strivingforpeace · 7 years
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197K notes · View notes
strivingforpeace · 7 years
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249K notes · View notes
strivingforpeace · 7 years
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1M notes · View notes
strivingforpeace · 7 years
My teacher told me that when you feel like you’re continuously losing, recognize that life is a game of chance. And the more you flip tails on a coin, the odds are, the closer you are to flipping a heads. The more you lose, the more you’re set up for a win. 
Because Allah says that “with hardship comes ease.” 
The ease is coming. You just have to be willing to wait for it and not get discouraged. 
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strivingforpeace · 7 years
Guys, I’m not going to ask for your prayers - I myself am not religious, but I am going to ask you to signal boost this. Marawi City in the Philippines has been invaded by ISIS, they are bombing the city and a school zone, and setting detainees free from prisons. 
They say that this is a jihad, but anyone who even has a small understanding of Islam knows that Islam is not violent. 
This is terrorism.
The world needs to know. 
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strivingforpeace · 7 years
and uh yeah
every student at the end of their presentation (via hazelancester)
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strivingforpeace · 7 years
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This is so disgusting to watch. They are 12 year-old boys, who “matched the description” and had to experience this horror. A little boy crying scared to death and the other one telling him to stop , because he wants to stay alive is what makes me cry. Just try to understand this- they know the way cops treat black boys and trying to calm themselves down TO SURVIVE THIS. How horrifying is that?
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strivingforpeace · 7 years
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you know misogyny is real and alive when men start making jokes about KILLING women for not wearing makeup.
114K notes · View notes
strivingforpeace · 7 years
Different ways to study
A few of you have been asking about ways to revise (that’s not just making notes). Here’s a list of some different techniques you can use to revise/study:
Notes - making notes is the ‘standard’ way of studying - summarising information from textbooks/revision guides into your own words
Mind-maps - making these is a great way to organise ideas and link different ideas
Posters - big and colourful posters are a great way to summarise info as well as a more fun way of working
Teaching - teaching others (anyone who will listen to you will do) is a great way, as it will really show whether you really know the info by how well you can explain it to someone who knows nothing about it
Videos - watching videos can be a nice and easy way to revise, and are useful for visual and/or auditory learners
Podcasts - you can download and listen to podcasts when you are walking to school etc. which is a great way to get extra revision in, and they’re great for auditory learners
Flashcards - these can be useful for making really concise notes, as well as making Q&A or key word and definition cards - they are also really compact so you can take them with you
Group study - working with friends can help bounce ideas off each other, bringing up things you might not have thought about alone - you will all have different strengths that will help each other out
Past questions - doing past papers and looking at mark schemes will help your timings and application of knowledge/exam technique
Write (don’t type) - making notes on tablets/laptops is fine, but when it comes to writing practise essays always write because that’s what you will be doing in the exam (unless you use a laptop for some reason) so it’s best to practise for timings etc.
Further reading - reading articles and books around the subject areas will give you a broader idea of the concepts and a better overall understanding
Accents/voices - some people find using different accents or characters of voices helps them remember things (in the exam you can recall info because you remember you said it in an Australian accent for example)
Key word lists - making lists of words and definitions can be useful, as using key words in context in essays/questions is what gets you the higher marks
Post-it notes - writing key ideas on post-it notes and sticking them in places you go commonly (on the fridge, by the light switch, in your bedroom, on the TV etc) 
Apps - there are loads of great apps that you can download to make notes and flashcards etc. as well as apps for generally increasing your productivity - see my studying apps post here
Songs/mnemonics - making funny little songs to remember processes can be really useful, as they really stick in your head
Charts/timelines - depending on the subject, making timelines and charts can be really useful as a different visual representation
12K notes · View notes
strivingforpeace · 7 years
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465K notes · View notes
strivingforpeace · 7 years
attending lectures and tutorials? reading my readings? me? never felt that, never been through that. never experienced that emotion.
6K notes · View notes
strivingforpeace · 7 years
Indeed true. Seek His help and trust Him while obeying His commands. “And whosoever fears Allaah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty). And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in Allaah, then He will suffice him.” [al-Talaaq 65:2-3] (
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strivingforpeace · 7 years
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289K notes · View notes
strivingforpeace · 7 years
Different ways to study
A few of you have been asking about ways to revise (that’s not just making notes). Here’s a list of some different techniques you can use to revise/study:
Notes - making notes is the ‘standard’ way of studying - summarising information from textbooks/revision guides into your own words
Mind-maps - making these is a great way to organise ideas and link different ideas
Posters - big and colourful posters are a great way to summarise info as well as a more fun way of working
Teaching - teaching others (anyone who will listen to you will do) is a great way, as it will really show whether you really know the info by how well you can explain it to someone who knows nothing about it
Videos - watching videos can be a nice and easy way to revise, and are useful for visual and/or auditory learners
Podcasts - you can download and listen to podcasts when you are walking to school etc. which is a great way to get extra revision in, and they’re great for auditory learners
Flashcards - these can be useful for making really concise notes, as well as making Q&A or key word and definition cards - they are also really compact so you can take them with you
Group study - working with friends can help bounce ideas off each other, bringing up things you might not have thought about alone - you will all have different strengths that will help each other out
Past questions - doing past papers and looking at mark schemes will help your timings and application of knowledge/exam technique
Write (don’t type) - making notes on tablets/laptops is fine, but when it comes to writing practise essays always write because that’s what you will be doing in the exam (unless you use a laptop for some reason) so it’s best to practise for timings etc.
Further reading - reading articles and books around the subject areas will give you a broader idea of the concepts and a better overall understanding
Accents/voices - some people find using different accents or characters of voices helps them remember things (in the exam you can recall info because you remember you said it in an Australian accent for example)
Key word lists - making lists of words and definitions can be useful, as using key words in context in essays/questions is what gets you the higher marks
Post-it notes - writing key ideas on post-it notes and sticking them in places you go commonly (on the fridge, by the light switch, in your bedroom, on the TV etc) 
Apps - there are loads of great apps that you can download to make notes and flashcards etc. as well as apps for generally increasing your productivity - see my studying apps post here
Songs/mnemonics - making funny little songs to remember processes can be really useful, as they really stick in your head
Charts/timelines - depending on the subject, making timelines and charts can be really useful as a different visual representation
12K notes · View notes
strivingforpeace · 7 years
An essay to type up, 15 lectures to catch up with and a dissertation proposal to work on - the consequences of procrastinating :(
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strivingforpeace · 7 years
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Proud Family / Culture Shock (S03E03)
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strivingforpeace · 7 years
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