survivorjohto · 7 years
Ep. 14: “If I Get Rocked Im Gonna Beat His Ass” - Jordan M
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Ideal situation 
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Okay, so I made final 6??? Whew... this is the longest brain ravioli has been in a PI game (daddy nicky lasted until final 4 tho!!), and I think I'm honestly in the best spot??? Like wow... I think most, if not all, of these people want me at final 3, so like!!! :D Yay me!  Personal victories are nice.
 I don't know if I have a shot for winning, but I have strategy to take on any of these losers in a final 3.  Duncan kind of lowkey sucks at trying to convince me he's not a threat.  I do believe he's going to go to the end with me, but I don't think I could beat him.  I think he would earn a lot of respect for an underdog strategy and working his way through the game.  He needs to go at 5, but if I sit at the end with him, I'm going to bring up the fact that he was only ever in the know because I pushed for him to be in the know, because I wanted him to know things.  All the information he got about certain votes were because of me.  Because I didn't want to vote him off earlier in the game, they made a plan to get Chrissa instead. 
 Sitting next to Means, I can just list off how even though people might consider me a Billy pawn, he was a Pines pawn.  I don't think he'll be making finals, but who knows??  He needs to go at 5, too, but he'll probably be around until 4.  Maybe I can work on him going this round???????
 Next to Isaac, I'll have a difficult time.  Isaac has played the middle and is a very likable guy.  Due to my own relationships that I've forged in the game, he won't get my vote if I'm on jury, but if I'm sitting next to him, I really don't have a clear cut plan.  Because he played the middle so well, it'll be hard to convince the jury to not vote for him.  I think he needs to go this round or, if we wanna take out Means this round, then he'll go next. 
 Billy... Billy may be seen as my controlling factor, but I've gone against Billy so many times in this game in subtle ways, as well as the more publicized fit I threw during the round Mitch went.  I was a convincing factor to Billy that led to people like Chrissa going over Duncan (because of my relationship with Duncan as opposed to the one with Chrissa), Karen going last round, and a few other things.  He also played a lot more safe.  He didn't vote Karen out last round because he didn't want to fuck up anything with her, but I think it just showed that he was afraid to do it, and that's a sign of weakness. 
 Hm... well Drew kinda just sat here for most of the game and as much as I love him, I don't really think his game was the strongest!  He might still win, but idk.... I think he'll be in final 3 no matter what, unless Duncan wins final 5 + 4 immunity, and I hope that I can at least garner some more respect for my game as compared to him.  Love him tho!!! 
 But yea, that's my current thots.  I think this round really will lay out whether or not I make finals, but I think my shot of at least making 3 is better than most people because of how many people I have connections with.
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I'm really putting my neck out there for isaac right now and if I get rocked im gonna beat his ass. Billy needs to go tonight and if he doesnt and isaac does im gonna be super upset.
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I think it's crazy! Insane! Maybe! That's I'm in the final 6 of this heroes vs villains game. It's literally a fluke, I should be gone and Mitch should still be here. I miss you Mitch, everyday <3 besides Brian, you were the only thing good I got out of this game. I love you and I can't wait until confessionals come out. Pm me whenever you read this :p Antyways I've thought it over and, I need to go f4 with heroes. That's what I said at the beginning that I was going to play it simple and hopefully it pays off. I'm really hoping Isaac goes bc he has been the only person I haven't talked to all game. I've stated numerous times to Brian and Billy that I'd never flip on them and I actually intend to keep that fucking promise. I know it's survivor, and people lie and do whatever it takes to get to the end. But I'm not that bitch that makes finals deals and goes back on my word. Hopefully I'm here tomorrow, thanks hosts <3
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We couldn't have an all villains alliance because Karen sucks. This is an episode title and if it's not the villain are gonna beat your asses.
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survivorjohto · 7 years
Ep. 13: “Everyone Left Is Either A Fucking Snake Or A Fucking Idiot” - Duncan
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I'm so done right now i legit am giving up  im legit next and i fucked myself in immunity and i have nothing to protect me. Im legit going to go over someone who doesnt even give a shit anymore after i have worked my ass off to get here.
I'm tired of everyone letting billy keep brian by his side and im tired of isaac and karen being the reason its happening. I hope yall choke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Everyone left is either a fucking snake or a fucking idiot
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Bitch I hope to the deer god that I can kill Drew and add a fourth furry to the jury like this whole merge for me and Karen has been stabbing the fucking threats and letting them bleed out™. So honestly if I go home tonight I'll go into Ponderosa with a smile on my face hoping I get PoTS true.
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Anyway welcome to another episode of Drew's paranoid ass but this time I'm so sure it's real because this is not gonna go gown the way I'm being told it will, it just won't. What I'm being TOLD is that Karen and Isaac are voting for Brian, and the rest of us are voting for Karen. But like!!!!! There's no way. That's going down. Like I'm so convinced Karen, Isaac, Frank, and dunc are voting for me and I'm leaving. And Billy is believing every word he's spoon-fed because like he trusts the Karen and Isaac want him as their third, and he trusts that Duncan wouldn't betray Brian. And I'm sitting here like NONE OF THOSE PROMISES INCLUDE ME, THEY HAVE NO OBLIGATION TO ME. I begged him to use his Raikou to fact check some shit and he won't. And I'm sitting here like bitch you promise me the world but I have no power, I have nothing. Why won't you listen to me.
 When I die tonight, fuck Sunflora right in the stupid face. Because if I'd gotten to skiploom like I was supposed to, I would have won immunity and none of this ugliness would be happening. To me, at least. 
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Whew.  I became bad at keeping up with this, but lemme fix that real fast and describe the happenings of this round and the plan for the rest of the game.
 Tonight, as far as I know, Karen should be going home.  Here's why!
 Karen and Isaac are a VERY scary duo that I called out a couple weeks prior.  I basically had the balls to call Billy and Drew out, too, which did upset them, but I did it for the sake of my own game.  I knew I was probably being seen as a follower and as much as I wanna say, "OMG I made it to the end!," I wanna say that AND also do something!  I don't want to be a follower.  So I exposed all their asses and made myself a more desirable option in a final tribal.  I'm DEFINITELY not saying I'll win in a final tribal situation, but I wanna give myself a fighting chance.
 So after talking it through and hearing Karen and Isaac throw around Drew's name this morning, apparently a late push for a vote for me started to happen.  Honestly?  I don't get it.  I know I'm not the least threatening person left because I'm OPENLY against Karen and Isaac, but I also know that Duncan, Billy, and Drew won't write my name down.  I know they won't!  It'd be dumb of them to write my name down so far in when I've promised to vote with them and I've kept my word.  Duncan says I'm the only person left he trusts, and I want to keep that trust.  The issue is that Jordan Means needs to go next.  I know Isaac is a threat or whatever, but if he (Jordan M.) doesn't go, then my spot in a final 3 becomes negligent.  I need Duncan to WANT to vote with me, but him and Jordan M. are close, and I need Jordan M. to go at 6 so that Duncan can go at 5 and Isaac can go at 4.  Then, sitting next to Billy and Drew, I can plead my case and not look like an uncomfortable mess.  I'm not confirmed any votes, but I'm going to push for some of them and hopefully, my case will be heard.  I love Billy, but I also want to win... and I'm not going to tell him that???  But it's true.’
If Isaac goes next round, final 5 is going to be a mess, I can tell you that.  But I'm going to make sure to not fuck it up.  I want people that want me at the end, meaning the 3 Villains need to go.  Duncan can honestly come to 4, but he needs to leave at 4.
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so now is the time yall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! drew is LEAVIN DOT MP3. im so glad kingt billy won immunity i lvoe! i hope this all works out bc it could be me or isaac leaving, anyway me and isaac talked to duncan and frank about it and they seemed down, honslee i wanna keep frank around a lot longer like he can be used as a crucial vote hopefully if this all works out then brian goes next  and then me and isaac are good. am i still gonna be paranoid? hell yeah but like sometimes all u need to have is faith dot mp3 
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Wow this is crazy. Karen? I'm sorry honey. I didn't want this to happen.
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survivorjohto · 7 years
Ep. 12: “Everyone Takes Me As A Joke But Whatever” - Jordan M
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G O D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! me: this tribal is gonna be easy peasy lemon squeezy! this tribal: rihanna winking dot gif. i literally HATE how this turned out, like a hero went is bottle popping worthy but like they way mitch went, he literally was choked about it and whew i feel so bad :/ poor kingt. ily mitchum! anyway so amidst the chaos of this tribal brian decided to snatch me and isaac and expose the fact that me and isaac have been playing the middle but i think me and isaac can make this work for us and hopefully elim another hero in the process i.e. brian. hes gonna campaign for me and isaac to go so we gotta put in WORK. the last thing we need is to have people think were running the game. also im shook @ duncan going off but like o well maybe itll help in gettin him elimed whew i just hope we can work it all out tomorrow morning
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I just wanted the heroes to stick together. I guess that was too much to ask.
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Cute I got shouldn't be in this game. I see you isaac and karen being little snakes for billy. Thats fine it'll come back and bite ya both. Me Duncan and Jordan Pines need to stay together and pull in drew and snatch one of billy's minions out. Also whoever has raikou kiss my ass ya aint cute. Honestly at this point i feel like everyone takes me as a joke but whatever. I feel i have played better than the last times i played pi i guess not but i damn sure am not going to sit down and let Billy karen or isaac win.
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What the fuck just happened? Like seriously.... what happened? We were great. We were in the best position possible. And then in a matter of seconds Brian decided it was finally time to speak up and BLOWS THE FUCK UP ON EVERYONE. He threw me, Karen and Isaac under the bus. And then he still got what he wanted, which is Duncan staying in the game.
 I WANT DUNCAN TO GO HOME. I love Duncan as a person, but he's made it too far and he doesn't have my best interests in mind. So I don't want him around anymore. But of course Brian is doing EXACTLY what I told him he was going to do and is like "oh well I can't vote for you or Duncan" so in other words he's being messy. Like IM YOUR FINAL TWO, not Duncan. So why are you going out of your way to appease him??? 
 Karen and Isaac aren't with me either though. Like they are, but they aren't. Which is why I need Jordan Pines to go this round. I won immunity. He is vulnerable and has no other powers because I HAVE THE REST OF THEM. There's no point to keeping him in the game, but here we go with Brian being like "well Duncan wants to work with him" WELL I DONT GIVE A FUCK WHAT DUNCAN WANTS. Jordan wants ME gone. And Duncan will flip to the Villains LIKE IVE BEEN SAYING ALL SEASON HE WILL. If we take out Jordan this round, the heroes have majority. End of story. We can take out Isaac and Karen, and then Duncan, and then Means and it'll be me, Brian and drew in final three. That's all we need. Idk why no one else sees it this way. I know exactly how this should go, but no one else thinks like me. The rest of the people here are in this for themselves. 
 I just need to make it to final 6. Then I have Raikou and my idol to depend on. So after this round I need one more safe week. After final 5 I'll be able to make my way into the final three (assuming it's a final three jury of 9). But in order of any of this to work my way, Jordan Pines has to leave tonight.
 I'm just glad I have immunity. Because right now I don't trust anyone besides Drew.
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You would think I have a lot to say after the events of the past couple days but I don't. Ummm I have to say I love Mitch and Brian. I wish I could avenge Mitch's undeserved death in this game and I miss him every second. Fuck everyone left in this games besides Brian, they can all cheauxke. Ily everyone <3. But yeah, I'm just going to vote how I've been, stick to what I've been doing and see if playing straight up and honest can get me to the end even though it probably won't xoxo gossip gorl
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I don't know what to fucking do. Everyone is lying to me. Or most at least. But for damn sure, no one wants me in their final three. And that's fine, they don't need to. But I truly hope that other people are higher on the pecking order than I am. I'm really fucking good at losing at 8th place. It's kind of my thing. Honestly, Brian being against Karen and Isaac is the best thing in the world for me, because it makes it a smaller chance that they'll vote against me this round. Hopefully Jordan isn't lying to me, hopefully Brian isn't lying to me, hopefully Isaac/Karen/Billy aren't lying to me. Even though I'm lying to at least one of them.
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Jordan Pines is going to learn a very valuable lesson tonight I hope. He's tried to throw me under the bus with Drew to attempt to get Drew to flip and frankly I'd be impressed if it was more convincing truly. So basically what's happening now is that I've lowkey pitted both sides against each other and I hope I can remain out of the crossfire lol. The lesson Jordan Pines should learn: Don't fucking mess with a Southern Belle.
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survivorjohto · 7 years
Ep. 11: “Ding Ding Ding! It’s Me!” - Karen
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 Drew, Duncan, Mitch - Karen
 Jordan M - Billy
 Jordan P - Mitch 
Jay, Karen, Isaac - Jordan M
 Billy, Brian - Jay
 Maybe Jordan Pines shouldn't basically make Karen and Isaac the bottom and then trust them with everything???
   I know Billy still has an idol, and I know I'm the ONLY one I knows, so I feel a bunch of good vibes.  My goal is for Billy to get to the end, so I NEED to win this next challenge to ensure Jordan Pines can GO!  Then, Jordan Means can be the back-up plan.  I really REALLY hope that we can pull this off.
 In addition, I also feel like I'm in a great spot in this game.  I don't think I'll win, but I do think I have a great shot of at least tying with my Nicky Esposito Niue run.  If  I continue to play under the radar and let everyone kill each other, I might be okay.  I have 2 alliances, one with all the Heroes and one with Karen, Isaac, Drew, and Billy.  I hope my spot in the middle can benefit me.
 I also know that Billy wants Mitch gone sooner rather than later, and I totally agree.  I do think Mitch could use his super idol for good, but maybe he'll snake us all.  He doesn't snake Billy, but that doesn't mean he's not willing to snake me. 
 TL;DR - I think I'm in a good spot to at least place well, and I need to WIN immunity.
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Lmfao, this is hilarious. I just made a fake idol and buried it. I'm PRAYING that someone finds it and tries to save themselves because this'll be TOTALLY ICONIC if they do.
 I'm also going to see if they'll let me "transfer" the fake idol instead of burying it. But either way, I'm excited. 
 Steffen, thank you for redeeming yourself and giving me this idea. And who said he was a villain? He did after all help a hero. 
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I hope Jordan Pines goes next.  That is all.
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listen i've mentally checked out of everything except Paper Mario, this is to make sure I don't get a strike for being a dumbass and not making a real confessional
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Well yikes i got a strike. Jay went home. Karen is a snake. Billy wants me out. tonight i feel its me or Karen. I want Karen to go because I feel she screwed all of us villains and if she goes we have the tight group of the jordans and isaac. Plus if she goes drew and duncan might flip on billy next round which would have me shook so hopefully im here after this vote.
Andrew sucks chips <3 allison <3 this tribe can choke!
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This is such a messy round, and I highkey wanna die again.  I came in fucking second place in immunity, and if I had won, I wouldn't be in this shitty ass position, but I have to go back on Duncan and Mitch tonight even though I do not want to
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Okay lowkey if I get voted out this round I won't be too mad because ya Boi Isucc just went to 7 different people all making pitches that would benefit them. Here's the end result:
 Billy ----> Duncan 
Brian -----> Mitch 
Karen ------> Duncan 
Drewbert ------> Mitch 
Frank ------> Mitch 
Isaac ------->Duncan 
Duncan -----> Karen 
Mitch -------> Karen 
Jordan-------> Mitch
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I'm really sad. Duncan needs to die to keep Isaac and Karen. Who apparently need to stay for other reasons. I need to figure out my shit in this game because I'm officially giving up the people I've bonded closer with in favor of the people Billy has bonded closer with. And that's not okay. 
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 i forgot this is jay last tribal haha
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so this elim doesnt feel like too nerve wracking even tho realistically my name is on the line? but i have no fear of getting elimed. ugh anyway i know my ass shouldnt feel secure bc thats when ill get clocc but honslee until i can figure out plans myself  then ill leave to isaac and just chill. rn it should a split 4-3-2 with mitchum getting 4 and using his idol and then duncan getting the 3 and me prob getting the 2. im just glad that the ppl who were writing my name down are getting clocct n socct! after this i think me and isaac need to think about which way we need to go and potentially go for a threat even i think no one has anymore powers. so challenge threats are prob the next to get elimed if it were up to me, and stay away from putting the idea of getting rid of social threats in ppls heads bc guess whos a social threat? ding ding ding! its me!
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Brian just told me I'm getting super-idoled out which is fine. I was a Jury goat anyways *shrug emoji* they want to flush Mitch's super idol when we would have literally been heroes strong until the end. I didn't lie this game, I didn't back stab anyone, I played a pretty low key game. It got me to 9th, I improved, and now I know I'm more proud of myself when I do play hard from the jump. I don't understand these people sometimes, and maybe I never will. Brandon was right, this community is a bunch of psychopaths!
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survivorjohto · 7 years
Ep. 10: “Who Better To Fuck Shit Up Than Despairsaac?” - Isaac
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 Im ready for this merge because the villains? Mostly dead to me. Like I love Isaac, Karen, and Jordan M. But DO I TRUST THEM?!?!?!?!! FUck that no they can go. But do I trust any heroes? Duncan, I trust him. I'm hoping there's a way Jordan Pines and I can get with a few heroes and vote the middle and get our way. I just don't know.gif
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Okay, so I made merge!  Yay me!  This is the first time I made merge as myself without having to return in a redemption twist.  Thank GOD.  And Allison won Malibu? True kink!  Honestly, had Andrew or Carson won, I woulda been happy, but I (proudly) voted for Allison twice, so it was like a mini-victory right there, especially considering the only time I didn't vote in the minority post-merge in Malibu was when I got Luke, my one shot at not fucking everything up, voted out. l o l 
 Anyway, I don't really trust anyone on the villains side, but I love my hero guys.  They're beautiful and faves, and I will trust them for now. :,) I know Drew and Billy 100% will have my back, and I assume Duncan, too... Mitch will be loyal to Billy, but he tried to throw my name out to Ash last vote sooo... don't really trust 'im!!!  I'm his 5th, and that does NOT make me happy. 
 I can't win this game, but I will try my hardest to make it to the end.  What we need to do is play up using the villains that wanna flip.  We need to make them think we have a clear target, so even if the vote goes 5-4-1, we still have majority as heroes.  And in the case of this "sapphire idol", the person with 1 vote goes.
I love tea, especially when it's scalding tea.
 Billy told me that Isaac told him that he used this power revealer, and now Billy knows that Mitch has a super idol.  Ugly?  Yea.  That means we can't really touch Mitch, which wasn't a plan right now anyway, but he does need to be the first of the 5 to go, in my opinion.  Like he can't be around.  If he uses it on someone like me or Billy or Drew or Duncan, aka any of the other heroes, I mean... we should survive the round, and we should have numbers because they won't be able to out-do a super idol, so????  I don't know why he has to be so fake unless it was in case we blindsided him pre-merge which LOL wish I coulda done. 
 He already threw my name out there for Ash last vote, so I'm not surprised if he wants me at the bottom of the 5.  That's weird that he's like that considering how I'm the WEAKEST member of the 5, and he has people like Drew and Billy, who are both strong in the game (Drew for physical strength and Billy for strategic value), who he won't betray because... of reasons I don't know.  No matter what, we should be getting through this round okay, but.... I gotta hold out some hope.  It better not be my name that comes up.
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Ok so we merged and I hope the villains can destroy the heroes because the villains are better and will always be ;3 also I hope our plan with the idol works and the villains get numbers but I don't know if it will work
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Honestly, the Villains sound like one messy ass tribe.  Not saying the Heroes are any better, but like... they're in 2 factions, and they just want the Heroes gone first... like Y I K E.  I hope they try to use me .3. 
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Fuck I'm probably talking too much 
They're probably gonna beat me up for thinking too far ahead like I did in Sri Lanka I'm so dumb dslkfjsdlkfsd 
me: I should stop talking 
me 5 minutes later: 
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So I've been contemplating flipping for the past few days. The only issue is that Jordan Pines is unwilling to flip unless a hero is voted out. And Duncan doesn't want to do that. 
 The ultimate problem is I've said to the heroes I trust that I want to flip. If I don't flip I'm going to become the person who always says they'll flip and then doesn't. And look where that got me in Malaysia. However I will still be badly perceived if I flip alone. I feel like if two people make a flip it's seen as a big move, but if only one person does, they're a flipper.
 I just don't trust Karen and Isaac at all. They've been after me since the start. And I'm certainly ready to make my move, but I'm not sure if it's viable yet.
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1:20 AM. Time for a confessional. 
So voting out Ash was kind of hard. It sucks that I ended up on a tribe with people who are early premerge boots, because I felt even worse about reinforcing the fact that that's almost where they're destined to stay? Although Chrissa made FTC in another game, Brandon got pretty far in Canary, and Ash got 4th jury member in PI All stars. I hate that they had to die for our sins, but there's not much I can do if I don't want the vote turning on me. Speaking of the vote turning on me, I'm so grateful and amazed that I didn't get a single vote for me premerge. I knew being positive and being useful to my tribe would give them a good impression of how trustworthy I can be, but I didn't think it would work that well. People just kind of go along with what I say and it's nice. I feel like the heroes trust me, and I trust them. I hope in my heart of hearts that's the truth, but you never know when Billy or Brian or Drew will decide it's not a good idea to let me near the end. 
So merge happens, and the heroes immediately decide we need to make an alliance chat to discuss votes, which is great. I'm glad Drew took the initiative on that. I feel like Ash's unanimous vote really made us a cohesive unit, and we drop tea, discuss votes, it's a cute community. Our first night we discussed how this vote might go, and about all the legendaries that have been caught and all the powers that go with them. We learned Jordan had Entei and a vote burn and used it on Karen, Jay has a Suicune and the power to freeze someone's vote (we're not sure what that means), and Jordan also has Lugia and a sapphire idol. We don't know where Raikou is or what it really does (Billy was kinda vague about that, suspicious maybe?), Celebi apparently had nothing, and the heroes speculated on what Ho-oh could have.
 Of course I already know what Ho-oh has. Speculation happened on what it could be, so I pretended to have this moment of grand realization where Ho-oh has a super idol because it's a phoenix and it symbolizes rebirth. That and several other comments probably strongly hinted that I have it, but as far as I know, Billy and Brian didn't think much of it. However, I did know that Drew and Duncan could pick up on what I said because I told them Ho-oh gave me an idol before. Drew figured it out pretty quickly, Duncan took some guidance (he's been really tired lately, I hope work isn't dragging him through the mud.) I don't regret letting them know either; Duncan is my #1 ally as always, but Drew knowing I have the super idol means he can't turn on the heroes (me) without getting caught. I'm pretty sure he's smart enough to figure that out. It's an olive branch and a warning. 
 This super idol is my ticket to defending myself or defending the heroes, and I'm super glad I have it, because I think I'm the person with the most potential to use it in a game-changing way. Everyone knows I'm a threat, but everyone is focusing on other people to take out at the moment. That's not to say I'm getting out of this tribal with votes, I'm guaranteed at least one for sure, but I think some things are changing with the villains that can give the heroes and I the upper hand. I want the heroes' success, more than my own. As long as a hero wins this game, I can come out of this game feeling like I did something, which is bring my tribe to victory. I dread having to turn on each other at final 5 (ideally) because I know my ass is probably grass at that point unless I beat Drew for immunity. Or I could vote him out before then and not worry, but we just don't know.gif 
Ahh, I'm suddenly thinking about Final Tribal Council. I feel like I have a good shot to go really far with this super idol. Can you imagine me getting to the end without having to use a super idol? I'd be a nicer and more likable Tony Vlachos. That's an ugly comparison. I already feel more narcissistic. 
Anyway, let's move on to merge. The heroes are a tight group of 5 (Five Guys Burgers and Furgers Drew calls it) and the villains are something else. They seem like they're all over the place, and not as kumbaya as the heroes are (seem to be?) Within the first 2 hours of merge, Jay immediately comes to me and starts spilling tea like a clumsy butler wearing greased loafers. He tells me Jordan has a Sapphire Idol, that Lily, Karen, and Isaac have been targeting him since Stevie's vote-off, that he has a Suicune, and that he desperately wants to vote off Karen or Isaac, to the point that he's willing to join the heroes' camp to do it, and that he'll even drag Jordan Pines over with him. Score one for the heroes I guess. 
 AH yes, so let's expand on this a bit. Jay wants to create a heroes/villains alliance of me, Jay, Jordan, Drew, and Duncan (OK, assume whenever I say 'Jordan' from now on, assume it's Pines. Means is a sleeping fish who doesn't do anything socially) While I'm not opposed to the idea, the thought of turning on Brian and especially Billy makes my stomach flip. I'll let Jay and Jordan believe this alliance is legit, but ultimately I'm going to let my gut decide this much later. 
Of course, Jordan Pines complicates things like he always does. His existence in this game... basically scares the shit out of people. Billy is dead afraid Jordan will beat him again, while Jordan proudly announces on call that he wants to vote out Billy purely because he's about to have played more days than him in PI (Billy was not on call, 'twas Isaac, Drew, him, and myself.) Brian probably just feels whatever Billy feels? Duncan doesn't want to deal with him. I think Drew stands where I stand. 
 Where do I stand with Jordan Pines? Mutual respect. Sure he can be a bit off the wall, hell I'm scared of his unpredictability at times. But the very first time I met Jordan Pines, I went toe to toe with him and won, even knowing his chaotic background. That's not to say he can't kick my ass too, quite the contrary. But he and I are challenge rivals, puzzle rivals, we're like two sides of the same coin. I'm playing the heroes game, loyalty and all. He's playing the villains game, trickery and chaos. And I can respect him for that. And in a weird way, I think it would make us a powerful duo to be reckoned with. Of course, in an ideal situation he'd be a meat shield (Why vote off the person who has showered you with love and support over Jordan Pines, who is known to deceive and trick like he was born doing it [or so he says]) but for now I think he could be an incredible ally for the heroes. 
 Is this what he does? Does he brainwash people with mutual respect? I always hear people saying he's always condescending, but he and I don't have that banter? It's strange, I can read him and yet I can't describe him. The thing is, I have been blindsided by Jordan Pines before (not in Survivor, TAR rather) and I have also blindsided him (by turning his ego against him, Happy Jordan Pines Day) So I feel like I have a sense of when Jordan strikes. Right now I think he's telling the truth about wanting to vote out Karen/Isaac, but I'm very on the fence, like 55% truth, 45% lies. Like, look at this conversation, this is the beginning of our talk today: 
[3/6/2017 7:50:44 PM] Jordan Pines: hey how did you do on immunity for johto btw? 
[3/6/2017 7:51:09 PM] Mitch: To be quite honest, I saw it was a flash game and kinda gave up hope knowing you were playing it lmao 
[3/6/2017 7:51:16 PM] Mitch: I only had 3 hours to do it anyway
 [3/6/2017 7:51:26 PM] Jordan Pines: okay thats incredible i was debating giving up assuming you would do the same 
[3/6/2017 7:51:33 PM] Jordan Pines: cause flash games are between me you and drew realistically
 [3/6/2017 7:51:38 PM] Jordan Pines: but i ended up playing for a decent while [3/6/2017 7:51:40 PM] Jordan Pines: so i hope i win 
[3/6/2017 7:51:54 PM] Mitch: I wouldn't be surprised if you did honestly Me? Scaring Jordan Pines into almost quitting immunity? Holy shit. Wow I did not mean to turn this into 3 paragraphs of me being confused over Jordan Pines. Anyway. So right now I think the vote is in a weird spot. Everyone's afraid of merge votes. The sapphire idol is in (arguably) the most chaotic player's hands (And he's actually afraid to use it! That's amazing to me, that an idol's power is keeping him from doing something with it) and he's immune. Of course this could be a facade and Jordan's going to play the idol while he's immune to eliminate the risk of him getting voted out with it. See? I'm already confused about this, ANYWAY. The heroes are 5 strong, we need a direction to go in. I think turning the vote toward Isaac would be smarter, according to Duncan he's better at challenges than Karen. If Jay votes with us, we could easily have 6-4, and if Jordan joins in, 7-3. The alternative is splitting the vote in case Jordan plays the sapphire idol for fun. 6-3-1, 5-3-2, 5-4-1, so many possibilities. I'll wait for new information to come tomorrow before talking it over with the heroes. I'm excited for the possibilities of this vote, because I'm not gonna be merge boot one way or another. Praise the Ho-oh. 3:20 AM. I got distracted with videos about the Switch. 
Oh, here's a quick assessment of the villains. 
Isaac - Went on call with me, Jordan, and Drew, and proceeded to spill small but crucial details about the villains tribe dynamic, talking about Karen and Isaac's votes for Jay out of fear of the sapphire idol. An interesting character, but I think he could gain ground if he goes farther. Ideally he goes home now. 
Karen - Surprisingly quiet, hasn't messaged me with a "Bitchell" yet. I'd like for her to go sooner than later, for voting Jay, but also forgetting to vote in Palau and sending me home in the process. (I know, I told myself I'd seperate games, but come on, she had ONE job.) 
Jordan M - Listen, the only thing I know about this kid is how many memes he spreads in the tribe chat. He's playing almost no different than he did in Hawaii, I'm surprised he's lived this long without falling off a cliff. He votes early and goes to bed like always. Ideally? I'd give him 8th place again, only this time I'd actually be voting for him. 
Jordan Pines - Please just read what I already wrote. I've talked about him enough. 
Jay - One of my best friends in the community, but I have played TWO games with him now and being aligned with him has screwed me over very badly. I'm not looking to repeat that. I love him to death, but I will vote him out in a heartbeat (Sorry Jay, please forgive me if I do anything nasty to you in the future) However, he is a CRUCIAL source of knowledge, and he clearly trusts me enough to come with it in the first two hours of being on a tribe. I will certainly use my connection with him as much as I can before letting Billy and Brian eat him or something.
 Current Pokemon Team: Cardamom the Crobat with a vote reveal Vec the Tyranitar Klaus the Deliberd Shimmer the Ho-Oh with a super idol Dawn the Sunflora Bloom the Bellossom Badges obtained: Zephyr Badge Hive Badge Plain Badge Fog Badge Storm Badge Gonna clocc Jasmine with Shimmer/I might pick up a fighting type Gonna clocc Pryce with Shimmer/Dawn/I might pick up a fighting type Gonna clocc Clair with Klaus/I should get a Dragon type?? 
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I love messy bitches with messy plans, considering I'm the messiest bitch usually and have the messiest plans usually.
 I need more info because otherwise I'm a chicken without my head, and that's of no use.
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It's finally that time... we merged. And as soon as it happened I turned by back on the original five guys. Karen Isaac and I made a pact that we are getting Jordan out ASAP. We have Drew and Brian with us, who are also two people I trust more than anything.
 I also found the merge idol. So I guess I am as good as I thought.
 Jay has suicune, and Isaac found out about Mitch's super idol. So now I know where all the power lies. And we're going to have them wasted.
 ISAAC DID THAT AND EXPOSED IT AND NOW JORDAN IS TRYING TO SAPHIRE IDOL ME OUT. YOU THOUGHT HUH? We're breaking the Saphire Idol tonight. And jay should be the one leaving. Plus if it is me, I have all my advantages. If I sense anything funny I'm playing my idol. I'm not fucking around. Jordan WILL NOT beat me this game. No way, not this way.
 Plus once Mitch sees that their plan wasn't what we said it was, he'll be with us 100%. No more Jay to feed him false information. 
 Jordan has every reason to be scared of me. I'm not a light player. But yo come after me this way, after I just dealt with all this shit in my personal life is a low blow. So get fucked. You better hope you win all of the immunities from here on out. Because you're GONE next chance with no idol to save you.  And I know you have none, because I have the only two real idols and Mitch has the super idol. Surprise bitch.
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hehehehehehehehehhe - my thoughts about tonights vote if it works boooooooooooooooooo - my thoughts about tonights vote if it fails
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Okay so we've merged which is fun and I'm in an alliance with Karen, Drew, Brian, and Billy and we're working together to fuck shit up™ And I thought to my gay self "Who better to fuck shit up than Despairsaac?" So I let him out and he exposed Mitch having items and now everyone knows about all the powers in the game with the exception of Jay having suicune and Billy having Raikou. Honestly this vote is so messy I can't put into words the strategy that's gone behind it. It's just fugly.
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How does it feel to be in a game full of powers with absolutely zero powers? Pretty good. Pretty good. Anyway I'm so ready to die. Maybe Mitchy will save me with his super idol, probably not.
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ok so ill gve u a summary of today: 
-villains come up with a 3-1-1 plan in which billy and mitch are both the ones and billy gets elimed 
-me billy isaac add drew and brian to our alliance -i scream 
-billy brian and drew all tell me the jp and jay have told them that theyre on the bottom, in which i yell bc its not realistic like what kind of crack 
-jp comes up with the plan to say that him and jay will "flip" on the 5-5 revote that the heroes think will happen 
-jay basically reveals that hes close with duncan and mitch 
-isaac exposes mitch about the super idol and vote revealer 
-everyone pretends to be (me billy and the others in the alliance)
 -the villains try to work the vote bc of the super idol -it is confirmed that mitch and duncan are gonna be voting for me billy comes up with a 3-3-2-1-1 in which i get 3 votes, frank gets 3 votes, jay gets 2 billy gets 1 and mitchum gets 1, hopefully this plan works with and without the sapphire idol being played, i should be kept if the vote ties and jay gets clocct with the sapphire idol if jp does play it 
-isaac is gonna expose jay? 
-tribal is happenin and im gonna be sicc
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survivorjohto · 7 years
Ep. 9: “I'm at work! I'm probably going home!”- Duncan
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So now that the Heroes are in the majority for this round, I feel very good about everything.  I hope we can win the challenge, however, because I don't want to lose numbers, and if we go in 6 strong, that's perfect.  6-4 at a merge, which I assume will be next round, is EXACTLY what we need.  I also don't need the risk of going home.  I do think that if we go, someone like Mitch or Duncan NEEDS to go, but that's only because at a merge, they might recognize their spot toward the bottom.  I'm going to try and put in a lot of time to talk to them both especially over the next day so that they don't feel out of it.  I'm not going to screw over Billy, but I want to redeem myself from Malibu, so I N E E D to keep myself safe especially.
So from what I've gathered from the little time since the announcement of the villains winning immunity, Ash will be the one heading home.  I do think that's not only best for Billy and I, but I think it's overall just better for me. 
 Right now, the only person that's less threatening than me in any regard is Ash.  Ash is weaker in challenges, usually, and not as socially strong.  I think that going into a merge, that could be seen as perfect fodder and Ash could be strung along further and further due to not being seen as a threat.
 With Ash gone, I remain the weakest link, and that puts me in a great spot.  The three brawny guys of the tribe, Mitch, Duncan, and Drew, will all be much bigger threats than Billy and I, and I know Billy's the smarter one between me and him, so I assume that Billy will be perceived as more of a strategic threat than me, too.  I also assume that if we do end up at final 5 with all heroes remaining, I will have the best shot of sitting at the end. 
 I don't want to be berated for being a goat, however, so I will definitely have to be social and likable, but I don't want to be perceived as too likable to sociable because than that puts a target on me.  Basically, I wanna UTR my way to the end where everyone thinks I'm a goat, but my good relationships with people is what wins everyone over. 
 Also, I'm not too terrible at challenges, so maybe once all the threats are gone, I can actually win a challenge or two and show that I'm not a nothing.
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We finally won and whew. Last round Kendall sacrificed herself and im so sad :( but we need to move forward and kill the heroes because the heroes can kiss this ass. ESPECIALLY YOU MITCH GOD 10K IN THAT GAME GOD. 
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whew whew whew whew whew whew
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I'm at work! I'm probably going home! If god loves me Mitch and I will both last through this tribal council. My name is duncan from survivor kanto, and you're watching Disney channel! *does the wand in the Mickey ears shape*
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First off: I'm horrified by the picture in the confession thing. What the fuck. 2nd. I don't want 2 send anyone home and I have no idea what to do updates to come
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I'm going to fucking shit myself if we don't merge after this. This game is so fucking stressful. With me and Karen on the outs we can use a fucking reprieve. Also Jordan Means wants to let Jordan Pines get to merge because he thinks he's going to use the sapphire idol to help us? Like that's naïveté at its finest tbh.
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survivorjohto · 7 years
Ep. 8: “I’d Sooner Fall Out Of The Damn Lighthouse Then Vote Out One Of My Friends”- Mitch
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I don't really know what's been happening these last few rounds simply due to the fact that like we haven't gone to tribal.  It's really nice and calm, and I kinda don't like it. :\
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Jordan Pines: "I'm still wanting to stay Villain strong come merge" 
Me: "yeah sounds good" 
Me, internally: *despairsaac it's time* 
Despairsaac: 👁👁
Honestly like I'm so tired of this villains tribe like these people just don't make sense to me? I get why Jordan M wanted to get out Lily because she was sketchy but he voted with Jordan Pines who honestly is a better person to go considering he's a bigger threat and he tried to vote you out last round? Also like me and Karen were going to protect him? We could've gotten Lily out next round? I'm puzzled but I'm not going to give up and I'm going to play the middle if I make it to merge and frankly if I feel like Jordan Pines should go Cole merge and I think I can do it I'll flip to the heroes and if I think Mitch or Drew or someone on the heroes will go I'll stick with the villains. I don't have power right now but like a goomy evolving into a Goodra it just takes a little time. I have to bide my time and then they'll regret it.
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I'm still in shock that Lily was eliminated like... whew.  I knew Lily was a threat, but I really REALLY didn't think that Lily would end up going like that.  I mean Lily played an idol on someone else... who might even have been one of the votes for them.  LIKE... YIKEE... I feel so bad... Lily did NOT deserve that.  That was EEEVVILL.  I know they're villains but yike.  This will help me going into a merge with people I now know I have a shot of beating in challenges, but I still don't really have a shot with people like Drew or Mitch or Duncan.... but I can try!
 I assume we'll be merging soonish, so I just have to hope that we merge with numbers in our favor because I do not want to be the 12th placer or the 11th placer or the 10th placer... I want single digits AT LEAST.  I think that I probably will be perceived as the lowest threat, but that also means that they might target me for simply not even showing signs of having an idol and being the least likely to have one.  Whatever happens is going to happen very messily, and I hope I'm not the victim of it.  I may look like a deer in headlights, but I sure as hell will not be hit by the car.
Also, I want to add that Billy is by far the best person in this game.  I love a lot of the other people in this game for how nice they are to me, and I love them for how they treat me, but Billy... goddamn... Billy is always there for me whether it be as a friend or as a competitor.  I know I piss him off sometimes with how wishy-washy I am, but at the end of the day, he's the only person I can go up to and say, "Look, I think we need to do this.  I have this and this.  Let's try."  I can't do that with Drew daddy or Duncan.  I just- I can't. 
 I know I need to step up my personal social game. 
 I feel that I may be a target come merge simply due to my relations with Billy because I know most, if not all, of the Villains know about it, but I think/hope Billy remains their primary target... well, I hope that's the case until I can make them think otherwise.  Billy is here to really play the game, and he's here to slay everyone's faves, so if I can keep any target off of his back, I will.  I'll try to make myself seem like the big man in charge.  I'll talk to everyone.  I won't reveal too much, but I'll definitely make sure people think I'm the head honcho.  I don't know if it'll work, but I want Billy to stay in this game till the end, and I will do anything to get him to win.
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I can't help but wonder if people are going to be around enough for this challenge. I have a strong sense the villains are going to be picking their shit up after losing twice in a row. If we lose, I have no idea where I'd vote, I'd sooner fall out of the damn lighthouse than vote out my friends. I'm slowly realizing these people probably don't want me around for merge, and I'd rather not use my super idol until then. 
 It's just counting, seriously. Hang around for 20 minutes and we'll get up to like 2,000.
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Hey guys, long time no see. I just had to take a little time for some personal stuff. But that's ok, because the Heroes are FUCKING KILLING IT.
 I know I stepped back from the spotlight, but I think that's going to help. I'm playing this game for my Poppy and I now. I'm going to win this season for him.
 I told him while we had our alone time that I would make it onto Big Brother or Survivor together. He used to do the Survivor pools at work and then have me keep track of who was left in the game. And then he would follow Big Brother just for me. He's call the hot girls "cheesecake" and we'd talk about how they were the only reason to watch the show. He used to call Rachel Reilly my girlfriend. 
 So anyway, I'm being humble about this now. This one is for him. I wanna make him proud. He didn't know much about my org life, but I'm sure he would have thought it was so cool. So this one is for you Poppy. I'm doing this for us.
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Whew I hate the heroes I hope y'all choke 🐍🐍🐍🐍
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Aaaaaa we counted a lot, and we counted really well. We won immunity somehow. I thought the villains were really going to haul ass on this challenge considering they've lost two in a row, but they ended up being significantly lower than us. I guess voting out Lily wasn't a good idea on their part, considering they don't seem to have much of a life as evidenced by that Sprout Tower challenge. That or they were higher than us at some point, but they messed up and had to restart. Either way, I'm glad we were able to win. If I can stroke my ego, I did half the work, so I know my tribe thinks I'm even more of an asset. I love helping my tribe stay. I love all of my tribemates, and honestly, I'm doing more of the work for them than I am myself. I don't want to see any of them go anywhere, especially Duncan. Unfortunately, my intentions are always lost in translation. People think I'm a challenge threat, people think I'm going to go on to beast every competition, and they'll latch onto that. Drew is hanging back, I know he is. He may have work, but I know he plays a smarter game than I do, and right now Drew isn't the savior of the tribe, I am. I hope my heroes know I'm being truthful when I say that I do not care about winning too much. I'd just like to beat my highest placement of 7th and move on with life. If this tribe of 6 sticks together, then I have succeeded. That's optimistic of me. I know Billy probaby still has it in the back of his mind that I'm some shifty nasty power player who's acting sweet and innocent to get him to let his guard down. But I'm not. I genuinely enjoy Billy's company now that I've gotten to know him. If he blindsides me down the road, that is perfectly okay. I don't want it to happen, but I would understand why. There's only one more challenge until merge, and I plan on helping us win that challenge. I don't care if it paints the biggest bullseye on my back, I am not about to be Michaela Bradshaw'd in the most successful premerge game I've ever had. Not that it would happen anyway because of my beautiful Ho-oh. But I plan on keeping him a secret until I really need to play it, so I have to settle for upping my social game. Billy will become much harder or easier to talk with because of what happened with his grandfather. I truly feel bad for him, losing a relative is not fun (according to normal people) so hopefully I can be a shoulder to lean on if he needs one. Brian is an interesting character because he seems interested in small talk like I am, he's a lot more "lol" and "dsklsddsjfd" about it than I am, I think. I'll have to find something to probe into about him, so hopefully I can learn about him as a person. Ash is... difficult, to say the least. Ever since I voted them I've felt very odd about trying to converse with them, because it feels like I'm tossing smoke and mirrors at them. I hate being disingenuine, so I guess just not being is easier. I'm going to overcome this and try to spark a conversation tomorrow. Drew is interesting, because we have a lot of secrets shared, but we have a mutual distance thing going on? He'll occasionally pop up in my PMs with really good game information from time to time, but we don't have basic conversations. I'm not sure if I should fix that or let it run its course? I feel like we just both understand each other to some degree (which I'm actually suspicious about now that I think about it.) Duncan is my number 1 right now. According to what he's said, jury starts with this vote tonightm so he's achieved his goal and has his bags semi-packed in case he wants to leave or whatever. I don't exactly approve of him being defeatist, but after what happened at Jacob's tribal, I get it. We've searched for idols together, he's trying to get revenge for me in Palau... I just feel really good about him and don't think he'd have a reason to lie to me. Which makes the Jacob vote weird because it was 5-3. Assuming he and I voted together, that means Drew didn't. And Drew is keeping me out of the loop. I'll have to work around that. I love my heroes, and I don't think they would do anything to hurt me after all I've done for them, but the paranoia sets in like fat settles on my lazy bones. I'm suspicious of Drew and Billy. Brian and Ash are question marks... I feel like this is a Molotov cocktail waiting to be lit, but the cocktail only has like an inch of alcohol in it. (Do Molotovs even have alcohol? I need to research my similes.) I know the villains are going to want to beat my ass after that Eliv Thade challenge, holy shit. Jordan Pines and I are going to target each other at merge, there's literally no surprise there. My plan is to win merge immunity, hopefully it'll be something creative because I know Jordan has not a creative bone in his body. If it's a flash game, we'll just have to see. If it's trivia, I know I know more than he does at least. I'm just trying to work around being merge boot in honesty. It happens to me more often than you'd think, which is probably a lot. I want to move forward with the heroes. I just need to tell them I am. Not convince. Tell. I'm not a liar by any means, I've been truthful to my allies the entire game, and if people ask me questions, I answer. Not that I get many. I almost wish people would probe into me a little more, you know? Like I always wonder why I don't get people asking me "do you have an idol?" Because my weak ass is gonna say yes, I can't lie for shit. I can leave out information, but lying is not my strong suit (e.g. Telling Drew I caught Ho-oh and got an idol, but not saying I got a super idol.) Oh, right, the villains. Isaac, Jay, Jordan M, Senor Pines, Karen, and Kendall. I feel like this tribal is going to go to Isaac or Jordan M, mostly based on assumptions. Jay is in love with Pine Sol, Kendall is going to gravitate to Jay, and Karen too probably. I can't imagine Karen and Isaac being terribly close... If we're going based on closeness, Jordan M is screwed. that last vote was 4-2-1 right?
 Karen - Jay 
Jordan M - Jay 
Lily - Jordan P 
Jordan P - Lily
 Isaac - Lily 
Kendall - Lily 
Jay - Lily 
 That's my guess anyway. Looking in the future, I don't see myself aligning with the villains if we have numbers. If we're even at merge, I might try to get Jay or Kendall on our side because of our friendships. But I don't want to play this game with people I know, I want to form new relationships. I want to pretend like I'm on Survivor and I don't know these people. I'm tired of getting lumped with Jay, it's my time to get out of his shadow. I'll certainly vote him off if it proves to the heroes that I'm with them. Kendall is a quesiton mark as always, but it's something I'd try to get more into. I might try something with Isaac. I don't want anything to do with Karen, honestly. Jordan Pines can go. Jordan Means is another question mark. 
Anyway sorry for this long fucking confessional, it's 2am and I wanted to get me thoughts down. 
Current Team: Valentino the Murkrow Vec the Tyranitar Bloom the Bellossom Klaus the Deliberd Shimmer the Ho-Oh with a Super Idol Cardamom the Crobat with a vote revealer I forgot I had that. Will I ever even use it? I'm not socially aware enough to even try to expose someone.    
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Okay so very exciting for me, I improved my placement and made the jury!!!! That's all I could really ask for out of this game. That was my goal, and I made it! I know other people have been playing for the crown, but I'm just happy to be in the game still and proud to have made it this far. Now? I think I can make it to merge and then flip? lol I want to flop to the villains and fuck shit up tbh. Kendall Jay and Karen are over there, people I adore and love, I guess they play a more villainous game but whatevs. For the first time in forever the heroes are going to have more players than villains and I thinks it's nice because nice guys don't always finish last ;)
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survivorjohto · 7 years
Ep. 7: “I?? Just?? Wanna?? Scream??” - Karen
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me: Hey hosts what did the villains think of my score? 
hosts: OMG why? are they messaging you? do you want me to tell them how much time it took you? 
 me: hey hosts can i challenge the gym or catch some pokemon?
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If we were on an actual island, I'm pretty sure we would have killed each other by now. Like Karen would have strangled Jordan. Frank would have stabbed Lily in the eye. Lily would have poisoned Jay's food. And Isaac would have ended up choking on his own memes. As for yours truly I would have slept through the whole ordeal and when I woke up I would have slowly starved to death because I have no survival abilities whats so ever. 
 Anyway Lily decided to fuck shit up so we decided to shut her down. In most intentances I would have sided with her, Isaac and Karen but none of them have been keeping me in the loop so fuck it, let's take them down. 
 I'm starting to wonder about the tribe swap, is it not going to happen to keep the bloodlines pure or is it going to happen at all. I'm terrible at guessing so, I'd rather not make a hypothesis.
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Whew lily wants Jordan pines out and I'm siding with jordan pines. I feel like I'm making a mistake but oh well this is the big move that needs to happen. Either way I'm safe tonight and lily loses the idol so that's a plus for me
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Fuck can it please just be merge already, we've all seen enough shit and I'm ready to fuck up some villains. Hopefully they either blindside Jordan or he pulls out some sort of power and is looking for new allegiances or SOMETHING to shake them up because like that Jacob vote is still hanging over everyone's heads and we're worried as fuck about what Mitchy and Dunc are gonna do knowing they were probably going next. We NEED a new enemy. We need something to happen that puts the game back into perspective. And more than anything else, we need to figure out who the fuck got to the legendaries because like shit son. That's a lot of power that's gonna come out of nowhere and I'm not ready for the fallout of all of this.
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AHHHHH WE WON AGAIN!!!! IM SO HAPPY! WE'RE BACK TO BEING ON AN EVEN PLAYING FIELD AND I COULD NOT BE MORE GRATEFUL. If the game continues to mirror how the actual heroes v villains game went then this means the villain getting booted now is the last member of the pre-jury. Im going to be so sad if I'm booted next and jury hasn't started. By the same merit, if we continue to mirror the show, theres two more boots till merge. I think if we could win one more challenge Mitch and I will be fine. I'm hoping Mitch idols himself at the next tribal we go to to make sure that he continues on in the game. He's made himself such a freakin threat by scoring so high on challenges, he's destined to be an early merge boot which I hate, but I'm glad he's helped us get us as far as we have. I need to start fostering relationships with others in case Mitch dies one tribal, bc if he does ill have no one that Im working with closely. Hopefully we can make it to the end bc I'd love to see either of us win. Also little side note, I have all this money, but idk what to buy with it! All the legendaries are gone so theres no reason to purchase a master ball! p.p.s Mitchell and I are lookingg for the green Pokemon hidden on the yanma Pokemon. Lets cross our fingers that Mitchell or I can find this damn Pokemon with some secret power before someone else does.
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I hope i dont go home. Fuck Frank if I do, Hooray for Frank if i don't
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yo shit is about to go down at tribal, jordan pines wasted a vote burner on karen and now me and frank can take his binch ass down
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So Lily just like told me that Jordan Pines had a vote canceller and a sapphire idol so I'm just squinting at everything because 1) when the fuck did Lily get with me?  2) I'm pretty sure this is a trap of some sort. So me and Karen talked and we through our votes at Jay because we're pretty sure that Jordan Pines has the sapphire idol and we think he's going to play it so to ensure we survive we're trying to the votes at someone else. I hate Jorda Pines tru.
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So this tribal is gonna be a mess bc Rn me isaac Kendall and frank should be majority right ? And getting rid of jordan pines is gonna be easy right? WRONG! Lily is leaking tea about jordan to isaac and like???? I thot they were up Jordans ass??? Anyway so with this leaked info we need to make jordan feel like he's safe and like me and isaac were thinking that if ash is leaking info back to Jordan and if he plays the sapphire idol then him and frank would be safe and we'd need to revote or smth so we thot of doing a 4-2-1 where I throw my vote to lily and well we thot that was all good and smart but! Jokes on us bc now lily is saying they wanna vote jordan pines and that they have an idol they're gonna play ???? Like idk this is getting messy pretty quick and I?? Just?? Wanna?? Scream?? Anyway so me and isaac are thinking to switch up the votes again so that if lily is telling the truth and they play an idol whether it be on the themselves or jordan or smth then me and isaac will put two votes on Jay (that reminds me I leaked the info to Jay and he said he'd vote jordan) and in case jordan does have an idol hopefully not a sapphire one then Jay goes but if it is a sapphire idol then rip frank :/. @ this point all I can do is hope that no idols get played
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survivorjohto · 7 years
Ep. 6: “Kill The Miltank”- Billy
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Miltank going for that OTTNN5 Huh? 
So I send in my Raikou and just say "Kill the Miltank" and that FUCKING BITCH CURB STOMPED MY POKEMON. I'm not about this... thankfully I must have done that challenge first and the hosts let me re-do the gym with all of my Pokemon... to which I ran the fuck away. Miltank will go down. I need this badge. I just need disposable Pokemon. But I also am just sad... Poor Sara... like I really want her to be ok. I want to do this for her now. Because she'll be with me the whole way.
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So Sara quit, which is unfortunate. I wish her the best, I am a little peeved that she didn't do so before Jacob was voted out because she was my initial target? But I can't control that, and I can't really be like that about something so serious. Whitney murdered my Tyrogue, but fuck her, I got the badge anyway. 
Suck my left ass Miltank. 
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Confessional? Pokemon? Johto? Villains? all questions with no answers.
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Holy shit. Whitney's Miltank is a killer. It killed 5/6 of my team. That's a Machamp, a Smoochum, a Girafarig, a Mantine, and fucking CELEBI. Zapdos was the only survivor. At least I got a Houndoom immediately afterwards. Zapdos takes care of Chuck, and Houndoom takes care of Morty, Jasmine, and Pryce. How have I been more wrapped up in the Pokémon aspect of this game tho??? Like it hasn't been anything about the social game. Maybe that's because we haven't needed to go to tribal, and not too many amazing things have happened, but whatever. I just really hate that Sara had to leave the game... I fully understand, because I'm her sister, so I obviously know what's going on. I just really wanted to play with her in a game.
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Oh my god we finally won a damn challenge. I bet the villains tribe was like "dude 50k is a really good score!" Meanwhile we're over here like "Get 60k or die." 
 I beat Whitney, but her Miltank's Attract murdered my Tyrogue ; ; I can only imagine Morty's gym has the stipulation of Confuse Ray. Idk what Chuck or Jasmine or Clair's status effects would be, Percy's is probably freezing. 
 Larvitar - Tessa Tyranitar - Vec Murkrow - Valentino Deliberd - Klaus Ho-Oh  - Shimmer Crobat - Cardamom
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From what I've heard there is a bit of worry, but not from me. I think that idols will mostly be played later in the game
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If there is a God, another W would be McAmazing 
This is me just being excited that we finally won https://youtu.be/W9BHUqU_YYI 
 Also if you'll remember right, back in kanto I mentioned how I would suck whoever dick in order to stay in the game. Now we're one vote away from jury (I think) and Brian said he's not letting me go anywhere, so its nice to see that sucking dick actually pays off when playing these games!!
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I literally cannot believe I'm planning to kill Jordan Pines haha but it's true So he pressured me to play my idol on Ben at the last tribal, and... I don't like when people do that. He's apparently also been threatening Kendall, telling her that he'll vote her out of India(?) if she voted Ben, and that's also something I /really/ don't like. So it's his turn to go. Now, normally, I'd hesitate to do ANYTHING in regards to organizing a vote against Jordan Pines. And I still am. The problem is that Jordan has the Sapphire Idol, so he could easily out-bigplay me in some way. The good part is that I have an idol of my own, so things could work out that way. Either we go for an outplay with him using the Sapphire Idol at merge and having it backfire on his ass, or we just go for the immediate next tribal of the villain's tribe, and I use my idol on Jordan Means with only one vote towards him. I dunno what to do or who to get on my side, but hey, whatever happens, I just hope it doesn't backfire and kill me.
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survivorjohto · 7 years
Ep. 5: “I Would Vote Me Out Right Now Too” - Sara
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so this is my final confessional and i fucking need to speak about these fucking what you would call a heroes tribe, heroes don't fucking lie this profusely, you all fucking clearly were lying saying Brandon wasn't social because he fucking told me he was! Then you claim Duncan is all you hear so you can blindside me why am i always screwed over,  either i play the game and i get out early cause i tried or if i don't try like in tibet for example! i don't deserve to win idk what you people want anymore. I just feel so fucking unloved because i know there is a hint of bias when people vote someone else other than me to win or vote me out. I am not fucking stupid and just because i am so fucking nice doesn't mean you can fucking do that! I am done being a fucking doormat fuck you all and i hope none of you win for my sake and sanity i i hope Jordan pines wins to screw all you "heroes" excluding duncan and brandon <3
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I should've thought over my Master Ball usage, honestly. I should've checked for Mew or Mewtwo first... Whoops. Anyways, now that I've got my $20, and I'm probably getting another $30 from the challenge, it's time to go for a Machamp. Whitney's gym is next, and you know I'm challenging that, so I'll need something that's super effective against her Pokémon. Machamp will have to do.
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Sara did terribly in this challenge, but like... I don't know.  I don't wanna vote for her, but like I also don't think her score proves why she should still be here.  But like if she's gonna keep me safe... Jacob is very weary of keeping her and kinda like let it all out to me, but I just don't know.
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I know I'm going home and I just don't want to beg and I'm not having a good week and I just wish everyone would tell me I'm going home
"People don't want to vote for you" THEN HOW ABOUT DONT FUCKING DO IT OH MY GOD
I would vote me out right now too but don't be fucking fake about it just vote me out and don't feel sorry for me
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I hate going to tribal.  This is so fucking messy.  Basically, all I've gathered is that my opinion is irrelevant and big moves need to be made.  I love Billy, but I don't really know if saving Sara and Ash is going to benefit me.  I just- can't see how it's possible.  But like Jacob is a mess, so I guess I'm okay with this! Billy is my problematic fave tbh.
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If by the grace of god I get through tonight then we can just end the game and give it to Billy? Obviously I've been working too but he didn't let me give up
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We lost. Again. And again. And again. We killed it at the start and now we're gonna be down a member to them. If they expand to three tribes of five tonight, we are absolutely 100% fucked. I'm trying really hard to juggle staying connected to both Mitchy and Billy but it's getting more and more complicated as numbers go away. I'm honestly praying for a swap so people can die without my hand, or teams can come together under the united HERO banner. If this keeps up on this tribe for much longer, I'm going to have to pick a side, and that's going to be a nightmare moment for me. I think Jacob is going home tonight, which is fine, a little sad because I wanted the chance to actually connect with him after HOS13 but it is what it is, I'll save Sara for this one.
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This vote went from blah to cveiubcuwbaucbaus to 10/10 can die. I literally just don't get it.  Like I understand that people don't want to go home, but like why is everyone being so messy.  Yea, the Chrissa vote wasn't easy, but it happened and it was over with.  8-1, so like no one got pissy.  But now I've been told that like I either vote Jacob or Ash, and I don't wanna vote either way.  I just wanna die and this vote needs to go.  I can't HANDLE this.  I can't.  Not anymore.  I just.... please..... be the right decision.
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Woo! I finally did all my steps! Now hatch egg hatch!
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Im honestly just really f*cking tired of losing challenges. All these people are good fucking people despite what I may have said the first couple days of the game. I really hate to see any of them go. I'm a good fucking person, I don't deserve this! But they're all good fucking people who don't deserve it either. Here's a video dr for your host and cast post show viewing pleasure:https://youtu.be/TvWitSdy69A If I go home, if Mitch goes home, if sara goes home, it doesnt matter! I'm going to be sad after tribal. I tried saving Jacob after sara threw his name out and diverted it to Ash. I haven't lied to anyone so hopefully I'll be fine but if for some reason I go, as the French would say "c'est la vie"
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So we begin this round with voting out Chrissa, which is god awful. I've never felt worse about a vote honestly. I desperately want my heroes tribe to stop losing challenges but lo and behold we lost again. Sara got 31 minutes on that counting thing which... I'm stunned. I'm not even sure how one flubs that up. In the aftermath of this, FOUR PEOPLE'S NAMES WERE SAID. Everyone is so hesitant to vote one another because we all genuinely like each other. Can you blame us? We're heroes, bitch. Jacob, Duncan, Sara, and Ash were all said in the course of trying to figure out who to vote. After the dust has settled, I think everyone settled on Ash. Billy doesn't want to vote Sara for this mistake, which I get. I'm not going to make waves fighting him on it. As long as it's not me or Duncan, I'm good. I wanted to find the idol to guarantee Duncan's protection (not that he needs it now?), but our search through the flying types didn't come up with much. We both found a vote revealer, and I found a clue that told me to look through green pokemon. There are only 3 green flying types, and I've seen them all. So I think it's different clue. I caught a larvitar, but otherwise no luck. Good god this round has been crazy. Is this what social players' lives are like? 
 Current Team: Valentino the Murkrow I Keep Forgetting His Name the Tyrogue Klaus the Deliberd Shimmer the Ho-Oh Tessa the Larvitar Cardamom the Crobat
And ok so I voted for Jacob at 8:00 And went to change it Thinking I could And they sent me a screenshot of this picture that said once the vote was submitted I can't change it And I started panicking But you told me you had the votes so I figured it would be fine And I'm literally beating myself up over it                                        -Billy Dickson Ok but I'm pretty sure it's in the rules if it's true. Then again no one reads rules. Anyway I feel a little left out, but I'm not gonna let that stop me from working my way to merge. I feel bad for Jacob, and now I feel a little stupid for voting Ash because they just came to me asking me who I voted. Of course I told them. I'm a recluse, not a liar. I don't think I'll be targeted for being on the outs, I was honest and I'm a help in challenges. I'm a little more worried for Duncan tbh.
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So...this might be bad. I'm literally aligned with everyone left on my tribe... except Duncan? Idk... but it wasn't my plan. Everyone came to me like "BILLY WHO ARE WE VOTING FOR?!" Like bitch how the hell am I supposed to know? I've been at work all day. And it keeps going and going. I'm adamant about not voting for Sara. I refused to do it. But no one else wanted to do anything, they were all like "I don't want to vote Sara either".... THEN DONT DO IT. This is SURVIVOR not best friends game! Then Ash came up, and had I realized that it could have been 4-3-1 I would have just dumped a vote on Duncan or Sara to make it seem like I didn't do anything but then have Jacob at least leave the game not mad at me. I'm just scared that I'm ruining personal relationships. Poor Jacob... I really felt bad about it. But he was all aboard the "Lets vote Sara" train until he heard he was a target. He's too strong, and too good at challenges and way way way too social to bring any further into the game. If his heart wasn't with Sara and I, then he wasn't fitting it anymore. As for Mitch and Duncan, I felt bad lying to them. But Ash is with me, Jacob would flip to power... he already was showing the signs he wanted to flip. Now if I could only convince ONE MORE PERSON to flip on Duncan I'd be set. He's the only person left I don't have trust for. But then there's Mitchy... he's got something. I can smell it. He's got an opal idol or something dumb like that. And I CAN NOT be on the receiving end of whatever he has up his sleeve. So I gotta kiss up hard core, or have him waste it and then I can finally take him out. He can't make merge either. He just can't. I'm just praying that these people are loyal to me... and that it stays this way.
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survivorjohto · 7 years
Ep. 4: “I Thought Eh, What The Ho-oh” - Mitch
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So. I'm getting close to something good. With the immunity challenge, I'm pretty confident in my tribe. I personally have 7.75 mil, and I've heard scored like 5 mil, which sounds like it'll be good enough for us to win. And I've got $75 right now, and I'd assume that our tribe will be getting that sweet sweet cash money for winning. If I manage to get $25, I can get Ho-Oh, and that's super effective against FOUR of the gyms I'm gonna have to face later. I'm gonna have to change up some of my Psychic team later on, of course... But still. I'm confident in my spot in the game.
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So we lost that immunity challenge, which sucks because I was sleeping during the first part and the villains got ahead by 3 in that time. they really wanted immunity, which makes sense because we've been beating their asses. Unfortunately the target turned to Brandon, who I didn't want to vote out at all. But I guess his lack of social game and the fact that everyone around here tends to gravitate towards one another put him in a bad spot. I told him he was being voted out. He deserved to know. So we start round 4, and I wanted to challenge the gym. So I did. And Klaus kicked Falkner's ass and got me $50. That put me up with enough money to buy a Master Ball and catch Lugia. EXCEPT JORDAN PINES GOT THERE FIRST KDFLJDSFLDAS:DJKFNABLEFJ The scenario is that only three people in this game have enough money to buy a master ball, and that's me, Drew, and Jordan. Drew apparently forgot that catching pokemon was a thing for a brief moment, so the only thing he has right now if a Flaafy. So Jordan Pines sotle my Lugia. BUT THAT IS GOOD because I know he has it, but he doesn't know what I'm about to drop on y'all. So, feeling defeated at losing my chance at Lugia, I thought, eh what the ho-oh. I decided to just capture Ho-Oh since it's a legendary and it takes the power out of someone else's hands for the moment. So I captured it, and it gave me a THUPER IDOL. I can't be voted out with this thing. It's amazing. I KNOW I'm going to be the target of some heavy blindside later. The way Billy talked about "keeping me around" when we discussed voting out Brandon doesn't make me feel good. I think my next goal might be to get enough money to capture Celebi. If it's catchable. I'm not sure if it is. I love where I am in the game, I'm like that guy who uses the Action Replay at the beginning of the game to get a Registeel to clobber Roxanne. 
 Current Team: Skye the Skarmory Angry the Tyrogue Cardamom the Crobat Klaus the Deliberd Quentin the Togetic Shimmer the Ho-Oh
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So... this is bad. This is really really bad. All of the legendaries are gone. And i only have one. I needed HoOh or Lugia so I could keep power in my hands. But now I just have to hope that the people who got them are with me and not against me. I've narrowed it down to Drew and Mitch on the heroes, and Lily and Jordan P for the Villains. So HoOh and Lugia lie somewhere between the four of them. I'm guessing Mitch has one because he's being low key shady, but I told him I'd have his back so he doesn't screw me again. I told Sara about my idol, she's a true hunt and isn't going to flip to Jordan come merge. Brian knows about it too. But I'm back and forth on if I should tell Drew. I told Drew and Mitch I caught Xatu, but that it had nothing. My concern is, that Lugia had something like a sapphire idol or a pearl idol. And that hoOh had something like an Op*l Idol or a super idol. They had better powers than a vote stealer that's for damn sure. But right now, the heroes aren't like into the Pokémon aspect. Which is bad because that means THE VILLAINS WILL GET ALL OF THE POWERS. Ugh... I'm nervous I won't make merge. But what else is new?
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I beat the gym yay me! and now i just need 50 more dollars for a masterball. I hold that i can find this idol before someone else or I will be very salty.
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so i might have to vote duncan ugh i love him but i don't want to be voted either
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Ben needs to step it up. I wnat him cause hes like a free vote for me lol, but people are sick of him getting a free pass. So like its shitty. I just want Ben to be my goat but for some reason people dont like giving me whatever I want? I don't get it. Anyways all good in Jordan Town Right Now
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So 2 things 1) The Cat in the Hat is a Phenomenal Movie like 12/10 2) Lily came to me and wants to get rid of Ben if we lose next round and I would be down if I didn't think this was a diversion and Jordan wasn't going to play something on Ben. So here's what I hope I'll be able to pull off. Get Jay to vote Lily and me, Karen, Jordan M, and Kendall to vote for Jordan Pines because lets face it he's so arrogant he won't see it coming. I don't understand how fucking dumb you have to be to stay with Jordan when he'll literally fuck you when he doesn't need you anymore but whatever.
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So like the vote is supposed to be Duncan but it seems like no one.....actually.....wants to vote out duncan? Mitch doesn't want to, Chrissa doesn't want to, and I have a feeling that once I ask a little more some more names will start coming out which is a bit of a long time coming because honestly this tribe lives under a facade that we all love each other and that's probably true but there's a point where that naturally just falls apart. And I think tonight will be that point
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I'm still honestly in shock over the fact that I managed to get a score of 24 million on that challenge. Hello to everyone else who submitted confessionals about that ^-^
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I thought it was supposed to be hard to catch a legendary Pokémon!!!! antyways I'm doing this ten minutes before the deadline so I'll keep it short. I found out that chrissa said ash said billytbrew my name out last night. I went to billy and told him about it and he put me at ease. Then turns out Mitch threw out Charissa's name in order to make a new target appear other than myself and Billy told me and drew about voting chrissa so I'm hoping and pretty sure he's not bluffing. At the end of it all I think MOTCH got chrissa as a target in Billy's head and yknow Billy gets what Billy wants. So I made sure Billy wasn't going after me and was after chrissa instead and hopefully all but one or two votes should go for Chrissa and maybe two votes for me. Two things to note If I do go, I want Mitch to win. Secondly Brandon was right. What he said was so true! That's something that bothered me the first time I played PI was that it was just a crap ton of people who played before and 1/3 newbies. This time it's all returnees so it's fair for people to rely on previous relationships to get them further but it's tough. A drew, a jordan pines, a Billy, a Brian,  I'm pretty sure one of them are going to win this game bc they have the relationships and the ability to make people afraid to vote them out and it's tiring. Brandon wanted us to go against the PI Patriatchy and I'm sorry that's just unrealistic.  I'm not playing this season to prove anything to myself, I'm playing to show that if you work the system as opposed to going against it, it might be possible to come out on top. But before I can do that I have to make it through tribal tonight. *fingers crossed*
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I'm the fact that my name is just not a thing being brought up because I have people that need me for their personal game. (inlove) I truly am doing that. My social game is shitty (as usual) but I think people want me around because they think I'm just going to follow every last command they tell me.  The only person I promise 100% loyalty to is Billy, and everyone else just lowers from that, all the way down to the people who idek.  Duncan was a target tonight, but I'm not voting for him because he says he wants to put Lazio-gna behind us, and he wants to work with me, sooo whew.
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survivorjohto · 7 years
Ep. 3: “Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Oh! No, it's just my wig” - Duncan
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Wow... the villains... they're a mess. A total mess. The Kylie vote was understandable, but this last one? Wow. If it wasn't obvious that Jordan and Ben are a duo then it certainly is now. I don't know the dynamic of the Akunin tribe, but it's one thing for sure, it's messy as fuck. But one thing is for sure, and that is BRANDON CAN NOT LINK UP WITH JORDAN AND BEN. AT. ALL. Brandon, Ben and Jordan are friends in real life (?) I think i heard that, but it's going to be what Kanto was. Ben "using Jordan as a meat shield" and him having this disgusting god complex and I can't let them all link up at merge. The other thing I'm worried about? Sara and Lily. Lily is supposedly with Jordan, and as much as I love Sara, her track record shows she's a Jordan Pines stan as well. I'm not letting that happen either. So if Lily doesn't go soon, Sara will have to. I'm sorry love, but it can't happen. I told Brian about my advantages. He doesn't seem to be that invested, but with Sara seemingly going to be going in the opposite direction, I have to have plan B. Plan Brian. I want to trust Sara because she's my ride or die in this series, but I keep seeing her go to the dark side and it makes me so nervous. But my plan if we lose, convince everyone to vote Brandon. Duncan is the alternative, but I'd rather Brandon go. He's talked to me the least, and he's made it pretty clear we aren't going to be working together. So bye, sorry you flopped.... again? One thing is for sure, and I'm not sure if I've made this clear. Jordan Pines, if you think coming for me in this game means you will win, you've got another thing coming. Brian and I may be a duo, but you and Ben are too. I have an idol and the only thing he has is a few McNuggets short of a happy meal. Also I'm me telling Brian about how I'm writing a confessional and so I send him a pic of the screen and now he can read the whole thing UGHHHHH. I'm so dumb. But I love the kid so... whatever.
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Tag yourselves im no one talking to me about tribal besides Billy!
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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Oh! No, it's just my wig :/ Hiiiiieee! The heroes are finally going to tribal council, so this could potentially be my last confessional <\3 I'm glad I made although probably minimum bonds, some small bonds with people in the early days of the game. Hopefully enough to where people wouldn't want to vote for me the first vote we go to. I thought about wrangling up all the misfit early boot she like myself, Brandon, Chrissa, and a couple others, but I don't feel like it would even last for a round tbh. So before we even lost the challenge and told him I wanted to work with him, which is true. I just need the big whigs to protect me until we merge or swap. So I have no idea who's going home, I'm at a "anybody but me" mentality. I'm not throwing out any names and am going to let people come to me about the vote. I'm going to sit back and just watch how it plays out and pray I'm not first boot.
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so we won the challenge woo hoo, me and lily killed it and now a hero is going home. Ummm things are iffy on the villains tribe now with that big split vote, i was on the right side of the numbers and am a pretty useful asset so like I am not worried about things going bad for me yet. Mark my words I'm Jordan Pines, I will eventually screw myself over somehow this game or it wouldn't be a pacific islands season, but I am not expecting me to do anything stupid yet. I'm with me lily ben and jay are tight, Kendall is there too though a little sketched out after she lied but flipped back. Isaac Frank and Karen can do wahtever I guess. Either way not bad. Not bad for jordan at all
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i hate to do this to brandon but if he isn't social what am i gonna do about it... all i can do is make sure i am safe, like he should have been talking to people.
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I highkey feel bad because I don't really think anyone deserves to go over me, but I'm here to play the game, so I'm not just going to go home 1st and be okay with it.  If I do go first, that'll suck, but I'm not going to be like, "OMG IM ROBBEEEDD ROBBBEDD!!!!" because I'm not around enough to really not have the target on me.  I think Billy told me to vote for Brandon, and I'll double check it with him, but if it is Brandon, then um... sorry, Brandon.  You seem awesome, and I hope that we can talk after this is all over.
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Anyway! To catch y'all up I'm in an alliance with jordan and Kendall and also with jordan and isaac. Last vote apparently there was an Indian influence I guess u could say as to why suddenly the vote went from Ben to Stevie. And lowkey I'm kinda pissed bc Ben will listen to jord and I know Stevie is his own thinker like he won't be up Jordans ass. Anyway I'm gonna keep pretending that I'll go along with Jordan's plans bc the more safe he feels the more fun it'll be to vote him out.
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Heres a confessional so i dont get a strike love you guys <3
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I feel so bad that Brandon is going home.  Like I haven't had too long of a convo with him, but like he seems super cool and sweet.  He's asked me like who is spearheading it, and I just dodged the question because I honestly don't want to tell him too much to throw me or Billy under the bus.  We're already probably in hot water considering how many people know about us being a thing in the past, and if I ever hear Billy's name come up, I'mma be like, "Hey, vote for me instead!" because Billy deserves better.
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i've been so tired all day asdfghjkl but at least i dont have a tribal to worry about!!! what an iconic thing, me still being alive after 3 tribals in pacific islands, along with having an item finder and an idol huh how iconique
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I want Jordan Pines to choke like wow. He threatened Kendall based on another game and apparently the only reason why Stevie went is because Kendall has to flip like bye THATS A SICKENINGLY LOW BLOW. I refuse to drink Jordan Pines' koolaid like I'd rather be voted out next than ever work with that binch.
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survivorjohto · 7 years
Visuals done by Isaac and audio done by Andrew
Special thanks to Isaac!!
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survivorjohto · 7 years
Ep. 2: “Why Would I Want To Keep In One Place At Once?” - Kendall
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I am so glad we won first immunity whew hope they win another for us, i sat out because i felt like i wouldn't do good so hopefully it's helpful i sit out I love this tribe so much, and about the villian pokegear wtf i literally asked what the judge asked did they throw that? like i thought the judge was just dragging but omg. I loved every part of that pokegear and it was so brilliant but not winning brilliant humourous though. 
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This was literally the first tribal I ever lived thru in PI history, and I did it without getting a single vote. Character Development (tm)
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So I hatch my egg right, and there's a note saying that a flying type is what I need. I'm guessing, that because my Tyrogue hatched with a note, that I'm either going to have to catch a flying type, or hatch one to get a hidden immunity idol. I'm only guessing because gyms don't seem to be a thing this go around, and Kurt's challenge just gives me pokeballs.
Now, it's been a few days. I haven't completed Kurt's challenge. I'm 99% sure someone else definitely has had to, which means a legendary could be on the loose right now. That's scary... you never know what they might do this game. 
I'm in a tough spot with my crew, I'm not good at this immunity challenge, but I just have to be good enough to beat Isaac. I know I wasn't the worst on my tribe, but I definitely was not the best.
As for allies, I know I have Sara and Brian for sure. Brian has Drew and I have Drew (I think) and I'm banking on making it seem like I'm distant with him and someone will spill to him if my name ever comes up. Right now, I could definitely see Brandon, Duncan or Mitch voting me out. It'll just depend on if they can get anyone to flip. This game is just making me nervous, I don't want to go home before merge. 
But my biggest dilemma is who my actual final two is. I have three people I can't hurt: Ash, Brian and Sara. But I can't take them all to the end. Brian is my best buddy. I love him so much and in a perfect world I'd be sitting next to him. But Sara is my girl. She's had my back as long as I can remember and I emotionally can not handle losing her, and then Ash has thrown her game away from me multiple times. I don't want Ash to flop again, she deserves redemption. 
My goal is to stick with those 4 as long as I can. I love Drew and Jacob, but I feel like like they might become liable to me in the future... I guess we'll see.
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I'm rly happy to have won and all that but nothing has really been done about the alliance between me Billy and Jacob like no chat has been made or anything? It's probably just because we haven't had tribal but I'm like the kinda neurotic that I would rather have it set in stone. Idk if I mentioned it here but Jacob came to Billy and said he has no idea how to play survivor and wants a final 3 with us which is like...the ideal™ I'm just waitin on it to become official @ this point
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I may or may not be in a #secretmajority. Well everyone agreed on Jay. Then me and Kendall discovered proof of the alliance I called between Jordan/Ben/Lily when Karen confirmed it. Then the vote flipped to Stevie. With the exception of me, Jordan m, and Kendall who are in an alliance. And Kendall, Karen, and I are in another alliance. And because of the campaigning against them Stevie and Jay seem to be on board according to Kendall. And we'd like to vote Ben to take away one of Jordan's numbers. Because One No one likes an alpha male and Two it's basically killing Jordan Pines without killing his strength in challenges because if anything he'll work extra hard to make sure we don't go back to tribal because he'll know it could be him hopefully
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So  like Isaac wants me kendall and him together to take out Jordan pines but like i dont know if i want to do that. I mean like jordan pines is definitely a threat but he can also be a good ally for a little bit. Tonight it seems to be either stevie jay or ben and i truthfully dont know what im doing yet *eyes emoji*
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So I'm at work, telling one of my co-workers about Johto. He knows I play these games, but he doesn't know that this one is Pokémon related. I told him how I only had a few poke balls left or whatever, but that I was doing a challenge where I could win a "master ball". So he told me to try to catch another one, and I explained to him my theory that the flying types have advantages because of the notes that my Tyrogue and Sara's Tyrogue got. So he's like "I like Xtau. Go for that one" so I did... and low and behold 
THE XTAU WAS HOLDING A HIDDEN IMMUNITY IDOL. I'm so shook right now... because I didn't even waste my Kurt ball on that. So I took advantage of the situation. I thought the legendaries had idols, not normal Pokémon. So I used Kurt's ball on Raicou and I caught him too. WHICH GAVE ME THE ZAPDOS POWER. That's the only power I didn't get to use in Kanto. So I was SHOOK when I went from thinking I'd have nothing to actually holding a little power in the game now. 
Word on the street is that Jordan P. is gunning for me which actually really pisses me off because I told him forever ago I wouldn't gun for him in Johto. But, I feel better knowing that I have an idol and an advantage, and I haven't even attended tribal yet. I'm going to go for another Kurt ball, hopefully I'll catch Entei next, because I didn't have Moltres last game, and the Articuno power wasn't what I thought it was. A vote negator can be the difference between going home or staying, and that'll be useful to me moving forward. 
Kanto Billy is back, and I'm here to be the best, like NO ONE ever was. These are my Pokémon games, and I'm here to prove it.
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So we won again!  Yay!  I just got voted out of Malibu, so now all my focus is on this game.  Billy and I are going to try and fake not being close because we both know that it can definitely effect our games, and I personally do not need to be an early boot because of that.  I came here to fix the wrongs that I've done in my last 4 games, and I'm not going to stop until I fix each and every one of them and potentially win the game.  My social game is lackluster at this point because I was so focused on Malibu, but I plan on working on that REAL quick so that I don't ever have to worry about being on a tribe with numbers against me.
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My fucking aesthetic is winning.
No but really though. I've got such a busy week at the moment that not having to balance it with tribal is amazing. Especially considering I like almost all of these people. Like Billy is my dude. I love Billy so much like I would murder a man for Billy. And Sarah's been amazing since my OG PI game Izu. Those are the two I know the best but honestly for the most part everyone is amazing and wonderful and I can't wait to actually murder the villains (sorry Jordan and Karen)
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I'm walking on fucking egg shells and it's exhilarating.
Okay so here's the thing, Jordan Pines is in charge of an alliance and I think I'm the right hand person of it. But that is so bloody boring. Why would I want to keep in one place at once? I don't have the attention span for that. 
So Isaac comes up to me and says "Hey I think Jordan Pines is an evil mastermind," And the thing is, he's right... at first I was just going to indulge him and slit his throat later. Because currently I'm in a main season with Jordan Pines, I don't need that target on my back. 
But then I realize that Jordan is closer to Ben then he is to me, and we can't have that... no we can not. It's better to get rid of all competition now before we get too far into the game, so I teamed up with Isaac, Jordan, Karen, and Stevie for the time being. And now we are sending Benjamin to the stake. 
What makes this better is I think I can keep my allegiance on the DL because they all get I'm with Jordan. I've started saying things like "what if something goes wrong" or "I'm with you 120%". I feel like if I can get it into their heads that I am in cahoots with them, they'll think I wasn't the one who flipped. The next tribal, we get rid of the Jordan who is not Pines because he is too close to Isaac. I can probably make it seem like it was Karen or Stevie or somebody else. I want to see if there is a way to successfully play the middle, if not then I'll get voted out. If there is, well then this game is going to be a lot of fun.
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Me? Feeling confident in a PI tribal when it comes to voting out Stevie? Unlikely But True
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So, I'm pretty sure everyone but Stevie is voting Stevie. Sorry Stevie I like you and wouldn't wanna vote you out but pretty much everyone kinda just joined together on the sound of your name... so y'know
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Jacob totally saved all of us by figuring out that trick with the immunity challenge. Yet another week of not having to make alliances and kick people out! I love this tribe.
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hiiiieee! I know my edgic is probably invisible right now and thats my bad. I don't feel like I've really started playing the game yet, but at least  I don't have any enemies and i did okay in our challenge? I have no idea what im doing and I can't wait to be invisible until my boot like Monica in Cambodia :~)
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So um hello it's me. I seem to be having a reverse kusa right now cause I'm undefeated baby. Also can someone tell me why lily and Ben are villains?
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Right now I am acting so dumb toward Jordan and I really hope that the people that are trying to save me come thru. Because it would be so great to see Jordan's reaction. I tried to work with him but he decided I'd be easiest to get rid of now and I'm not okay with that
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Honestly this total domination of the game from the Heroes tribe? Here for it. Me forgetting to do confessionals or be social or catch Pokemon or do literally anything I'm supposed to be doing in this game? Also here for it. Getting dragged into an alliance with Billy, Brian, Jacob, and Sara? Here for it. Honestly I need this tribe to go to tribal soon just because I always end up losing it with tribes that never go to tribal premerge, the bonds aren't as strong, we have to start building trust, like actual trust, like based on more than a collaborative creative comp that most used the term "collaboration" loosely for. But collectively, we're all pulling enough of our own weight for it to be alright in the end. Hopefully I can at least make it to merge/jury and not make a total fool of myself. But every time I say that in a PI game, I make it far with a good shot to win, so who the fuck knows anymore. The PI gods love me, here's hoping the Johto gods will do the same.
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Whew I sent my tribe to a revote and everyone floods my pms I love being the swing vote. Also I love you jay so when these come out don't kill me ;c
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survivorjohto · 7 years
Player Of The Season!
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It is now time to crown our Player Of The Season! Before we do so, we will be reading off 4 honorable mentions to make sure they get the recognition they deserve. The honorable mentions will be in no particular order.
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Isaac played hard from the beginning to the end. He managed a strong middle game throughout, and his mix of strategic planning and social game was healthy enough to get him into a solid position at the start and middle of the merge. Even when faced with adversity, he wouldn’t let up, and his exposing of Mitch’s Super Idol made the game take a sharp turn.
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Mitch was the hero who fell into his role the best. He was an extremely loyal ally and someone who would be just as happy with his friends succeeding. On top of that, he proved to be a threat, and through his devotion to the Pokemon theme he found a Super Idol that changed the entire dynamic of the game.
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Lily was someone who immediately and eagerly immersed herself into the Pokemon theme of the season. After her first two PI performances, she surprised everyone by being a challenge threat and surprised the hosts through finding an idol almost immediately. She was truly the star of the pre-merge game.
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Duncan managed to correctly align himself from early on by getting protection with Mitch’s Super Idol and Brian not allowing for Billy to take him out. Duncan was set to get far through his social game and as someone who did not frequent PI, he managed to break through a lot of possible pre-existing relationships and get deep into the game.
Now that we’ve gotten through our honorable mentions, the Player Of The Season for Survivor: Johto is...
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Jordan M was a major underdog through and through. His relationships with players always allowed for him to see himself to the next vote, even when he was targeted. Even without powers, he got himself in a solid spot in the merge and allowed himself to be the last standing villain. It ended up being a him against the world scenario as his allies had flipped on him on more than one occasion at merge, but he still solidified himself a well deserved spot in the final four. Congratulations Jordan M!
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survivorjohto · 7 years
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survivorjohto · 7 years
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Here is the Edgic for Survivor: Johto! If you have any questions on why you received the edit that you did, then always feel free to ask! It is also important to note that confessionals released later on may answer some of your questions!
Things taken into consideration when editing were:
-frequency of confessionals and how you came off in them -how people spoke of you in their own confessionals -interaction and visibility in tribe or alliance chats -challenge performance (doing amazing or very poorly) -events and results of tribal council
Here is also a helpful link if you need a better understanding of Edgics. Note that some of the Johto colors do not match colors in this link.
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