surferswayze · 3 years
Send in 📜 and I’ll use this incorrect quotes generator using your muse and my muse. (Please specify how many muses//which muses for multimuse blogs!!)
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surferswayze · 3 years
    𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖘𝖚𝖋𝖋𝖊𝖗  sent   “ what happened to you? ”
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            slow  blink.  his  thoughts  came  as  though  from  a  forgotten  dream.  the  memories  of  what  occurred  played  behind  his  eyelids  as  such:  a  figment.  he  knew  them  to  be  true  &  real  things,  yet  his  mind  couldn’t  accept  them.  “  it’s  not  that  I  would  not  tell  you. . .  only  that - I  don’t  want  to  talk  about  it.  ”
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surferswayze · 3 years
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silken face was covered in ashes, wounds of battle across her skin; fabric torn. the vanir princess fell to the prince’s side, her hands glowing with the magic taught to her. “i’ve helped all i can, thor.” she spoke softly, her voice strained from the crying of war and grief. the blood of her son’s on her hands. she couldn’t save them; narvi and vali dying in her arms. “you are all i have left now.” she spoke, revealing the horrible truth. 
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            her  face  bore  the  sorrow  that  came  not  only  from  physical  pain,  but  of  the  loss  that  came  with  fighting.  it  took  thor  a  very  long  time  to  learn  of  that  particular  cost,  and  his  father  was  not  here  to  see it.  thor’s  chest  ached  beneath  his  armor.  cradling  her  tear  stained  cheek  with  his  marked  hand,  thor  leaned  closer  to  inspect  her.  “  sigyn?  ”  his  head  shook  once  then  twice  with  denial.  
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surferswayze · 3 years
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           “ REALLY?    I mean yes!! ”          delicate hands clasp together in excitement,   she’s on the move to gather supplies before returning back to him.   she has wanted to do this since the moment they’ve met.       “  Do I have creative control over your hair or just one braid? ”         there’s a style already in mind,   even if he says only one it wasn’t going to happen.  not on her watch.
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            her  disbelief  was  easily  laughed  off  by  thor  as  a  moment's  surprise.  he  could  imagine  not  many  in  this  realm  would  welcome  the  attentions  to  their  appearance  without  some  apprehension.  braiding  hair  was  a  daily  routine  in  asgard  whether  it  was  for  waging  war  against  an  enemy  legion  or  keeping  loose  strands  from  his  eyes  as  he  attended  courtly  duties  in  the  grand  hall.  the  offer  reminded  him  of  home.  the  question  that  soon  followed,  however,  was  enough  to  give  any  person  pause  and  not  the  least  bit  of  nerves.  even  a  god  of  thunder.  gulping,  he  blinked  back  at  her  over  his  shoulder  to  gauge  her  intention.  "  you  may  do  more  than  one,  but  do  not  seek  to  make  me  a  fool,  lady.  "
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surferswayze · 3 years
    𝖙𝖔𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖉𝖈𝖔𝖎𝖓  sent    ‘ I just want you to hold me. ’
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            “  I  couldn’t  save  him.  wh -  ”  he  swallowed  down  the  senseless  question  like  a  stone.  begging  it  would  not  bring  his  brother  back.  as  his  lost  sibling’s  love  fell  into  his  open  arms,  he  tried  to  shield  her  small  frame  from  his  regret.  it  burned  within  him  while  his  mind  worked  at  how  he  could  have  done  better.
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surferswayze · 3 years
   𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖘𝖚𝖋𝖋𝖊𝖗  sent    ‘ can I braid your hair? ’
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            “  I  would  welcome  it.  I  grow  weary  of  my  own  efforts,  and  I  must  be  ready  for  the  next  battle.  ”  standing  a  length  above  her,  he  was  used  to  the  height  difference.  pending  current  circumstances,  he  wondered  if  a  chair  would  be  best  or  if  she  would  have  the  better  advantage  to  have  him  seated  on  the  floor.  thor  lowered himself,  folding  his  legs  in  a  comfortable  position  then  opened  his  hands.  “  I  await  your  skill  and  patience.  ”
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surferswayze · 3 years
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‘  things are shaping up to be pretty odd.  ’
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“did he not speak of me?” she asked softly as she stared at the blonde asgardian. she was a little offended if loki hadn’t mentioned her once. a soft sigh left her before the baronette leaned on the post of the staircase of her and loki’s new manor. he had finally convinced her to leave the crumbling estate left to her by the sharpe’s passings. “i am lady edith sharpe.”
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            “  dismiss  any  offense  it  might  bring  you.  when  loki  speaks,  it  is  only  of  lies  and  false  promises.  indeed  it  may  in  fact  be  a  compliment  I  have  no  idea  of  your  existence.  or  a  very  grave  omen.  ”  there  were  many  occasions  when  thor  would  shrug  off  this  happenstance  with  a  merry  sense  of  humor.  he  usually  did  enjoy  loki’s  mischief  where  blood  wasn’t  drawn.  looking  down  at  this  lady,  thor’s  heart  grew  heavy  with  worry.  “  a  great  pleasure,  my  lady.  I  am  the  rogue’s  brother,  thor.  ”  he  took  her  hand  for  a  kiss.
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surferswayze · 3 years
    𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖘𝖚𝖋𝖋𝖊𝖗  sent    ‘ stop interfering in things that don’t concern you. ’
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            “  you  say  it  as  if  my  help  were  a  burden  to  you,  but  I  only  aim  to  levitate  it.  that  is  what  heroes  do.  ”
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surferswayze · 3 years
    𝖌𝖍𝖔𝖘𝖙𝖘𝖛𝖗𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖑  sent    ‘ you’re injured. let me take care of you. ’
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            “  I  have  seen  far  worse  go  before  me,  my  lady.  help  them.  my  own  wounds  will  heal  well  to  mark  the  battle  and  harden  my  flesh  for  what  is  to  come.  I  don’t  mind  the  scars.  ”
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surferswayze · 3 years
↪ feel free to adjust as needed.
‘ I just want you to hold me. ’
‘ I got you coffee, the way you like it. ’
‘ I got you some tea. ’
‘ you’re my home. ’
‘ how about I draw a warm bath? we can share. ’
‘ I love you. ’
‘ I just want to hear your voice. ’
‘ just rest. I’ll make dinner for us. ’
‘ you don’t look like you feel good. go home. I can handle everything here. ’
‘ I don’t want to be with anyone but you. ’
‘ no one else can make me laugh like you do. ’
‘ just kiss me already. ’
‘ please kiss me. ’
‘ you’re so warm. ’
‘ hold my hand? ’
‘ shh, you were having a nightmare. ’
‘ come back to bed. ’
‘ you have such pretty eyes. ’
‘ can I braid your hair? ’
‘ you’re injured. let me take care of you. ’
‘ there’s room under this blanket for two. ’
‘ got room for me under that blanket? ’
‘ I don’t want to see you around here anymore. ’
‘ you’re being rude. ’
‘ you could have said that a little nicer. ’
‘ why would you say that to me? ’
‘ you need to stop. ’
‘ I hate you. ’
‘ I don’t want to listen to you anymore. ’
‘ why won’t you let anyone help you? ’
‘ no wonder you don’t have friends. ’
‘ stop interfering in things that don’t concern you. ’
‘ I want you to leave. ’
‘ are you really that sensitive? ’
‘ I meant to make you cry. ’
‘ I don’t trust you. ’
‘ why don’t you trust me? ’
‘ you’ve done everything wrong. ’
‘ I thought I did everything wright. ’
‘ you make me sad. ’
‘ I’ve never hated anyone quite like I hate you. ’
‘ you’re cruel. ’
‘ why would I help you? ’
‘ if I ever see you again, I’ll kill you. ’
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surferswayze · 3 years
more prompts for your feels
“  what am i supposed to do when i can’t even trust my own mind?  ”  “  i have to believe death is the end. because all that waits for me in the afterlife is a debt of sin i don’t think could ever be paid off.  ” “  what do you see when you look into my eyes?  ”   “  it doesn’t always have to be you, you know?  your shoulders aren’t the only ones that can bear the weight of the world.  ”   “  i don’t think hearts break. shattered things can only be broken once. but torn things can be mended again and again until it’s all scars and stitching.  ” “  i can’t remember what it’s like to be truly wanted.  ” “  every time you look at me i feel invisible.  ” “  loneliness is a slow and cruel poison.  ” “  i’m afraid that if i let you see every side of me, you should shrink back in fear or disgust.  ” “  for once in your life, what is it that you want.  ” “  i’ve been wrapped in my sorrow for so long, i’m afraid i’ll feel too cold without it.  ” “  i just want to see you smile again.  ” “  can’t you stop running for one second?  ” “  i’ll be here. when you’re ready to talk.  ” “  being strong doesn’t mean never asking for help or admitting you’re in pain.  ” “  don’t shut me out. please.  ” “  don’t look at me like that.  ” “  the world isn’t made up of heroes and monsters. just broken people balancing between the two.  ” “  i just wanted to do something good for once.  ” “  why can’t you tell me what’s wrong?  ” “  just trust me. please.  ” “  why can’t you let me in? what are you so afraid of?  ” “   you’re so worried about losing me/them you’re missing everything in front of you.  ”   “  i’m not leaving you.  ” “  you’re not alone. i’m here.  ” “  you see everyone so clearly except yourself.  ” “  don’t you understand? i love you. and nothing you’ve done, no matter how much of a monster you think you are, is gonna change that.  ” “  i find broken things interesting. maybe that’s why i like you so much.  ” “  i want to be whatever it is you think i am.  ” “  you see the good in everything. that’s why i like it when you look at me.  ” “  i’ll still be here when you wake.  ” “  i promise i’ll never hurt you again.  ” “  as long as i have you, the rest doesn’t matter.  ” “  what did they do to you?  ” “  i’m not sure i should leave you alone.  ” “  i won’t hate you. i know you think that’s what you deserve but it’s not.  ” “  i want to love the parts of you that you hate.  ” “  i’m scared of what you’re becoming.  ” “  i’m sorry, i’m not what you think i am.  ” “  you’ll always have a home with me.  ” “  what happened to you?  ” “  i thought i’d never see you again.  ” “  you’re such a fucking coward.  ” “  i envy anyone who has the privilege of being loved by you.  ” “  you scared me.  ” “  please, don’t ever give up on me.  ” “  i’m not giving up on you. not ever.  ” “  i know you love me. but it’s not the way i want to be loved.  ”
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surferswayze · 3 years
Send me a 💋 for our muses to kiss in the rain !
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surferswayze · 3 years
       i guess when it comes down to it – ɪ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ѕтσρ тнιикιиg ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᖴᑌ丅ᑌᖇᗴ
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surferswayze · 3 years
I'm   not   supposed   to   be                   like   everyone   else, am   I?
   welcome to my t.hor o.dinson rp blog. it’s unaffiliated, headcanon influenced / mcu based, and multiverse friendly. I’m extremely private and here to write up a storm. I’m luc and I’ll be your captain. be sure to read all necessary information before we begin. my main blog is l.oki, intoruin​​. my rules are here. please note that the blog is still under construction. if you have any questions, the inbox is open. thanks for your patience. have a pleasant day.
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surferswayze · 3 years
( ϟ ). tags   !
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