The most beautiful animals in the world!!!! They're so CUTE!
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The world’s only surviving giant panda triplets have been shown off as they reach their landmark 100-days-old anniversary at Chimelong Safari Park in Guangzhou, south China’s Guangdong province. Hailed as a ‘miracle’ given the animal’s famously low reproductive rate, the adorable cubs are thriving following their births at the end of July 2014.
They have been named Ku Ku, Shuai Shuai and Meng Meng.
© Telegraph / AFP.
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I ALWAYS destroy myself on a good day! But it's always worth it!! ;)
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I drew this a few months ago when I was hopeless and waiting to see a new doctor, sat on it when I thought it was actually gonna be ok this time… and now the cycle has repeated YET AGAIN :)
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This had me dying!!!
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But its STYLE!
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garrettsnickelsen asked: a gifset of lynn + smiling?
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Here we go...
Let me start by introducing myself. Well, I'll just go by Cecilia ;) my name isn't crucial to what I'll be doing here. We can just go ahead and go over the basics this time. At 15 I was diagnosed with chronic pain after an impact injury. Of course I went through tons of tests and alternative treatments, (acupuncture is bullshit if you're terrified of needles btw). Eventually they were able to find that I was born with an extra vertebra and only one side was fused to my spine, meaning the other was just hanging out all loosey goosey and "maybe" causing pain. A couple of awful things later and at 16 they decide to do a spinal fusion, that fails miserably and my pain comes back with a vengeance, like it knew that I tried to evict it. More events take place, treatments are done, and more hellish tests are thrust upon me. Eventually at 17 my massage therapist (I'm aware of what that sounds like), tells me about this little device called a spinal cord stimulator and he tells me that at some conference or meeting that he spoke to someone who works with them about me and that I would be a good candidate. I did tons of research that night and called the doctor my massage therapist spoke to immediately, and set up an appointment. The appointment goes well and I get to have a trial with a device and the next thing I know I'm getting a life changing surgery. A spinal cord stimulator (SCS) is a small device used to trick your brain into not feeling such intense pain signals by sending it a vibrating signal instead. So because my pain is in my back and legs I get a vibrating sensation from my waist down to my feet. Honestly the machine saved me, it gave me some of my life back but because of the stimulator I have had to have two more surgeries, one just about a month ago. The machine doesn't take the pain away, it's still there and it affects me every single day of my life but it decreased it, which I'll always be thankful for. One big downside to this is that it's very lonely. I don't know 21 year olds who have SCS's, I don't even know anyone else with chronic pain. Ive been treated differently throughout this whole struggle and it makes a person feel iscolated, and that's not okay. I've started to keep all of this a secret because people treat me different when they don't understand or they start to think I'm some fragile creature. I get that I'm not exactly like everyone else because I can't do the same things you can but if you were able to look past the remote and the scars and the fact that I can't jump (true story), you'd see that I'm not some weirdo, I just have a few extra crazy ass stories. I'm immature, I love going on hikes (easy ones, with some extra time), and love doing stupid things. I just want to know I'm not alone, and let anyone who may see this that you aren't either. P.S. I also love The Simpsons ;)
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Ahh they're the best!!!
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by Sam San Roman.
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