suredogs-blog · 6 years
Is Banana Good For Dogs – Benefits and Cautions
Fresh fruit and Vegetables can make really good snacks for your dog. Bananas are no exception, they contain many useful minerals and vitamins. Many dog professionals agree saying that a Banana is a much healthier alternative to pre-packaged snacks that can have high levels of fat, salt or sugar. To answer the question ‘Is Banana Good For dogs‘ we need to look a bit closer at the Banana.
Bananas are a good source of many vitamins and minerals that your dog can benefit from.
Bananas are high in fiber which as a result can help your dogs digestion and prevent some stomach problems. Fiber isn’t essential for your dog but it has the ability to improve colon health, and aid weight management.
At the cellular level magnesium is involved in energy production, and the transfer of that energy. It is necessary for the absorption of certain vitamins and minerals including calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, Vitamin C and Vitamin E. Therefore magnesium is required for healthy bone growth in puppies and dogs.
Vitamin C
Dogs when healthy create their own Vitamin C. A sick or stressed dog can become deficient of Vitamin C and therefore require supplements. So Bananas can help maintain a healthy immune system.
Natural Sugars
Glucose, Fructose and Sucrose are three natural sugars contained in Bananas. Your dog, just like you, does not need sugar added to his diet. Natural occurring sugars are OK in moderation, and its one of the reasons a banana tastes so good.
So Is Banana Good For Dogs Or Not
Even though Bananas are a little high in natural sugars it is absolutely fine in moderation.
That being said if a dog eats too much Banana then it can maybe lead to some serious issues.
Your pooch may become constipated.
Potassium levels can become excessive causing heart issues, including heart attacks in sever cases.
It’s worth mentioning that the Banana peel, whilst not poisonous, should never be fed to a dog. The dog will have a hard time digesting the peel and intestinal blockages could occur.
Some Yummy Banana Snack Ideas
You can freeze bananas which make a great snack on a hot day. Depending on the size of your dog you might want to slice them up a bit first.
Why not try slicing some Bananas up and adding a bit of peanut butter on top.
Does your dog eat a complete dry dog food? Because if so you could try mashing some Bananas up and adding a little to his normal food.
Have you heard of a Kong? It’s a hard wearing chew toy. The great thing about a Kong is you can place treats in it. This creates a great game for you dog who will go nuts trying to get to the treat. Banana would be great to stuff inside your dogs Kong.
Is Banana Good For Dogs – Conclusion
Please seek your Vets advice if you are concerned about feeding your dog Banana. A medium to large dog can have half a banana 2 or 3 times a week without any problems at all. Smaller breeds of dog should have smaller chunks, but it’s really down to the size of your dog how much you feed him.
Is Banana good for dogs… yes they are in moderation. They have many benefits.
Just don’t go feeding your dog too much, yes bananas are safe but they are not a substitute for your dogs normal complete and balanced food.
To find out about other human foods that dogs should avoid check out What Foods are Poisonous for Dogs
Please visit the blog https://suredogs.com/is-banana-good-for-dogs-benefits-and-cautions/
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