative feelings.
As he gets sleepier, his responses become more mumbled as he continues the quiet conversations but with his eyes closed until his voice fades out and he falls into a deep slumber.
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Toru Ishikawa
Ishikawa is comfortable enough with a blanket and a pillow or two but if there’s something specific you have and want to use, he doesn’t mind you bringing it as long as you don’t make him face any stuffies; he swears they’ve appeared in his dreams because of it.
Speaking of dreams, he’ll tell you about them when you’re laying down together and the funny things Myamura, Nyangoku, Horineko and Chuki have done in his subconscious mind.
You’ve also made your debut in his dreams as some sort of animal and out of all of them, he admits that you’re his favorite.
Personally loves holding you with your face to his chest and his lips pressed to your forehead not even placing kisses; he just wants to put them there and feel your figure against him.
He enjoys the quieter conversations but doesn’t mind if you just want to cuddle in silence, though he will ask every once in a while if you’re still comfortable, want to change positions or need a drink.
If you squeeze him a little tighter, you can feel his lips curve up into a smile against you and then he gives you a soft kiss to your forehead.
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Syu Iura
Iura has one or two plushies that Motoko gifted to him but he places them on a shelf or in the corner of the bed but if you have your own that you want with you, he doesn’t mind at all.
Usually he listens to music through his headphones but with you, he’ll play it through the speakers and let you pick the song or he’ll play soothing music to help lull you both to sleep.
Sometimes he won’t realize that he’s humming or softly singing along to tbe songs or when he’s holding you and tapping his fingers against you, matching the tempo.
He can sleep and cuddle in any position and if you don’t want cuddles, he’ll still hold your hand or let you use his arm as a pillow.
As talkative as he is at school, when you’re in bed together it’s his time to wind down and just enjoy your company while both your favorite songs play in the background.
While he doesn’t talk much during these quieter moments, he’ll still mumble a few words of adoration while watching you with a soft loving gaze until you fall asleep, knowing that you’re loved.
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Akane Yanagi
Yanagi has a specific pillow that he can’t sleep without but he doesn’t mind if you want to change the blanket or bring stuffies.
His bed alone is absolutely heavenly to lie on which is why it makes it even harder to get up in the morning but any bed can be just as comfortable if you’re there with him.
One of his favorite positions is to hold you from behind, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck and simply placing his lips against your skin.
Right as he starts to feel himself dozing off, though, he’ll give you a little kiss on your neck before his breathing slows to an even pace and he’s consumed by sleep.
Yanagi naturally isn’t very talkative and it also applies to when you’re in bed together, but he doesn’t mind gentle pillow talks or if you want to lead the conversation.
When he wakes up in a more violent state, simply seeing you next to him makes it go away as he carefully moves to lie back down and pull you closer, sleepily mumbling affectionate words he normally struggles telling you while fully awake.
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sushi-ats · 8 months
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Gamer/Streamer S/O
Series/Fandom: Horimiya
Character (x reader): Izumi Miyamura, Toru Ishikawa, Syu Iura, Akane Yanagi
Relationship to Reader: Romantic
Reader Specifications: Reader is a gamer and streams
Word Count: 746
Warnings: None
Requested: Yes
A/N: Am.. Am I talking about live streams correctly? I only play games; I don’t know anything about live streams. (ノω・、) Once again, the reader’s gender, sex, nationality, and ethnicity are unspecified so I think everyone should be free to read. (click photos for quality)
Reblogs are much appreciated! My posts and blog won’t show up in tags or the Search engine anymore so please help my works get around!
Support my Ko-fi here
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Izumi Miyamura
Miyamura actually plays video games in his free time but mostly sticks to RPG games, but when he finds out that you’re a gamer, he’s interested in what sort of stuff you’re into.
If you do live streams on a consistent schedule, he’ll set reminders on his phone so he can hop on and watch you while he’s working on other things.
He’ll decline your offer on joining you during your streams because even though he can’t see the audience, just the knowledge that they’re there makes him nervous.
But if you can ease his worries and make him focus on you and the game rather than the viewers, he’ll think about it.
Shindo found out about your streams and asked if he could join you but Miyamura kicked him and claimed that he was already going to do it on impulse; that’s how he ended up awkwardly looking away from the camera while you explained who he was to your viewers.
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Toru Ishikawa
Ishikawa doesn’t treat you any differently when he finds out that you’re a gamer, though he does like to ask you about the latest ones you’ve been playing and if they’re any fun.
He likes to ask for your recommendations and he does take those to heart and will go out of his way to buy them so he can have something to talk with you about; also ends up gifting you merchandise of your favorite games.
When he learns that you stream, he asks your permission first if he can watch you because he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable.
Though, if you asked him to join you, it’ll take him a bit of convincing because he’s nervous about what to say and how to act but when you tell him to be himself, he’s actually really good on camera but does have his awkward moments.
Toru loves to put on your live stream while he’s doing homework but he made the mistake of watching it without headphones once and the caretaker overheard and was interested in what he was watching because the voice sounded a little too familiar.
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Syu Iura
Iura loves the fact that you play video games and is super supportive when he finds out that you do live streams; he’s your #1 hype man.
You two have a specific day where you chill at one of your homes, stock up on snacks and drinks, and just game together for hours as your own little lazy day that has now become a tradition 
When it comes to your streams, he’ll hop into the chat when he can and loves to talk which leads some of your viewers to wonder if he knows you in real life or is some creepy stalker with the stuff he says that seems more intimate than just some stranger.
He gets pouty over it if you don’t clear his name in the chat because he doesn’t want to seem weird but they only believe your words over his.
This leads him to joining you on your live streams and he’s got a smug smile with that “I told you so” expression before going along with whatever you want to play while in the same persona he uses at school.
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Akane Yanagi
Yanagi is more of a manga/light novel reader and has played his fair share of games that were likely inspired by his favorite series but he’s interested in what sort of games you like.
He phrases his questions in a way that can get you to talk more because he loves listening to you, even if it’s just you explaining to him about a game he’s never heard of.
When he learns about your streams, he’s curious to see what they’re all about and asks you when you do them so he can watch and silently support you.
Way too shy to even think about joining you on your streams but once accidentally walked in on your during a live session when he was bringing you snacks and a drink which led to your viewers begging you to keep him there because I mean.. He’s pretty to look at.
Akane was shy the whole time and timidly waved at the camera before averting his eyes over to you as you took the reins; it gave him the chance to see you do your streams live and in person rather than behind a screen and your viewers were commenting about how in love he looked the whole time.
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sushi-ats · 8 months
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S/O That Doesn’t Often Express Their Emotions
Series/Fandom: Horimiya
Character (x reader): Izumi Miyamura, Kakeru Sengoku
Relationship to Reader: Romantic
Reader Specifications: Doesn’t often express their emotions
Word Count: 406
Warnings: None
Requested: Yes
A/N: That’s the nicest thing I’ve heard in the last few months. (; ω ; ) I appreciate it, thank you! I’m not sure if others write for Horimiya since I don’t look at any tags or search it up on the internet but I will accept the compliment. I hope these headcanons are to your liking! Once again, the reader’s sex, gender, nationality, and ethnicity are unspecified so I think almost everyone should be free to read.
Reblogs are much appreciated! My posts and blog won’t show up in tags or the Search engine anymore so please help my works get around!
Support my Ko-fi here
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Izumi Miyamura
Admittedly, Miyamura isn’t the best when it comes to social situations, too unless he’s comfortable with them.
When it comes to you, though, it may be hard for him to figure out what you’re feeling if you’re not upfront with him.
He just sort of guesses and they’re scarily always on point so he’ll act accordingly to your feelings.
Don’t get him wrong, though because he also doesn’t know what he’s doing about half the time.
Miyamura isn’t very good at reading the room so he’ll hardly even notice the awkward social tension.
When you start to struggle hard when talking to others, though, he doesn’t mind having to explain what you’re trying to get at if your voice alone can’t get through to them.
Will come up with certain signals like hand signs or gestures so you can let him know how you’re feeling without having to say it.
Like if you tug on his pinky, it could mean that you’re sad and need a hug or if you give him a thumbs down, you’re in a bad mood despite your expressionless face.
Bet you all $10 he saw those mood octopus plushies and thought it was perfect for you.
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Kakeru Sengoku
Another one who isn’t very good at social situations unless he is very comfortable or used to the people he’s with.
It’ll take him a bit to realize that you’re struggling at conveying your emotions and he’ll feel guilty about it at the beginning for not realizing sooner.
He understands that while your voice says one thing, the lack of emotions you show could throw others off and may take things the wrong way.
Sengoku will gently coax you to feel more comfortable with him so at least he’ll be able to see your expressions.
Most of the time, he focuses mostly on your actions so if you need something, it’s best to show him physically.
He’ll get irritated if others are forcing and getting pushy with you and he’ll take you elsewhere.
Like Miyamura, you both will probably come up with subtle hand gestures that will let him know how you’re feeling in a public setting.
While he would like you to eventually be able to express your feelings, he’s aware that it will take time and the outcome cannot always be achieved.
He’ll take what he can get, though and praises you when you are able to show emotions in front of others.
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sushi-ats · 8 months
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S/O That Does Weird and Stupid Ideas
Series/Fandom: Horimiya
Character (x reader): Izumi Miyamura, Toru Ishikawa, Syu Iura, Akane Yanagi
Relationship to Reader: Romantic
Reader Specifications: Reader goes along and does weird and stupid ideas
Word Count: 437
Warnings: Getting caught/in trouble, suggestive scolding
Requested: Yes -  🍬 anon
A/N: I don’t know why but as I was writing these headcanons, a wave of love for Ishikawa just hit me and now I’m slowly falling for him more. I hope these headcanons are to your liking! Once again, the reader’s gender, sex, nationality and ethnicity are unspecified so everyone should be free to read. (click pictures for quality)
Reblogs are much appreciated! My posts and blog won’t show up in tags or the Search engine anymore so please help my works get around!
Support my Ko-fi here
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Izumi Miyamura
Miyamura worries about you and often questions your weird plans but he won’t stop you from carrying them out no matter how wild they may seem to him.
That doesn’t mean he won’t come with if you let him, though because he wants to make sure that you’re okay.
He somehow managed to get wrapped up in your plans and now he’s wondering if either of you will come out unscathed in the end.
On the chance that someone catches you, he either takes the blame or Izumi’s already grabbing your hand and making a run for it until you lose them before you both burst out laughing.
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Toru Ishikawa
Ishikawa canonically is a worrywart so add the fact that you go along with the stupidest ideas, everyone is shocked his heart hasn’t jumped out of his chest by now.
Whenever you’re going off to follow through with your ideas, he’s tagging along because he doesn’t want you to get hurt or land yourself in deep trouble.
Tries to convince you not to do it but he scolds you when you’re done, doing a little chop to your head.
He’s fighting back a smile as he checks you for injuries when he sees your face gleam at him from how much fun you had, mumbling that you’re going to be the death of him.
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Syu Iura
Did you really think Iura would let you go do all these weird plans alone? He claims that it’s always more fun with other people.
He has a habit of encouraging your activities which makes his friends concerned for the both of you but he doesn’t mind and will always be your hype man, only really stepping in if something is wrong or he wants to join.
If you end up getting in trouble, he’ll take the blame without hesitation and he makes it pretty convincing that it was him, too.
But to see that smile on your face in the end? Totally worth it. Let’s do it again.
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Akane Yanagi
Yanagi worries but he won’t hold you back from carrying out your ideas, instead choosing to gently remind you to be careful.
Admittedly, he thinks these weird moments are actually pretty funny and he’s got a small smile on his face the whole time as you do your thing.
He’s too nervous to join in and would rather watch you from the side, only really stepping in when you need help or something seems dangerous.
When you’re done, he’ll ask if you had fun while checking for any injuries while you ramble off in excitement, causing him to look at you with a soft adoring expression.
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sushi-ats · 8 months
- miyamura izumi
warnings: mostly fluff ; physical violence mentioned (hori against miyamura in the past, like a slap to the face and hitting him) ; comfort wc: 1074 an: now... i get it, slapping ppl as a comedic relief is v anime-esque and shouldn't be taken too srsly and all, BUT... her hitting him, biting him and slapping him constantly is just... blergh. i dont find it funny nor cute n bc of that, here are my two cents how it could "affect" him bc i am a writer and i interpret way too much into everything especially regarding my favs... have fun!
Your day had been a catastrophe.
Your toxic boss yelled at you in front of everyone for a mistake that he did but blamed you for. Your heel broke off on the way home which made you stumble and drop the phone you always held in your hand, onto the concrete. This incident in turn, made you late for your commute home and the bus drove off the moment you rushed around the corner. And, if all of that didn’t already had you clenching your teeth and clutching your purse tight to your chest to not burst into tears, a crow then decided to relieve itself onto your shoulder, staining your brand-new blazer.
Safe to say, when you came home, Miyamura’s “Welcome back.” immediately got stuck in his throat when he saw you: Exhausted and on the verge of tears.
“How about you take a nice, long and hot shower and then we eat on the sofa tonight, hm?” That was all he said and you, sniffling, just nodded and limped away to your bathroom to clean the poop off of your blazer and wash away that horrible day.
You were thankful and content when you managed to just snuggle up against your boyfriend and enjoy the meal that he cooked. It was a quiet dinner while you watched TV and when you were done, you left the dishes on the living room table and just cuddled and enjoyed his company.
But then…
It was a minor accident.
So small, in fact, that it was wasted energy to even think twice about it.
Yet, that small thing finally set you off.
Izumi reached out to grab his glass, but, as he looked at the TV, he somehow managed to knock it over. All of it spilled over the table and your legs.
Was it hot and burned you? No.
Was it something sticky and gross? Also no.
Yet, that one, additional tiny inconvenience broke the camel’s back and you started bawling the moment the mere water dripped down your legs.
Once you started crying, you also started yelling at him for not being careful, for being so clumsy and how horrible your day was. Meanwhile, Izumi, who had already apologized and patted your legs dry with some paper towels, just let you vent.
Now. You were someone who had always talked with your hands. You gestured with your hands greatly no matter what you talked about and with what kind of emotion. Izumi knew that. Though, you had only dated for a few mere months at that point and he hadn’t heard you yelling and crying like that before. It did remind him of someone and he thought he knew what to expect.
Hence, when you finally turned to face him and you raised your hands for another big gesture, you were taken aback for a second and even stopped mid-sentence. Miyamura, who had flinched and visibly moved his head sideways with his eyes closed, looked like he awaited a punch or something. His reaction felt like someone had punched you though. Did he really think you would… hurt him like that?
Immediately, you started to consciously control your breathing to calm down again. This was no time to get so angry over something so small. Especially because to you, his reaction was concerning.
“I-I’m sorry. I totally overreacted.”, your voice shook still, “I had such… a horrible day today and… then this happened and… and I’m so sorry for blowing up like that because of… some stupid water. I’m sorry, Izumi.”, your voice broke at the end and you only whispered the last words as another unwanted sob escaped your lips, yet you still took deep breaths to calm down.
“No, it’s okay, please, don’t apologize. It was my fault I spilled water all over you. You can still hit me if you want.”, he immediately said and hugged you tightly afterwards.
“What?! No!”, you cried and pushed him away just enough to look at him, “Why would I do that? I would never. I do gesture a lot with my hands, so I’m sorry if it looked like it, but I could never. I love you, I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Oh…Right.” Izumi looked truly baffled by that for a few moments. As if you had just told him you found the 8th wonder of the world.
“I’m sorry, (Y/n) I think… I’ve just gotten used to it.”, he laughed uncomfortably as he didn’t really know how to properly react now.
You just wondered what the hell his past girlfriend did to make him get used to getting hit in the face…
“Geez… don’t get used to that. That’s not okay.”, you whined and then jumped into his arms again, burying your face into the crook of his neck while you hugged him tight.
Miyamura didn’t know how to properly answer that, so all he did was hum in approval and squeeze you tightly. He, himself, didn’t even think that the hitting thing his past girlfriend used to do would even affect him. However, when he saw your big hand gestures, a sense of familiarity shot through his body and he physically got ready for another slap to the face… Hence, when you apologized and told him you would never do that, he was so surprised and speechless, since he was used to being blamed and apologizing for everything.
When you let go of each other, your tears had finally dried and you could smile a little again.
“Thank you and I’m sorry. You cooked for me and everything and I yelled at you like that over something so stupid. Can you forgive me?”
“Of course. I know you had an atrocious day, so that was just the last thing that pushed you over the edge. Don’t even think about it anymore.”, he reassured you and gently, but also teasingly, pinched your cheeks.
“Mn. Thank you. I love you.”, you leaned in to peck his lips.
Izumi quickly reacted and didn’t just let you escape like that, instead, he followed your movement to kiss you properly after he returned those sweet words, thus making you both fall back onto the sofa. Certainly, at that point and after all the things that had happened today, all you both needed were a tight embrace and some kisses and cuddles. And you, as well as your boyfriend, very happily provide those for each other.
all characters canonically under 18 are always aged up ; english is not my native language so i apologize for any mistakes ;
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sushi-ats · 8 months
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Mute!Reader Tells Them “I Love You” For the First Time
Series/Fandom: Horimiya
Character (x reader): Izumi Miyamura, Akane Yanagi, Syu Iura
Relationship to Reader: Romantic
Reader Specifications: Mute!Reader but verbally tells them “I love you” for the first time
Word Count: 463
Warnings: None
Requested: Yes
A/N: Ah thank you for reading my other Horimiya pieces! I hope these headcanons are okay! Once again, the reader’s gender, sex, nationality and ethnicity are unspecified so I think everyone should be free to read.
Reblogs are much appreciated! My posts and blog won’t show up in tags or the Search engine anymore so please help my works get around!
Support my Ko-fi here
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Izumi Miyamura
Miyamura doesn’t mind at all that you’re mute and he’ll pay closer attention to your actions to try and understand what you’re getting at.
Another way he’ll try to communicate is either through texts/emails or he’ll have a special notebook for each of you.
You each have one in case one of you forgets and also because he likes to reread your conversations at night and hold it close to his chest before he goes to sleep.
Also, he likes to doodle and leave gentle reminders in your notebook and you don’t notice them until you get home later that day.
The first time you spoke, it was to tell him “I love you” and he was so shocked you had to snap him out of it for a moment.
Then he’s got you wrapped up in his arms, squeezing you tightly and telling you “I love you, too” before he’s complimenting your voice.
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Akane Yanagi
Yanagi always alter the wording of some questions so you only have to give “yes” or “no” responses with either a nod or shake of your head.
While he’s not mute like you, he’s pretty quiet himself but if someone is forcing you to speak, he’ll pull you away from them or talk in your place.
You both have certain signals that let each other get an idea on what you’re trying to say.
If anything, you both will learn sign language if you don’t know any already and he’ll pick up on it pretty quickly, actually.
The first time you spoke to tell him “I love you”, he gasped and stared at you for a moment before holding your hands and bringing them up to his lips.
Whispers “I love you, too” against your knuckles before placing a kiss to them.
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Syu Iura
Iura has a voice loud enough for the both of you so he doesn’t mind that you choose not to speak.
Once he understands your signals and habits, he’ll actually be really good at reading you and will help you in uncomfortable situations.
If you send him a certain look, he’ll know what you mean and will act accordingly.
When he’s not at school wearing his energetic persona, he’ll like to hold your hand and when you need something, just give him a gentle squeeze.
Depending on where you are, if you’re at school and you tell him “I love you” for the first time, he’ll pull you into a hug and has a huge grin on his face, telling you how much he loves your voice and that he loves you, too.
If you’re outside of school and somewhere like over at his place, he looks at you in shock for a moment before doing the same thing but in a more laid back manner.
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sushi-ats · 8 months
Alright, imagine fucking ranpo in the ADA after he decide to be a brat?
You can ignore this if you currently don't take any request ^^
Don’t worry dear, my inbox is always open! I have a lot of time recently
Also, ranpo would definitely be a brat. It’s a fact, I know it.
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So just imagine him getting angry with you for not wanting to buy him anymore snacks, saying something along the lines of: “it’s not good for you.” He would be so pissed, deciding to ignore you afterwards. You’d ask him something and the boy would pretend to not have heard you. This continued on during the morning until lunch. Now you’ve had it, he was being so annoying you couldn’t stand it anymore. Since the other members were having a lunch break, you decided to punish him a little.
Ranpo is being bend over the table of the lobby, his back on the wood and legs raised to his chest. “You were annoying the fuck out of me today, ranpo.” The way your hips moved were so fast, making him cry out. He didn’t know you would fuck him in such a risky place! Well, maybe he did consider it, but he didn’t think you would go through with it. The sound of body against body was echoing through the room. He looked at the clock which was hanging on the wall. 01:53. Seven minutes until the break is over, two minutes until Kunikida would come in since he always arrives five minutes earlier.
Your rough movements didn’t stop, instead you picked the pace up. “We only- ngh..got a few more minutes..um..please..urr.” “what? Want me to stop? Are you afraid that the other member will walk in?” You smirked at him, jerking off him off while you kept rutting into him. “That would be your fault for being such a brat. Why don’t you focus on cumming hm? I’ll stop after you do, and if you don’t finish in time, I won’t stop neither.” “Uhhh..please..I’m so-sorry..I- hmmm, I won’t be a bra-brat again..Aahh~” more tears rolled down his face. Him, the greatest detective in the world, is about to be caught doing such inappropriate things? That would be so embarrassing! He tried to focus on the pleasure you were providing him with, hoping to get over the edge faster. But the fear of getting caught was stuck in his brain.
Suddenly he heard kunikida outside the door, screaming at someone. Complaining about where Dazai is again. He gasped, hands gripping your arms and eyes looking up at you. Begging you to stop. “Ah! Y/n, they-they are here! Mh..please..s-stop..” “I Said i won’t stop until you are done~” “but- at this rate..nhh, uhm-we are gonna get caught!” Your smile was a mocking one, he could tell by the look on your face that you weren’t planning on stopping anytime soon.
“Huh? Why is the door locked?” The voice of the blond male came muffled through the door, but clear enough to be understood admits all the clapping sounds. “Ugh, if this is another one of Dazai’s pranks..I swear to god. Tanizaki, I’ll go get the spare key.” Ranpo’s face was filled with relief as he heard those words, though it didn’t last long bevor he made an expression of pure bliss again. The way you were fucking him was so good, so deep. But the fact that there are people outside, just about to catch you two, made his heart beat faster then usual. Somehow, deep down he was kinda hoping to get caught.
As he was lost in his own thoughts, brain clouded with pleasure, his orgasm washed over him. The mixed sensations of slight discomfort and trepidation were turning into raw arousal. “AaHhaaah…” White cum leaking from his dick as you slowly pulled out. “Heh, that was pretty close.” You panted a little too, but not as much as the shaking male underneath you. His release was so intense, much more then usual. Was it because of the fear of getting exposed? “Hey, ranpo, hurry up and get dressed.” You instructed, the male didn’t give you a reply. He was way too out of it to even register what you said to him. A sigh came out of your mouth, as you carried him into the bathroom stalls. The click of the door lock reached your ears the guys walked in.
“By the way, were is ranpo and y/n anyway? I don’t think I saw them during lunch break.” Atsushi asked, wondering about your whereabouts. “Who knows.” Was what kunikida answered. Then he told them to start getting to work. You were standing in the bathroom stall, with ranpo sitting on the toilet seats. He still needed a moment to catch his breath. A dark smirk formed on your lips as you said, “I hope you learned your lesson today, ranpo~” jokes on you, he was already planning on doing this again.
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sushi-ats · 8 months
hi im bored so here’s random text w yanagi akane, miyamura izumi, and iura syu
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these are mediocre. i like it tho. y’all can request more horimiya text fics, it’s not guaranteed that I’ll do it but if i do do it, congratulations!
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sushi-ats · 8 months
hi! can i request some jealous hcs for miyamura and yanagi pls? <3
Ofc! Hope you like it ♡
Btw it's the first time I try to write about jealousy so sorry if it's kinda bad 😅
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It's difficult to tell how Yanagi would react to someone approaching you. He won't be bothered, unless it becomes too much. At this rate, he will politely ask whoever is flirting with you to keep their distances. He doesn't want to appear rude, even if sometimes he finds it pretty annoying.
Everything changes if it happens in ther morning. Everybody knows how he is during morningtime, yet someone decided to test his patience. He will definitely react in a more aggressive manner – and you can be sure no one will bother you again.
Yanagi will apologize later, once he will be wide awake. He will probably feel guilty for the rest of the day. Despite it, everyone who assisted to what happened learnt an important lesson.
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Miyamura is genuinely scared you'll leave once he sees another student flirting with you. He is annoyed, of course, but doesn't think he can do much in this situation. He wouldn't blame if you decided to date someone else.
It will take him some time before he actually reacts. Miyamura will openly tell your suitor that you are with him and won't be as patient next time. Then he'll proceed to bring you far from them and ask you for reassurance. He doesn't know if what he did was right or wrong, but couldn't help doing it anyway.
Overall, it takes a lot before he gets actually jealous, but will be nervous as soon as someone show interest in you; tell him that you won't leave him and Miyamura will calm down.
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sushi-ats · 9 months
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sushi-ats · 9 months
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sushi-ats · 9 months
Just realized that the reason I love making friends on tumblr is because it’s exactly how you make friends on the playground as a six year old. No, I don’t know their name but they love mermaids too and built this awesome sand castle. No, I don’t know their age but their imaginary cheetah is friends with mine. You like this show? You like this character?? You can sing the theme song really loud??? Here is a flower crown. Here is a juice box. You can share my time and I might never see you again but part of you stays in my soul forever. In my mind we’re still on the swing set and the sky is blue and nothing will ever be wrong again.
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