sunny-haven · 15 hours
Highly recommend commissioning Enri!! She was wonderful to work with <3
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Commission for @sunny-haven in a pretty pretty dress :3
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sunny-haven · 15 hours
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Witchy dragon for @sunny-haven <3
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sunny-haven · 20 hours
Erickson was a Creep
I had not planned to write this blog post or milkshake duck a popular hypnosis hero, but I went down one rabbit hole too many and something snapped into focus.
Milton Erickson was a creep.
There's no way to sugarcoat this. If he was practicing today, he would almost certainly be reported for his practices. Even for his time, he was thought of as creepy.
Richard Bandler notes in Trance-formations that Satir thought Erickson was creepy.
Virginia [Satir] had met Milton and thought he was creepy and didn’t want anything to do with him.
But we don't need to rely on Satir's personal opinion of him. We can cite sources.
Hilgard thought the same thing, although he is more indirect about it. From Milton Erickson as Playwright and Director / scihub link, Hilgard starts us off with a case where husband and wife pees the bed, and his solution is to have them deliberately wet the bed every night for two weeks.
You have your instructions. There is to be no discussion and no debating between you about this, just silence. There is to be only obedience, and you know and will know what to do. 1 will see you again in five weeks’ time. You will then give me a full and amazing account. Goodbye! [Volume IV, 1954, p. 100, emphasis in original].
It gets worse.
We have this example of what Erickson would do when his patient was sexually attractive, emphasis added in places.
One such pair of cases is provided by two disheveled girls with poor self-images, who were treated at different times. These patients differed in that one of them, although slightly overweight, he saw as sexually attractive, even in her present physical condition. The other, extremely overweight, could not appeal to him as sexually attractive, and these differences between the two influenced his choice of scenario. The first, the basically more attractive one, he prepared for the fact that he would shock her, but it would be helpful, dramatically so. “I will outline a course of behavior for you, and this you are to execute without fail. Do you give me your absolute promise [Volume IV, 1930s, p. 485]?” He then referred to her pubic hair as the pretty patch of fur between her legs, and requested that she look at herself in the nude that night before the mirror, examining herself particularly from the waist down and to be pleased by what she saw. “Try to realize how much you would like to have the right man caress your pretty pubic hair and your soft rounded belly” [Volume IV, 1930s, p. 486] The next night she was to examine the upper part of her body, admiring particularly her breasts. In each case she blushed profusely at the suggestions, but was then given amnesia for them, and carried them out, with additions of her own which she was not asked to describe. In the next session, Erickson, after having built her up, attacked her severely for her appearance, her lack of cleanliness, her unkempt hair, and the stains on the dress she had worn each time she came to see him.
When the patient is unattractive, there is no attempt to get her to caress her pubic hair and carry out unnamed additions in front of a mirror, and deal with resistance by giving her amnesia. It's right on to the abuse.
The second patient, the overweight one, he approached immediately with a severe and brutal tongue lashing about her homeliness and fatness and unkempt appearance. Note that in the first case this attack was delayed until some self-confidence had been restored. He was confident that in the second case, the only way she would know that he would be honest with her was to speak out harshly and aggressively. After listening to this onslaught, she agreed to go on in therapy. The behavioral practices assigned to her were numerous library assignments. One had to do with searching out anthropology books to find out how all kinds of misshapen women were able to find someone to think them attractive and marry them. Other assignments opened her eyes to practices in orthodontia, plastic surgery, cosmetology, and hair dressing. The treatment of these two patients with somewhat similar symptoms had in common only the shock of brutal assessment of their deficiencies, delivered at different stages of treatment, and the referral to store clerks to improve the manner in which they dressed.
Hilgard stops here, but the implication is clear: if Erickson thought a female patient was sexually attractive, his approach would include sexual elements.
This is further borne out by My Voice Will Go With You. Let's start by picking out Erickson's intervention with a "sexually numb" woman. It turns out that all she needed was for Erickson to describe a penis, and this is enough to give the woman her first orgasm.
A woman had secured a divorce because she went all numb sexually and this had troubled her husband very much. He couldn't stand living with an unresponsive woman. Then she had a number of boyfriends. She was now living with a man who was separated from his wife—a terribly sordid life. He wanted to have her as his mistress. He placed his children first, his wife second, his mistress third. And she didn't have any response at all. The man was a wealthy man. He gave the woman a lot of things she liked. And she said, "I'm just plain cold. I have no feelings. It's a mechanical thing For me." In a trance, I explained to her about how boys learn to recognize different feelings in their penis—when it's limp, a quarter erect, halfway erect, fully erect. How it feels when detumescence occurs. How it feels when the ejaculation occurs. And I explained to her all about wet dreams in boys. I said, "In every boy half of his ancestors are feminine. And what any boy can do, any girl can do. And so you can have a wet dream at night. In fact, you can have a wet dream any time you wish. In the daytime you may see a handsome man. Why not have one then? He doesn't need to know about it. But you can know about it." She said, "That's an intriguing thought." I noticed that she became abnormally still. Her face flushed. She said, "Dr. Erickson, you've just given me my first orgasm. Thank you very much."
There's another case that starts with a girl farting in the classroom. Erickson shows her his anatomy book, shows a cross-section of the rectum, and tells her to eat beans and start farting.
Then I told her, "Now, I want you to demonstrate earnest, honest respect for God. I want you to bake some beans. They are called whistleberries by the navy. Flavor them with onions and garlic. And get in the nude and prance and dance around your apartment, emitting loud ones, soft ones, big ones, little ones ... and enjoy God's work."
A year later, she's married and gets her breast to nurse her child in front of him. Success!
And she did that. A year later she was married and I made a house call to check up on her. She had a baby. And while I was visiting her, she said, "It's time to nurse the baby." She opened her blouse, exposing her breast, and fed the baby and chatted casually with me, A complete change of reference.
It gets worse.
A twelve old girl phones up Erickson and says "I had infantile paralysis and I have forgotten how to move my arms. Can you hypnotize me and teach me?" I want to know how she picked up the phone and called Erickson with her arms not working, but let's take this at face value, and assume this happened just like Erickson said. What does Erickson do? Have her strip to the waist in front of her mother.
I told her mother to bring her over and her mother brought her over. I looked at the girl. For a twelve-year-old girl she had a very well developed bust, except that the right breast was under her arm, I had the mother strip the girl to her waist and I looked over her entire torso to see what the muscles were.
Then he had the girl make faces repeatedly. No, really.
Now, when you start one muscle moving there's a tendency for that to spread to other muscles. You try to move just one finger. You start to spread the movement, unintentionally. Her arms began to move. Now, the right breast migrated from under her arm to one side of her chest. She is now a lawyer, practicing law.
So, the cause was that she had a breast under her arm. and it caused her arms to stop working. She needed Erickson to explain this. And the solution was to make faces. Can you imagine someone doing this in 2024?
He also asks his wife to check out his daughter's breasts.
In watching my daughters I discovered that happened somewhere around ten years of age. When, for example, Betty Alice was about ten years old and had to pick something off the bookcase or radio, she lifted her arm this way (as if to avoid a large breast). I told Mrs. Erickson, "When Betty Alice takes her bath have a look at her breasts." Mrs. Erickson came out and said, "There's just the beginning of a change in her nipples."
By all accounts, Erickson was driven by a deep-seated need to control, to the point that it damaged his relationship with his daughter. In Cardeña's review of Wizard of the Desert, he describes a section of the DVD.
One of Erickson’s daughters (and executive producer of the documentary) relates with sadness that growing up she could not have just a normal conversation with either her mother, who hyperintellectualized everything, or her father who, although not fully stated, seems to have been in therapist/teacher mode 24/7. Erickson is also described as punishing and sadistic in the demands he imposed on some of his clients, and it is evident that he blurred the boundaries between personal and professional life that therapists are expected to maintain.
Cardeña also says that maybe, just maybe, we should consider that a man who was known to lie to people for therapeutic goals might possibly be lying to his colleagues and students.
To muddy the waters even more, why have not some of the followers of a therapist known to fabricate false past stories to achieve therapeutic goals wondered whether he used that same technique in his writing and teaching?
There's more than this than just the personal creepiness, of course. Erickson's definition of a cure was essentially to conform into society, and you can see that in his definitions of success. Became a lawyer. Got married. The success and meaning is external. Bandler refers to it.
In many ways Milton was one of the most directive hypnotists you would ever want to meet. He only had five goals for people to get well: get out of the hospital, get a job, get married, have children, and send him presents. That was his definition of a cure.
And Erickson was not shy about taking credit for things that he should not have taken credit for. Going back to Hilgard, he describes the case of a WWII vet who Erickson touts as a success.
Harold was a veteran of World War 11 who entered treatment at the age of 23 with a poor background and a bad image of himself as a moron. He changed during treatment from a miserable unskilled laborer through a series of transformations, all the while convinced by Erickson that he was succeeding despite the fact that he was feebleminded. So powerful was Erickson’s strategic control through distorting his self-perception by way of hypnotic amnesia, distractions, redirection of attention, and confusion, that after learning shorthand and typing, serving as a private secretary for 18 months, and making A-grades in college, only then was he given permission to discover that he only thought he was feebleminded.
Erickson's priority was in getting this man fitted into society, and then dealing with his mental issues. And Erickson took credit despite the many, many people helping this man.
As I have noted earlier, despite his strongly authoritarian position as playwright and director, Erickson typically set the stage and the strategy, but left the tactics up to the patient. What is not so evident is the role of many others in producing the therapeutic successes: Joe, who enhanced Harold’s use of the library beyond the reading of children’s books; the married couple who befriended him at the trailer court; the friend who taught him to drive a truck; the transcriber and annotator of rare manuscripts with whom he lived and talked for a year and a half; his teachers (shorthand and typing, piano, guitar [?]), and his college teachers-all of whom are missing from the case study except for the briefest of mention of the piano teacher because she was a woman. [...]
Hilgard goes on to say that Erickson may have had a very direct warping presence on his patient through his control.
Harold’s life away from Erickson may have been very different from the way he appeared in Erickson’s presence. We do not know how fond he became of his teachers or they of him. Although he occasionally asked about Harold’s daily activities in detail, Erickson appears to have been more interested in his own cleverness than in finding out how Harold was perceived in the context of his daily life.
Hilgard says Erickson was essentially given carte blanche to behave however he wanted.
His hypnotic authority allowed Erickson to play the theatrical game of distortion and deception - insisting on Harold’s prolonged compliance with the belief that he was feebleminded. I cannot image any nonhypnotist attempting this, or, for that matter, any other hypnotist. This insistence appears to be specifically Ericksonian, fitting his love of dramatic strategies.
And Hilgard specifically calls out Erickson as doing this for his own personal gratification.
Was Erickson perhaps in some manner overcompensating for his physical weakness by enjoying the power that he achieved over his patients, and gaining vicarious satisfaction over the encounters he assigned them in the real world, some in areas denied to him?
And potentially not only misleading or misdirecting his peers, but also himself.
Had Erickson’s own dramatic way of planning and promoting his own cases led him to some self-deception in the cases as reported? He was unusually good at rationalizing whatever he happened to do, and occasionally appeared to justify failures by converting them into planned successes, as in the case of Harold’s failure in algebra.
The fact that so many of his stories include salacious and unnecessary details is an indication of what Erickson wanted from his patients: unquestioning obedience, humiliating and degrading instructions, gratuitous exposure of women's bodies, and all of it putatively for the patient's benefit.
Even at the time, people knew Erickson's behavior was creepy. As Hilgard notes, if Erickson did not have the stature and the myth associated with him that he had, he would have been treated very differently. His privilege and power protected him from consequence and enabled his behavior to go unchecked.
It is very doubtful that Erickson would have been able to do this in modern day times. He would have been reported, his instructions and conduct recorded. If a disciplinary board didn't deal with him first, he would be showing up on Youtube as a comedian's punch-line.
But the next time you think "What would Erickson do?"
Maybe don't do that.
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sunny-haven · 8 days
One way that I've found on how to go about hypnosis pre-talk that I now prefer (for people who have been hypnotized before, anyways) is just laying out everything that I'm into in regards to hypnosis and talking about where I'm strongest and the most effective, often in very long messages so I can really focus on being an open book and so I don't get sidetracked by conversation. This includes the fact that I find hypnosis inherently sexual, all my kinks, what I find hot about hypnosis, specific things with hypnosis I like to do (e.g. goddess/slave dynamics, memory play, teasing and orgasm denial, etc.), and so on. From there, the subject is able to go through it all and say what they like/respond to well, what they don't like, and it makes talking about the specifics and boundaries much easier for the both of us, I feel. I've only done this with a couple of people so far because I've only started doing this recently but the people I have done this with have really appreciated it. It gives me very clear areas of what I can and cannot do, and thus makes it much easier to come up with ideas on what to do with the person already.
I'm curious though on what other people do for pre-talk, both from hypnotists and subjects. I'm someone who does my best to make my subjects feel safe, comfortable, and relaxed, and so pre-talk has always been very important to me and it's something I always want to improve on.
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sunny-haven · 8 days
One thing I've found myself frequently doing nowadays is sleep hypnosis... and something about that to me has an inherent sexiness to it. And though I've often done late-night erotic hypnosis with others and they went to bed soon after, that isn't exactly what I mean.
Oftentimes, I'm gentle with the pleasure I give. It's soft, mixed in with me cuddling them, caressing them, or sometimes wrapping them up in my tail. There's a sense of control I have over their bodies specifically, the knowledge of which is almost always there but it's something I don't often focus on. That I can not only control how someone feels to the point that I can not only put them to sleep, but have them hanging on the edge of sleep, feeling more and more tired but unable to go off the edge and fall into a deep sleep until I give the word. These sentiments are mixed with ones of comfort, of safety, that all their worries and distracting thoughts can melt away and they can focus their sole attention on me. The purring of my body (the size of which often dwarfs theirs) feeling like a full-body massage, my lavender scent making their body feel heavy and cozy. I'll also let my hands roam, gently pleasuring them while snuggling them, spooning them, or whatever it is I'm doing.
Exactly how much I'll focus on these aspects depends on the person and my relationship with them, but generally, I tend to find putting someone to sleep hot (though someone sleeping themselves isn't). There's also an emotional pleasure and satisfaction for me when I do, because oftentimes (though sadly, not always), the person sleeps much better when I put them to sleep. It's especially satisfying with people who struggle with insomnia, because hearing about how grateful they are that I gave them a much better sleep always warms my heart.
Sometimes, if I'm able, I like to also affect the person's dreams as I'm putting them to sleep. I've found this to be very hard to do though, as many subjects I've met don't remember their dreams well (either all the time or randomly), or they just have dreams unrelated to what I suggested. There have been a couple of cases where I'm able to make people have complex, in-depth dreams, though even with the same person, it's not consistent. More often, it seems that they'll have retain pieces of the dreams I give them or have certain "feelings"... which is usually arousal, because I often like to make my subjects dream and fantasize about me~
But yeah, sleep hypnosis has been nice. I think one of my favorite ways to put someone to sleep, which I only developed recently, is with my lavender breath. Despite my fursona being a dragon, I had struggled for a long time to think of a sort of "breath weapon" that is typically associated with dragons that would fit my sona. It was with @/nocturnowlette that I came up with the idea of a "lavender mist" that I can breathe out, a very concentrated mist of lavender that can put people in trance easily and, if I make it concentrated enough, put people right to sleep. It's always super lovely when I can put someone to sleep within seconds just by using my lavender breath on them~ Kinda makes me feel like the goddess of sleep in a way.
This isn't an invitation for people to reach out to me if they're having trouble with sleep, by the way. While I do enjoy sleep hypnosis, it works best when I've already been hypnotizing them (often for other reasons that not everyone would find appealing), and there have been many times in the past where I wasn't able to focus on the stuff I've outlined because the subject's interests and my interests didn't line up (or I didn't know if they did) and the subject had a harder time sleeping... or the sleep hypnosis didn't work in general.
Anyways, I hope you all have a lovely day, and a good sleep that makes you feel well-rested. <3
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sunny-haven · 8 days
Yessss. I fucking love giving mantras to my subjects, they're one of the hottest things to me. A classic one that I've found myself repeatedly coming back to (especially recently) is "Obedience is pleasure. Pleasure is obedience," as it's very simple and since it's a circular mantra, it's very easy for the subject to start repeating it on their own (especially if I ever mention obedience of pleasure). I focus a lot on making my subjects feel obedient and that experience feel pleasurable, and the mantra is like the aspects of hypnosis I love the most distilled into two sentences. I also love integrating the mantra into what I'm saying as I'm hypnotizing the subject, and I typically make it cyclical as well. Stuff like "The deeper you sink, the more obedient you feel, and the more obedient you feel, the more pleasure you feel, and the more pleasure you feel, the deeper you sink," is a common one I use.
There are other mantras I use as well but they depend on the subject and what they're okay with, as well as my mood. More often, I'll have a mantra only be consistent for a couple of sessions just because I don't often have the patience to do that over a long period of time. Definitely wish I did, though! When I feel like installing a longer mantra in my subject, I'll often have them repeat after me, where I feed bits of the mantra piecemeal to them until it gets ingrained in their head and its all they think about.
Super super hot though, I've had a lot of orgasms just from subjects repeating a mantra over and over again. Probably my favorite part is when it's so ingrained into their head that just saying the start of it or a piece of it will get them going over and over on their own~
Tip for hypnotists and subjects: use mantras.
They don't even need to be anything specific, because one function has nothing to do with suggestions. For many subjects, having impulsive random thoughts pop up is unavoidable and expected, and there are a number of ways to deal with it.
One is to specifically account for this in the trance and say something along the lines of, "it's natural for this to happen, and as these thoughts pop up, they're immediately snuffed out". Another method, though, is using mantras. The thing that causes this is the mental and literal space between a hypnotist's words and suggestions, and mantras can serve as a space filler.
The one I most often use is quite simple, making someone bark over and over. I suggest that they really want to Bark, and every time they Bark, they really want to do it again, like a snowball rolling down a hill. Not only can this be such a powerful technique that many subjects genuinely can't fight against it, but it serves to easily fill any space where impulsive thoughts might pop up. You can also tie various triggers to it if you really want to.
There is also the secondary function of mantras themselves being some sort of suggestion, but in my opinion, the strength varies. The one I use as a subject sometimes is, "I give you my control." There is something quite potent about speaking that in your mind aloud, despite it being always implied in hypnosis. It's almost like you're actualizing it.
Ultimately though, the best mantra is whatever one feels most right to you. Have fun, everyone.
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sunny-haven · 15 days
I figure this’ll help some of y’all out there. This definitely helps me understand clicker training more
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sunny-haven · 27 days
what do you think of the Bambi sleep files? i saw some people say that theyre dangerous or predatory but also that theyve been improved to be safer recently, with more safeties and labelling and stuff (i know this isnt really what you do but its realted so i thought you might know since you seem to know a lot about hypnosis content online)
Bambi Sleep files are fairly poorly made outside of the sound design. I do genuinely think the sound design is pretty impressive, but everything else is very sloppy and irresponsible. They stole their entire induction word for word from other people, the bubble thing, and are mostly designed to prey on inexperienced subjects.
I've listened through all of the files and have had exactly 0 effects that existed even beyond the moment the files ended. I've had random 15 minute long files from someone who never made another thing before or after be more effective on me.
The only reason that Bambi Sleep has any effect on people is due to their astroturfing campaigns where they spread a bunch of rumors about it being "dangerous" and "too strong" to lure people in and pre-suppose that idea.
In reality, they're just not all that great. They are abusive and exhausting enough to mess up the lives of people who hate themselves and have little experience with hypnosis, but to give it power as a hypnotic file series would be to outright lie to you. I would honestly say that it's closer to hypnosis fantasy than actual hypnosis for the majority of the work.
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sunny-haven · 1 month
Someone sent me a message just saying that I am rad and that made me feel so nice. I've been getting messages from several lovely people as of late but that one in particular made me remember when I used to DM artists saying that I love their art style and wishing them a good day... except this time it's with a hypno-kinky dragon as the recipient, haha.
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sunny-haven · 1 month
100% agree with this! Honestly, I just love praising people in general and this is definitely up my alley~
As a Soft Domme I enjoy degrading subs but not like "you worthless slut "...but more like, "youre such a good little whore for mommy"
Degradation alone doesn't do it, but if I sprinkle a little bit of praise in there, it makes it better. "Good slut" > "worthless slut"
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sunny-haven · 1 month
I think I'm transfem. Gonna try using that label for a bit and see if it fits me.
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sunny-haven · 2 months
good luck with that! I've never had the commitment and focus to do something like that with a subject and the only people I've had relative success with are those who can already do that on their own quite well. Hopefully one day I can do that with someone with the right training and repetition.
considering the concept of experimenting with phantom touch by giving the subject a phantom tail. might take repetitive reinforcement and training to make it feel natural
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sunny-haven · 2 months
honestly, because of how you mention Atlas every so often, I might! Also who's the rhino??? I wanna know :3
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tip: get an unreasonably large stuffed animal or two. it exclusively improves your life
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sunny-haven · 2 months
A tip for hypnotists who have self-destructive or emotionally closed off subjects:
While they're under, tell them that you love them (if both of you are comfy with that), that you appreciate them, that you cherish so many different things about them. Have them swim in all of those lovely, genuine feelings in a state where its easier to pass through their walls of self loathing.
I can't claim that it'll help long term or anything, but it does feel very nice, and it does mean a lot.
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sunny-haven · 2 months
lol I thought about doing this kind of thing with Fennikal but he drops pretty slow. I've put him under in the middle of conversation before and it'll take like a minute for him to fully drop, and saying random numbers would probably take a long while for him to process haha.
Definitely would wanna try this with other subjects though, probably one I'm already familiar with.
Fun Hypnotic Ideas #1: Evil Fractionation
This is gonna be a series of ideas I've tried or have thought of that I don't see much elsewhere relating to trance. This is one I have done before many times, and is one of the single most useful techniques I've found.
I'm using the term "Evil Fractionation" because that is what I heard it called the only time I've seen it used outside of me (from a file just called Evil Fractionation that I cannot seem to find).
The idea is simple.
Bring your subject into trance, and have them drop very, very deep down. Do all you can to get them as focused and as deep as you possibly can. Then, set up some form of capturing that state of trance in their mind. I tend to use the idea of a polaroid camera, using the word "Snap!" to act like a flash in their mind and freeze that state of mind for later.
Then, bring up them up, counting from 1 to 10.
Every single number, use the "Snap!" trigger, all the way back up to 10, when you then fully wake them.
Then, after talking with them for a while, or perhaps after they ask what it's for, simply type or say...
They'll instantly drop down to the level of 8, a light trance, due to building the association of that level of trance with that number.
Then, just start calling out numbers, bringing them to whatever level of trance you wish.
7. 5. 8. 9. 6. 4.
Be sure to do small gaps at first, and then start doing bigger jumps to surprise them.
3. 8. 7. 10. 5. 8. 1.
If you enforce this a bit more (it enforces itself by being used honestly), you can use it at any time, and even interweaving it with other induction techniques, dropping them much deeper than before.
However, my favorite part is when you start counting down slowly, slowly, going
And then, when you make them think you're about to bring them back up a bit, go...
...to your heart's content.
Though, fair warning, I've accidentally put subjects to actual sleep by going a bit too deep.
You can do this during random conversations, trances, really anything (with express consent from a subject while out of trance, of course).
I might post more of these if this does well, I quite like creative ideas for trance, and I have quite a few. Follow and share if you're interested (though I post a lot of puppy-specific hypnotic posts, fair warning).
Thank you.
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sunny-haven · 2 months
well, you've given me a silly idea for when I (eventually) visit a friend :3
Hypnotically training your partner so that when you throw an invisible fishing rod and start reeling it in it actually works
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sunny-haven · 2 months
In case you didn't know, your last post/reblog was blocked and isn't showing up at all on your blog
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Knowing how some of your other posts/stories have made me feel, (the hypnosis with you and fennikal was really hot) I want to read whatever this was even more now 😳
Ah right, I forgot Tumblr does that, so sorry!! I'll see if posting the images on Imgur will help, I'm not really experienced with getting around the filters. Here are the images I've gotten commissioned for Fennikal and I. There isn't any hypno (sorry!), I wanted to do something a bit more "casual" (for me) that also happened to be sentimental. I'll also post what I said in the reblog since that didn't seem to be visible.
Update: the commission was finished today and it was lovely hearing Fennikal's reaction. He didn't remember any of our conversation either so it took him by complete surprise. Definitely worth it. One of his alters, Trix, had overheard our conversation beforehand so she still rememberd, so that was a fun secret we had :3 I went for a more "casual" piece (or at least, casual to me), so it's not hypno, but I definitely wanna get more hypno art of myself in the future. The piece was done by the lovely Orlando Fox on Twitter/X! I've also found out recently that the terms I've used to refer to my fursona have been derogatory (mostly just "gynomorph") and I've been told the correct term is just "transfem" so that's what I'll be using in the tags. I feel kinda dumb about it actually 'cause my sona's had this body type for about two or so years now. If saying "transfem" isn't correct btw, feel free to correct me.
Hope that's visible! And I'm glad you enjoyed that story about Fennikal and I, he's a wonderful subject~
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