supermassivebigbang · 2 years
Hey everyone! First off, happy birthday Zain! ♡ He'll be 37 years old today (holy shit).
Secondly, thank you everyone for liking, reblogging, and participating in theme month. :) There were so many fun and cool submissions, different ideas to explore, and everyone did such a great job.
You can look through all the submissions this past month here.
We'll be stepping away to take a break for a little while, but feel free to make, make, make! I'm sure we're all waiting with bated breath for The Quarry to come out. We've been considering whether future events would be opened up to all SMG games (I mean, it's the supermassive big bang, after all).
Keep on the lookout for more news, etc. :)
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supermassivebigbang · 2 years
HoA Theme Month: Practical Joker
It’s a day late, and I’m sorry for that! These last few days have been tiring and busy! But I was determined to submit something for one of this week’s themes, and I finally finished it up just now!
So today’s story takes place within the Three Idiots and a Baby universe, and takes place while Jason, Salim and Dar are all living together and raising Nadira!
The house had been quiet for the last hour, a welcome reprieve from the long crying sessions the three men had endured during the early part of the day. Salim had retreated to the bedroom a while ago for a nap, while Jason and Dar quietly lounged on the couch. The elder man had been heavily engrossed in a book, while Jason quietly flipped through the channels on the TV, elbow resting on the arm of the couch with his face propped against his fist.
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supermassivebigbang · 2 years
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More like distraction. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The 2nd part is a bit nsfw so I post it on my twitter (not too much but I don't trust Tumblr (`A´) >>> You can see it here <<<
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Also, Happy Birthday to me! Yay! (´• ω •`) ♡
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supermassivebigbang · 2 years
Following our last announcement, I just wanted to clarify that the organizers behind this blog have always intended these events to be welcoming of 18+ fanworks. Many of our submitted themes have been adult in nature. We encourage people to interpret these prompts however they wish.
All that being said, this IS an event being organized by 21+ year old adults, and that shares NSFW fanworks by our talented fandom creators. We're not responsible for any minors who happen upon our blog, and we trust you'll be respectful if this is not the content you want to see.
Thank you,
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supermassivebigbang · 2 years
MAY 23 - 29: Harness, Book, Prank
It's the last week for this month long celebration. ♡ Here's our final set of prompts.
Reminder that it is never too late to submit something! I've also been looking through the tags for new entries. We're all fans of more great fic and art for this lil' fandom, and we can't wait to see more.
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supermassivebigbang · 2 years
For the third theme of the themed month’s first week.
Characters: Jason Kolchek, Salim Othman, Nick Kay, Rachel King, Eric King, the two unnamed Marines at the end. Mentions of Zain, Clarice, Joey and Merwin. Pairing: Pre-Jason/Salim Words: 2232 Rating: PG-13ish. Summary: The requested backup picks up the survivors. Both Jason and Salim realize what that means for Salim’s future. So Jason makes an important decision. Mentions of Jason’s backstory regarding his aimless life and the girl at the checkpoint. Also mentions of canonical character deaths, though the main 5 have survived in this fic. It’s a bit angsty, but there’s an open ending, so there’s room to imagine a happy conclusion for the survivors.
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supermassivebigbang · 2 years
Lol, I intended to post this earlier but it was tricky since I was out of town visiting family for most of this week, but here it is! Right at the ass end of this theme week! Honestly, I almost didn’t post it to AO3 since I think the story is lacking quality-wise, but I think that about just about every story I post so oh well!
This one explores the idea of Dar surviving the assault. It also takes place within the same universe as my Three Idiots and a Baby AU.
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supermassivebigbang · 2 years
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Pin-up men   ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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supermassivebigbang · 2 years
Pinup theme but I take it to the upmost extent and offer jerrygirl style pinup instead
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supermassivebigbang · 2 years
A little Eric x Dar erotic ficlet for my fellow canoe-mates @the-girl-who-flies @cupofangst & @ill-heart
HOA Theme Week 3: Pin-Up
Eric wasn’t sure how he’d gotten here. They’d been talking about old erotic art, judgementally as usual, laughing despite the fact that neither of them possessed a single drop of artistic talent. And now he was kneeling over Dar’s face, on shaking knees, with his hands planted on Dar’s soft stomach. Dar had one hand under his right knee, supporting him, and the other on his ass, spreading him and holding him in place. 
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supermassivebigbang · 2 years
Well, I got two prompts out of three done. So feeling proud of myself cause I had writer's block all week and didn't think I'd be able to write anything. So here's my submission for the Injury prompt.
Part One Sacrifice Part Two Submit
The Value of a Ruined Man Pt 3
"You are a guest in my home, but act as if you are the master. Lording your rule over me."
Eric glared at Jason, who only grinned at his complaint. It had been a week since he had taken residency in his home. In that time Eric had worked himself ragged to meet the false god's demands. 
"If the house were not lacking one and in such disarray. I would not have take command. Though you must admit. I do make a fine master." 
Anger bubbled up in Eric and spilled over. Jason's playful insults were too much for him today. 
"Why not spit in my face? I would prefer that to your mockery."
Jason's hands stilled mid-cut of a potato and he cocked his head to the side. A arch brow told Eric that his words had taken him aback.
"Your anger has become a rarity. So what truly brings it out today? My words are not enough to draw it forth so lie not."
Eric sat down with a groan. His marred leg drew his attention. Throbbing painfully from overuse. Biting his tongue, he glared at Jason as he did his best to calmed his anger before answering. 
"Pain. Pain is what draws my anger forth and makes me lash out at your mockery."
Laying the knife down, Jason wiped his hands on a rag. Eric watched him make his way over to him. He startled as Jason knelt before him as a knight would do for his king. His surprised grew as Jason ran his hands along his leg. Eric's breath hitched and he flinched as the touch soothed the pain instantly.
"So much pain. Why did you not voice your discomfort sooner?"
Eric gulped, he turned from Jason. Shame. Shame of how weak he was. Shame of his limitations. Shame of making another take care of him. Though Jason had been taken care of him all week. He still wanted to pretend that he was not the burden he truly was.
"Holding your tongue will not keep me from asking for an answer. My stubbornness matches yours." 
Jason's hands continued to rub his leg and send sparks of pleasure to the rest of Eric's body. Loosing his resolve to keep his thoughts to himself. Eric answered.
The defeat in his voice caused the other's hands to still. Silence grew thick and Eric was afraid to be the first to shatter it with his bitterness. A soft gasp escaped him and broke it. Jason had pressed his lips to his leg.
"Give me your shame and I will give you pleasure in return."
Eric felt his face burn. Jason indeed needed shame for he had none when it came to offering Eric pleasure or asking for it in return. Though Eric was weak, he had yet to give in.
"I'll give you my shame, but I want my title as master of the house restored."
Jason smirked.
"Clever, but I want more than your shame for that title."
"Does your greed know no limits?"
"I am not greedy, I only ask for what is fair. And what is fair is your shame and a kiss."
Eric huffed. Perhaps it would be unwise to give Jason his shame. If he had it not, he would give into Jason's demands for affection and pleasure.
"You called me clever, so I will continue to be clever. I will give you nothing."
Jason's smirk dropped and he frowned. 
"Fine. As master I command you to rest till I call you for supper." 
The annoyance and care the command was given with made Eric smile. Standing, he made his way to his room. Sleep came easy to him as his leg no longer pained him. He dreamt of Jason. In the dream, Jason asked for a kiss. Eric easily gave it to him. He was less reserved and less concerned of the consequences of such a action.
When he awake, Jason greeted him with a smug grin. 
"Your smile tells of how sweet your dream was."
Eric blushed. Had Jason slipped into his dreams to steal a kiss from him. Could he do such a thing? 
"You presume too much."
"Tell me then of what you dreamed of. So I presume nothing."
"Is the stew done?"
Jason chuckled as Eric avoided answering him and gave a quick nod. Eric followed silently behind Jason and ate his meal in silence. His eyes could not keep from finding their way to Jason's lips. He thought of the kiss from the dream and his embarrassment grew. Perhaps he should have give Jason his shame. 
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supermassivebigbang · 2 years
And it continues. Here is my submission for the Submit prompt for the HOA Theme Month.
Part One Sacrifice
The Value of a Ruined Man Pt 2
A bright light awake Eric, blind panic filled him. Had his mind fabricated the night's events? Had he plummeted into the dark sea as he had originally intended? Was he at the gates that would surely deny him entry?
"A beauty such as yourself should learn to rise with the sun."
The cheery greeting from the false god brought Eric to his true reality. Glaring at Jason, who was silhouetted by the morning sun, he hid away in the safety of the blankets. Stubbornly refusing to partake in the mockery.
The bed shifted as Jason's weight settled down by his hip. The same heat he felt yesterday at Jason gentle touch burned him once more. 
"If your body is willing. You may stay in bed till you hunger for more than my touch." 
Eric's breath grew shaky and heat spread through him. He had not been touched since Rachel's departure. Memories and his hand were never enough to sate his need.
Waves of panic washed over him as Jason revealed his blushing face with a rough tug of his hand. He towered over him once more.
Swallowing down his desire, Eric found his voice. Though it was filled with fragile conviction, it still denied his desperate wants.
"I will not give a wolf that pretends to be a shepherd a taste of flesh."
"I am no wolf. I am no shepherd."
Jason smirked as he soothed Eric's messy hair back. The gentle touch made Eric dizzy. What spell had this being cast upon him? Why was he so eager for even the faintest of touches from Jason? Why was he weak for a being he had met on a full moon?
"You would only have to give me your name to know what I truly am. Or do you like to be called mine?"
A spark of anger ignited a fire in Eric's chest as Jason reminded him of his supposed claim. 
Pulling from the pleasant touch, he put distance between them. Keeping his lips sealed in defiance. 
"Stubborn mortal. One day you will give in and your name will taste as sweet as your lips."
Eric's heart stuttered and he rushed his steps, only to falter and fall. A solid warmth met him instead of his dusty floor. He tried to pulled away, but instantly missed the warmth. Weakness made him press back.
"Perhaps that day will be upon us sooner than either of us thought."
"Do you like the sound of your own voice? Enough to say absurdities with such frequency?"
Jason chuckled at Eric's quip.
"It is not my voice that I am fond of."
A blush blossomed upon Eric's face, more vivid than before. Forcing strength to fill him, he pulled away. 
"I will not fall for your false sweetness. Take it and your pity away. Leave me to my sorrow and misery. Leave me to my death!"
Darkness shadowed Jason's handsome features. A calm filled the room and Eric's anger bleed away, replaced by fear.
"You may asked for my departure all you want. I will not leave till your beloved sorrow and misery lay dead at my feet!" 
Jason's voice boomed like thunder. Eric shrank back. Cowering before the coming storm. When not storm battered him, he dared to look upon Jason's face. The anger that darkened it was long gone. Sadness is all Eric could find.
"Let me help you. Let me bring joy to you. Let me make life a gift once more."
The pleas made Eric feel guilt. Jason's mockery had been playful and he had soured it with anger and fear.
"I am unworthy."
"Foolish mortal. No one is unworthy."
Sighing, Eric gave Jason a weak smile. He received one that shone like the sun. 
"Foolish savior of weak men and speaker of sweet mockery. I will let you do as you ask."
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supermassivebigbang · 2 years
Characters: Jason Kolchek, Salim Othman, with very minor mentions of Zain, Nick, Joey, Merwin and Dar Pairing: Pre-Jason/Salim Words: 2868 Rating: PG-13ish Summary: It’s your basic set-up where Salim gets injured and Jason tends to his wound while they bond. Please note there are mentions of wounds and blood. Definitely not graphic if you ask me, but of course that threshold differs per person, so if you’re sensitive to it or have any doubts, I’d recommend skipping this. Finally, I tweaked some of the things happening canonically in the game, such as Jason having a medkit from Merwin, and Salim getting an injury on his back in this part of the game. Yet Salim walking around with a wound that should be bandaged stays the same. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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supermassivebigbang · 2 years
MAY 16 - 22: Loyalty, Pin-Up, Chaos
Sorry for falling behind on this! I'm having a bit of a medical emergency, but I'm gonna post what we've got.
In the meantime, there's a new week and new list of prompts!
I have also added the prompts list to our side bar since I realized it had been buried under all our submissions! So, now you can easily reference it and catch up on any past weeks (like I'm going to do haha).
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supermassivebigbang · 2 years
HOA Theme Month | Wrestling
Dar, probably: What a turn of events! It seems that BloodThirsty JaVamp is trying to bite Slayer Sal's whole tiddy!!
Merwin, probably: Call the dentist! He'll need to get his jaw checked out after that move!!
Dar, probably: Slayer Sal seems UNFAZED by the move! Probably because his supple chest is actually ROCK HARD!
Merwin, probably: I can tell you something else that's rock hard!
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That one Tumblr text post about the announcer confessing their feelings as they narrate the wrestling match. (Either Dar or Merwin announcing.)
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supermassivebigbang · 2 years
HOA Theme Month (Submit): My Final Order
For this prompt, I’m posting a portion of a story that I’ve actually been working on for a little while now, which actually takes place within my Three Idiots and a Baby AU, but this story can easily be read as a standalone story. So yes, this one features Dar again, and of course Salim.
So the story isn’t actually finished yet, but I wanted to post something for at least one of this week’s themes. If I ever finish the story, I may post it on AO3 and make it part of a series, not sure yet.
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supermassivebigbang · 2 years
HOA Theme Month '22 | Submit
Doctor Clarice Stokes is a BAMF.
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