stormorarsonidk · 20 days
"sometimes you're just feelin horny-"
cubfan when I get to you. when I get to you
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stormorarsonidk · 3 months
am i the asshole for making my mom burn down my ex soulmate's house? Twice?
I was in a death game, and was role-playing family with two different players, little brother and mom. I like to watch stuff burn down so me and brother convinced mom to go burn down our later to be role-play cousins' mansion and we watched it burn down together with some neighbors.
Next session, their house was rebuilt, and they started building a long bridge for growing wheat to make bread that was all the way to our base. They put down rails and insisted it was for transport because the bridge was so long, but i knew it was a trap. Long story short, it was a trap and they ended up killing me and mom. So mom burnt their house down again, but im now starting to feel guilty looking at their burned down house that they had to completely fill with water, and now only had a long bridge they called "bread bridge". I do think they deserved it and i was having fun looking at the wood burning down, but i cant help but feel a little guilty for destroying the house of my ex soulmate and best friend who used to make sure i stay alive. So, AITA?
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