studypng · 2 years
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just keep swimming~
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studypng · 2 years
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my masterpost | my studygram | ask me anything 
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Other advice posts that may be of interest:
All About Procrastination
How To Study When You Really Don’t Want To
Common Study Mistakes
7 Strategies to Improve Concentration
How to make your notes aesthetic
7 Ways to Power Up Your Notetaking 
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studypng · 2 years
STEM writing advice
Ok so this could probably work for a lot of writing, but the only writing I've done in years is scientific papers, so I don't wanna lay untrue claims. Anyways, here we go!!!
Don't just put in a quote. Unpack it. By that, I mean explain the contents of the quote and then how it relates to your topic. For example, let's say you're writing about the sky and use the following quote: "the sky gets its color due to the reflection of light". Your followup sentence should explain this, looking something like: the blue color therefore is a result of this reflection in the atmosphere. It both helps explain the quote and its relevance. This is very important for supporting evidence for a claim.
Titles are hard!!!! I recommend writing your intro and discussion before deciding on one. This way you can pull a summary phrase from one to use for a title!
Download or save all your sources!!!! Trust me trying to find them panicking at 2am is no fun.
When compiling resources, make an annotated bibliography
WRITE ON YOUR SOURCES GOD DAMN IT!!!!! I don't know why this belief that you shouldn't write in books or on papers or anything is so prevalent. But fuck it. Trust me you want to write on them! It will save you so much time when you're looking for that once super specific, amazing, perfect quote you read.
Before you proofread, do not touch your paper for at least a day. Don't even think about it. You're too attached. After 24 hours of absence you'll be able to go "wow that really sucks what was I thinking?"
If you hit a block, just word vomit. Just write down anything and everything.
Or start with your evidence or quotes and build from there.
Use something like [zz] for missing information. That's what I use and it allows me to search the document for that to find where I'm missing something whether it's a citation, an explanation, a data point, whatever.
You don't have to write the sections in order. Write your methods first and your intro last. It doesn't matter at all.
It helps having someone else proofread your paper, but if no one can, Google translate or any read aloud service is amazing
Stuck on an idea? Talk about it to someone or something. I use my ferret. I'll just sit there and be like ok this is what my data is and this is the analysis from it, but how do I explain its relevance?? Like sure it shows this but what about this? And then eventually I figure it out. Bartenders are also great for this
If you don't like working at a library, make yourself a spot at home that's just for writing with no distractions. Yes, even that plant will get you away from your paper, trust me.
Get you a nice, soft pillow to bang your head against.
Learn to do calculations in excel and run analysis in a statistical software like R which is free to use!
If you want to access an article without paying, email the authors! A lot of time they'll send you the paper!
Keep track of ALL vocab. Any niche terms might have to be defined, so keeping a list with definitions/explanations is very helpful.
Make a folder with subfolders. Keeping things organized will save you so much time I promise. Put drafts in one folder, papers in another, lists in another, etc.
Save! Always save! Even better: set up autosave to occur every like 10 minutes.
Early mornings and/or late nights are gonna be your thing now I promise.
If your eyes start feeling strained or your head starts hurting, take a break! Trust me, once you start writing in what I like to call the "goo stage" (where you're starting to get foggy and tired, rubbing your eyes, stretching your back, etc) your work quality is gonna go way down. Get up, stretch, drink some water, take a walk, whatever.
Get a stress ball or something. Especially for running data analysis. Things get very frustrating.
Set up a news alert for your topic. It can help you find real world applications for your discussion as well as maybe find you a super recent publication!
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studypng · 2 years
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some old note pics of my desk during assignment season.
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studypng · 2 years
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If you know me, you’d know that I am a highly visual person. I love learning from images and layouts, and my spatial intelligence is probably my strongest type of intelligence. Because of this, I often use mind maps to study, and so do a lot of other people. However, there are people who don’t really know how to make and utilize a mind map effectively. That’s what this post is for! Here’s how you can make your mind maps more effective and thus enable you to retain more information. (P.S. you might wanna zoom in)
By no means am I an expert in mind-mapping; these are just some habits I have when making a mind map that successfully does its job of helping me remember the topics I’m studying.
If you have any questions, feel free to drop an ask!
xx jo
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studypng · 2 years
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06.08.20 / i’ve been so busy lately with errands it feels so good to finally return to the usual today. russian notes ft. the plant corner in my study. hope your week has been fruitful so far. hang in there ♡
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studypng · 3 years
5 study tips I live by  ✨
ig: 0.38stvdies 
1. use the pomodoro technique - studying for hours on end is putting yourself on the road to burnout. take 45 or 50 minutes (or even shorter) and spend that time soley dedicated to work and then take a 10-15 min break - go talk to your friends/family, get a study snack, get outside for some fresh air
2. spaced repetition - going over a topic (even if it is briefly) mutliple times in anticipation for an exam or test will make it easier for your brain to retrieve and store content
3. handwrite notes - you are more likely to remember content if you physically write it out; even better, try and explain concepts in your own words instead of passively copying out a textbook or lecture 
4. explore different resources - try and find videos, studies, podcasts about the topic you are learning about. get different people to explain the same concept; this helps to solidify concepts and allows me to stop relying on my lecturers to explain a concept in a way I understand
5. practice papers - a great way to practice retrieving and applying knowledge is to do questions. this allows you to test your active recall and is far more effective than rewriting notes or skiming through the textbook
click here for more study tips like this!
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studypng · 3 years
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studypng · 3 years
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my masterpost | my studygram | ask me anything | how to stop procrastinating series
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[transcript under the cut]
Other advice posts that may be of interest:
All About Procrastination
How To Study When You Really Don’t Want To
Common Study Mistakes
7 Strategies to Improve Concentration
How to Make Your Notes Aesthetic
Keep reading
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studypng · 3 years
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my august in photos / trust your heart if the seas catch fire, live by love though the stars walk backward. – e.e. cummings
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studypng · 3 years
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it's chem and it's endless
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studypng · 3 years
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literally suffering from math and anything involving numbers
ps to all anons in my askbox i see your questions and requests and ill try my best but yeah its exam season and i dont really have much time on studyblr:( if u rly need to ask me something you can message me directly and i'm more likely to reply!
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studypng · 3 years
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it's chem and it's endless
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studypng · 3 years
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it's chem and it's endless
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studypng · 3 years
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Day 4/100 days of productivity
Hello everyone!! Meet with Sinba, he is beautiful right? He wanted to join today’s study session (He is checking my notes in the photo haha)
I’ve been working on my writing lately. I am sorry if it doesn’t looks “aesthetic” but you need to know i am trying my best…
I’ve completed my all task and homework’s today i need to do a revision Im going to make it tomorrow morning so probably It’ll be fresher. There is a word quiz next week on Monday. I almost done with word list. I just need to do more practice with making sentences by using words. I really want good point for this exam. I won’t be stressing about it. In my first quiz i was so stressful and it failed so don’t stress, trust yourself if you really well prepared you can do anything! You have the potential ❤️
Please read book more, more and more, read before you sleep read right after you wake up and read when you are even resting.🤍
Good night to everyone! don’t skip resting, sleep well for being more effective in your day.
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studypng · 3 years
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— September 3rd 2021, 11:20 pm.
hi everyone, it’s been a while ツ 
a little life update: i recently just started my second year of college in leapmed and aaaah it’s so tiring (saturday classes suck), but i love what we’re learning so it’s all worth it. also, the med school admission test is just a few months away and i don’t know if i have enough time to study for it. oh and lastly, i redecorated my room! what do you think? :)
thanks for following me on here guys, it’s always lovely to meet new friends ♡︎
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studypng · 3 years
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journaling day
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