subnauticaweek · 3 years
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Subnautica Week Day 7: Whatever you want
honestly i forgot to draw something today and just threw this together really quick last minute, the prompt is whatever you want tho lol
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subnauticaweek · 3 years
(subnautica week day 7: painting??? Idk)
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Subnautica week has ended but it was super fun!! Everyone made awesome stuff!! Have a digital painting of Robin!! That's supposed to be Al-an in her eye
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subnauticaweek · 3 years
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[Subnautica Week Day 7: Whatever you want]
obviously i couldn't go all of subnautica week without drawing our two special playable characters, so to end off subnautica week, its ryley and robin!!
this was such a fun event, and im glad to have managed to get something done for the entire week. all the other entries were all so good, and it was awesome to see the tags so alive!! im not great w words so just,, it was a lot of fun, and i hope everyone else enjoyed it too!! c:
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subnauticaweek · 3 years
Farewell to Subnautica Week 2021!
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When I first had the idea for Subnautica Week, I never thought I'd get the response that I did. This week has been truly awesome, and it is all thanks to the amazing Subnautica community and fans. You are all so incredibly talented and kind, and whether you participated or were just along for the ride, I hope that you all had fun.
Considering how well this week has gone, I would definitely be up for hosting a second Subnautica Week, perhaps next year around the same time (maybe it could become an annual event?).
All that is left for me to say is thank you so much for your hard work and support. This was only possible because of all of you, and I am so, so grateful. So thank you, and maybe see you all again next year?
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subnauticaweek · 3 years
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Subnautica week day 7: whatever you want
Using the last day as an excuse to finally draw the Sunbeam crew
Avery Quinn: captain
Coulson Weathers: pilot
Mason Hardy: technician/navigator
Ethan Mendez: pilot/engineer
Kinsley Holliday: security
Iris Morn: medic
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subnauticaweek · 3 years
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Subnautica Week Day 6: Crossover
look me in the eye and tell me I’m the only one who got serious half life vibes from throwing cave crawlers around with the propulsion cannon on the aurora
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subnauticaweek · 3 years
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Subnautica Week Day 6: Crossover
Doctor Who and Subnautica!! Come on, this just.. This just makes sense. I choose to draw the Second Doctor and his two companions, Jamie McCrimmon and Victoria Waterfield.
The Second Doctor would be delighted to meet the Sea Emperor and also get a chance to swim. I feel like Jamie and Victoria would be less enthused to just jump in, so they’re waiting back at the surface. (forgive the quality TTvTT i tried my best but backgrounds are hard and the sea emperor herself is difficult to draw)
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subnauticaweek · 3 years
(subnautica week day 6: crossover)
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Ok so the drawing doesn't explain it that well but here it goes
-Al-an as Ford prefect
-Robin as Arthur Dent
-An alterra employ as Mr. Prosser
-Precursors/architects as all grebulons
-Ryley as zaphod beeblebrox (yah I gave him two heads)
-The earth get destroyed
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subnauticaweek · 3 years
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[Subnautica Week Day 6: Crossover]
i have warrior cats brainrot and these stupid books will never leave me alone, so yes i HAD to draw my warrior cat au that only existed in my dream about b4 sleeping folder before. ive never put more meaning into warrior cat names before ever
-paul (named rubblestar.. get it.. rubble... star... like his crashed ship is rubble...) is leader, and appointed bart (barksong) as his deputy. bart gets appointed fairly young, as his apprenticeship starts early and ends early, and he doesn't train one of his own before moving up again to deputy
-bart secretly would prefer to be a medicine cat, always having an interest in plants and not having much heart for fighting or hunting
-marguerit (daisysplash, because daisy is a canon prefix and apparently marguerit means daisy in danish and i could NOT pass that up) is a rogue or loner or idk just a traveler, not entirely decided, who honestly is the much better choice for deputy, but isn't entirely trusted by paul and he much prefers to have his bloodline be remembered with a legacy
-this au is mostly just a bunch of random thoughts thrown together with no real plot. sunbeam and aurora are other clans, avery being the leader of one and hollister the leader of another (fleetstar bc of more puns). hollister's deputy is keen (podfall... my puns got a bit dark admittedly SKSNRK), and i haven't actually come up w a name for avery yet, but i want a sunbeam pun in there somewhere... sunstar is already a canon cat tho and beamstar sounds. wait beamstar sounds kinda sick i might role with beamstar.
-overall mostly just a bundle of ideas and not a whole au yet. but its fun to think about and make little updates to every now and then!!
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subnauticaweek · 3 years
Subnautica Week day 6: Crossover (with Magic Kaito)
Welcome to my (sliiiiightly revised ;) ) retelling of the events of Subnautica, featuring Kuroba Kaito as Ryley Robinson and Hakuba Saguru as Al-An. No, Subnautica people, that isn’t a typo.
Sadly I don’t have the full fic to share today (or any time soon), so here’s about 1000 words of preview/teaser! We open on the enforcement platform, where Kaito has just figured out exactly how much trouble he’s in. But what’s in this room branching off from the control room?
Keep reading
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subnauticaweek · 3 years
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Subnautica week day 6: crossover
Subnautica/My hero academia
Bart Torgal: telekinesis
Avery Quinn: sun beam
Ryley Robinson: ion power
Emily Yu: creation
Milo Berkeley: copy
Danby Miles: heal
Ozzy Garrison: fierce wings
Jochi Khasar: double
Roman Keen: forcefield
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subnauticaweek · 3 years
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Subnautica Week Day 5: Create your own Subnautica character
One time when I first played subnautica I spent like an hour just trying to find a single ruby and it was hellish, but while I was doing that I thought of a character named Ruby and my idea was she part of an expedition to the deep sea but got trapped in her seabase when the other members of her crew died and all their equipment to get back to the surface broke. I liked to think she got found by my player character and brought back to the surface where they worked together to survive but that’s about as far as I got lol
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subnauticaweek · 3 years
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[Subnautica Week Day 5: Create your own Subnautica character]
ive actually had this character for a while as a sub oc!! i totally forgot about him for a while and he never had a name, but i revamped him a little bit and finally got around to giving him that name... they live yet again!
-a member of the aurora, lifepod landed in the sea treader's path. based on an au where ryley dies ig, because he's not present skajdkabdk
-usually a pretty serious person, especially in Dangerous Situations such as being shot down on an alien planet. also very nervous very often, and gets lonely fast despite not being that extroverted. these traits add up being a lone survivor on 4546b not being a super fun time for them,,
-terrible immune system, constantly sick. kharra probably... doesn't end up going too well for him tbh. oops. every so often i make sad endings :(
-custom made diving suit bc he's too bitter with alterra to see their logo and name printed in large on every single thing he owns
-accidentally adopts a baby ghost leviathan! they named it ghost bc like me, he also is amazing at names
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subnauticaweek · 3 years
(subnautica week day 5: create your own subnautica character)
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Eva Robinson
-Ryley's younger sister
-23 y/o
-works for alterra
-like's the ocean
-described as: nice, extroverted, and chill
I finally got a chance to draw Eva!
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subnauticaweek · 3 years
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Subnautica week day 5: create your own subnautica character
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subnauticaweek · 3 years
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Subnautica Week Day 4: Design your own architect/precursor vessel
-Merfolk Al-An because i was ROBBED -tail is based heavily on a reaper leviathan’s tail -come on, it’s an ocean planet. this is the perfect excuse for merfolk architects/precursors (please forgive the bad quality, it is late and my lighting is poor)
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subnauticaweek · 3 years
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Subnautica Week Day 4: Design your own Architect/Precursor vessel
I’ve tried designing other architects in the past but I’ve always had trouble with it and I still feel like this design could definitely be improved upon. Anyways I’m calling this character Ant-lr, they “collect” (steal, they steal it.) technology from other civilizations to be studied by the architects and afterwards be used to decorate their bases. 
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