100 Random Questions. Send me a Part & a Number.
PART 1. Ask me about myself…
Do you like the way you look?
Have you ever cut your hair yourself?
What’s your Instagram @?
Favorite console to play video games on?
Do you collect anything?
Have you ever smoked a cigarette?
Are you a fan of bread and butter?
Does everything happen for a reason?
What’s the most embarrassing thing that happened to you?
Have you ever almost died?
Go-to ice cream order?
Do you like your room?
What do you like to do when you’re feeling stressed?
Who’s your best friend?
Favorite animal?
Do you like to read?
Are you an extrovert or introvert?
Biggest regret?
Are you a fan of theme parks?
Have you crossed anything off your bucket list in the past 2 months?
PART 2. Ask me if I’m a believer…
Do you believe in aliens?
Do you think everything happens for a reason?
Do you believe the butterfly effect is real?
Do you think love at first sight is legit?
Do you think we go to heaven or hell when we die?
Do you believe in karma?
Do you believe in witches and/or magic?
Do you think ghosts are real?
Do you believe in anything mythical/supernatural? (Bigfoot, Mermaids, Vampires, etc.)
Do you believe in a God?
PART 3. Ask me about relationships & love…
Are you in love with anyone at the moment?
Do you want to eventually get married?
Who are your best friends?
Have you ever broke a friend’s trust?
What was your first kiss like?
If a friend called you to help hide a body, would you help or turn them in?
Have you ever had a crush on someone that, now as you look back, is completely embarrassing?
Explain your dream date.
How would you react if you had a secret admirer?
You’re having dinner with your s/o, are you guys eating at a restaurant or having a home cooked meal?
Talk about one of your favorite memories you share with a friend.
Have you ever secretly taken something from a friend and not given it back?
How would you react if a friend started dating your ex?
Do you think any of your friends talk about you behind your back?
Where would you want to have your honeymoon?
Do you believe in sex before marriage?
Are you currently single?
Have you ever broken up with someone?
Have you ever cried over a break-up with a friend?
If you were in an emergency, which friend would you call first?
PART 4. Ask me about my favorite things!
Favorite feel-good movie?
Favorite song from before 2005?
ALL-TIME favorite album?
Favorite actress?
Top 3 favorite colors?
Favorite book genre?
Favorite poem?
Favorite actor?
Favorite type of food?
Favorite pair of shoes you own?
Favorite song right now?
Favorite show you’ve ever watched?
Favorite show as of right now?
Favorite quote?
Favorite thing to do when you’re bored?
Favorite food?
Favorite sea animal?
Favorite perfume/cologne/body spray?
Favorite drink to order at a coffee shop?
Favorite person you know?
Favorite blog(s) here on Tumblr?
Favorite Youtuber?
Favorite place to shop?
Favorite book?
Favorite musician?
Favorite city you’ve been to?
Favorite sport?
Favorite outfit you own?
Favorite app to use?
Favorite flower?
PART 5. Ask me Would You Rather…
Eat a slug OR Eat a cockroach?
Not take a shower for a week OR Not brush your teeth for a week?
Cuss out your boss OR Tell your mom she looks fat?
Fart in front of your crush (and they know it’s you) OR Accidentally sneeze in your celebrity crush’s face?
Jump off a cliff into the ocean OR Go skydiving and jump out of a plane?
Be the girl who was known for eating her tampon OR Have everyone in your life legitimately hate you?
Not be able to own anything that costs more than $20 OR Only be able to own things that cost $100 or more?
Shit your pants on nation television OR Shit your pants at a job interview?
Be famous while you’re alive but forgotten when you die OR Be unknown while you’re alive but famous after you die?
Go to jail for 5 years for something you didn’t do OR Get away with a horrible crime and live with guilt & fear?
PART 6. Ask me if I’ve ever…
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
Ever kissed someone who wasn’t single?
Ever spit in someone’s food/drink?
Have you ever done anything illegal?
Have you ever cheated on a test?
Ever spread a rumor?
Have you ever saved someone’s life?
Have you ever been to a foreign country?
Have you ever made someone cry?
Ever lied straight to someone’s face?
5K notes · View notes
whatever you do, don’t think about lucas wiping the blood from max’s eyes and rubbing it on his shirt because he has no idea how he’ll explain why her eyes were bleeding, to the paramedics once the ambulance arrives and that’s the only thing he can think to do.
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Steve: *Texting Eddie from the bathroom* Eddie, there’s a moth on the outside of the bathroom door. Can you get rid of it?
Steve: Please hurry, because I’m going to cry.
Steve: Eds?
Steve: Eddie?
Eddie: *Lovingly tormenting his boyfriend* Eddie is dead. You’re next. Love, Moth.
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Robin: What kind of best friend would I be if I wasn’t at least a little bit in love with Nancy?
Steve: The normal kind, Rob!
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Max: I'm not mean. Name one mean thing I’ve ever done.
Dustin: For 3 years, you had me convinced that eggs weren't real.
Max: They're not.
Dustin: Haha, very funny.
Max: I'm serious, Dustin. Didn't you hear?
Dustin: Hear what?
Max, disappointed: Dustin, how could you fall for this again?
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nancy: steve isn’t answering his phone
robin: i’ll call him
nancy: eddie and i have both tried calling him six times, he’s not gonna pick up—
steve: hey, rob!
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lucas cares so much about max that he doesn’t care what status he is in her life. all he knows and wants is to be in it. he wants to be there for her in whatever way she allows.
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steve: *takes off his shirt*
eddie, immediately:
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Added by popular demand:
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Incorrect Steddie 3/?
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Incorrect Steddie 8/?
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Steddie learning the dirty dancing lift
i might went a little ham over this
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more stranger things as textposts! (part 2/?)
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Steddie + textposts ✨
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stranger things social media au [ pt 1 / ? ]
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stranger things social media au [ pt 3 / ? ]
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stranger things social media au [ pt 4 / ? ]
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I’m 💀
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