summer-2o17 · 7 years
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Mountains framing the lower falls of Yellowstone
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summer-2o17 · 7 years
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Mating season for the bison
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summer-2o17 · 7 years
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Lower Falls at Yellowstone...So beautiful
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summer-2o17 · 7 years
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When Old Faithful blew
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summer-2o17 · 7 years
This song is magic
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summer-2o17 · 7 years
Super shitty video but Wet DREAMZ AY
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summer-2o17 · 7 years
7.28.17 I love Kesha’s new music. I don’t know why, maybe it’s because I feel like I know her story and how intelligent she is, but I really listen to her and look up to her as a person in general
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summer-2o17 · 7 years
gi program update
7.28.17 24 minutes before my deadline wooo
I’m thinking it might be more of an app? If I can do it? We’ll see. Obviously I’m not a doctor so we’ll just see how far this goes. I think what I want to do is guide people to the right tests to minimize the number of unrelated tests they have to do--like list the most relevant tests at the top, then the rest in order of decreasing relevance.
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summer-2o17 · 7 years
gastroenterology diagnoses are flawed
So I found out that I have SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). It took only one test for me to find out, the whatever gold standard lactulose breath test, although I went through two other tests that I had to fast for: an endoscopy and a barium swallow/fluoroscopy test. They both weren’t bad to do in terms of comfort, but they were kind of pointless, and somehow I felt like they would come out clear. If those tests didn’t come out clear I feel like I’d be vomiting like. Every day. 
But whatever, this post isn’t for me to gripe about gastro tests. I’m glad things like H. pylori and ulcers and kidney stones and fatty liver etc. were ruled out, but honestly I didn’t have to go through the arduous process of scheduling appointments and calling for information that was supposed to be given to me. All the gastroenterologist had to do was ask more questions and not treat me like the human anatomy picture in their textbook.
I’m high key annoyed that it took me a month to get diagnosed. SIBO can do some major damage to your system if you don’t take care of it and continue to eat things that feed the bad bacteria in your gut. I’m actually so annoyed that I’m thinking of making a program to help diagnose gastro diseases or direct people to certain tests or doctors. I’m not a good programmer but this was so shitty. I mean, seriously, this was a major headache. I’ve gotten weeks of <6 hrs of sleep because of this discomfort. I missed my period for like almost two whole months, and literally thought I had an immaculate conception at one point and was pregnant, when I was actually just stressed by the enigmatic shit storm that was taking place in my intestines.
But seriously, all complaining about my personal experiences aside, I think there’s a lot to be desired from diagnoses in gastroenterology. Like, what is IBS? It’s such a nebulous term, like half of America has it. How can we make the diagnoses in gastroenterology more accurate and efficient?
I swear, if one more person tells me I need to manage my stress, I’m going to explode. The world is stressful. There’s no way I or anybody else can just cruise through life feeling like they’ve just gotten laid every second of every day. There are stressful moments in day to day life, sometimes it’s unavoidable, and for professions like surgery, or I don’t know, bomb squad related stuff, stress is a perpetual occurrence.
And I understand that every body is different. People could have food intolerances, or allergies, or whatever, genetic factors. But SIBO had got me feeling like SHIT. Like absolute shit, and I’ve been trying not to curse on this blog, but honestly I cannot describe how I’ve been feeling in another term. Crying over nothing, overall bleakness, feeling uninspired, getting no joy out of eating something I like, wanting to hang out with friends but worried about digestive symptoms marring my time with them, anxiety over whatever was happening inside my abdomen.
Whatever. I’ll be working on a flowchart for the program. I don’t know if it’ll actually get done because gastro diseases are so multifaceted and often times related to other parts of the body, but like, something needs to be done, truthfully. It wasn’t fair for me, I feel like it took away a whole month of my summer, a whole month of me feeling like a lifeless pit of tar, and it’s not fair for anyone else who doesn’t know what the hell is going on inside of them and are continuously coming face to face with doctors that see them as diagrams from their books and not actual living breathing organisms.
I’ll give myself three days to upload something...So by Friday. There’s a lot of research that needs to go into this so maybe just some notes. We’ll see.
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summer-2o17 · 7 years
The original is kind of trashy in my opinion like I’d play it at a party? But the acoustic is real nice
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summer-2o17 · 7 years
foods that screw me over
Okay so I’ve been kind of resisting the fact that my digestive system hates me and I need to just accept that maybe I need to eat super healthy and can’t get Dick’s at 11PM whenever I want
So, here’s a list of foods that screw me over (cause me to feel uncomfortable as hell all day) I’ll update it throughout the summer
-Blended coffee drinks (even with soy milk)
-Reeses’ peanut butter cups
-Ice cream fml
-Sesame oil noodles
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summer-2o17 · 7 years
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Another project in our lab involves targeting ligands for the dopamine transporter. It’s actually so cool; the dopamine transporter is connected to many neurological disorders like Parkinson’s, as well as addictions to drugs like cocaine and methamphetamine (D-meth is Heisenberg blue, not L-meth. And d-amphetamine is different). The functional groups on drugs like cocaine and meth bind to sigma receptors in the dopamine transporter. Targeting ligands would do the same thing, but preferably would not be addictive drugs. One of the drugs that I found (not listed up there in the pictures) is one we’re actually working with! Nomifensine. So whatever crap I looked up ended up not being crap and I’ve actually learned something maybe. This research in the pictures isn’t the best but it really helped clarify in my mind what I was looking for and might give me a good idea of what I should do when I’m asked to do desk research again. I think we’re trying to look at nanoparticles as drug delivery agents for neurological disorders and addiction therapy. It’s really cool stuff, and something I actually care about. Addiction treatment is something I think should be given more attention to. Granted, I don’t know how much attention is given to it already, but I feel like people with addictions to dangerous drugs like cocaine and meth are people that truly don’t have the ability to help themselves. With better addiction treatments, we could really help these people get their lives back. And if nanoparticles are truly a plausible delivery method, maybe they could be a helpful component of rehab.
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summer-2o17 · 7 years
7.22.17 - This song is another level angst. Also Lana and I have the same birthday. Also I need to update this blog more often
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summer-2o17 · 7 years
7.17.17 Saw J.COLE live ugh he was so good, as a performer and just as a person in general he seems so cool. This was the last song he played. I’ll upload a few shitty videos from the concert.
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summer-2o17 · 7 years
Also, got a job! As an optometric technician. I’m super excited. It’s in a fantastic location also. SO blessed to have gotten the job.
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summer-2o17 · 7 years
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7.21.17 One thing I like about research is that things are always moving. We try a bunch of things and sometimes they don’t work but how do you know what works if you don’t try?
So these are pictures of a microfluidic channel that I designed on SolidWorks and printed at school on our lab’s 3D printer! The channels are made out of ABS, which dissolves in acetone. The black channel was made out of PLA, the standard 3D printing filament. They’re about 22.5mm long, or 2.25cm long. So tiny. What we’ve done thus far is stick it in a gel made out of...something that I forgot...Shoot
But essentially what we’re planning to do is dissolve the channel and then have our iron oxide and another fluid that I need to remember running through the two tubes on the left. The fluids will get mixed at a fast velocity as they move through the curves and be completely mixed together as they flow out the right tube. Nanoparticle solution flows out to the end of the tube. It’s so simple.
The way the microfluidic channel works is simple because since the diameter of the channel is so slim, the velocity of the liquid flowing through the tube is really fast, because of relationship between tube diameter and velocity, which is that as diameter of a tube decreases, the velocity of the liquid flowing through the tube increases. Thanks Physics 123 for teaching me the oh so exciting equations (continuity equation and density = mass/volume) and other explanations behind that.
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summer-2o17 · 7 years
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6.21.17 Microorganisms from this bacteria mat can be used to determine the climate conditions of the past which is, I don’t know, really freaking cool 
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