Basorexia (Woohyun)
I don’t really thinks this deserves to be called basorexia because there is an apparent lack of kissing involved and it is not too well written. But nonetheless, enjoy! :) 
“How long will you guys be out?” You say adjusting your phone properly in between your shoulder and your head as you question Woohyun.
“Not long love, I’ll be back in a couple hours I promise.” He answers. You really don’t want to spend one of yours and his only nights off without him but you also know its important for him to spend some time with his members outside of work. No matter how long it’s been since you’ve seen him.
“Alright, well wake me up when you get home if I’m not already.” You say, yawning and pulling into a parking spot in front of your apartment. He’s never home when he says he’ll be, but you’re tired and a night to yourself is beginning to feel like more of a blessing than a burden anyway.
Remembering you hadn’t eaten in a while, you open your front door with food on your mind and head straight to the cupboard. It’s scarce because the pair of you rarely eat at home but you manage to identify a few prospects. Settling on cupcake mix that (you hope?) is still good, you throw on an apron and pray that maybe this baking endeavor won’t turn out like many of your others have. Smoke tends to be a part of the general experience, but the fact that it involves minimal effort mildly restores your faith in your kitchen skills. Smirking to yourself you remember when you and Woohyun bought these aprons, with a very reluctant yes from you after he dumped them into your cart explaining that you had to get matching ones because “It would just be cuter that way”. He was so obnoxious. Not much has changed of course, but the two of you did seem to mellow out a bit as a couple. You aren’t nearly as intolerant and he as frustrating as when you had first started dating; and in some ways you begin to miss that.
Mixing the batter for the cupcakes now, you let your thoughts wander back to reality and begin to pour the chocolate concoction into as many cupcake tins as you can fill up. You inhale the scent before putting a few of the trays in the oven and decide that you have a good twenty minutes before they’re done baking, so why not take a shower?
Bad idea. These kinds of things are the reason your food making undertakings generally don’t turn out well. But who needs better judgment?
Letting your tired feet drag you to the bathroom you begin to remove your clothing and slide into the shower, taking your sweet time and not concerning yourself with the worries that could be eating at you. You really wish Woohyun were here; not in the shower with you per say but just at home more in general. You can’t say that you’re home all the time when he is either, but he tends to go out on the nights you want nothing more than to have a cuddle and a good night’s sleep with him.
A beep sounds from the kitchen bringing the cupcakes to your attention and you realize that you may have underestimated the amount of time you spent thinking. Burnt. They were definitely burnt by now.
Scrambling out to the kitchen after throwing some clothes on you open the oven to find them looking decent but definitely done. You pull the many trays out to let them cool and plop down on the couch telling yourself not to fall asleep so you can greet Woohyun but it’s not easy and you find yourself having to come up with distractions. Why are you being so clingy? He is usually the one badgering you for affection but tonight it seems that the roles are reversed. They wouldn’t be if he were home like he is supposed to be about now, but you aren’t surprised that he doesn’t walk through the front door at this moment because he never has before.
Much of your time is spent reading or completing household chores that you normally find meaningless; but you get antsy waiting for him, and the night only seems to drag on the more you occupy yourself.
Bringing your phone from your pocket you decide to call him, hoping that maybe he wasn’t totally plastered, but he was with Sunggyu, and you knew that the probability of that outcome was not high.
Waiting for him to pick up you wander over to the cupcakes and begin to take them out of the pan one by one. They aren’t nearly as bad as you thought they’d be. They’re edible, and that’s what matters.
As his phone goes to voicemail you try to keep frustration from bubbling up inside but let your feelings slowly get the better of you. Sunggyu would answer, you think, if he doesn’t they’ll both get a good talking to in the morning.
“Sunggyu where are you guys?” You scold, though he is the older one. “When I said you could thieve my husband for the night I didn’t mean you could keep him”
“I know, I’m trying to get him to the car now” Sunggyu says with struggle apparent in his voice.
“Jagi HAAAII” There’s the bastard. Sighing, you brush his aegyo off and Sunggyu resumes your conversation.
“Alright _______, we’re on our way.”
“Okay. Thanks for taking care of him.” You mention. “I’ll see you in a bit.”
“Baby I miss yo--” Woohyun’s voice is cut off from the prompt pressing of the end button. Of course he decides to be annoyingly cute, hours after he’s supposed to be home, when you’re exhausted and not in the mood for him. You love needy Woohyun but usually when he’s this drunk he comes home and gets into bed first thing. You aren’t opposing the idea; in fact finally laying down for the night sounds amazing. But still wanting to wait and spend some time with him you search for something to keep you awake and occupied.
The cupcakes need frosting and thus you open a small tub of it and lazily spread some over each of them with a butter knife. It doesn’t look the greatest, but they probably don’t taste that way either to be honest. You hear some keys jingle outside the door; following are some fumbling footsteps before the door opens and Woohyun traipses in. Deliberately ignoring him in your frustration, you continue to spread icing over the cupcakes and he quickly sets his things down on the dining table. Silence is overtaking the apartment, and Woohyun (albeit drunk) quickly catches on when he feels the tension.
After removing his suit jacket, he slowly leaves the bedroom, flocking to your side with a whine and a prolonged whisper of your name. “What are you doing?” You ask him coldly.
“I’m just hugging my baby~” He coos quietly and reaches his arms around you. He pulls you closer against him and smiles blissfully, his face buried in your neck. “Did you make cupcakes?”
“Yes I did but you don’t get any.” You say swatting his hands away from you.
“Why not?” He pulls away and pouts.
“Because I’m mad at you.”
“So I’m banned because you’re mad?”
“Yes” It was pretty obvious the first time you told him.
“So I’m banned from the cupcakes until when then?” He laughs.
“Don’t laugh I’m not kidding Woohyun, I don’t want you to come home late so much.” You say in a bit of a whiny tone.
“Why?” He smirks. “Because you miss me too much? And love me too much?” He says attaching his body to yours again with his arms.
“No I honestly can’t believe I married someone as annoying as you.” You add, still avoiding eye contact and shoving him away. Now putting the cupcakes away, you start to grow accustomed to him being right next to you throughout all your movements in the kitchen and he begins to irritate you less then he was before.
“Can I have some frosting at least?” he says, almost dipping a finger in the bowl.
“That depends. Are you going to continue to come home late?”
“Never again honey.” He says coming closer to you again, arms outstretched towards you. You concede and sigh, because you really do miss him.
“You’re such a liar.” You add, remembering the frosting bowl is right behind him.
You swipe a finger through the icing and drag a long stripe of it down his cheek, before he realizes what has just happened and you make a break for it. “Hey where do you think you’re going!” He says, grabbing the entire tub of frosting. “Come here!” Sure enough there aren’t many places for you to hide and after running around the apartment a few times, he catches you. Both out of breath, you laugh and try to wriggle out of his grasp but eventually give up and he places two frosting-covered hands on either side of your face, turning it blue and sticky instantly. “Woohyun, this is all in my hair now!” You yell at him but laugh.
“I know, who knew my wife could pull off such a look.” What a loser.
Quickly pecking him on the cheek, you attempt to get more frosting on his face from you own, but he simply pulls you closer to him and kisses you directly on the lips. Throwing your arms around his neck you press yourself closer and smile, he always gets what he wants, the little brat.
Finally removing yourself from each other, you look around the apartment and see frosting tracks and grimace about how the two of you (or most likely you knowing him) will have to clean it up, but at this hour you just want to go to sleep. “I should probably take a shower…” You murmur to yourself, trying to remove some frosting from your hair.
“Good idea, let’s go.” He says shooing you into the bathroom.
“Excuse me I don’t remember inviting you Nam Woohyun.” He simply laughs and ignores that, but you’re glad he didn’t listen as usual.
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La gaudière (Woohyun)
Yikes. This is hella long, but frat!hyun, because I have a love hate relationship with my bias and frat boys. Hope you guys like it, it’s one of my personal favorites :)
“So remind me again why you don’t like Woohyun?” Your friend questions, her eyes roving over his toned body while she packs her materials away. “If I had a lab partner like him I’d never get any work done.” You can only let out a bitter laugh at the wistful statement. Nam Woohyun is the only thing wrong with your semester to put it nicely. To say that you never get any work done isn’t far from the truth, and it kills your conscience a little bit every time you have to make up an excuse for his lack of attendance due to the “festivities” that occurred at his frat house the night before.
You take a sip of your coffee and let your eyes wander over to him with suspicion.
“Sometimes I wonder how he got into college.” You say letting your train of thought escape through your mouth as she laughs.
Its too bad you aren’t joking.
“Oh come on, I’m sure he’s not that bad.” She says with skepticism. “And the semester is almost over anyway.”
“Thank god. I can only fight the urge to set his boat shoes and salmon shorts on fire so many times before I crack.” You shudder. Her eyes suddenly shift to behind you and you know it must be because he’s somewhere in sight.
“Oh, look! Here comes your partner now.” She says gesturing to him cheekily as she dips out the classroom door and you groan internally. Why him? Of all the people you could’ve been paired with. It doesn’t surprise you to see that he had been flirting with his weekly victim, as you turn to him and he sends her off with some lingering touches. “Woohyun.” “Hey gorgeous” He chomps down on an apple as he turns to you. “So what’s the deal with the lab report?” “The deal” You sigh, “Is that it’s due the day after tomorrow and we still have to write the group portion.” You open your bag and dig around in it until your hands finally latch onto the packet of paper you’re looking for. “And I knew you were busy” Hah, yeah right. “So I printed out the data for you. Study it so we can meet tomorrow and finish the project.” You explain, handing the papers to him. He looks over what you give him and rubs a hand on the back of his neck in confusion. What now? Had you not made it as easy as possible for him to finish this? His eyes search yours and you desperately want to run away for the rest of the semester so you don’t have to play mommy and make sure he gets his homework done like you have been for three months now. Is that too much to hope for? But nonetheless, whatever hesitancy he has disappears when he rolls the packet up and puts it in his back pocket. “Anything for you, love” He says nonchalantly, and you wonder why that makes your urge to hit him lessen. You can’t argue that he’s unattractive; it’s quite the opposite actually. It’s his personality that seems to be the turn off. “Right. Well, I should go, but don’t forget about tomorrow.” You say discarding your thoughts and finally walking out of the classroom. “And don’t bring a girl this time.” “Why? Does it make you jealous?” He egged you on with a grin. “If you really want to know it makes me feel a little bad for her, but aside from that, the point is that we never get any work done.” “You say that.” He says, his feet confidently bringing him much closer to you. “But I know it’s just that you want me all to yourself.” And the thud from the apple core resounds right when you realize that he had only gotten this close to you to toss it into the garbage bin. What an asshole. “Oh yeah, because spending 3 hours in the library with you and doing all of the work for the project is exactly how I like to spend my time.” He laughs at your remark and you’re glad that at least he can take it as a joke even if it happens to be the truth. “I’ll see you tomorrow, ________, Think of me until then.” He gives a wink. Ew. Thank god this class was ending. - Four calls, three text messages, and still no response from him. 8:30 pm: We agreed on 8:00 right? Where are you? 9:00 pm: Woohyun, I will not finish this project for you, if you don’t show up you’ll get a zero. 9:15 pm: NAM WOOHYUN Every time. Every single fucking time he did this and you forgot this is why you profess your hate for him so often. The rest of the work takes three hours tops, and it’s a Thursday so why is he acting like he’s busy? Who the hell does he think he is? It’s one thing to be there and watch you do all the work as it is, but to completely ignore you is what really makes you want to punch his stupid, cocky face. Sitting in the library, seething, you direct your restless energy to other classes for which you have work to complete and grab yourself something from the vending machines as it is evidently going to be a long night. Why is he like this? Whatever his reasons you don’t really care, naturally. But it does have you questioning what goes on in his mind when he decides another drink is preferable to not having to take a class again. You hear the ding of the doors signaling that someone has entered and look up only to be disappointed by a face that isn’t Woohyun’s. You let out a huff resting your head on the cool desk, wishing this day would be over and before you know it you find yourself drifting off, not knowing of what the consequences of that will be. - A creak from the chair sounds when you realize how uncomfortable you are sleeping in this position. When did you even fall asleep? You look around and wonder why no one is in the library anymore while scrambling for your phone with complete dread consuming your brain as you scold yourself for dozing off. 3a.m. 3a.m.? What makes you really angry is that Woohyun still hasn’t texted you, and the project is now due in six hours. You basically consider yourself fucked but hold onto the possibility of getting a passing grade if you can actually get Woohyun to help you. But that would require moving and seeing him, neither of which you particularly want to do. - But you do it. You drag your ass all the way down to fraternity row with the hope that maybe he’s not as wasted as you know he is because at this point you can’t finish the work by yourself whether he likes it or not. The throbbing house you approach is one of the shabbier ones on the block and there are miscellaneous items strewn about the lawn that you do your best to dodge as you make your way to the door and ring the doorbell. God knows there’s no way they would hear a knock. “You can just head in,” A voice says as the man possessing it gathers the trash from the porch. “The only reason they shut it is because they wanted to keep the noise down.” “Thanks.” You say, walking in. He must be a pledge. The house is a train wreck. The smell of beer and several huffs of smoke fill your nose and the standard abundance of girls half-clothed and flirting the night away, catch your eye among other things. The boys of the house are lingering here and there and the only one that you identify in confidence is the President, Sunggyu. You don’t really understand how the title really applies to someone who manages a bunch of egotistical underachievers, but nonetheless you are thankful that Woohyun made the introduction between you two in retrospect. “Sunggyu?” “Oh hey,” He stalls. Does he not remember your name? Whatever, you’re only here to fetch the slacker and leave. “What’s up?” “Um, I’m looking for Woohyun,” Your voice rises over the music. “Have you seen him?” “Woohyun? Well, I think he was upstairs the last time I saw him.” Great, that was so helpful. Now you have your search narrowed down to half of the giant house. You mention a thank you to him, and walk up the stairs, opening up the bedrooms to a few relations that may leave you scarred forever, and conclude that Woohyun is not up here. It’s 3:50 now, and you panic a little, while walking past the bathroom, noticing the light glowing from underneath before going to open it without the thought of a knock. You give up after wriggling the handle a few times and deeming your effort pointless, as it seems to be locked. Why did he have to make everything so difficult? It was just your luck that it would be him who was passed out and locked in the bathroom. You think of leaving and forgetting about the project all together because something in you says that it isn’t worth making a fool out of yourself like this. But when you think of the GPA you have to maintain, your persistence is suddenly rejuvenated as you start pounding your fist onto the hard wood of the bathroom door. You’d had enough of his dicking around for one semester, and you weren’t going fail because of him. “Nam Woohyun! You may not have to pass chemistry, but as someone who has to pay for College themself I can tell you that nothing sounds better to me.” No response. You pace a little down the hall until a faint “I’m sorry,” emerges from behind the door, and it’s a little sad that you feel relief flood your system. At least he was awake. “You’re awake? Get out here, we need to finish this.” You say, the words coming out a little harsher than you mean them to. But why should you care, it’s him who kept you waiting this whole time. “Can’t you just finish it without me?” He slurs. “Wouldn’t it be less work to do it by yourself at this point?” He would be right of course if this were 12 hours ago and you had the time to do it, but it still doesn’t change the fact that you don’t want to do the work for him. “There isn’t any time to do it myself now. And if you don’t do it then you won’t pass.” “Why do you care if I pass?” He questions. “It has nothing to do with you”. Wow. No. “Nothing to do with me? Are you fucking kidding me? Where have you been the whole semester?” You scolded him. “Maybe if you showed up to the laboratory every once in a great while you would know that I’m the one who’s been making sure you stay in this class. I’ve been saving your ass, and you’re not the only one who needs a decent grade you know.” “I’m sorry,” He says despondently again. “I ended up taking too many hours and it all just sort of blew up in my face and I had a perfect GPA and now it’s total shit, I don’t even know what to do, my parents are going to be so angry with me and I just…” His diatribe doesn’t really end, it just sort of fades away and you instantly feel bad as you realize that you had made some horrible assumptions about him. “Woohyun, can you either let me in or come out here please? I really don’t like talking to the door.” Hearing his footsteps, you can see that he obliges to your request and opens the door, but pulls you in instead of coming out himself. He rests his back against the tub, sitting down and it’s awkward, because you’re used to scolding him and telling him off when you see him and now you feel like it’s not really your place. “I really am sorry,” He mumbles incoherently. You can tell that he’s been drinking, not to have fun but just to escape from life for a little bit. “I know.” You reply, sitting yourself up on the counter. “I get it. But why don’t you just tell me when you have other classes to worry about? It would make me a lot less resentful.” “I don’t know, I guess I didn’t think that would be a legitimate excuse to you.” He sighs, rolling up the sleeves on his button-down. “But why did you give me credit for all that stuff anyway? Do you secretly like me?” He says arrogantly, back to his grinning, greasy self in a matter of seconds. What a ridiculous accusation. You like the way he looks, sure, but anything beyond that is something you’ve never really thought about because he’s such a slut. “Is that why you want me to pass?” “Well I mean, I don’t really, it would just be shitty not to that’s all” You meant it to come out as reassuring but once again your verbal filter betrayed you. “In any case, thanks. I owe you one.” “You owe me like a hundred, but let’s start with finishing the project hmm?” You hold a hand out to him, and he grabs it, hoisting himself up and staggering a bit. Placing your hands on his arms to stable him, you chuckle and make sure he is able to stand on his own. He’s cute when he’s not spewing his flirty bullshit. Your hands linger on his body and though you probably should, you don’t want to move them. He smells good, like cologne, and when you get closer to him, you eye his plump lips with a newfound desire. He seems to freeze a little bit, as he notices you staring at him, and you take the chance to place your lips lightly on his. It’s nothing but a peck, but you still feel like it was a massive mistake. He looks at you with a perplexed expression and you instantly regret everything, pulling your hands swiftly from his arms. “Wow, I’m really sorry, now I feel dumb, that shouldn’t have been a thing, and now I went and fucked up this great almost friends thing we had going-” “I knew you liked me.” He says, his eyes wrinkling as he smirks. What a cocky little shit. How can he be so nonchalant about this? Plus you didn’t exactly say that you liked him. “But if it’s any consolation I don’t really want to be friends.” He adds, with his eyes on yours and his breath now close enough for you to feel on your skin. One by one, he takes each of your hands in his and places them around his body, hoping you’ll consider this action his approval of your “accidental” kiss before ghosting his lips down to your shoulder. His lips press gently on your collar bone, and you think that this is the last thing you should be doing right now, but that isn’t going to stop him, and you don’t really want it to. His arms circle your waist and his lips trail up your neck peppering light kisses all over your skin until his mouth lingers in front of yours, teasing you, making you jump for his lips before he captures yours with his own. The feeling of your entire body against his, and his arms around you is enough to leave you wondering why you have never taken this kind of initiative before. You wish you could talk some sense into yourself right now, but his kiss is sweet and his lips are softer than you think they’d be, and ignoring everything, you never want to stop feeling them against yours. After a few seconds, he pulls away, and you find yourself pouting as you open your eyes because it ends a lot quicker than you think it will. You both stare at each other for a moment, your heavy breaths lingering around you both in the bathroom. Your first kiss with him was in a bathroom? And he was totally wasted less than an hour before. That will be a charming story to tell. Trying to get back on track your mind wanders to your responsibilities and you remember you have this assignment to finish. “We should probably get going if we want to finish this lab report.” You say finally, dropping the crown of your head into his chest and sighing. You’ve been up since 6, and almost 24 hours have passed at this point. “Ugh, we’re still doing that?” He whines and tightens his hold on you. You wanted nothing more than to stay in his arms for the rest of the morning, but it was now close to 5 a.m. and the sun had started to peak through the small window above you. “Yes, we’re still doing that!” You laugh. “What do you think I came all the way over here for?” “To seduce me right?” He chuckles. “Well it totally worked, so can’t we just stay here like this?” He begs, shutting his eyes and inhaling the scent of your perfume. You retract, and give him a swift kiss, hoping it would give him some incentive but he just holds onto you tighter until you forcibly pry his arms from your body and take his hand in yours. “Oh we’re even holding hands now?” He says smugly as you pull him along with you to leave. “Woohyun we just made out like two seconds ago and that’s what you’re excited about?” He bites his lip, remembering all that had gone down, and looks at you in front of him with fondness. He had liked you for a while, but he never thought about his fantasies becoming a reality like they did tonight. You don’t really know what you want this to become either, but it feels increasingly good to be with him as the hours slowly pass. The two of you sort of loiter back over to the library, and laugh about the strange dynamic between the two of you up until this point in the semester. He throws in that your dislike for him only made him more persistent and you still make a little gagging gesture to which he smiles. Sitting down at a work table you unpack the contents of your bag for the second time, and Woohyun drags his chair as close to yours as possible, closing the distance between you. You turn to him with a stern look and he just smirks, watching you change your attention from him to the data for the project. After a while, you remember the day before last, and something irks at your mind. “Oh yeah who was that girl with you in lecture on Tuesday?” Maybe you shouldn’t have asked, it’s not like you guys are exactly together. “Oh that was my girlfriend.” He mentions casually. “What?” Your face drains of color a bit before he starts laughing at you. “Woohyun don’t joke about things like that!” “So I guess you do really like me,” He throws an arm over your shoulder, teasing you. “No I don’t.” You pluck his arm from you. “And you can go sit over there. You’re annoying me” He looks over to where you point across the table, feigning hurt but as expected bounces back quickly. “Ay, don’t be like that, jagiya.” Jagiya. “Don’t you want to sit with me darling?” Darling. It’s still annoying, even now but it’s a much different feeling from all the times he’s called you that before; a much sweeter one. Though you don’t know if you’ll ever admit it. “Actually can you go get us some coffee or something?” You ask, taking his hand in yours and squeezing it. “Okay.” He agrees, regretfully leaving your hand by itself. “I’ll miss you~” “Oh my god, can you just go, you’re driving me crazy.” - About three hours later you’ve printed out the report and are sitting down inside the classroom, yawning and laying your head on Woohyun’s shoulder. You look over it and snicker to yourself, realizing that the whole thing is complete and utter bullshit, but at least you have something to turn in. “Aw, is my baby tired?” He runs his fingers lightly through your hair. “Shall I give our project to the teacher instead then?” “Does he even know who you are?” You scold him for the millionth time. “Everyone knows who I am, I’m the best student in this class” He winks at you facetiously, before getting up to turn it in. “I may actually strangle you.”
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Hi! Could you ship me with someone from BTS? I'm 5'6 and have long dark brown wavy hair and amber eyes with Persian facial features. I have a curvy hourglass figure with a larger butt and legs. I am recovering from body image issues but have been getting stronger. I love singing and art. I'm very big into musicals and theatre. I love nature and swimming and yoga, and my dogs, mom, and best friends are what are most important to me. Also I love learning about other cultures and making friends!
I had trouble deciding between Jimin and Rapmon, but that’s okay I guess you can just have both! haha, but really, I think you liking music and musicals would be a big point of attraction for Namjoon because he is so into music, and I also think that your desire to learn about other cultures and make new friends would be attractive to him as he fluent in english himself. For Jimin, he seems more like the cuddly fluff type. I think if he new about any insecurities you had his first priority would be to make those disappear, and show you how lovely you really are to him.
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Exo K+M +BTS ship pls? Im tan for being chinese. I hve dark eyes, long hair,Im slim,only 5'.I love being with close friends, meeting new ppl and I laugh a lot. I love singing but I get a little shy performing. Im competitive to no end. I like reading, debating+sleeping(a lot!) School stresses me out so I listen to r+b. Ppl say I'm funny, smart,indecisive, dramatic+ kind of overwhelming bc when I get excited about something I talk about it forever. Im not self conscious. I dnt like an ego. Thx!
Hey dear :) np!
Exo-k Kai: Since you said you like to begin with close friends and don’t like an ego I thought that Jongin would be a good choice for you! (Also your url ha) I think he is a really chill person and would be so sweet to you, I feel that he is generally pretty humble and is cool to just be with you no matter what you’re doing. He would like that you're not self conscious, especially around him. I think he wants someone he can relax around and completely be himself with. (+ the height difference would be so cute!)
Exo-m Chen: Jongdae! He laughs a lot, and is also really funny so I think you two would be a pretty fun couple to be around and you would be pretty upbeat. I think he would love to hear you talk specifically about Exo and find it adorable how much of a fan you still are even though you ended up with him. xD
BTS Jhope: Hoseok is kind of a weirdo but he has a bright disposition and I think someone who is on the more social side like you would be able to receive that kind of loud personality haha..It’s been said that he approaches people without hesitation, so I feel like he would appreciate that you aren’t timid or shy around him as well. I think you would have to keep him in line sometimes because he behaves like a kid, but nonetheless I think it would be a sweet dynamic between you two.
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hi! idk who u do ships for but can i be shipped w/ EXO, BTS & SHINee? i have shoulder-long light/dark brown hair & brown eyes. i wear glasses and i'm 160 cm. I am also mixed with white and black. I'm really shy when I meet new people but once I get to know them I'm like a little ball of fun. i'm a very loving person. i can be a very insecure person but on other day I believe I'm the hottest thing out there. Animals are my biggest weakness, i'm a huge hugger and i enjoy cuddles. thank you
Hi! no problem my darling :))
I don’t know much about BTS, but I’ll do my best!! 
EXO Lay. I feel like Lay is someone who would take the time to get to know you even you’re shy at first. He seems like he would really love a girl who only acts fun and snuggly around him. And if you like cuddling then Yixing is totally for you bc let’s be honest, he’s a fluffy little giggle butt and just too precious for this world ;;
BTS Jimin. Jimin seems like a total flirt to me, and I think he would totally love seeing you become all flustered by his words. I can see a lot of playful banter as you guys grow closer to each other and he eases you out of your shell a bit; and I think he would be all over you, with lots of kisses, back hugs, and lazy day snuggling.
SHINee Jonghyun. Jonghyun is so perfect for you, I think he is a little blunt with his words but if you could get past that you guys would go great together. I think he would especially like when you are confident around him, more than anything. And he is the king of skinship so naturally there will be a lot of cute little things he does with you like neck kisses, and kisses to wake you up as well as lots of cuddles with roo xD
Thanks for the ask my dear ❤❤❤❤❤❤
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Henna? (Minho)
Forgot that my lovely sister from another mister il0vef00d247 wrote this for me last summer when I was in dire need of some Minho, and I was going to post it and never ended up doing it until I was going through my old messages the other day and thought I should share this with everyone so here you go^^ Thanks Rachel! ❤❤❤❤❤❤
“So… what is it that we’re doing?” Minho asked suspiciously glancing over at me over his shoulder. “I told you!” I said grinning like a maniac, “It’s called Henna.” “And it is going to be on my back why?” he asked shifting slightly as I pulled off his shirt partway to cheerfully leave him struggling to pull it off the rest of the way. “For dramatic effect of course!” I grinned as I smoothed my fingers over his shoulders, laughing slightly as he grumbled about my cold hands. “So it’s like mud, right?” Minho asked wrinkling his nose slightly as he examined the tube, “Why am I letting you put this on me again?” “Because you love me.” I stated snatching the tube back and adjusting the tip, “And it’s just going to sit on your skin until the color sets.” “And then?” Minho asked nervously. “And then you will have a wonderful Henna tattoo courtesy of moi~” I declared leaning forward to begin. “It comes off right? It isn’t like a real tattoo, is it?” he asked leaning away from me quickly looking like he was having second thoughts about this whole ordeal. “What, you don’t want my wonderful artistic skills on your back forever?” I said pretending to be offended. “No! I mean- ugh… if it’s going to be forever I need to at least approve of it first!” he protested weakly before I dropped the act and started laughing. “It’ll only last a few weeks at most.” I assured him, “Don’t worry, even I wouldn’t be cruel enough to inflict my art on anyone’s body forever.” “Your art isn’t that bad.” he mumbled though he clearly sounded relieved. “Gee thanks.” I said sarcastically rolling my eyes as I started to swirl my design onto his back. “I didn’t mean it like that.” Minho sighed though he was smiling too now. We had on going jokes about my drawings that generally ranged from random sort-of-ok things to stick figures. Not that his were any better. Actually, scratch that, we had far more jokes about his oh-so-lovely creations. “We should listen to music while we do this…” I commented idly as I continued, even though the silence we were sitting in was fairly comfortable. However, doing anything related to music with Minho was one of my favorite things in the world given his personal skills in the area. “Why would you turn on music when I am here though?” he asked pouting slightly, “Do you not like me singing to you anymore?” “I love when you sing to me,” I quickly assured him- Minho would get the strangest notions sometimes about me one day falling in love with some other band member’s voice and making them my bias or something else impossible- I leaned around him so he could see that I was telling the truth, “But this takes a bit to dry and stuff, so I don’t want your voice to get tired.” “I’ll sing.” he said stubbornly. I sighed and smiled slightly as I ruffled his hair slightly and called him ‘my weird idiot’ before going back to what I had been doing before, only this time there was a soft melodic voice that accompanied my work. I was suddenly glad that I was sitting behind him so that he couldn’t see the flush on my face as I realized that he was singing our song. Still, I could feel the quite sort of giddiness well up within me that always occurred whenever he would do something like this. “Okay, I am almost done,” I told him in a much gentler tone then I’d used all night, “It just needs to dry for while and then you’ll be good. Just try not to lean back against anything.” Minho smiled and nodded as he continued to sing, tugging me by the arm to come sit with him. I complied and felt myself relaxing against him as his voice seemed to unwind the tension from every part of my being. I could have sworn I heard the song stutter with quite laughter as I felt myself drift off to sleep. *** “_____!” I jerked awake as I heard my name being called. Disoriented I looked around and realized that I had been sleeping for several hours and that now Minho was calling me from the bathroom. Feeling a grin start to creep up on my face as I realized why he was probably yelling at me I called back innocently. “Yes~?” “What did you draw on my back?!” he shouted sounding horrified. I couldn’t help but laugh now for real. Well, maybe next time Minho would think twice before stripping off his shirt randomly for his fangirls! Or better, maybe he would do it anyway and they would see the wonderful creation I had made across his back. I laughed harder.
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Somnolent (Myungsoo)
So I found this dumpy little thing in my scenarios folder from like a year ago during “Back” promotions and totally forgot about it. But I guess I have a major thing for blonde!Myung. Anyway, there isn’t much of an ending but I thought I would post it since I’m never going to work on it again, so here y'all go.
The scent of linens was overpowering.
It was a smell that you were closely acquainted with and used to in a way that had never been really acknowledged. That feeling of clean sheets always relaxed you after a fatiguing day for a reason you couldn’t quite pinpoint.
You curled up in the blanket a bit more, letting your eyes wander throughout the lightless bedroom, taking in what little you could see. The shadow of your desk left with a mug and some stray papers, the pile of unwashed clothing that sat in the walk in closet, and the small spot of red light from where your phone rested, it’s battery being slowly depleted. It was strange to see things so still for some reason. Each mess you made without cleaning up had been a little reminder of different events throughout the day. Like the desk: you had been brainstorming for an hour trying to find a simple inspirational idea to write about, which only resulted in multiple cups of coffee, a heap of somewhat crumpled paper, and no brilliant, epiphany of an idea that you had hoped for. And the laundry: the laundry was always a mess. Neither you nor Myungsoo would do a load of laundry unless the pair of you had absolutely nothing clean left.
Hence the perpetual laundry pile.
Finally was the phone: there hadn’t really been a legitimate reason for neglecting your phone, you just let it slip your mind as miniscule things like that often did. Sure you might regret it in the morning when your phone ends up dead but you were comfortable and hesitant to ruin that.
Sighing, you let your eyelids fall closed and speculated about how much sleep you would actually get that night. Your mind had a tendency to be agonizingly energetic when your body wasn’t. You turned your head slightly and opened your eyes to Myungsoo asleep contentedly as his newly blonde strands of hair rested a bit limply on his forehead. Oh what a blessing that hair truly was. When you first heard that he’d dyed it you could only hope and pray that it hadn’t turned out like it had in ‘Jiu’. You caught yourself laughing quietly as you inevitably thought about the phrase that nobody would ever let him live down “WOCHAICHORI” the memory of him yelling resounded in your head. Needless to say it was probably to his benefit that it wasn’t the platinum blonde it had been before or he might have received a stream of not so kind comments from the members. You liked it though, and maybe a little too much. You could definitely say there were many instances in which Myungsoo had to ask you to refrain from touching his hair, if only for a few minutes.
You heard a groan and shuffle next to you, before Myungsoo kicked some of the blankets off himself only to end up flat on his back, rubbing his eyes.
“Ugh I can’t sleep.” He dragged out his words with a hint of annoyance in his voice.
“I can’t either.” You said turning your whole body to face him. “You should have told me, I thought you were asleep I’ve been laying here doing nothing for the past hour.”
You reached for his hair again with sly fingers, before he stopped you with a soft hand and interlocked his fingers with yours instead. “Your hands have been messing with my hair all day, can’t you do something else?” He said laughing and keeping what now turned out to be both of your hands from his head.
“I can’t help it my Myunggie is so cute,” you chuckled in an effort to annoy him. “I wish I could braid it but it’s too short..”
“Well that settles it. I guess I’m never growing my hair out” Myungsoo sighed next to you.
“Ay come on you only need to grow it out a little bit so I can put in some little ones.”
“If I wanted to wear my hair in braids I would, jagi” he laughed more about how ridiculous the conversation had become.
“Like you even know how to braid..” You scoffed finally pulling your hands away from his hair.
“I know how to braid!” He said defensively. “Come here I’ll give you a nice braid right now.”
“No, you’re going to rip my hair out, no way.”  
“Hey just let me practice, if you don’t like it you can take it out”
Sighing you retrieved the brush from the bathroom and sat in front of him on the bed, pulling your hair out of it’s perfectly fashioned ponytail. He placed the brush on the top of your hair and proceeded to drag it down through the knotted strands to which you let out a wince. “See you don’t even know how to brush it!” You scolded. “Brush it from the bottom and slowly go up if you want to get the tangles out.”
After he finished brushing through it you ran your fingers through and declared that is was safe to proceed with the braid.
“How many strands for a braid again?”
So he in fact did not know how to braid. This was not going to go well.
“Three.” He began to section off your hair. “And make sure they’re even.”
“Okay, got it, what now?”
“Alright now take the rightmost one, and put it over the middle one. Got it?” He hummed in response. “Okay now the leftmost one, and put it over the strand you just braided. And just repeat that.” After a while he started tugging less on your scalp and it felt nice to have your hair done by someone else after doing it yourself for so long. It took him a while to get it finished but you thought it was cute that he put in the effort.
“Done.” He said tying the band into your hair. “Turn around, let me see.” You turned to face him and he stared for a moment before smiling and tucking a few loose strands behind your ear. “Wow, look how great I am, I can even do this. Who has a boyfriend that does their hair like this?” You laughed and somehow doubted he was giving an honest reaction. “Go look” he said pushing you into the bathroom.
You ran your hand over the back and noticed there were some mistakes; and upon seeing it in the mirror it was a bit lumpy at the top. “Looks great right?” He commented from the bed. “You should always let me do your hair if you want to look this sexy jagiya.”
“Okay Myungsoo,” You said giving him a quick kiss and sliding tiredly into bed again. “I will certainly keep that in mind. Thank you.” You curled up next to him as he draped and arm over you.
“Good night” He said chuckling and finally drifting to sleep.
“Night baby.”
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friendly reminder that if we’re mutuals and you wanna exchange snapchat names or instagram or something you’re more than welcome (encouraged) to shoot me an ask
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Myungsoo Drabble
Prompt from this list.
Writing Prompt No. 219: He Has A New Camera~
Click. Flash.
“Kim Myung Soo stop taking pictures of me” You tossed a sock at him. “There are a lot nicer things you can take photos of, that’s why we’re here.”
Click. Flash.
“I’m sorry there’s nothing to do, I’m bored sitting in here and I don’t want to go outside, it’s too cold,” He complained huddled up like an oompa loompa in his bundle of clothing.
“Baby the whole reason we came on this camping trip was so that you could have an opportunity to use your new camera. I don’t want you to waste this just because you’re cold.”
“I’m not, I’m taking some nice photos of you!” He said bringing his camera’s screen into your view. “Like this one”
“Myungsoo I’m not wearing a shirt in that picture”
“Exactly.” He gave you a boyish smile to which you inwardly shook your head at. He must have caught you when you were changing clothing.
“Come on,” You said pulling at his sleeve. “You’re going to regret it if you don’t take some pictures of the snow.”
Standing up the best you could inside the small tent you put on an extra pair of socks and grabbed a blanket, waiting for Myungsoo who then let out a sigh and threw a beanie on before zipping up his jacket. “Okay fine. Let’s go,” He said yawning slightly and following you out of the tent shortly after. It would have been pitch black if not for the stars and the glow from your flashlights to lead the way on your little trek through the woods, and the sun being fully set made the temperature drop drastically. He was certainly right about it being cold, but you weren’t going to let his few days off slip away from him.
He snapped photos here and there and eventually grew thankful that you’d forced him out of the tent, though he had been tired. You spread the blanket out on a relatively dry measure of dirt and sat down, fiddling with your phone to make sure you still had reception while Myungsoo stood beside you. “Jagi, look here.” He said, slightly changing the air of tranquility in the trees.
“Smile.” He insisted, doing exactly that while he peered at you through the lens. You couldn’t help but twitch a smile, he seemed genuinely happy.
“Come sit here I’m cold.” You whined making grabby hands at him while he chuckled.
“I said it would be cold but did you listen? No.”
“Just be quiet and come here” You nagged, tossing your legs into his lap as he sat down. “Did you get some good ones?” You said taking the camera from his hands.
“Yeah, but the shirtless one is still my favorite.”
“Yup, I should’ve known.” You said promptly handing it back to him. “We should probably get back to the tent at some point.”
“Mmmhmm, let’s just stay a little longer.” He said lifting you onto his lap and securing his hands around your waist. “It’s kinda nice.”
Well day two and dumb flirty trash as promised, pretty big accomplishment in my eyes, even if it is a train wreck..enjoy? Yeah enjoy. Good niiiight~
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Taemin Drabble
Conjured up some inspiration from this list of writing prompts.
Writing Prompt No. 15: Large Shirt~
“Oh my god. Take off my shirt right now.” You demanded as Taemin flashed you a devious grin from the other side of the room.
“Well, if that’s what you want then I mean-”
“Taemin. I am not joking; and just for the record even if I were, you better take off my shirt when I say so regardless of context.” You pointed a finger at him as he sauntered over to you with your old baggy t-shirt on.
“Why don’t you take it off for me?”  He says before clearing his throat, his body now much closer to yours than it had been before.
“Taemin.” You stopped him from coming any closer with a palm to his chest. “I love you, and this is the one time I really don’t want to chase you down and remove a shirt from your body. But I will, I promise you I will.”
“Sweetie I’m sure I don’t know what you mean, I would never do anything to intentionally upset you,” He smirked.
That brat knew damn well what you meant. He just wanted this little argument to head in a different a direction.
A direction that most likely lead to making out with you.
His eyes were newly ignited with the hope of provoking you, and you had just about had it. It was cute at first, but seeing how much bigger that shirt looked on him than it did on you made your ego hurt. A lot. “Baby, please will you just take it off.”  
“I will if you will” He said sitting down on the bed with a cocky expression on his face.
“Take it off or no physical contact for the rest of the day” you said arms at either hip.
He scoffs. “You can’t even do that, ______. Let’s not kid ourselves.”
“Is that what you think?” You laughed. “Keep it on. See what happens.”
About an hour later while you were reading a book, situated on the bed, you saw him dip into the laundry and come back into the bedroom with some plaid pajama pants on and those obnoxious hipster glasses (that he actually indisputably looked really sexy in). And you knew what he was trying to do. “Way to be subtle” you said sipping your coffee and turning to the last page of your chapter.
Two could play at that game.
You pulled your hair out of it’s ponytail and ruffled it up with your fingers, which was shortly followed by the removal of the cardigan covering your top and an awfully time consuming lip-gloss application process.
“Fine you win.” He said whining and taking off the shirt.
“I knew you wouldn’t last” you replied laughing as he jumped in the bed to snuggle up to you.
“You’re evil.” He kissed you before pulling your body flush against his.
“Hey you started it.”
Hello my nuggets, this is actual trash, but I hope it satisfies your SHINee thirst yeah right like that could happen. Anyway I’m going to try, and note that the keyword here is try; to do one of these every day. Now that probably won’t happen, but I’m really going to make an effort for it to happen so stay tuned. Good niiiiiiightt~
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dear 98% of the people that follow me that dont talk to me
Who are you Whats your favorite color
Favorite book
Favorite class
Do you have a cat
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Kim Sunggyu is my bias. I love his flat ass and little eyes.
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Happy New Year my followers!
To those in College like myself who had a hard year in school/academics I wish you luck in 2015, let's keep working hard hmm? Let's make it through one more year together and cherish the time we have. 
I love you all very much♡ And I hope this year treats you kindly.
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Plummet (Hoya)
For the anon that requested: "Hi heheh can i request a scenario where you suffered from a fall (high place) and got traumatized by the incident ever since! Infinite's hoya please heheh and thank youuu💕 (same thing happened to me :-((( )"
It was uncommon for you to be out alone so late at night. You looked down at your watch and realized Hoya should’ve been home about the same time and you had hoped he wouldn’t be too worried that he wouldn’t find you upon his arrival. You hurried along, watching cars drive by and shops slowly flip their signs around to “closed”; and come to think of it you thought the city had never looked so empty before. The vacant feeling left anxiousness in the back of your mind. Hopefully you would get to the apartment soon.
It shouldn’t have been taking as long as it was to get there, it seemed like the streets were going in circles and people were disappearing everywhere you went. It was only nine, surely the streets could not be fully cleared out. You shivered as the temperature dropped more and more and stopped in your tracks to look at the sight in front of you. There was not a single person around, not even a light on aside from the street lamps, and not a car on the road unless it was parked.
The bricks pushed together to form the road were taking on a rather odd shape, and began to shake as rumbling could be heard from where you stood. Your breathing was heavy with worry, if you were experiencing your first earthquake now, you were not in a favorable situation. You looked frantically around for anyone or anything, any sign of life or of something to help you; opening car doors (as if you could drive away from an earthquake), knocking on shop’s walls and yelling for anyone but there was nothing except an odd movement in the distance. The bricks could still be seen moving around but as what you saw came closer the less you seemed to see, the way ahead looked as if it were only getting more unclear.  
Once you realized what you were seeing panic set in. Bricks were falling away into oblivion faster than you could comprehend and your mind was drowning in fear as your feet took control. Darting in the opposite direction you didn’t dare to look back, there was no time for anything unless it was running, and you couldn’t outrun what was coming for you. Tears streamed down your face and you struggled to keep going before the earth beneath you disappeared. Blood rushed through your body and you had no control as you descended rapidly into the black, body tensing, thoughts spiraling to death, and eyes opening.
It was still dark but you could make out what or rather who you saw. Hoya. Sleeping. In the bed which you shared.
It was a nightmare. Thank god it was a nightmare. You breathed in and out heavily, collecting your wits and relief flooding through your system as you tried not to wake Hoya.
“What’s wrong? Is everything okay?” Too late. He was fully sat up and trying to adjust his eyes so he could see you. “_____?”
“Yeah,” You replied trying to steady your tone so he wouldn’t worry.
“What is it, did you have the dream again?”
“No,” You said scrunching your knees up as you slumped your head onto them. “But is was a similar one.”
“Hey come ‘ere.” He called gently as he hooked an arm around you and pushed your bodies together. “What happened? Tell me.” You snuggled into him and buried your face in the crook of neck, concentrating on getting your breath even again.
“I don’t know, I don’t wanna talk about it. Ever since I fell I’ve had dreams like this at least twice a week. It’s getting exhausting. But at least you were here this time.” You said kissing his neck softly in gratitude.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be there all those other times.” He said rubbing soft circles into your back, “I wish I would have.”
“I know, but I’m glad you’re here now, this one was one of the worst.” You said sniffling and gripping his shirt tighter with your hand. He encircled both of his arms around you and held you tight, continuing to rub your back.
“You should sleep jagi, it’s late.” You groaned in agreement, with eyes drifting shut and inhaling his calming scent.
“I will watch over you, so sleep.”
Probably THE WORST scenario I have ever written and I am sorry for that anon. It's not proofread so there might be some mistakes but I hope you are satisfied with it, and I’m sorry you had to endure a similar situation :(
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Please write a kim Myungsoo scenario where it's our first date. And we walk around in the trail of lights. And he tells me I shine brighter than any of the lights in the whole place. ☺️ And we're kind of shy since it's our first date and we walk close and I want to hold hands so I brush it pas his and he holds my hand. We walk around eating turkey legs. And we go home and we give each other out gifts. And kiss under mistletoe
wahhh so cute xD i will, thank you anon!
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Hi heheh can i request a scenario where you suffered from a fall (high place) and got traumatized by the incident ever since! Infinite's hoya please heheh and thank youuu💕 (same thing happened to me :-((( )
Yeah! I don’t actually have any hoya scenarios so this is good.
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So it's finally winter break! Any requests my dears?
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