sunbroste · 7 years
Test Post: Past writing (2015): ‘Uni Struggles.’ - A little blog I wrote on the ‘hardships’ of student life...
A brief introduction, then. The “On This Day” feature of Facebook, today points out that on this day five years ago... my Facebook status was: “beaten 3 times in a row on FIFA. *MASSIVE SULK.*”  ... and my second one was: “ oh ffs...someone in Cov lend me some internet?! I NEED MEW!!!” Wow, such struggles. Looking back, I am not sure how 20-year old Ste coped. Here I sit in the present day, at 25 (>_<) with a recurring stress-knot in my shoulder thanks to the stresses of my full-time job, a financed car, most Apple/Sony products under the sun, an expensively relatively unused Playstation 4, and two parents who, let’s face it, would love me to find a girl and GTFO. Do not get me wrong... owning Mew is important. Winning on FIFA, less so, now, (fuck you, FIFA)... but the point is, simpler times were simpler. This is a very legitimate list of some of the real-life struggles and hardships endured by student Ste...  N.B. At this stage, I will assume most people know the ACTUAL family struggle I had during that period. So, casting that saga aside... 1) Being unable to connect my Nintendo DS to the landlord/lady’s internet... and being unable to obtain Mew and various other rare Pokemon. 2) Having to do the washing up... once every blue moon when my housemates got fed up with me and made me do it. 3) Realising that doing the washing up once every blue moon was just too much... and eating take-out (Benny’s) instead. 4) Having between 8-16 lecture hours a week, with an ‘early start’ of 10am. (Second year, you were harsh.) 5) Finding a legit pair of socks. 6) Finding anything. 7) Running out of revision post-it’s... because I posted them all on my housemate’s door. With dick’s on them, and things. 8) Only being able to play Badminton on average five times a week... for free. 9) Having to order TWO ‘small breakfasts’ on seperate plates, because that was the discounted breakfast... and I wanted a large breakfast. 10) Being unable to eat cheesecake in the library. But eating it anyway. 11) Not ironing anything ever and going out looking like the perfect crease. 12) Losing the Wumpa Cup on ‘Crash Team Racing’. ;_; 13) Complaining every time an electricity bill came, despite abusing TV’s, docking stations, laptop charger’s, phone charger’s... 14) Waiting for the bathroom to be free. Waiting... and waiting... an- GOGOGO it’s free! Oh goddammit, too late. I’ll hold it. 15) Owning more Badminton shirts than any other form of shirt. 16) Simply inviting everyone round to our house, because the nearest pub we could meet up at was a hefty five-minute walk away. 17) Handing assignments in at 11:59, having completed it in only two hours, and still being disappointed to scrape a ‘pass’. 18) Having to use Wikipedia as the scientifically objective research form, because finding a book in the library was... well, don’t be daft. Wiki is easier. 19) Having to put headphones in at 3am... cos somebody was having rampant sex. 20) Being told to put headphones in at 3am... cos apparently Muse was too loud. 21) Passing out on booze before 9pm and having your friends rip your jeans in an attempt to remove you from the kitchen floor. 22) Being the scruff who could get ready in under five minutes, and having to wait days for everybody else to do their hair. 23) Realising that cheesy chips are actually really overrated, and going back for some greasy chicken. 24) Air-conditioned lecture theatr-zzzzzzzzzzzz 25) Being the only ‘Northerner’ and frequently having to defend my use of the legitimate word.... ‘t’ 26) Carrying heavy shopping back from the shops... because baked beans with everything. 27) Getting portioned more meat and potato than anyone else when having a house dinner, because I didn’t like the green things. 28) Responding to “how’s your dissertation going, Ste?” With “I’ll think of a topic for it, soon.” 29) Accepting that your social awkwardness will one day catch up with you when you leave, and not everybody has exactly the same interests... 30) Binge-watching TV shows because everybody has ‘that housemate’ with the 100 tera-byte hard drive... filled largely with porn. 31) Deciding whether to be the guy that farts loudly and proudly, or witholds it and casts internal suspicion on the entire group. 32) Living by ‘swear jar’ rules. 33) Rating girls in ‘Football League and position’ terms. 34)  Not knowing whether to take one, or two power-naps in the afternoon, to catch up on your sleep-debt from waking up at 1pm. 35) Realising that sleeping with teddies is, actually still acceptable. 36) Lending aftershave because yours smells like sewers. 37) Having to down your drink because it has a small, circular chunk of copper thrown into it. 38) Having “No thanks, I don’t drink tea or coffee.” met with “AND YOU CALL YOURSELF A NORTHERNER?!” 39) Teaching everybody south of Derby what 9 ‘while’ 10 means. 40) Being excited about breaking-up and going home for Christmas/Summer, so that you can do nothing in even greater quantities, with different people. The list could go on... but I can smell my tea. Being cooked for me... by Mum. Oh, the struggle! :)
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