sunust · 2 months
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Dayman, fighter of the Nightman.
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sunust · 2 months
✨ Magick Throughout the Week ✨
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The days of the week each have their own unique magickal properties and correspondences, which can be useful for planning rituals and spells. Here is a brief overview of the magickal properties associated with each day of the week:
Monday: Associated with the moon, intuition, and emotions. Good for spells related to psychic abilities, divination, dream work, and emotional healing.
Tuesday: Associated with Mars, courage, and strength. Good for spells related to courage, protection, strength, and victory.
Wednesday: Associated with Mercury, communication, and intellect. Good for spells related to communication, divination, wisdom, and knowledge.
Thursday: Associated with Jupiter, abundance, and expansion. Good for spells related to prosperity, abundance, growth, and success.
Friday: Associated with Venus, love, and beauty. Good for spells related to love, attraction, relationships, and beauty.
Saturday: Associated with Saturn, discipline, and structure. Good for spells related to organization, discipline, boundaries, and endings.
Sunday: Associated with the sun, vitality, and success. Good for spells related to success, vitality, energy, and healing.
By incorporating these correspondences into your magickal practice, you can enhance the energy of your spells and rituals and work more in alignment with the natural rhythms of the universe.
My Ko-Fi
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sunust · 2 months
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Geode engagement boxes
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sunust · 2 months
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sunust · 2 months
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sunust · 2 months
Witchcraft 101: Harnessing the Healing Power of Crystals & A Guide to Crystal Healing
Crystals have been appreciated for their beauty and spiritual significance for thousands of years, and are believed to have healing properties that can enhance physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Whether you're seeking to release negative energy, promote relaxation, or enhance creativity, there's a crystal that can support your intentions and goals. In this guide, we'll explore the basics of crystal healing and how to use crystals for personal growth and healing.
What is Crystal Healing?
Crystal healing is an alternative form of therapy that involves using crystals and stones to balance and align the energy centers or chakras of the body. It's based on the idea that all matter vibrates at a specific frequency, and that crystals have the power to amplify, absorb, or redirect energy flow. By placing crystals on or near specific parts of the body or wearing them as jewelry, the practitioner seeks to stimulate the body's natural healing mechanisms and restore balance to the mind-body-spirit connection.
Types of Crystals:
There are many types of crystals, each with unique properties and meanings. Some popular crystals and their healing properties include:
Amethyst - known for its calming and soothing effects, helpful for relieving stress and anxiety.
Rose Quartz - known for promoting love, healing, and forgiveness, helpful for emotional healing and heart-opening.
Citrine - known for promoting abundance and wellbeing, helpful for prosperity and motivation.
Clear Quartz - known for its amplifying and purifying effects, helpful for enhancing intuition and clarity.
How to Use Crystals for Healing:
There are many ways to use crystals for healing, including:
Wear them as jewelry - wearing crystals as necklaces, bracelets, or rings can keep their healing properties close to your body for extended periods of time.
Meditate with them - holding or placing crystals during meditation can help amplify the energy and intention of your practice.
Place them on the body - placing crystals on specific parts of the body, such as the chakras, can help balance and align the energy flow of that area.
Use them during rituals or ceremonies - crystals can be incorporated into spiritual practices, such as smudging or intention-setting, to enhance their effectiveness.
Tips for Choosing and Caring for Crystals:
When choosing crystals, it's important to trust your intuition and choose the ones that resonate with you the most. You can also refer to books or online resources to learn more about their properties and meanings.
When caring for your crystals, it's important to:
Cleanse them regularly - crystals can absorb negative energy over time, so it's important to cleanse them by smudging, using sound therapy, or placing them in sunlight or moonlight.
Charge them with your intention - before using your crystals in a healing practice, set your intention for what you want to achieve and visualize the crystal amplifying that energy.
Store them properly - keep your crystals in a designated storage container or pouch, away from other objects that could scratch or damage them.
Crystals can be a powerful tool for promoting healing and spiritual growth. Whether you're drawn to their beauty, their energy, or their symbolism, there's a crystal that can support your unique journey. So, take some time to explore the world of crystals and see what resonates with you. Remember to approach them with reverence, respect, and an attitude of openness and curiosity. Happy crystal healing!
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🖤 TheBlackPegasusShop 🖤 | 🔮 Tarot Readings 🔮 | 🧿 Send an ask 🧿 | 📖 My book - Witchcraft 101 📖
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sunust · 2 months
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sunust · 2 months
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me fr
cred: kendollisms on insta
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sunust · 3 months
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You don't step on me twice
You can't step into the same water twice
the water follows
And me too
Ora YêYê, Oxum. Odoyá, Yemanja. It's just love. Have mercy on us.
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sunust · 3 months
Jane asks: "What do you think is so special about you?"
GG respons: "I am a very unbelieveable person, because I believe in myself. And I have a strong mind, and I can get anything that I want. Most people go through life very blind and very boring, they accept what's given to them, what people teach them. I have said no over and over again, I have said no to authority. Authority can't tell me what to do, the schools can't tell me what to do because from day one I never listened to them."
I do not conform with GG Allin as a person, but I really find him a fascinating person and many things he thought and said were true and undebateable, and this is one of my favourite quotes.
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sunust · 3 months
"How does one practice as a sea witch?": An open dialogue
Hello! Something I've been thinking about today is, what does it mean to be a sea witch? Namely, what does one's practice look like as a sea witch?
🐚 What tool(s), ingredient(s), and/or magical actions does a sea witch use in spells?
🐠 What deity(ies), if any, does a sea witch use in their practice?
🫧 Do their visualization(s) and meditations involve sounds of the ocean, music that invokes imagery of the sea, viewing pictures or videos of the ocean, holding seashells or other items collected from previous beach visits?
🐡 Do sea witches invoke just the powers of the sea in their craft, or any body(ies) of water?
💧 Does one look to just the ocean for one's power, or things related to the ocean like sea creatures, seaweed, etc.?
These are the questions that inspired this post! I'd love to hear from other sea witches what their practices look like. If you're a sea witch, feel free to share however much or however little of your sea witchcraft you'd like. 💙
To ease us into things, I'll start with my own craft:
🌊 Whenever I'm feeling decalibrated, or if I know a full moon is coming up, I go to the beach! I'm lucky to live close by, so I make the trip whenever I can. Nothing has made me feel more powerful as a with than dancing under the full moon light on the beach and hearing the waves crash fervently onto the shore.
🌊 I collect items from the beach whenever I can - mainly seashells, driftwood, and sand. I thank the ocean for whatever I collect, and I make sure to pick up any trash I see while I'm collecting as a way of giving back!
🌊 When gathering energy, I'll imagine I'm underwater sitting on the sea floor, and I have a small bubble in my hands. As I chant, I imagine the bubble growing bigger until there's enough energy inside it to envelope me inside it.
🌊 I invoke the power of the sea (and water in general) when casting spells.
🌊 I write runes or sigils on seashells.
🌊 I keep seashells and a vial of sand on my altar. The seashell is nice to hold during meditations.
🌊 I use sand in my cauldron when I'm burning incense or spell ingredients.
🌊 I have a mermaid-themed tarot deck! I connected with it right away & it has yet to steer me wrong in any reading.
🌊 I made a playlist on Spotify with songs that remind me of the water! Some songs contain bubbles, ocean waves, and sea life sound effects, which is so so so useful when I'm meditating.
I'm excited to hear from my fellow sea witches what they do in their practices! And I hope this post helps anyone tinkering with the idea of sea witchcraft! 😊
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sunust · 3 months
I'm not feeling well today but I did manage to do a small project:
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Now to figure out what to put in it...
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sunust · 3 months
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sunust · 3 months
I made a thing!
It took me months to collect everything I needed to create this new piece and it's finally done! I had planned it in my mind for ages and now it's complete I can share it with you! Available to purchase in my Etsy Shop! Made with unique seaglass pieces, driftwood and seashells collected from the shores of Cyprus, as well as lovely wooden and ceramic beads.
As always, thank you so much to everyone that has interacted with my posts and has made purchases from my shop! You have no idea how much this means to me!
You can also follow the shop on Instagram!
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sunust · 3 months
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sunust · 3 months
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imagine yourself aimlessly wandering the darkened halls of a seaside manor with this to light your way, the moon casting light through the open windows.
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sunust · 3 months
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There be some tiny ass shells in this world
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