Hey, guys! Unfortunately, this RP group never really seemed to take off. It seems as though some people have already left the group. I'm going to leave it too. If you would like to, then feel free. I cannot delete it while there are other members.
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Another case closed, another one for the books. How ever you said it, that demon was dead. It’d cost Emma her left hand and she’d be sharing her body from now on, but at least Pain was gone and she’d gained a critical ally. Though of course, this was not the way she’d expect to meet another.
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"Hey, watch it." She snapped as a stranger ran into her new prosthetic. Her wrist was still sore from the new hand, "I’d prefer not having to kick your ass, thank you." There was something odd about this one though, which did cause Emma to give them a weird look. 
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(( I made an announcement on the blog. I'm just making this second post so that I can tag everyone.))
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((I know there's a thread started with the Elrics summoning Greed to make the deal, and I think that's the only thread so far...? So I want to let everyone know that we don't need to RP in chronological order. We've plotted enough that I think we can jump around in the timeline without getting confused. This way more people can play without waiting for their character to show up in the plot :) so go ahead and do opens, and/or plot with others to make starters, and just have fun with it! Just make sure to tag at least the first post with the tag "supernaturaltransmutations" so that others can see it. To help people see starters, I'll start rebloging them on the blog too and tagging the characters involved. I know it can be confusing to RP with multiple people in one thread, so please communicate with each other when confused about whose turn it is. - Caitlin))
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Let's begin!
((Let's start the RP! We wanted to start it with the Elrics, right? If our Ed and Al want to kick things off, then go for :) everyone can feel free to just jump in the au though! The character list is up with everyone's URLs on it. If I have yours wrong, just let me know and I'll fix it :D --MajorMetalAndColonelSparky ))
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Please read!
((I wanted to start the group RP tomorrow, but I've hardly gotten anyone's URLs. If you still plan to be in the RP, please leave which URL you are using as a comment on this post. If I am tagging you in this post, it means that you haven't answered my messages or uploaded a supernatural bio for your character on the URL I do have for you, so I don't know your info/URL.)) ((Please send me your character's name and URL (or URLs if you have more than one character/blog) for the group RP, and any info you would like added to the plot page. If you are no longer interested, could you just let me know that too?))
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Welcome to Supernatural Transmutations! The RP officially starts on February 4th. Please check out the rules page before participating. If you'd like to join, just send a message to this blog or to MajorMetalAndColonelSparky.
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