sumitvkrs · 3 years
I am now available only at my phone number and email ID. 8296816767, [email protected].
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sumitvkrs · 3 years
In memoriam, Puneet Rajkumar
Dedicated to his wife, family, friends, and fans.
When the words are not enough,
Life seems to be a heavy drudge,
In the times of sadness, and despair,
We will remember you.
For the times that you gave,
When the love was filled to the brim,
When life seemed to just be passing by,
Never thought you would be gone so soon,
In these times of sadness and grief,
We will remember you.
We know that God has plans,
We know that he cannot do so wrong,
But now that he has called you near,
Everytime we see a twilight star,
We will remember you.
In what you have left for us,
The memories that you have given us,
You will never fade from our lives,
But when we see all that you gave us,
We will remember you.
Live will be so incomplete,
In those memories bitter and sweet,
Whenever we see that morning twilight,
And when each day passes by,
We will remember you.
Go our sweet love,
Be happy wherever you are,
We know that you will get,
The best life beyond this world too,
And never forget that we will remember you.
0 notes
sumitvkrs · 3 years
Some reasons why we are unhappy.
Add to this, we want too much too soon.
0 notes
sumitvkrs · 3 years
WordPress Online Store::Setting up the theme Part 2
0 notes
sumitvkrs · 3 years
WordPress Online Store::Setting up the theme Part 1
0 notes
sumitvkrs · 3 years
WordPress Online Store::Setting up WordPress Part 4
0 notes
sumitvkrs · 3 years
WordPress Online Store::Setting up WordPress Part 3
0 notes
sumitvkrs · 3 years
WordPress Online Store::Setting up WordPress Part 2
0 notes
sumitvkrs · 3 years
WordPres Online Store::Setting up WordPress Part 1
0 notes
sumitvkrs · 3 years
We will also look at how to create an LMS for schools using WordPress. Online store and LMS we will cover. This should give you enough idea as to how to create other websites using WordPress.
0 notes
sumitvkrs · 3 years
WordPress Installition and A Quick WordPress Overview
Download the video from Google Drive to watch.
0 notes
sumitvkrs · 3 years
WordPress Online Store Part 1: Setting up the environment
0 notes
sumitvkrs · 3 years
Sample website and online store for small business. Work in progress (WIP). With zero coding.
0 notes
sumitvkrs · 3 years
Sample online store for small business. Work in progress (WIP). Without any coding.
0 notes
sumitvkrs · 3 years
WordPress Tutorial Overview.
0 notes
sumitvkrs · 3 years
WordPress Tutorial Overview.
0 notes
sumitvkrs · 3 years
Chapter 1: Lesson 3
Chapter 1: Lesson 3
In this lesson we will look at the following:
- Creating a basic app (Hello World)
- Troubleshooting common error messages
- Testing the device on the emulator
The Hello World app does not just too much, but is the starting point where we see how to create and run the app.
To create and run the Hello World app, complete the following steps:
1. Launch the Android Studio
2. In the welcome screen select the following:
a. Device type: Choose any
b. Starting point: Choose Empty Activity, and click Next
3. Type HelloWorld in the App Name
4. You do not need to change other fields for this app
5. Click Finish
6. For running the app, choose Run->Run app
7. The app will first build
8. You will see the Gradle Build happening at the bottom right of Android Studio
Note: Android Studio uses Gradle, an advanced build toolkit, to automate and manage the build process while allowing you to define flexible custom build configurations. Each build configuration can define its own set of code and resources while reusing the parts common to all versions of your app. The Android plugin for Gradle works with the build toolkit to provide processes and configurable settings that are specific to building and testing Android applications.
9. It may take several minutes for the build to happen.
10. Once the build is complete, the emulator will launch with your Hello World application
Error messages that you may get in the above process:
Failed to find target: The correct API level of Android has not been installed. The Android platform provides a framework API (API level) that applications can use to interact with the underlying Android system. The Android Studio may show you the link to install the API level, or you may do it via the SDK manager. How we will discuss in the later lessons. Normally, this error will not come, so you may need not worry about it now.
Note: API Level is an integer value that uniquely identifies the framework API revision offered by a version of the Android platform. The Android platform provides a framework API that applications can use to interact with the underlying Android system.
No target device found: Either the emulator is not installed, or the correct emulator is not installed. Please see the previous lesson on how to install an emulator.
No contact with the Android Debug Bridge (ADB): The ADB connects your computer to the emulator that runs the app. If you get this error, try restarting the ADB on your computer. For this:
1. Open the command prompt and go to the folder ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
2. Type the following commands:
a. For windows
i. adb kill-server
ii. adb start-server
b. For Linux and Mac
i. ./adb kill-server
ii. ./adb start-server
The user data image is used by another emulator: Try restarting the emulator. If this does not work, try the following:
1. Close the emulator
2. In the Android Studio, choose Tools->AVD Manager
3. You will see a list of emulators
4. Click on the downward pointing arrow on the right, and in the popup that opens, select Wipe Data, then click Yes to confirm
5. Click on the play button for that emulator
Unknown emulator: Copy the contents of <Drive where emulator is installed>\Users\<user_name>\.android to <c drive>\Users\<user_name>\.android. This should solve the problem.
Process is not responding error: You may get multiple Android Not Running errors. Wait for around 10 seconds. The error should disappear. Otherwise, restart the emulator.
Changes in the app do not show in the emulator: Restart the emulator. If this does not work, use the “Wipe Data” trick explained above.
---End of Lesson 3, Chapter 1---
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