The Core (2003) mistakes
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The Core
 Last Year in December of 2019, in Chemistry class we saw the movie The Core and this movie had a relation with Chemistry, but I felt that has to do more with Physics because of the quantities, forces, Newton’s Laws, gravity, etc.
The movie was super interesting, but when science fiction came to see.
I was very impressed by the things I could see that obviously, we all know that they are not real, but that they impacted and entertained a lot.
One of the things that seemed false to me was when they were entering through the earth's crust. It is impossible to be able to do that because of the temperature of the whole place, it is super hot and there is not enough oxygen for a human body to be there.
 Another thing I saw that impossible to believe is that they created an element of the periodic table from nothing. I find it impossible for them to mix chemicals from nothing and create something new from nothing. The elements were created with their respective chemicals, respective time and respective mixture.
 When I saw that they were building the ship that was going to take them, I didn't see it really because they can't build a ship to build it in such a short time. Also, get the materials in such a short time.
 Another thing that did not picture at all was all the calculations they made as scientists. All those calculations of neutrons, protons, electrons, of the force here, force there, it is impossible to make those calculations from nothing. It is illogical to do that, only a super mastermind can, that by the way that super mastermind only God has it.
 Another mistake I detected was at the bridge scene when it was falling out of nowhere and melting but what did not melt was the roof of the cars. That is super rare for me because if one thing is addressed, the other has to melt obligatorily.
 In another scene that does not match real life is when Rat tries to hack control of the Destiny Project machine, it came out that he had 404 errors to take control. And after that he could hack without problem after trying so many times; I see that illogical.
 When they occupied making a big explosion to be able to rearrange the inner part of the earth ....... that is impossible. One can do nothing to make a great explosion and fix all the tectonic plates, the crust, the mantle of the earth and everything below.
 Something I see that is super false is how those who are monitoring the trip of scientists is how they maintain communication to thousands, but thousands, but thousands, but thousands of miles away from them. It is something super illogical because it is impossible that there is enough signal so that those inside the ship can hear, hear and understand what they are told and have superfluid communication.
 Despite all these mistakes that this movie has compared to real-life ....... it was super entertaining and fun. It is seen that science excels and it can be said that it exceeds the limit.
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The Importance of Eating Fruits and Vegetables
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The Importance of Eating Fruits and Vegetables
 Have you ever wondered why it is important to eat real fruits?
I have sometimes told myself, why do I have to eat fruits vegetables? Are they very important to me? Will you help me with something specific? Because when I was little, I didn't eat them and I asked those questions every day my life. And one day I got the answer and it's just obvious. Fruits and vegetables have many vitamins and minerals that help our body to be healthy.
Another important reason to eat fruits and vegetables is that we quickly hydrate the body. It also helps us to the correct digestion of other foods and helps us to facilitate drainage or to expel liquids that do not help the body. Fruits and vegetables have no fats that can harm our bodies.
This also helps the body of a human being to grow and develop properly.
Eating fruits and vegetables daily not only gives us good physical health but also provides us with a healthy diet that helps our body to work properly day by day. Fruits and vegetables are very important because they also help us to satisfy the desire or craving for something sweet, this is because they have the necessary amount of sugar so that our body can consume it and make proper and proper digestion.
Also eating fruits and vegetables helps us as antioxidants that help our body so that the cells are not damaged and that the body does not get degenerative diseases and helps that the body does not get infected quickly or prematurely and to have a young body and organism and durable. Eating fruits and vegetables also help us get fiber (fiber is a nutrient that is essential in our digestive system), so this helps our digestive and intestinal system to function properly and helps constipation disappear.
 Eating fruits and vegetables helps our defenses to be at their highest level to fight diseases that want to attack our bodies. It should be noted that fruits and vegetables also help our blood to circulate properly in our bodies. Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables also does not help us not to get obese and be in good shape.
We must eat the fruits and vegetables that provide us and take care of our body because we are the temple and dwelling place of the Holy Spirit and we must take care of ourselves for God. That's why in the beginning he created many trees with fruits and vegetables so that we could be healthy. Normally people who are not accustomed to eating fruits and vegetables, take them away from their food without knowing the good that can make them eat them.
Eating fruits and vegetables can sometimes be difficult for children to eat because they can say they don't like it, but if they are taught from small to eat them and teach them all the benefits of eating them, they will be eaten and will be healthy and well developed.
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Marriage today is a very important decision in people's lives because that will define the future of the two people who manage to bring their lives together. But first, we will look at what Marriage is; Marriage today is the union of two people legally and formally that opens the way for a family. Marriage is the basis of family unity. Marriage is a very beautiful stage that men and women live because they are married to the person they always dreamed that they would be together all their lives. This stage is beautiful, but you have to know how to choose who you will be with all your life because a bad decision can affect both of your lives. The married are successful in the marriage when they apply well the foundations that are occupied to be able to subsist in the marriage. There are two types of marriage: Religious marriage Civil Marriage
The Marriage that should always go first is the Civil Marriage. This is what men and women join their lives through a legal document signed by them, two witnesses of their choice and mainly signed and made legal by a municipal authority, especially the mayor of the city. This document already leaves them legally as a marriage and they can continue to do Religious Marriage. Religious Marriage is that the two people marry in a church and are united and blessed by the pastor, Father or any religious authority. These are the two types of Marriages that exist. Also instead of doing them separately, everything can be done together but doing the civil first and then the religious. There are the requirements that are used to formalize the marriage and that is: 1. Names and Surname of the parties 2. The Citizenship 3. Place and date of birth of the two persons 4. The office where marriage is legal
Marriage is preserved to the extent that the reasons that gave rise to it are maintained: love, the desire to be together and to form a family, the desire to help each other, respect above all, faithfulness, patience and knowledge dialogue between the two people. One of the things to take into consideration in marriage is fidelity, respect, patience and especially tolerance of one another. These things are very important because they are essential to last in a future marriage. In Colossians 3: 18-19 he says, "Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives and don't be hard on them." This tells us that in marriage the man is head of household and therefore has the command of the family but neither does he have to abuse that authority and the women submit to their husbands to survive together. To conclude, marriage is a very beautiful stage that is made up of two people who decide to unite their lives for eternity and create a family. If you want to marry someone, be wise and choose carefully the person you’ll marry because you will live with this person all your life.
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Forest Fire
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A forest fire is a fire that spreads without control over the forest or wildland, affecting plant fuels, flora and fauna. This is very bad because the creation that God took the time to create is being destroyed. It is said that there are forest burns because many animals die without reason and also many trees are lost that help us to breathe better.
It is incredible how this happens without mediating words and this may affect us in the possible future.
Some causes of these forest fires are:
·        People who walk inside the forest and smoke and leave their cigarette there in the bush and catch fire. These are acts of indecency, lack of understanding and rebellion because one as a person does not value the beautiful creation.
 ·        Another cause of forest fires is that the sun emits super-strong rays that cause the grass or grass to catch fire and start the fire. What helps the sun's rays to produce the fire can be glass bottles that have been left there, another thing maybe that they burn trash in plastic bags, another may be that they have left a bonfire of fire badly extinguished and has spread more the fire.
 ·        Another cause that makes forest fires are believed is when there was already a previous fire and that produces more fire because where there was fire, the ashes were left and those ashes can quickly reactivate a fire.
 These causes cause consequences for us human beings.
These consequences can be distributed in:
·        The skin of the earth is damaged and when left unprotected, its biological composition is changed.
 ·        Another consequence is that it can damage people's skin. This means that it can cause burns, can poison and even kill people who try to extinguish the fire and risk their lives in it.
 ·        Also if there is infrastructure in the forest it can be affected by the fires that occur.
 There are preventive measures to stop fires. One of the things that can be done to prevent this is primarily to educate the population and make the conscience known that they are destroying the forests and that we occupy them a lot and not only us, also the forests are the habitat of many animals.
Another prevention measure is to make legal and judicial measures to prevent the passage to certain areas of the forests that have a lot of flora and fauna in it.
Another prevention may be the maintenance and proper care of forests. This means that watching each area of ​​the forest is fine.
We have to do all this because today there are many forest fires in the world, especially the one that is occurring in Australia, which are many hectares that are burning for causes that are not yet known but that are destroying all the flora and all the fauna that is in that country.
In conclusion, we must take care of the forests because they are very important for the population. If we continue to destroy them, we will leave many animals homeless and destroy all the flora that lets us breathe the fresh air we breathe every day.
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The Importance of Water
Around 60 percent of the body is made up of water, and around 71 percent of the planet’s surface is covered by water.
Perhaps it is the ubiquitous nature of water that means drinking enough each day is not at the top of many people’s lists of priorities.
Now … why is it important to drink a lot of water?
Because your body needs water to carry out many of the functions it performs. For example, your blood, which contains a lot of water, carries oxygen to all the cells in your body. Without oxygen, all those tiny cells would die and your body would stop working. It is important because it is the one that produces saliva and mucus that are essential for our body; It also helps us regulate body temperature. The water that is stored in the middle layers of the skin reaches the surface of the skin in the form of sweat when the body is heated. As it evaporates, it cools the body.
Another benefit of drinking plenty of water is that one can expel waste that one stores in the body.
Water also makes us able to make our body produce nutrients and minerals more accessible. They dissolve in water, which allows them to reach different parts of the body.
Water is very important and essential for our body because it gives us energy when we exercise. Some scientists have proposed that consuming more water could improve performance during vigorous activity. Drinking water makes our body reduce the chances of dehydration and faint.
Another benefit of water is that it helps us lose weight. Water can also help with weight loss, if consumed instead of sugary juices and soft drinks. “Preloading” with water before meals can help prevent overeating by creating a feeling of fullness.
Reduces the possibility of a hangover. When partying, sugar-free soda water with ice and lemon alternated with alcoholic beverages can help prevent excessive alcohol consumption.
Drinking enough water is very important for many reasons. Water helps detoxify the body and hydrate it. Unfortunately, many of the popular caffeine-containing beverages, such as coffee, tea and caffeinated sodas, have a diuretic effect, and therefore make us dehydrate instead of providing the vital fluid our body needs. In fact when we drink tea or coffee we probably need to drink even more water. Other liquids such as juices, energy drinks, etc., do not have the same effect as water because they do not clean the organism in the same way. As an illustration, think about the following: when you wash your hands, do you do it with juice or some other flavored drink? Obviously not, because your hands would be dirty instead of clean. The same inside your body! To really cleanse and detoxify your body, the best thing is water, although certain natural juices can help you, but much more slowly.
So….. drinking water is very essential for our lives and I hope you’d learn a lesson and drink more water for your body to be safe.
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Why is it important to read?
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Have you come to tell you why it is important to read? Good. First of all reading is to pass the view by the signs of a word or written text to interpret them mentally or translate them into sounds. Then, now you will read because it is so important that you do even a small reading every day.
First of all, reading does not help you lose your memory. It helps you to delay the appearance of some disease in the mind.
It also improves your writing: You learn the use and correct writing of some words.
The reading will also increase your vocabulary, as well as improve your communication
In many circumstances, reading avoids stress: By concentrating on the book and the story you read, you put aside the problems you have and transport yourself to another world.
It also helps you stimulate brain activity: When reading our brain, it thinks, orders and interrelates concepts. In this way you exercise your mind.
It is not expensive: Now with the use of the internet you can access many books that are completely free.
There are times when you tell yourself that you do not have time to read a book or that it is very boring or that you do not like it but now we live in a world where the time we have is divided, and at the same time threatened, for the thousands of things we have to do.
Of that pile of things that we have to do, some are insignificant and we can put or arrange a little time to do at least a small reading of 15 to 20 minutes for the brain to be stimulated.
Reading is a good method of evasion, fun and acculturation. It is a tool that we have at hand and that allows us to educate our mind while giving us different perspectives and images that contribute to nourish our intellect. And as if that were not enough, reading also relaxes and distracts us from daily life and its problems, absorbing us into a parallel world full of stories, dramas, comedies or fantasies that sometimes even provoke a healthy addiction. Reading is culture and is very beneficial for our brain.
Reading does not help our constructive criticism and that our analysis is formed, molded and perfected. The reading acculturates and gives us a critical and analytical sense. Thanks to reading, we are able to discover different perspectives, expand our points of view and allow us to access and enter unknown, parallel worlds, other realities, other thoughts and feelings. Reading we can see the world or the worlds with different eyes. This fact gives us a great cultural and empathic richness and also exercises our speech to be able to speak better.
In case you did not know, reading gives us a lot of entertainment. Many people can say that not very entertaining and that one gets bored when he reads something, but the answer to that is that it gives us a lot of fun. In addition, it is an economic activity and can be done at any time and in any place. And if that were not enough, with this moment of leisure we will also obtain new knowledge.
So………….. now you know why is it important to read. Hope you like it and starting today read a book for at least 15 to 20 minutes per day.
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Messi´s 6th Ballon d´Or
On Monday, September 2nd of 2019, Lionel Messi won his 6th Ballon d´Or of his career. This award is not just a simple one, the Ballon d´Or is the award that says who´s the best player of the entire year.
It's amazing how this man at 32 is on the podium of the gold ball winners. For the gold ball to be secured, a player has to be a World Cup champion, champions, Copa America or Euro Cup, or simply have an excellent year as a player and play a good role with his team.
Honestly speaking, Messi did not win any of this but he did have a good year. Having good participation with FC Barcelona and with the Seleccion Argentina and its magic never ceased to be seen. It's amazing how this man continues to impress us when he sees how he plays. On Monday, December 2, the podium of the 3 players nominated for the golden ball was:
1. Lionel Messi with 686 points
2. Virgil Van Dijk with 679 points
3. Cristiano Ronaldo with 476 points
 Those were the best 3 players of the year 2019, but only one could win the precious prize. Days before it was speculated that the winner was going to be someone other than Lionel Messi, but those speculations vanished on Monday when at 9:50 p.m. from France (2:50 p.m. from Honduras) it was announced that Lionel Andres Messi Cuccittini would be the winner of the Golden Ball.
Messi is the top winner of this award. He is the FC Barcelona player with the most wins, followed by Johan Cruyff twice, by Ronaldinho, Rivaldo, and Luis Suarez Miramontes who won this award once in their career. The Ballon d´Or is not just a trophy to have it there for decoration, this is a prize that lets people and players know who is the best of the whole year and maybe of the whole story.
Lionel Messi is not only the winner of this award, but he is the best player in the world and perhaps throughout history. Throughout his life, he has been an icon of soccer, and he has been a role model throughout history for children who play soccer and that one day they will become like him in the great future. Everyone likes how Messi plays and shows that he is the best player and that he is above all the elite players that currently exist. Messi humbly said that it would not be bad to win another Ballon d´Or, but that he hardly cared; He said his top priority is to win either a Champions League, or an America Cup or a World Cup, or maybe not all three together.
 That would be very good and that is what the Argentine announced. This year 2020, Lionel Messi seeks to be again that player who dazzles everyone with his great technique and his great talent that he has obtained for years, since the inferiors of FC Barcelona went to Rosario, Argentina and saw that he had the potential to be one of the best players in the world and perhaps the best of the entire era, whose player he is. He will seek to win the Spanish Cup, Copa del Rey and La Champions, which has been his priority from 2015 onwards, which has been denied during these 4 years in a row and that this year they seek to be the European champions and reign.
In conclusion, Messi obtained his 6th Ballon d´Or and is for today, the best player in the world.
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Why is it important to read?
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Have you come to tell you why it is important to read? Good. First of all reading is to pass the view by the signs of a word or written text to interpret them mentally or translate them into sounds. Then, now you will read because it is so important that you do even a small reading every day.
First of all, reading does not help you lose your memory. It helps you to delay the appearance of some disease in the mind.
It also improves your writing: You learn the use and correct writing of some words.
The reading will also increase your vocabulary, as well as improve your communication
In many circumstances, reading avoids stress: By concentrating on the book and the story you read, you put aside the problems you have and transport yourself to another world.
It also helps you stimulate brain activity: When reading our brain, it thinks, orders and interrelates concepts. In this way you exercise your mind.
It is not expensive: Now with the use of the internet you can access many books that are completely free.
There are times when you tell yourself that you do not have time to read a book or that it is very boring or that you do not like it but now we live in a world where the time we have is divided, and at the same time threatened, for the thousands of things we have to do.
Of that pile of things that we have to do, some are insignificant and we can put or arrange a little time to do at least a small reading of 15 to 20 minutes for the brain to be stimulated.
Reading is a good method of evasion, fun and acculturation. It is a tool that we have at hand and that allows us to educate our mind while giving us different perspectives and images that contribute to nourish our intellect. And as if that were not enough, reading also relaxes and distracts us from daily life and its problems, absorbing us into a parallel world full of stories, dramas, comedies or fantasies that sometimes even provoke a healthy addiction. Reading is culture and is very beneficial for our brain.
Reading does not help our constructive criticism and that our analysis is formed, molded and perfected. The reading acculturates and gives us a critical and analytical sense. Thanks to reading, we are able to discover different perspectives, expand our points of view and allow us to access and enter unknown, parallel worlds, other realities, other thoughts and feelings. Reading we can see the world or the worlds with different eyes. This fact gives us a great cultural and empathic richness and also exercises our speech to be able to speak better.
In case you did not know, reading gives us a lot of entertainment. Many people can say that not very entertaining and that one gets bored when he reads something, but the answer to that is that it gives us a lot of fun. In addition, it is an economic activity and can be done at any time and in any place. And if that were not enough, with this moment of leisure we will also obtain new knowledge.
So………….. now you know why is it important to read. Hope you like it and starting today read a book for at least 15 to 20 minutes per day.
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The Importance of Water
Around 60 percent of the body is made up of water, and around 71 percent of the planet's surface is covered by water.
Perhaps it is the ubiquitous nature of water that means drinking enough each day is not at the top of many people's lists of priorities.
Now ... why is it important to drink a lot of water?
Because your body needs water to carry out many of the functions it performs. For example, your blood, which contains a lot of water, carries oxygen to all the cells in your body. Without oxygen, all those tiny cells would die and your body would stop working. It is important because it is the one that produces saliva and mucus that are essential for our body; It also helps us regulate body temperature. The water that is stored in the middle layers of the skin reaches the surface of the skin in the form of sweat when the body is heated. As it evaporates, it cools the body.
Another benefit of drinking plenty of water is that one can expel waste that one stores in the body.
Water also makes us able to make our body produce nutrients and minerals more accessible. They dissolve in water, which allows them to reach different parts of the body.
Water is very important and essential for our body because it gives us energy when we exercise. Some scientists have proposed that consuming more water could improve performance during vigorous activity. Drinking water makes our body reduce the chances of dehydration and faint.
Another benefit of water is that it helps us lose weight. Water can also help with weight loss, if consumed instead of sugary juices and soft drinks. "Preloading" with water before meals can help prevent overeating by creating a feeling of fullness.
Reduces the possibility of a hangover. When partying, sugar-free soda water with ice and lemon alternated with alcoholic beverages can help prevent excessive alcohol consumption.
Drinking enough water is very important for many reasons. Water helps detoxify the body and hydrate it. Unfortunately, many of the popular caffeine-containing beverages, such as coffee, tea and caffeinated sodas, have a diuretic effect, and therefore make us dehydrate instead of providing the vital fluid our body needs. In fact when we drink tea or coffee we probably need to drink even more water. Other liquids such as juices, energy drinks, etc., do not have the same effect as water because they do not clean the organism in the same way. As an illustration, think about the following: when you wash your hands, do you do it with juice or some other flavored drink? Obviously not, because your hands would be dirty instead of clean. The same inside your body! To really cleanse and detoxify your body, the best thing is water, although certain natural juices can help you, but much more slowly.
So….. drinking water is very essential for our lives and I hope you’d learn a lesson and drink more water for your body to be safe.
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Do you want some brownies? Read my blogpost y you will everything about how to bake them.
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How to Bake Brownies
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Have you have a thought that when you finish eating......... you have the feeling that you want something sweet?
Well........ here are some instructions of how to bake your own brownies.
First of all you need the ingredients that are:
•1/2 cup butter
•1 cup white sugar
•2 eggs
•1 teaspoon vanilla
•extract 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
•1/2 cup all-purpose flour
•1/4 teaspoon salt
•1/4 teaspoon baking powder
•3 tablespoons butter, softened
•3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
•1 tablespoon honey
•1 teaspoon vanilla
•1 cup confectioners' sugar
1. First of all, preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour an 8-inch square pan.
2. In a large saucepan, melt 1/2 cup butter. Remove from heat, and stir in sugar, eggs, and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Beat in 1/3 cup cocoa, 1/2 cup flour, salt, and baking powder. Spread batter into prepared pan.
3. Bake in preheated oven for 25 to 30 minutes. Do not overcook.
4. To Make Frosting: Combine 3 tablespoons softened butter, 3 tablespoons cocoa, honey, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, and 1 cup confectioners' sugar. Stir until smooth. Frost brownies while they are still warm.
For preparing the dough it will take you 25 minutes, for cooking them it will take you 30 minutes and it will ready in 1 hour.
This is a very easy dessert that you can trie baking at your house. Hope you enjoyed reading about how to bake brownies and... ¡ENJOY!
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