succubeats · 22 days
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Do  you  like  loud-mouthed  rappers  with  an  overabundance  of  confidence?  Well,  you've  come  to  the  right  place!  Give  this  post  a  like  and  a  reblog  if  you're  interested  in  roleplaying  with  a  heavily  canon  divergent  Boyfriend  from  Friday  Night  Funkin'  inspired  character!  Funked with finesse by  Bee.  18+  individuals  only. Personal  blogs,  please do  not  interact!
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succubeats · 1 month
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Do  you  like  axolotls?  Clouds,  perhaps?  How  about  a  hybrid  of  the  two,  with  a  sunny  disposition  and  murderous  tendencies  lurking  just  beneath  the  surface?  If  any  of  these  things  interest  you,  let  me  introduce  you  to  KIBBY,  an  axolotl-cloud  critter  with  a  penchant  for  murder  and  a  permanent  grin!  She's  a  new  face  at  Smiling  Friends,  but  she's  good  at  what  she  does,  even  if  she's  ending  lives  on  the  side.  Please  give  this  post  a  ♡  and  a  ↻  if  you're  interested  in  roleplaying  with my  Smiling  Friends  OC!
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succubeats · 1 month
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Give this post a like and a reblog if you're interested in roleplaying with my Smiling Friends OC, Kibby! 18+, crossover, multiverse and original character friendly. Please read my Carrd and pinned post!
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succubeats · 2 months
i know i've made these types of posts a few times before, but if you don't already have my discord, like this post and i'll dm it to you, or you can message me on there if we already are friends. :3
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succubeats · 2 months
this is kibby, my smiling friends oc! would anyone roleplay with her, yes or no......... (art by my darling <3)
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succubeats · 2 months
update on where i've been + vent warning, i'll put it under a read more lol. warning for mention of terminal illnesses.
stuff irl is still tough, i'm being bad-mouthed about at work for no reason and one of my family members is terminally ill. coping the best i can, i want to come back here but i can't guarantee fast replies and/or a consistent muse. i want to make an account for my smiling friends oc because she's bringing me a lot of joy right now, but i'm not sure how popular she'd be.
but, uhh, yeah. i'm on discord more often than not, so hit me up if you want it, but for now, i'm either going to remain on hiatus or bring my oc here. thanks for reading.
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succubeats · 2 months
i may or may not be on hiatus for a while, feeling a bit burnt out, but i'm over on my new kin blog if anyone wants to follow me and chat there, it's @beefxml! i'll come back here soon i'm sure, just need a break due to irl stuff.
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succubeats · 2 months
i wanna bring xml back, stupid dumb-dumb ass
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succubeats · 2 months
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      Pained,  ragged  breaths  leave  Cheryl's  lips  as  she  struggles  to  stay  upright,  but  she's  fighting  a  losing  battle,  much  like  the  one  they  just  left  behind.  Thankfully,  Miyke  is  there  for  her  to  hold  onto,  and  hold  onto  him  she  does.  Gritting  her  teeth,  the  demoness'  gaze  flits  to  her  arm,  eyes  narrowing  at  the  sight.  The  beast's  teeth  have  rendered  it  horribly  mutilated,  so  much  so  that  you  can  see  the  bone.  She's  not  squeamish  by  any  means,  but  seeing  such  a  horrific  injury  on  herself  does  make  her  stomach  turn.
      ❝Ah,  fuck...  I-I  just  need  to  wrap  it  up  and  let  it  heal  itself.  My  parents  can't  know,  th-they'll  probably  blame  you...❞
      A  simple  wrap  will  not  remedy  the  injury  whatsoever,  but  thankfully  Cheryl  has  regenerative  abilities.  It'll  just  take  her  a  while  to  fully  heal.
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The urge to help her grew the longer he stood by, watching her fight off the monster. He gripped his mic tighter in his hand, keeping a close eye on the battle in front of him. Fate just loved to fuck them over, didn't it? Couldn't they have one normal date?
Miyke flinched at the howl of agony that torn from Cheryl's throat as the beast's teeth dug into her arm. The sound deafening. Before he could do anything, the demoness was flung into the same wall the monster that crashed into moment's before.
He opened his mouth, ready to hurry over to her, before his girlfriend beat him to it. Grabbing onto him, she teleported them away, somewhere safe. Hopefully.
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"Shit, Cheryl, you okay?" Miyke gripped her, trying to keep her steady in case she passed out. She looked like she was about to. "What do you want me to do? I can't heal you - do you want to go to the hospital? To your parents?"
Panic laced every word that left the mortal's mouth. Cheryl was badass, taking on that thing all by herself, he could admit that, and goddamn if that didn't kindle an even stronger love for her. But she was hurt. She could be hurt. And that was something Miyke never wanted to see.
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succubeats · 2 months
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      Wiping  perspiration  from  her  brow,  Cheryl  adjusts  her  stance,  taking  a  deep  breath  to  calm  her  rapidly  beating  heart.  Adrenaline  courses  through  her  veins,  keeping  her  from  collapsing  from  exhaustion,  but  it's  clear  that  one  well-placed  hit  will  do  her  in  if  she  isn't  careful.  Unfortunately,  Cheryl's  hubris  clouds  her  judgment,  meaning  she  isn't  being  as  cautious  as  she  needs  to  be.
      ❝Sorry,  uggo,  but  you're  interrupting  my  date  night.  Bye-byeeeee!❞
      Cheryl  propels  herself  forward,  putting  every  last  bit  of  her  strength  into  a  punch  aimed  for  the  beast's  head.  Unfortunately  for  her,  it  opens  its  mouth  right  before  the  attack  can  connect,  sinking  its  teeth  into  her  arm.  What  follows  is  an  almost  animalistic  howl  of  pain  from  Cheryl  and,  before  she  knows  it,  she's  being  thrown  into  the  very  same  wall  the  creature  had  collided  with,  the  impact  knocking  the  wind  out  of  her.  She  attempts  to  push  herself  to  her  feet,  or  at  least  onto  her  knees,  but  she  isn't  able  to  stay  up  for  long  before  falling  right  back  down.
      ❝Ugh...  motherfucker...❞
      Cheryl  hisses,  gaze  flicking  from  the  beast  to  Miyke.  She  heaves  a  resigned,  almost  annoyed  sigh  despite  her  position,  teleporting  herself  over  to  her  lover  before  the  beast  can  close  in  on  her.  She  reaches  up  to  grab  his  hand  before  transporting  them  somewhere  safe,  far  away  from  the  creature,  struggling  to  stay  conscious.
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Despite the want, the need, to help her, Miyke knew it was best that he stayed put. Cheryl could handle herself; she was a demon, and have powers at her command. Whereas he was just a human, and would only get in the way.
His dark gaze held worry in them as he watched his lover deal with the monster before them. Both were tired from their brawl, but each refused to back down. He hoped not to the death, but if one did die, it had better be the beast.
Once his girlfriend turned to face him, he could see the exhaustion on her face, in her eyes. As powerful as she was, Cheryl wasn't all powerful. In many ways, she was mortal without being one. Sometimes he could forget that, seeing her as this demon that could do anything - and he wasn't wrong - and so much more.
He gave a nod in response to her inquire, ready to shout at her to look out as the monster charged, but thankfully she turned back just in time to see, and dodge. Miyke scurried further to the side as the creature brawled into the wall, keeping a safe distance away, microphone in hand, ready to smack the being with it, just in case.
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succubeats · 2 months
Send a ❦ if you'd consider shipping our muses.
bonus if you add a type of ship you’d like them to be or a thread idea for our muses.
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succubeats · 2 months
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      ❝Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?❞
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succubeats · 2 months
Starter for @singcr!
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      Cheeks  flushed,  mien  disheveled  and  riddled  with  sweat,  Cheryl  is  a  mess,  but  you  should  see  the  other  guy!  Speaking  of,  a  grotesque  creature  of  large  proportion  stands  opposite  of  her,  panting  with  the  exertion  of  their  battle.  Cheryl  pants  just  as  heavily,  if  not  more  so,  but  stands  her  ground  with  her  head  held  high  and  her  eyes  narrowed,  fists  balled  at  her  sides.  She  spares  her  lover  a  quick  glance  to  make  sure  he  hasn't  been  injured  in  any  way,  an  exhausted  smile  tugging  at  her  lips.
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      ❝I'm...  almost  done  with  this  fucker,  babe.  Then  we  can  go  get  a  McFlurry  or  somethin',  OK?❞
      Cheryl  says  lightheartedly,  cracking  her  neck  and  rolling  her  shoulders  before  returning  her  attention  to  her  opponent,  just  in  time  to  watch  it  barrel  toward  her,  teeth  bared  and  ready  to  strike.  She  steps  to  the  side  just  in  time,  gritting  her  teeth  as  the  beast  slams  into  the  wall  behind  her,  roaring  angrily.
      This  is  sure  to  be  an  eventful  night.
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succubeats · 2 months
      Cheryl  cants  her  head,  a  slight  frown  pulling  at  her  lips.  She  clicks  her  tongue,  hovering  in  the  doorway  for  a  moment  before  crossing  the  room  to  settle  in,  placing  her  bags  at  the  foot  of  the  bed.  She  hums,  resting  her  chin  in  the  palm  of  her  hand,  eyes  giving  Ben  a  quick  once-over  before  she  puts  on  a  smile.  She  may  not  know  how  he  sustained  such  injuries,  nor  will  she  question  it,  but  she  can  at  least  attempt  to  comfort  him  in  some  manner.  She  may  be  oblivious  to  a  lot  of  things,  but  she  can  tell  he's  upset.
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      ❝Nah, I'm good. Damn,  that  sucks, though.  I  mean,  I  wouldn't  know  how  it  feels,  I'm  pretty  heat  resistant  myself,  but  I  bet  it  hurts.❞
      Again,  Cheryl's  words  seem  tactless,  but  she  means  well.  Shaking  her  head,  the  demon  takes  a  seat  on  the  bed  beside  him,  still  smiling.
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      ❝We  could  do  something  to  get  your  mind  off  it.  I  could  do  your  nails,  or  brush  your  hair,  or  we  could  watch  a  movie  or  play  a  game.  Your  mom's  making  dinner,  so  I  don't  think  we'll  have  to  come  down  until  it's  ready.❞
      Cheryl  looks  a  bit  excited  now,  hoping  one  of  the  options  sounds  appealing  enough  to  Ben.  She's  already terribly  bored  and  eager  to  do  something  fun, leg bouncing idly as she awaits her friend's response.
Though the muffled voice of his mother from the floor below should have tipped Ben off to the arrival of their expected guest, it’s the rather tactless question from behind that tips the boy off to her presence instead. Flinching in a startled fashion where he sat, Ben gives a panicked glance over his shoulder, and then a dry swallow as he looks away again. The boy’s hand pats about for his plain blue jacket hung up on the end of the bed, finding it and slipping the material back over his shoulders and arms, the collar hiding the poorly-cleaned, terribly fresh burn. Another addition to the multitude he carried already, a reminder to behave.
Finally acknowledging the girl’s question, Ben clears his throat and blinks back some more stinging tears before nodding his head, a weak smile on his lips as he turns to briefly tidy up the bed. Forcing smiles like this had become second nature, he didn’t wish to worry somebody he’d be spending the night with because of his own selfishness.
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“ Y-Yeah, I’m alright, though. Put your bags wherever you want. ”
Rising from the bed while his hand scoops up the ash-dirtied wipes, Ben is unsure where to place them, but settles for the paper waste basket beneath his desk. In truth, he didn’t want to return downstairs right now to dispose of them properly. It was bad enough holding back tears and acting as if nothing was amiss, but being even acknowledged by his parents in this moment would have felt far worse. There’s another beat of silence before Ben speaks again.
“ …Sorry, uhm— Can I get you anything? ”
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succubeats · 2 months
bee loses followers by doing absolutely nothing 😔
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succubeats · 2 months
「   ASK MEME :   HOW’S MY PORTRAYAL?   」  * send anonymously or not. feedback is appreciated!
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succubeats · 2 months
i want a roleplay where cheryl fights a monster to protect someone and gets absolutely FUCKED UP, but manages to defeat the monster anyway. i want to show how strong she can be whilst also showing she's not untouchable, that she can get badly hurt. i also want to show a more serious side to her. lockjaw is one of my favorite fnf songs just because gf is so damn badass!!!
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