stoicoftheday · 27 days
How to Feel Truly Alive Every Day
A friend of mine used to feel like his life was getting a bit boring, and he just didn’t feel alive anymore. So, one day, he decided to change that by doing a tandem skydive. That experience gave him such a rush that he felt a spark of excitement he hadn’t felt in a long time. Inspired by that feeling, he embarked on a journey to become a professional skydiver, finding a new passion and purpose…
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stoicoftheday · 2 months
Followers by Nature?
Ever noticed how we just follow orders without question? Recently at the airport, our flight was delayed for hours, and not a single person questioned it. It’s pathetic that sometimes we act like sheep, programmed to follow. But why is that? Psychologists suggests that it feels safer to hide in the herd than to stand out. It’s a survival mechanism. We’re also molded by our education and laws…
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stoicoftheday · 2 months
You're Not Famous
You’re not famous, and that’s unlikely to change. More than 100 billion people have lived and died on Earth—really, how many of them were famous? So, why treat your hobbies like they’re for an audience that frankly does not exist? Create not for applause, but for your own joy. When passion fuels your hobbies, not profit, every moment spent is a masterpiece of personal satisfaction. Do things…
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stoicoftheday · 2 months
Beyond the Box
Have you noticed lately how everyone seems to be becoming the same? It seems like everyone is watching the same entertainment channels, laughing at the same memes, traveling to the same places. It’s becoming increasingly rare to find people with unique opinions. We find ourselves resembling each other as we are influenced by the same algorithms, brands, and trends. Be yourself; everyone else…
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stoicoftheday · 2 months
You’re Not the First One
We are more often frightened than hurt, and we suffer more from imagination than from reality. Seneca (Roman Stoic philosopher) Have you ever felt stuck, or scared to leave a job that feels safe but unfulfilling?  Or maybe the thought of diving into extreme sports is scary?  How about the big life changes like getting married, going through a divorce, or the physical challenge of running a…
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stoicoftheday · 2 months
Passion's Blueprint
Have you ever found yourself completely absorbed in an activity? So energized and motivated that time just flies by?  Maybe you even find yourself dreaming about it, even enjoying the challenges it brings. This intense, fulfilling experience? That’s what passion is all about. People discover their passions in the most unexpected places. Look around you, pick anything you see and I am sure…
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stoicoftheday · 3 months
Pilot of Your Life
Close your eyes for a moment and imagine you’re at the controls of a plane – the plane being your life. Now, as you open your eyes, ask yourself, ‘Am I really in the pilot’s seat?’ When you woke up this morning, what were your first thoughts? Did you look outside, trying to gauge the weather, thinking, ‘Let’s see how the world is today, and I’ll act accordingly,’ or did you already have a…
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stoicoftheday · 3 months
What's Your Keyword?
Watch on Youtube Yesterday, I was writing a blog on my website and I was about to hit ‘publish’ but there was one last thing to do, which was to choose the keyword. That one word that pulls the whole idea into focus and helps people find your content. Keywords are essential for search engines like Google to understand what your blog content is all about. and that got me thinking. What if we…
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stoicoftheday · 4 months
Finish Lines Are Overrated Anyway
“O snail, Climb Mount Fuji, But slowly, slowly!” Kobayashi Issa This beautiful haiku captures the essence of the journey towards achieving meaningful, seemingly insurmountable goals with patience and perseverance. Imagine setting a target not just to achieve something great but to embark on a journey that never truly ends.  This idea, daunting at first, is a powerful recipe for a fulfilling…
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stoicoftheday · 4 months
What Is It To Be a Man?
Imagine standing high up, where buildings touch the sky, or racing into a building everyone else is running out of because you’re there to save lives. Think about going deep underground to dig out the minerals we all rely on every day. These aren’t scenes from an action movie. They’re real-life moments for some incredibly brave men. We’re talking about construction workers who build our cities…
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stoicoftheday · 4 months
The Myth of Work as the Sole Source of Meaning
Ever noticed how some jobs don’t get much love, but folks keep showing up day after day?  Think about the folks who are out there before the sun’s even up, making sure our streets are clean, or the customer service reps who stay cool and collected, no matter how heated a call gets.  Yeah, not every job’s going to make you jump out of bed in the morning, excited to get to work.  And that’s…
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stoicoftheday · 7 months
How Our View Shapes Reality 
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” This timeless saying is more than just about aesthetics; it’s about how our perception shapes our reality. Picture a rose bush, blossoming with flowers and adorned with thorns. 1. The Romantic’s View:  To a romantic, this bush is a symbol of love and beauty. They see the vibrant roses and perhaps think of romance, poetry, or a beautiful garden. For them,…
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stoicoftheday · 10 months
No Content Is Content!
Just yesterday, I was chatting with a friend of mine who’s really different from most people today. This guy has over 150 unread chats on WhatsApp, but it doesn’t seem to bug him one bit. He barely goes on social media and doesn’t have a clue about the latest features they keep adding. He doesn’t really know or care about the day-to-day stuff happening in people’s lives, but he still stays in…
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stoicoftheday · 10 months
Perspective on Individual Strengths
Life in the wild is a vast canvas of variety, with every creature equipped to tackle its unique challenges, from the elephant to the squirrel to the bird. Elephants, with their large bodies and strong trunks, can push over trees to feed on leaves that smaller animals can’t reach. Squirrels, with their agile bodies and sharp claws, can climb trees and find food sources that larger animals…
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stoicoftheday · 11 months
What Do People Really Think About You?
Ever wondered what you look like through your friend’s eyes? What would they say if someone asked them to describe you? Understanding this can be like looking in a kind of mirror – one that reflects not just our face and body but our personality, our strengths, our peculiarities, and maybe even some stuff we’d rather keep hidden! Our identity, or who we think we are, is like a puzzle. It’s…
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stoicoftheday · 11 months
Urban Friendships in Crowded Cities
So, get this, I was chatting with my buddy yesterday, right? She’s been living in Toronto for years but is packing her bags to leave. Do you know why? She told me she hasn’t been able to make solid friends. Can you imagine? Living in a city for years and feeling like you’re among strangers? This got me wondering about how tricky it really can be to make genuine friends in a big city. It’s…
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stoicoftheday · 11 months
Psychological Benefits of a 9-to-5 Job
With all the advances in technology these days, it seems like everyone is always on the go, working extra jobs, or starting their own businesses. This non-stop, always-hustling way of life has become pretty common. But even though this busy, always-on-the-go lifestyle can seem exciting, don’t discount the good old 9-to-5 job.  Let’s talk about why the usual full-time job still deserves a…
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