statiique · 10 months
every single thing about the scene unfolding before him seemed ludicrous. from the size of the man and his appearance that resembled a beast more than a human in some aspects to the obscene amount of teacups on the table before him. should he describe it properly, elliot would feel inclined to use the imagery of someone attempting to turn a bear into a gentleman by stuffing it in a suit and forcing it to drink tea. he wasn't entirely sure if it was an insult to class or manners or an attempt of comedy.
even less so when the bear-man spoke.
a brow raised over the piercing eyes that had made no attemption to mask the direction in which they were observing. there had to be a punchline somewhere in here, right?
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"have you tried their blend using rhubarb? i find myself surprisingly attached to its natural sweetness."
"Hm..." He tried his best not to grumble, nor show much of a negative reaction at all. It was impolite for him to continue trying teas - he always was sure not to get more than a sample, but that was the issue. He had so many samples at this point, and while the server was polite (and he had explained that he only drank one person's tea, and that he was rather finicky, but really, truly, only with tea), he could see everyone close to giving up.
He was close to giving up himself.
A deep sigh, and the many cups on his table stared back at him. Drawing some kind of attention, he makes eye contact with a dignified teen looking at his table full of teacups.
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"Ah...We have been trying to see if there is a tea on this island that replicates the tea my butler makes." He feels almost childish explaining, but the server who had been helping him shoots back a pitying look. "Without him here, it has been quite difficult to find anything I like even partially as much."
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statiique · 10 months
no matter how he looked at it, it bothered elliot that there was so much he, at current, didn't know. he understood that this was not any place he was familiar with, neither did some of the scenery seem at all possible to explain by any logic he might adhere to. but not in the grotesque and monstrous way the stories of the abyss went. simply a civilisation so far from his ordinary means that it seemed unfathomable.
certainly he could freak out and complain, but that would do him no help. neither would denying the evidence that was clear before his eyes as illogical when it obviously existed. thus, he remained in silence whilst following behind the vessalius, only jumping in startle occasionally when an unknown sound let itself be heard.
elliot certainly didn't know what to anticipate regarding their destination, but relief filled him when his image of what an eatery should appear as, regardless of the rather plebian impression he felt. "dining with the commonfolk?" he couldn't help but question, but oz had always seemed to be weird like that.
at the moment there were more important matters than upholding his reputation as a noble.
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"i feared there would be." as he spoke, elliot let his eyes run over the text detailing the dishes of the establishment. "obviously i would want to ask what the hell this place is, but something tells me i'm not going to like the answer." even though his brain could read the words of the foods, somehow it still felt as though he was reading an unknown language, not understanding what half the items were supposed to contain from their name alone.
"but..." a pause of hesitation followed. "it's embarrassing to say, but i think i might have hit my head. there seems to be a lot of foggy things... isla yura, the mansion. what... actually happened? i guess everything worked out since we are both alive, but leo... are the others safe too?"
If he let himself, he could pretend as if all that tragedy never happened. That the Tale really did end with a happy ending for all of them. Just like that dream. It's a tempting thought. He doesn't dwell on it for long. There's no point.
He can, however, focus on enjoying on the here and now. Even if the circumstances were rather bizarre.
Oz does catch Elliot's muttering. He tilts his head, smile softening as he watches him for a moment. "I'm glad you're okay, too."
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Half a beat passes, and then he's turning around while motioning for Elliot to follow. It soon becomes clear that the streets of Archimedes are paved in marble, not stone. The architecture is also unlike anything from their world. The white and blue stonework does make for pretty scenery, though.
The streets are long and winding, but their walk is only a couple of minutes. Oz leads them inside one of the smaller cafes, and a bell chimes as they enter.
Soon they find a seat, left to their own devices as menus after menus are handed to them.
"Alright. So, where do you want me to start? It's quite a bit to explain."
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statiique · 10 months
as a noble in the nightray dukedom, his very existence had oftentimes been cursed out. a family of traitors to the land and the people, despite the fact that the person known as elliot nightray had never personally done any of the accused atrocities. the fact that people couldn't see past his heritage and its history had made him bitter, but also strengthened his sense of pride. too stubborn to believe in the words when he himself knew he was not in the wrong.
elliot nightray was never going to regret being born.
although he wasn't entirely sure how time worked other than the fact that it was different, the calendars shifting here had marked the date he had originally entered the world of the living. according to the logic of his own world, he would thus be turning seventeen. two years after his coming of age ceremony allowed him to enter the world of grown ups. yet, at current, he felt more of a child than he had done in a long while in the face of loneliness.
abducted he may be, but it did not make much of a difference was it not so. after all, who did he have left but leo? his brothers and father were gone, his mother on the verge of madness from the sorrow, and vanessa was dead by his own hands.
*don't remember*
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"hn?" what was that just now? vanessa, and also his mother...?
*we'll make you forget. no matter how many times, we will take away the pain.*
his mind was starting to feel foggy, and for a moment he found it hard to concentrate. a splitting headache surfaced for what felt like the first time in ages. but he had to ignore it, it would always get better with time. where was he again? he hoped they were still alright. hopefully none of them were too worried about him. not that leo would let him know even if he was, especially not with how weird he had been as of lately. things were getting so rough, and his disappearance was doubtful to help. his fist clenched as his thoughts fell on his valet for even if he couldn't understand what was going through his head half of the time, he also feared what his family might do to him in his absence.
thinking about that wasn't going to help though.
for better or for worse his birthday this time was going to be very different, but he could not remain emotional about it. he was not a child any longer, and it was about time he stopped behaving like one. washing his face, elliot faced the mirror and the reflection that looked back on him. sharp eyes that only vaguely betrayed his mental stress from the eyebags that were starting to form should one look closely enough. no matter what, he would power through this. whether it was nightmares or headaches or abductions, as a nightray he had to remain strong and steadfast.
still, however, since he doubted anyone else was likely to say it... if it was in his lonesome where no one could hear it and make fun of him for talking to himself...
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"... happy birthday."
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statiique · 10 months
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Happy birthday, Elliot! 💙
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statiique · 10 months
incomprehensible answer followed by a moment of self-praise, elliot could feel his eyebrow twitch for a moment. how on earth did this guy's brain work? nothing good would come out of speculating about that though: if he was not careful he might end up catching that idiocy himself.
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"don't think too much about it, dumbass," he retorted curtly, but all the same followed the advice to retreat from potential dangers at oz's behest. obviously they'd be able to hear and act accordingly if a carriage was to come by from the hooves of the horses and the wheels on the stone alone, but it was better to not take any chances indeed. "i find myself in unfamiliar surroundings, so it's only natural for me to wonder if my friends are in good condition."
he was relieved that it was indeed so, however. the last remains of discomfort were slowly dissipating as the act of bravado was enough to somewhat let loose of the emotions he himself had.
"very well. since i don't think i can get along to more important business before i have a better grasp of things, i'll let you indulge me." a tea party did sound lovely. it felt like a long time since there had been normalcy enough for such leisurely activities, despite the current being anything but such. "... i'm glad you're okay." the last words were uttered in a barely audible mutter.
The show of annoyance doesn't deter Oz. If anything, it's refreshingly familiar. In fact, he can't help but bark out a laugh at the other boy's question. That's right, Elliot has no idea what he actually is. He knows nothing at all. That won't do. He should at least know that much. A conversation to be had later, though. One thing at a time.
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"Why, a rabbit of course!" It was the truth, one that can easily be brushed off as a jest. He hums, looking him over carefully as he rocks back on his heels. Checking for any obvious injuries. There were none, of course.
"You were thinking of me, were you? I'm flattered." His grin relaxes into a more genuine smile, his posture shifting into something more relaxed. "We probably shouldn't stay out in the street like this, though. Carriages do pass by this road occasionally. Are you hungry? There's a cafe nearby. We could sit down and I can explain what I know of this place. Though, I must admit, I haven't been here for long."
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statiique · 10 months
it felt as nothing but a moment of woe was allowed him before his wishes were granted-- but with the voice calling out to him seemingly void of any form of awareness as it always seemed, rather than joy, the first emotion that took over elliot was annoyance.
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"oz vessalius." despite a promise, a shared goal of changing the very nature of how things had been for generations, the nightray still called his friend's full name with as much ire to his tone as the first time he had realised his identity. turning, he faced the beaming expression of the physically younger boy. "what manner of devil are you to appear the moment your name is uttered?"
despite his complaints, elliot felt a moment of genuine relief to see the other so unchanged. the one current stable entity.
Oz has been finding himself gravitating towards exploring the Archimedes ward more and more often, these days. Something about the art museum just keeps calling him back. He's yet to figure out what. The answer will come to him whenever it decides to, he's sure. It's not a pressing matter.
But it's when his exploring takes him through the housing district that he spots a familiar head of hair from behind. He can't help but blink a couple times, not quite believing his eyes. To think, him and the hatter had just been discussing hosting a little welcoming party soon.
Before he approaches, he checks the contacts on his phone... and sure enough, it has automatically updated to include a certain young lord. Good. His mind wasn't playing tricks on him, then.
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"Elliot!" He calls out, a wide smile soon stretching across his face as he bounds up to him. "What a wonderful surprise! How long have you been standing in the middle of the street for?"
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statiique · 10 months
some circumstances of life might only be reasonably described as so tragic one might have to wonder when would be a reasonable time to start laughing, deluded by false hope of a better time. surely nothing can be so hopelessly without light?
the fate of young noblemen, much too tender to face such hardships of the world. intertwined with each other through circumstances and the past. each equally laughably hopeless.
he never stood a chance.
as a nightray he shouldn't succumb to doubts and fears-- walk with pride, for once shunned, the vultures may latch at any sign of weakness. but how could he? faced with strange surroundings, he would not even imagine belonging in the stories of the abyss. unsure, uncertain, unknowing. something poking at the very edges of his memory, urging to break forth. then falling back into the silence.
one who's existence had already perished. one who should no longer be here.
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"..." a shivering sigh leaving from lips parting. so very alone. "speaking of which..." despite having said nothing to relate those words to, the sound of his own voice was the only closure elliot currently had to cling to. "i wonder what happened to them. leo. and the vessalius brat."
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statiique · 10 months
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forgive me if it's wonky at first while i refind my elliot voice, but this is a starter call for m'boi! cap at 3 with castmates exempt
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statiique · 10 months
elliot nightray || pandora hearts
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he’s an adult thank you very much, he’s 16, he’s had his coming of age ceremony
vessalius *spitefully* but also oz vessalius *endearingly and spitefully*
young, proud and full of spite and anger
even if the nightrays are frowned upon, they are still one of the great dukedoms and he is the heir after the unfortunate demise of his elder brothers
off with their heads
the only one who is allowed to even somewhat insult him is leo
when your valet is your friend and equal and the person you care the most for outside of your family
most of said family is dead though, so he doesn't really have many other people left
they were murdered by the headhunter
off with their heads
conceal, don't feel, don't let them know
don't even let himself know
humpty dumpty had a great fall
he's an illegal contracter
he's having a lot of nightmares
his chain, humpty dumpty, feeds on painful memories
he can't remember that he's the one who killed his family
they put leo in danger though
he had to
he had to punish them
they had to protect the master
he plays the piano and indulges in composing
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statiique · 10 months
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statiique · 10 months
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I did the meme it seemed fitting
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statiique · 4 years
Today wasn’t too bad in terms of weather. Sure, it was still ridiculously cold, but at least there wasn’t snow today. As it was, he was sitting down in the outside portion of the cafe near his apartment. It was warm inside, but sometimes being in the cold forced him out of his thoughts and kept him in reality. In a way, the cold weather kept him from thinking too much about the events of the past couple days. That was all he needed right now. 
With a coke in his hand, he lifted it up to his lips and took a sip. However, in that exact moment, he watched this man pull a sword from his waist and point it at a car, swearing to “purge it”. Within a moment, he was spitting all the liquid in his mouth out into the air as he choked on his own laughter. 
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Holy shit. Holy shit, that was just about the funniest thing he had ever seen in his entire life. Who was this guy? Why was he yelling at a car? After hysterically losing his mind for a solid minute, he realized that he met all sorts of people here and maybe this guy was like him. Probably was considering he just vowed to purge a damn car. Clearing his throat, he stifled another laugh as he set the drink down and made his way over to the clearly confused man. 
“Why are you yelling at a car?”  
Not long after his valiant outburst did Elliot hear a very loud, very obnoxious laughter coming from somewhere nearby. Sharp eyes darted around until they locked at the culprit who was definitely not subtle about his amusement with the situation. Why? Was this stranger not wary about these fiendish contraptions? Obviously not from the way he was evidently laughing at Elliot’s stupidity.
Although others might beg to differ, Elliot himself would claim that he was not stupid and that he wasn’t an idiot. He was capable of realising that he was the odd one out here and that -- from this guy’s viewpoint -- he was making an utter fool of himself. And that thought alone he didn’t like; Elliot’s cheeks blushed red as he snapped back at the guy.
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“I was absolutely not yelling!” he gave the weak retort. The fact that this guy was not wary of these ‘car’ things was the oddest part of it. He was acting as though they were perfectly normal! And judging from the guise his conversational partner donned he was not of wealth and nobility which meant that some pleb was laughing at him so freely -- the audacity! Putting his sword back in its sheath, he gave up on mission purge-the-metal-beasts for the time being and diverted his attention fully to the stranger, hand still on the hilt.
“You. Plebeian. I shall forgive your rudeness if you tell me how to get from here to Reveil.”
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statiique · 4 years
What the hell? What the actual fuck was going on here? 
It was hard to piece everything together in hid mind, but if Elliot thought very hard about it, he remembered a celebration, festivities followed by absolute chaos. A certain brat’s coming of age ceremony, the mansion invaded, the headhunter... But the more he tried to think about it, the more things seemed to blank out in his memory. Either way the scenery he currently found himself in matched that of his memory in no shape, way or form.
Honestly there were many parts of the world he hadn’t yet traversed but even so, this was nothing he could ever in his wildest imagination foresee to step upon even in the furthest corners of the world he lived in. After all, what were these metal carriages that moved at such ludicrous paces yet were not drawn by a horse? Could any horse even run with such speeds whilst carrying such a heavy burden? He thought not.
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“I don’t know what sorcery this is, but,” he began, approaching one of the beasts in its dormant state. Pulling his sword he pointed the sharp blade at the contraption. Would it even work? He knew not, but he had to try. “Whatever it is, I shall purge it in the name of the Nightrays!”
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statiique · 4 years
                                     we climbed all the way to the  ( s t a r s )
                       but heaven knows we were doomed to fall from the start
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statiique · 4 years
                       Spoiler alert: 
                                                             the ending ain't  h a p p y
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statiique · 4 years
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despite this cruel  world…
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statiique · 4 years
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When I said I was very tired, someone said “life is beautiful.”  ☆
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