Keep organized when packing electronics before a move
Packing up your electronic devices for your move
Do you have your moving date set but just can’t get going on packing all of your electronic devices? Does the thought of boxing up all those cords, chargers, remotes and discs make you tired just thinking about it? Here’s help. Here are some tips to help you pack up your gadgets to save time and effort while you pack and when you unpack.
Before you start packing, get organized
Organizing your devices beforehand can save you lots of time when you arrive at your new location. First, you’ll need to back up the data on your computers. You can purchase an external hard drive, subscribe to a data storage service or back it up on the cloud. That way, if your computer gets damaged or ends up going into storage, your data is safe and accessible. 
If you take photos of the wiring on each of your devices, you can save yourself a lot of time once you get to your new place. Having a diagram to which you can refer will make reconnecting your devices a snap. 
Make a list of all of your electronic devices before you start to pack. As you pack each device, cross it off your list. You’ll feel better knowing that you are making progress, and you’ll be less likely to forget a device or two. 
When you start packing, put your devices in their original boxes if they are available. If you no longer have the original box, consult the owner’s manual for the best way to pack your device. Make sure that you have all of each device’s components before you pack them.
Label each box clearly
Make a list of each device and component contained in every box. Write it on the top of each box. This is especially helpful if you plan to pack more than one device in some of your moving boxes. To save time when you reach your destination, label each box with the name of the room to which you want it to go.
To keep the cords organized, tie all of the ones that go with a given device together. Or, simply wrap the cords that go with one device with colored tape or twist ties in one color and wrap those that go with another device in another color. 
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Remember to pack your devices’ owner’s manuals and warranties
You can pack all of your owner’s manuals and warranties together in a designated box, or you may choose to pack each warranty and owner’s manual with its corresponding device. Because there may be some jostling around during your relocation, you’ll want to have your warranties handy in case one of your more sensitive devices gets damaged.
Moving your electronics can be easy if you follow these tips. For more relocation tips, call a local moving company  in your area. Drawing from their years of experience, these professionals can give you even more sage advice as you prepare to move.
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How to decide whether to buy a new home or renovate an old home
Moving has its challenges. One of the most important decisions you must face is whether to buy a new home or fix up an older one. Vintage homes have charm, but they often come with dated amenities that need to be repaired or replaced. On the other hand, new homes may be move-in ready, yet carry with them a higher price tag than you may not be able to afford. Here are some ideas you can consider while you prepare a moving checklist  to lay out what you want in your new home. 
Learn about property values
Several factors weigh heavily on a home’s value. Its location, its age, its size, the land on which it sits, the demand for housing in the target area and the home’s quality all impact the selling price for every home. Size every candidate up by those characteristics to see if its price is indeed a bargain, or if it is overpriced.
The home’s neighborhood is something that needs to be taken into consideration when you make an offer. Homes in older neighborhoods may be worth much less than similar homes in thriving neighborhoods. If you have a financial advisor or a real estate professional you trust, ask their advice on estimating the future value of the home and the growth potential of the neighborhood. 
If you can get an older home for a low price, you may find that you can increase its value by making renovations, making it a good investment for people who are handy with making repairs. The best places to recoup the money you spend on renovations are bath and kitchen updates. Updating exterior features such as doors and windows increase both curb appeal and the value of your home. Updates, however, should not be more luxurious than those in typical homes in the neighborhood, since one of the biggest factors in home appraisals are comparable homes nearby.
Consider your budget when selecting your new home
Don’t forget the utilities, homeowners’ association dues and other fees that impact how much you can afford for your monthly payment. These hidden costs can make paying your bills difficult if you don’t take the cost of home ownership into consideration. If a new home is not going to fit with your budget, consider buying an older home that you can move into and renovate over the years. In every home under consideration, take a close look at the home’s roof and siding. Replacing or repairing these items can cost thousands.
Choose a storage solution that best meets your needs
Once you choose your new home, you’ll need to pack up your things and move them to your new location. If you’re doing extensive renovations, though, you may have to live in temporary quarters until the repairs are finished. If you have very few large items in your household inventory, you may be able to use a portable storage unit. On the other hand, if you are moving a lot of large items, other storage options may be a better choice.
Don’t forget to consult your local moving professional early on in the moving  process. They will be able to give you solid advice based on years of experience as you get ready to move.
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Do you know how to identify potential dangers in your new home?
Before you make a down payment, check your potential new home for these hazards
It’s an exciting prospect to buy a new home. But before you sign on the dotted line, be sure that your potential home has no hidden dangers. Here is a checklist to help you identify some common home hazards.   • Asbestos, a material used as insulation in older homes, can cause serious, often fatal respiratory diseases after long term exposure. Particles of asbestos become airborne when a piece of asbestos is disturbed. If your home was built prior to the 1985 ban on asbestos use in construction, you may want to have the home inspected by a professional to make sure there are no traces of asbestos. If there are, consider asking the previous owner to pay to have it removed before you move in. • Mildew and mold are usually present if the home smells musty. Molds and mildew produce airborne allergens that are especially harmful to people with mold allergies, asthma or other respiratory conditions. The presence of mildew and mold usually indicate that the home has a moisture problem. High humidity or leaks are usually the culprits. • Corroded, cracked pipes occur often in regions that have wide variations in weather within a short period of time. Certain soils also tend to corrode pipes. If the home has damaged pipes, consider replacing the old ones with synthetic materials that hold up better. Steel, clay and tile pipes are more likely to become corroded over the years. • Cracked, warped or bulging foundations are expensive to correct. If you see sloping floors, cracks in the home’s interior or exterior, bulging walls or misaligned windows and doors, a faulty foundation is usually to blame. Foundation issues can be caused by poor quality fill dirt used during the home’s construction, by seismic activity or by high humidity. If you see any signs that your potential home may have foundation problems, have the home inspected before you buy. • Termite problems can cause major damage in the wooden components of your home. Excess moisture often attracts these and other pests. If a home you are considering has a termite infestation, make sure that the problem is corrected before you make an offer. 
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Consider having a home inspector conduct a thorough examination of your top choice before moving in. If the home does not meet your standards, insist that the current owner have any hazardous conditions repaired before you agree to buy the property.
After the problems have been corrected, you need to take steps to make sure they do not happen again. If the home has trouble maintaining proper humidity levels, have a humidification system installed by an HVAC professional so you won’t be at risk for mold, mildew or other damage caused by high humidity. Treat wooden and concrete sections of your home with a sealant to protect them from deterioration over time. 
After you know that you plan to relocate, consult with a top quality moving company early in the process. They can help give you tips not only about the moving process itself, but also about some of the other steps involved in relocation, including selecting your new home.
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DIY moving: is it the best choice for you?
How to decide if a DIY move is right for you
Moving itself is quite a challenge. One of the biggest obstacles you have to overcome is your decision about whether to hire professional moving services or to do it yourself. One of the best ways to make that decision is to list the pros and cons of each alternative. Armed with that information, your decision will be easier. There are several important aspects to consider.
• You are in charge. You’ll choose the relocation means, packing method and supplies and your helpers. If you are moving to a new home located near your old one, you even have the option of transporting your goods via a few boxes at a time. When you do it yourself, you don’t have to coordinate anything with a moving company . You work on your own schedule.   • It’s cheaper. If you can sacrifice lots of extra time, packing quality and have friends and family available to help, you may get lucky and get a lot of labor at the price of a hot meal.   • You decide the schedule. If your schedule changes, no worries. You can adjust your moving dates as you need. With professional moving services, though, it will be a little more difficult to have complete flexibility and depending on the time of year, this flexibility can be very limited. • You can pack your own fragile and antique items. We understand. You don’t want to trust Aunt Bessie’s fine china to just anyone. However, if you break them, you’ll have only yourself to blame.
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• Procrastination can ruin your best intentions. You don’t realize how tired you will be just from planning your move, let alone doing the physical labor. Because it’s such taxing work, you may be tempted to put off important tasks until the next day. But of course, tomorrow never comes. Soon it will be the day before moving day, and you will have to scramble around at the last minute to get everything packed. Of course, you’ll have a sore back, too. • Hidden costs of DIY moves can impact your bottom line. Not only do you have to rent a moving van, but you’ll also have to buy your own wrapping material, boxes, crates and packing tape. Don’t forget that you’ll have to pay for your own fuel and for every mile you travel. You may even have to pay a neighbor to help you load up the van. Do you have the time available or is there a cost to taking off work to get everything done? DIY may sound cheap, but in reality, it may be more economical to pay a mover. • For people in some situations, a DIY move may not be feasible. You may be better off hiring a moving company if you have young children or elderly people in your household. You’ll have to hire a caregiver to keep an eye on them while you pack and unpack. You, too, will find that a DIY move will become your full-time job for more than a few days, probably more like a few weeks or a month. You’ll lose precious time from your own job, and miss out on needed down time after you get moved in. Professional moving services can pack and unpack your belongings quickly and efficiently, giving you more time to enjoy life in your new surroundings. • You’ll be responsible for your heirlooms and other fragile items. If you really treasure Aunt Bessie’s fine china, you’ll leave it in the hands of experienced moving professionals. Because professional movers have years of experience moving precious cargo for museums and hospitals, you can be sure that it will all arrive in one piece.
You may want to add your own pros and cons to this list. Once you’ve finished writing down all the pros and cons, then comes decision time. If you decide that the cons outweigh the pros, give your local moving company a call. They will treat your possessions tenderly and as if they were their own, even Aunt Bessie’s fine china.
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Milwaukee international movers with experience
Each year, Suddath helps thousands of major companies, nongovernmental organizations and private citizens move internationally. With our vast global footprint and resources, we are able to treat large or small moves with the same expert level of professionalism and service every time.
Assigned move counselor
Milwaukee move policy assessment and consultation
Customs information and counseling
Valuation or insurance counseling
Pre move kit
Destination information
Shipment of household goods
Storage facilities
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A Minneapolis moving company with global reach
The size and reach of our global network is unmatched by any of our competitors. For our clients, this means peace of mind no matter where you go. From any part of the globe, you can track a Suddath® shipment and get support from our dedicated move counselors. Ship all of your household goods with confidence, knowing that when you get to your destination you will have the comforts of home.
Assigned move counselor
Move policy assessment and consultation
Customs information and counseling
Valuation or insurance counseling
Pre move kit
Destination information
Shipment of household goods
Storage facilities
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Six Tips to Overcome Moving Stress
Moving can cause a lot of stress if you have few resources to help you. In fact, it can be overwhelming. Yet if you look at moving as a challenge that you can conquer, you will be on the right track to start enjoying your new location from day one. Having a plan can help you push any roadblocks out of the way and help you relocate stress free. Here are some tips that can help you blast through the obstacles to moving success.
Have a master plan for your move
The minute you hear about your upcoming move, you should begin to start planning for your relocation. Procrastination only creates problems. Make your moving plan and stick to it.  
Tip One--Make a master moving plan. Make it a written one. Whatever comes to your mind, write it down. Put it in a small notebook or your portable device. The key is to keep it portable and keep it with you. That way, you won’t forget to write down that nagging thought that hits you at 2 o’clock in the morning. It may be an important one. Transfer your worries to a doable action plan. Here are some things you can jot down to get your creative juices flowing.
• Go to your post office to fill out a form to change your address. You can also fill out the same form online on the U.S. Postal Service website. • Take close up photos of how the wiring is connected on your electronic devices so you can reconnect them easily when you get to your new location. • Since some moving companies bill by the cubic foot, squeeze every inch of space you can by sealing towels, blankets, linens and off-season clothes into vacuum sealed packages. • If your new home is close to your old one, hire a sitter for the kids or a boarding kennel for the pets during the relocation process itself. • Be sure to clean your furniture, rugs and curtains before you pack.
Many Orlando, Florida moving companies offer more comprehensive tips about relocation pre-planning. Here is one of them, the Relocation Zone® website.
Tip Two—Flexible moving days can save you money If you are able to change the date of your move, call your relocation company to see if changing the date can earn you a discount. Certain dates and times of the year are more popular for moves. Scheduling yours on a date that is not so popular can save you on moving costs.
Tip Three—Don’t skimp on packing supplies All boxes are not equal. Make sure that the boxes you use are up to the task. It can save you money in the long run to avoid possible damage. Plenty of bubble wrap or other cushiony packing materials are a must, as is sturdy packing tape.
When you do the actual packing, plan to pack and label the boxes according to the rooms to which you want each box delivered. That can save you a lot of time once you get to your new home. If you have trouble remembering the layout of your new place, ask your realtor for a floor plan.
Here are some more ideas to help you pack more efficiently when moving. • Pack items you will need right away in clear containers that are easy to access. You may even want to keep them with you for easy retrieval. • Use clear plastic wrap to cover toiletries and household liquids to stop leaks. • Use numbering and color coding to take inventory of your boxes. • Try to keep the weight of your boxes under 50 pounds.
Tip Four—Donate what you don’t need at your new place Donating your excess baggage can help others get the items they need at a price they can afford. It can also help you reduce clutter and take inventory of your life. If you haven’t worn nor used it in a year, chances are, you don’t need it. Keep your receipts so you can receive deductions on your taxes for your donations.  
Tip Five—Replacing inefficient appliances can help you save money Old, energy inefficient appliances cost a lot of money to run. They’ll cost you even more if you have to pay to have them relocated in your new home. Use your relocation as an opportunity to shed a few pounds of excess baggage. Donate or recycle your wasteful appliances and purchase new ones when you arrive at your new location.  
Tip Six—Get several quotes from moving companies When you plan your relocation, get several quotes from local moving companies before you make a decision. Start by getting recommendations from your colleagues at work and your friends. Make the decision early, so you can have that decision out of the way and concentrate on the moving process itself.
When you meet with Orlando moving company representatives, get two quotes from each company. One should be a binding quote. With a binding quote, you will receive an exact cost of the move based on an inspection of everything you plan to move. The other should be a non-binding quote. A non-binding quote gives you an estimate. The actual cost will depend on the volume and weight of the goods, as well as expenses for any other professional services you may need.
Finally, don’t forget to ask about the cost of insuring your move. Insurance can give you something money can’t buy—peace of mind.  
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International relocation services in Flagstaff
Preparing to move from Flagstaff to another country is an exciting time for your family. Suddath® helps you enjoy the process by creating a customized move plan that addresses your specific international moving needs. With a presence in more than 150 countries, our global moving network can help you prepare for a new adventure. This includes getting you the information you need about transporting your household goods abroad, filling out the necessary customs paperwork and learning about your new area after your international move. Our experts are here to handle every aspect of international relocation for you.
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International movers in Tucson
Suddath® can handle all of the details to ensure your international relocation is stress free and efficient, allowing you to enjoy the adventure ahead. With decades of experience in international moving, our Tucson moving company knows how to handle each aspect of your international relocation, from shipping items safely overseas to completing customs and insurance paperwork.
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Which appliances should I take with me when I move?
Moving can present a big challenge. Taking your bulky home appliances along with you presents an even bigger challenge. Since these appliances are difficult to move without a moving company to help you, you will need to prepare for your move to Phoenix, Arizona. Make some decisions about which appliances to keep and which ones to replace when you arrive at your new home. Though storage solutions for your appliances are available, you need to weigh the worth of your appliances against the cost of storing and moving them. 
First of all, think about the age of your appliance. Every appliance has an average lifespan. Beyond that time, the repairs you may have to make to keep it running may cost you more than it would to replace it. You can expect a microwave oven to last you for approximately eight years. Washers and dryers, though, may last for up to 13 years. Fans, space heaters or other small appliances can be kept in good working order for as long as 10 years. You can find a list of the average lifespan for most household appliances on an appliance repair company’s website. If your appliance is at or near its upper limit, you may be better off donating it or selling it secondhand before you move.
Next, consider if your old appliances are energy efficient. If they waste energy, the cost to move them added to the cost to operate them may be more than if you purchased new, energy efficient appliances in your new location. Use the EnergyStar rating system to determine the energy rating of your appliances. This standard, which has been in place since 1992, ensures that appliances built today are more efficient than their predecessors. An EnergyStar rated washing machine, for example, may use up to 70 percent less energy while using up much less water than one built before the rating system took effect.
Third, consider the energy requirements in your new home or your office. The EnergyStar program can also certify a building as energy efficient. When you select your new building, keep this standard in mind. Your decision about appliance purchases for your new home will also depend on the operating expenses incurred by the type of energy used by the appliance. Both electricity and gas have different operating costs in various locations. Be sure to take these factors under consideration when choosing new appliances or deciding whether to keep your old ones. Do plenty of research on choosing energy efficient appliances before you make your decision.
Your final step in the decision process is to consider the available space in your next home. If you have less space, it may not be a good idea to bring your washer and dryer that have to be located beside each other. An EnergyStar rated washer and dryer that can be stacked on top of each other may be a better use of space and energy. If you will be short on space and short on time, you may want to use a laundry service and skip purchasing a new washer and dryer altogether. 
Clearing space also affords you an opportunity to declutter. If you have duplicate appliances or appliances you do not plan to use, such as toasters, food processors or microwave ovens, sell them or donate them to your favorite charity. For those appliances you plan to keep, consider what storage solutions will help you make the best use of your new space in a city such as Phoenix. 
After you have chosen which appliances you plan to replace in your new home, pack the belongings you plan to take with you. Drop off the appliances you do not plan to use at secondhand thrift shops operated by charities or take them to your local recycling center, which you can find on a list of recycling centers. Label each of the appliances you plan to take to your new home, so that both you and your moving company will know what is in the box and how to handle it properly.  
Although moving can challenge your patience if you have not prepared well or have adequate transportation to your new home, it can be an exciting opportunity if you consult a moving company that can help you take care of all of the details involved in a move. Contact a moving company near you for more information on how to get ready to move.
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Milwaukee storage and warehousing services
Our storage options at our warehouse in Milwaukee, Wisconsin are designed to meet every type of need for our customers while saving time and money. If you’re not sure how much storage you need, or for how long, our trained professionals will help you figure it out. Whether you are storing household goods, business inventory or product, or have large oversize items, we have 100,000 SF of full service warehouse space just 20 minutes from downtown Milwaukee.
A tremendous advantage of storing goods with Suddath® is our 2.5 million SF of space across the nation. We have locations in all major markets and can get your items from any of our facilities to any destination around the world. Our Milwaukee storage options are sure to cater to your needs.
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Storage in Minneapolis
Suddath® is proud to offer storage in Minneapolis for goods and product of almost any type. Whether you are looking for safe storage for personal items, or a secure location for large corporate equipment, we can offer the right type of storage for you.
Our trained professionals can help you determine the best storage solution based on your specific needs. Whether you desire portable storage in Minneapolis for flexibility or warehouse storage for household goods or commercial product, our facilities are safe, secure and military rated. Ask about our inventory control system should you want to keep close proximity on your goods with 24/7 visibility.
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Warehousing and storage in Flagstaff
Suddath® has a global reach that includes access to secure storage units in Flagstaff or any of our wholly owned nationwide locations. Placing your household goods or commercial items in one of our Flagstaff storage facilities ensures that you can feel confident knowing where your items are at all times.
Additional Flagstaff storage options are available. Rack and pallet storage includes an inventory control system which provides easy access to your most prized possessions.
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Tucson storage options
Suddath® has safe and secure storage in Tucson and all over the country where we can store and track household goods or business assets. With Tucson storage options for each type of client, our warehouse space can accommodate almost any storage needs. Even clients who have oversized or bulk items can store them with us at an affordable rate.
There are also vault storage, rack and pallet, and bulk storage options in Tucson, Arizona. these services include an inventory control system which provides easy access to your goods, as well as the option to reserve designated warehouse space for safe storage of your most prized possessions.
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Storage solutions in Phoenix
With warehouse space available in Phoenix and all over the nation, Suddath® can help you locate storage space anywhere, anytime. We can provide storage in Phoenix for your household goods, commercial goods, excess inventory, and even oversized, bulky items. Ask us about pickup and drop off to save you even more time and effort.
Additionally, vault storage, rack and pallet storage and bulk storage is available in Phoenix, Arizona. These Phoenix storage solutions can help organize your upcoming move with the use of large crates to keep your goods together and secure.
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International moving company in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Relocating internationally can be a confusing process when you try to navigate it alone. With Suddath® to help you prepare for your move in Milwaukee, we bring clarity and orchestrate a custom move plan that covers every detail from origin to destination. Our Milwaukee moving company offer expertise based on industry best practices and years of experience. We urge you to checkout our online portal, the Relocation Zone® for insight on many leading destinations worldwide.
Each year, Suddath helps thousands of major companies, nongovernmental organizations and private citizens move internationally. With our vast global footprint and resources, we are able to treat large or small moves with the same expert level of professionalism and service every time.
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Moving services for Flagstaff, Arizona
Moving in Flagstaff with Suddath® can be a radically different experience from the movers you may have used in the past. From the moment you contact our Flagstaff moving company, you benefit from the attention of a dedicated move coordinator who will create a customized move plan to help you to stay organized and within budget. Our Flagstaff moving company is equipped to handle any situation, from a one bedroom apartment to large family homes.
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