stonecoldhungry · 6 years
Well shit. That explains why I'm so attracted to him
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“Chilling Adventures of Sabrina” Cast Spill on Their Roles
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stonecoldhungry · 6 years
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i’m watching caos and i love it. and i love ambrose.
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stonecoldhungry · 6 years
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Please help me get rid of this notification once and for all @staff - there is no message. Nothing ever loads. It's always "screwy" and reinstalling this app doesn't work. CC: @juniorjewel help mee
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stonecoldhungry · 6 years
Happy pride month! A wonderful time to remember that Billie Joe Armstrong is bisexual and has been publicly out since the early 90s. He has wrote a number of songs pertaining to his sexuality, notably Coming Clean is about him questioning and accepting his bisexuality. Green Day has toured with a number of bands with LGBTQ+ members beginning with Pansy Division, one of the first openly gay rock bands, in 1994. And most recently with Against Me!, who’s lead singer is a trans woman, on their Revolution Radio tour. Billie Joe has been very vocal about his support of all queer people. His bisexuality is constantly forgotten and erased and he is mislabeled as an ally. He is not an ally, he is proudly bisexual. 
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stonecoldhungry · 6 years
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(via painthands)
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stonecoldhungry · 6 years
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Jupiter in infrared, Shoemaker–Levy 9 collision (left), Io (right)
Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 was a comet that broke apart in July 1992 and collided with Jupiter in July 1994, providing the first direct observation of an extraterrestrial collision of Solar System objects. This generated a large amount of coverage in the popular media, and the comet was closely observed by astronomers worldwide. The collision provided new information about Jupiter and highlighted its possible role in reducing space debris in the inner Solar System.
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stonecoldhungry · 6 years
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The Venera series space probes were developed by the Soviet Union between 1961 and 1984 to gather data from Venus, Venera being the Russian name for Venus. As with some of the Soviet Union’s other planetary probes, the later versions were launched in pairs with a second vehicle being launched soon after the first of the pair.
Ten probes from the Venera series successfully landed on Venus and transmitted data from the surface of Venus, including the two Vega program and Venera-Halley probes. In addition, thirteen Venera probes successfully transmitted data from the atmosphere of Venus.
Among the other results, probes of the series became the first human-made devices to enter the atmosphere of another planet (Venera 4 on October 18, 1967), to make a soft landing on another planet (Venera 7 on December 15, 1970), to return images from the planetary surface (Venera 9 on June 8, 1975), and to perform high-resolution radar mapping studies of Venus (Venera 15 on June 2, 1983). The later probes in the Venera series successfully carried out their mission, providing the first direct observations of the surface of Venus. Since the surface conditions on Venus are extreme, the probes only survived on the surface for durations varying between 23 minutes (initial probes) up to.
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stonecoldhungry · 6 years
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Juno in Jupiter (the images that appear the juno probe is just an illustration) +Jupiter
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Kevin M. Gill
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stonecoldhungry · 6 years
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stonecoldhungry · 6 years
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since i made some lesbian keith haring edits, i went ahead and did the same with other pride flags 🏳️‍🌈 we love some gay 80s aesthetics!
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stonecoldhungry · 6 years
It feels like the world only considers a woman to be a woman when she has turned herself inside out giving and giving and giving and giving. And even then, even at the end, it does not thank her. It simply chides her for not having more to give.
Nikita Gill
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stonecoldhungry · 6 years
@juniorjewel didn't you just make this joke?
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island comic
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stonecoldhungry · 6 years
“We also have to take on the (un)ethical aspects of this study. The “born this way” argument is inherently flawed and eugenic. By eugenics, I don’t necessarily mean preventing individuals from having children. Instead, the research is attempting to find an “abnormality” with certain populations to suppress it. In a more severe case, fetuses designated as transgender could be aborted. This may be something we have to ask ourselves if the study was conclusive enough to determine gender. Is being transgender inherently suffering? Is it undesirable?”
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stonecoldhungry · 6 years
Perhaps we should love ourselves so fiercely, that when others see us they know exactly how it should be done.
Rudy Francisco (via quotemadness)
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stonecoldhungry · 6 years
God bless
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stonecoldhungry · 6 years
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I think this is necessary to post. I see a lot of people “saving” bunnies.
“*Bunnies are one of the most frequently “kidnapped” mammal species. *Mothers dig a very shallow nest in the ground that is easily uncovered when mowing or raking the yard. If you find a rabbit nest-leave it alone!! *Mother rabbits only return to the nest two or three times a day, usually before dawn and right after dusk.  *To determine if they are orphaned, either place a string across the nest in a tic-tac-toe shape or circle the nest with flour. Check the nest the next day. If the string or flour is disturbed, the mother has returned. If not, take the bunnies to a rehabilitator. * A bunny that is bright eyed and 4-5 inches long is fully independent and does NOT need to be rescued! *If you find a bunny that does need to be rescued, put it in a dark, quiet location. Bunnies are a prey species and while they may look calm, they are actually very, very scared!”
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stonecoldhungry · 6 years
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Fox canceled Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and Twitter is rightfully angry. This show did wonders for thoughtful, authentic representation; I’m really sad to see it go. 
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