steventcoaching · 2 years
Rowardennan To Inversnade And Back… A Magical Loch Side and Woodland Walk By Steven T the Coffeeana-Jones-Explorer
If you are looking to experience a magical forest atmosphere mixed with Lochside beauty, fresh mountain air and a pleasant ‘hello’ from pilgrims, trekking the fantastic challenging walk of Scotlands West Highland Way, without committing yourself to too much in one day, and planning yourself more of a stroll, then this particular walk is one that I would truly recommend. To begin you can park up…
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steventcoaching · 3 years
Living next door to Alice.
I’m pretty new to the world of marketing. Or at least I think. And yet it has always been around me and everyone else I think. Only recently have I begun to understand that marketing is a map to the things that we want or need (or don’t need as sometimes is even the case). And off course, advertising and promotion is a big part of this. Being a novice in this field I am really looking to find…
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steventcoaching · 4 years
The Child Within Me Knew What My Dreams Were.
EVERYONE KNOWS that I am very DEEPLY INVOLVED in Personal Development And Personally Understanding Myself!
LIFE COACHING has been a PASSION of mine for far too long…
Being connected I realise that I have HIT A WALL WELL AHEAD of everyone else…
I work on DREAMS.
As a LIFE PURPOSE COACH I am try hard to GLUE people back to their broken dreams (their wings).
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steventcoaching · 4 years
GAINING THE RIGHT SUPPORT. Side Stepping The Immediate.
The likely truth- Your family and friends aren’t interested in your changes because they don’t NEED you to change (in fact more than often they actually like it when you don’t change but this isn’t necessarily a healthy request)… This is actually one million percent okay and actually very natural.
They have absolutely NO IDEA how much your own TRANSFORMATION means to you…
This is…
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steventcoaching · 4 years
The Two Chests Of Nourishment.
One is called ‘OLD’ and the other is called ‘NEW’. You would think that all things must go into one or the other but actually there is a huge amount of potential nourishment that you probably haven’t placed in either.
It cannot give you nourishment if it isn’t in one of these two chests.
In business we look after the ‘old’ chest and make sure that it continues to nourish by creating…
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steventcoaching · 4 years
Building Your Network Marketing Business- ACCOUNTABILITY.
Many people sign up for a business in NETWORK marketing these day, whether to gain a little extra cash, relieve boredom or to eventually make the six figure income pay grade.
Trust worthy companies tend to give a good amount of support and material to build your tent (business in all angels) adequately.
And many people succeed well for the first few weeks and…
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steventcoaching · 4 years
Broken Excitement And FULLY TRANSFORMING.
Okay, we can feel really false by trying to make ourselves feel excited or feel excited about something when we are not.
We ask ourselves inward “why do I feel untrue to myself by trying to feel excited about this?”
Is our intuition telling us that it would just be false getting excited at this time or about this particular thing because tomorrow we will probably just fall flat again??
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steventcoaching · 4 years
I Want To Love My Job.
I want to love my job, to feel connected to my purpose and the service that I provide, to fully embrace my products and, ultimately in turn, to find joy in my life… and I don’t think that there is any shame in that.
There have been many methods that I have employed over the years to try to get me just that bit closer to success and this connection.
Some have worked a little, some have…
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steventcoaching · 4 years
Life And It’s Zigzags.
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There are a lot of things that you don’t want to be often. Like anger I suppose. But, sometimes anger is essential and you definitely want to bring in it’s healing properties.
Mostly, you don’t want to take like too serious but then sometimes your cart wont move without a serious push.
Scrying/Crystal Ball
The meanings are never as first they appear. PSYCHIC INSIGHTS FOR YOU…
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steventcoaching · 5 years
Value in the Cheaper Option
Value in the Cheaper Option
I’m extremely grateful that I am not in a placement of always having to buy the cheaper option, nor is set my mind to provide me no choice when the choice is available, and so, sometime I go cheap, expensive or both!
Yes, it’s true that there are a few things, and lots of times, where I have taken both the inexpensive and expensive items. The most wonderful thing that I have learned however,…
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steventcoaching · 5 years
Tuesday 23rd July
I’ve not written as much for a while. Well, what I mean is that I have changed the modes and means of my writing, actually.
I am a soul searcher. Always soul searching. From the moment that we are born I believe we are set racing against a huge clock to figure as much as we can out about ourselves, and our worlds, as possible. We can however be easily distracted (and by this I am not making a…
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steventcoaching · 5 years
I was being free
I guess that I am just extremely lucky
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steventcoaching · 5 years
Halfway Born
Another halfway. Life seems to be a constant continuation of halfways. Halfway here, halfway there. In fact life itself is nothing more than halfway. Halfway from heaven and halfway from hell.
Is this something that we can get comfortable with and something that we can use? Can we learn some gratitude and become a little more than halfway? And, as the law of attraction would have us believe,…
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steventcoaching · 5 years
The Breakthrough
So it turns out that we all have a wall of limitation that no matter how hard we try we just cannot break through it.
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steventcoaching · 5 years
Finding Fault
Every wall has a weakness. It just depends whether you have the time or just the care to find it. Why not leave the strong strong
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steventcoaching · 5 years
Get Up Each Morning And Act.
Get Up Each Morning And Act.
I get that the Universe responds to our thoughts and feelings but, above all, it works in accordance with our actions. Which is kind of like the Soup of our thoughts and feelings coming together.
So, if you want to change your life then mix those thoughts and feelings up, like a unique recipe, in whatever ratio that you choose, and ACT.
Keep the whole thing up for a while until the…
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steventcoaching · 5 years
The Repetition Myth
There is no such things as repetition. And, thinking that there is is just an indication that you have not allowed your mind to see the subtle differences. You will never go through the same experience again although you may perhaps experience something similar. Knowing this is freeing for the soul.
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